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1、復(fù)旦大學(xué) 20042005 學(xué)年第二學(xué)期期末試卷(B)(02 級預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué)、基礎(chǔ)醫(yī)學(xué))2005.6課程名稱: 兒科學(xué)課程代碼:356.011.1開課院系:兒科學(xué)系 姓 名 :專業(yè): 學(xué) 號:一.選擇題(每題 1 分,共 40 分)A 型題1. The most important influencing factor of growfter 2 years of age isA. SexC. EndocrineE. ExerciseB. RaceD. Nutrition2.rauterinelifecomprises two stages: embryonic and fetal, the fe

2、tal periodisusuallyconsidered to be:A.B.C.D.E.of 6 thof 8 thof 10 thof 12 thof 12 thk of gesion to 40 thk of gesion to 40 thk of gesionk of gesionk of ges k of gesk of gesion to 40 th ion to 40 thion to 37 thk of ges k of gesk of gesion ionion3. DTP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine), Primary

3、immunization should be takenA.B.C.D.E.Just one timeOnce a month, two times Once a month, three timesOnce aOnce ak, two timesk, three times4. What time is better for weaning in breast feeding baby?A. 4-5 months of ageC. 10-12 months of ageE. 18 months of ageB. 6-9 months of ageD. 13-15 months of age5

4、. During fetal life, the earA. IgMst synthesized immunoglobin isB. IgD題目選擇題問答題 1問答題 2問答題 3問答題 4總分得分C. IgGE. IgED. IgA6. The ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus in breastmilk isA. 1:2C. 2:1E. 1.5:2B. 1.5:1D. 1.2:17. Very low birthweight infant is the newborn whose birth weight is lessnA. 2500g C. 1500gE.

5、 800gB. 2000gD. 1000g8. Physiologic weight lower of a normal newborn will be recovered inA.13daysC. 57 days E.1014 daysB.35 daysD.710 days9. A newbornbaby, gesional age 268 days, birth weight 2.45kg,height47.5cm,headcircumference 34cm,chest circumference 32cm, he isA.B.C.D.E.pre-term, large fesional

6、 age babyesional age baby ional age babyional age babyional age babyfull-term, appropriate ffull-term, small f t-term,small ffull-term,large fes eses10. Which one of the following sement isnt tchildren?eral regularity of growth development inA.B.C.D.E.from the uppart to the lowartfrom the distal par

7、t to the proximal part from the gross motion to fine motion from lower level to higher levelfrom simple to complicated11. The range of serum natrium concentration in isonatremic dehydration should beA. 120140mmol/LC. 140160mmol/LE. 130150mmol/LB. 130160mmol/LD. 140150mmol/L12. Which is main differen

8、ce betA. poor skin resincyC. oliguria or anuriaE. peripheral circulatory failuren dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree?B. orbit pittingD. metabolic acidosis13. Which one is the most common type of Tuberculousis in childrenA. Primary pulmonary tuberculosisC. Tuberculosis meningitisE. Tube

9、rculous pleurisyB. Miliary tuberculosisD. Tubeculosis lymphadenitis14. Physiologic hypogammaglobulinemia is commonly seen inA. Immediay after birthC. 10-12 months of ageE. 3 years of ageB. 3-4 months of ageD. 1-2 years of age15. PPD test isitivelyareliablediagnostictest for tuberculosis, an infected

10、patientrespoundsof infectionA. immediayC. within 2-4B. within 1-2D. within 4-10kkkE. after 10k16. What is the most important clinical feature of nephritic syndrome?A. ProteinuriaC. HypertenE. HypercholesteolemiaB. EdemaD. Hypoalbuminemia17. The major manifesion of Tuberculous meningitis in children

11、isA.B.C.D.E.A tense anterior fontaneal ConvulStuporCranial nerve palsies Mood changes18. Which one of the following sement isnt the clinical finding of febrile convulA.B.C.D.E.wifamily history of seizuresoften occur in neonatal periodassolessted wiraly rising temperaturen 10 to 15 minutessodetypical

12、 generalized seizures19. Which one is the cyanotic type of congenital heart diseaseA. ventricular septal defectB. atrial septal defectD. Patent ductus arteriosusC. tetralogy ollotE.pulmonary stenosis20. The major manifesions of acute glomerulonephritis areA.B.C.D.E.hyperten, hematuria, proteinuriapr

13、oteinuria, hypertenedema, hyperten, hematuriaoliguria, edema, hyperten, hematuriaoliguria, edema, hematuria, hypercholesteolemia21.各系統(tǒng)發(fā)育不平衡,有先后之分,發(fā)育最早的系統(tǒng)是:A.神經(jīng)系統(tǒng) B.淋巴系統(tǒng) C.消化系統(tǒng) D.呼吸系統(tǒng)E.生殖系統(tǒng)22. 在新生兒窒息復(fù)蘇方案中,應(yīng)首先采取哪一步驟?A.B.C.D.E.建立呼吸,增加通氣盡量吸凈呼吸道粘液,保持氣道通暢給腎上腺素維持正常循環(huán),保證足夠心輸出量以上都不是23. 新生兒生理性黃疸的原因與以下哪項無關(guān):A.紅

14、細胞量多,短B.肝臟Y、Z 蛋白含量少C.肝臟葡萄糖醛酸轉(zhuǎn)移酶活性低下 D.腸道葡萄糖醛酸苷酶活性增高 E.膽道排泄膽紅素的能力低下24. 21-三體綜合征患兒出生時即能使醫(yī)護 A.極低出生體重B.母親高齡 C.多發(fā)畸形D.智能低下疑及本病的特征為E.特征性面容25. 中度脫水的靜脈補液量開始 24 小時為每公斤A.50100ml B.80120ml C.90150ml D.120150ml E.150200ml26. 下列哪種情況符合小兒重癥A.氣胸 B.膿胸 C.肺膿瘍?D.性腦病E.敗血癥27.A.B.C.D.E.嬰幼兒哮喘與喘息性反復(fù)喘息發(fā)作血白分及分類正常 可應(yīng)用受體激動劑小于 3

15、歲氣道高反應(yīng)性的根本區(qū)別為28.A.B.C.D.E.小兒合并心衰時,治療首要選擇給予口服西地蘭西地蘭靜脈注射給予地塞酚妥拉明靜脈滴注給予巰甲丙脯酸29.血液循環(huán)中血氧飽和度最高的部位是A.左心房 B.C.臍動脈D.臍靜脈 E.右心房30. 下列哪項不是左向右分流先心病的共同特征?A.生長發(fā)育B.容易并發(fā)肺部C.胸骨左緣收縮期雜音 D.肺動脈瓣區(qū)第二音增強 E.蹲踞現(xiàn)象31. 室間隔缺損患兒出現(xiàn)聲音嘶啞,最可能的原因為A.左心房增大喉返神經(jīng)喉返神經(jīng)喉返神經(jīng)喉返神經(jīng)喉返神經(jīng)B.C.增大增大D.主動脈擴張E.肺動脈擴張32. .急性腎炎患兒病程早期突然出現(xiàn)驚厥,應(yīng)考慮A.B.C.D.E.高熱驚厥 高

16、血壓腦病低血糖低鈉綜合征低鈣驚厥33.A.B.C.D.E.急性腎炎應(yīng)用青霉素是為了預(yù)防腎炎復(fù)發(fā)防止交叉清除殘余病灶治療并發(fā)癥 治療腎炎34.A.B.C.D.E.關(guān)于性腎病綜合征哪項是錯誤的?水腫常為最早出現(xiàn)的癥狀水腫開始于眼瞼水腫處指壓后凹陷不明顯由于腸道水腫可引起腹瀉水腫嚴重時可出現(xiàn)胸腹水35.下列哪項最符合“營養(yǎng)性缺鐵性貧血”鐵劑治療后網(wǎng)織紅細胞的變化規(guī)律?服鐵劑后 12 天升高、34 天達服鐵劑后 34 天升高、710 天達服鐵劑后 710 天升高、23服鐵劑后 47 天升高、1014 天達服鐵劑后 23 周升高、12 月達、710 天下降至正常;血紅蛋白 10d 增加、23 周下降至正

17、常;血紅蛋白 23 周增加、12 月下降至正常;血紅蛋白 12 月增加、12 月下降至正常;血紅蛋白 23 周增加、23 月下降至正常;血紅蛋白 34 月增加36. 急染性多發(fā)性神經(jīng)根炎患兒入院時的雙下肢肢體在平面上能帶動關(guān)節(jié)活動,能克服地心引力,可判斷患兒的肌力是0 級I 級II 級III 級EIV 級37.下列哪一項不是化膿性腦膜炎并發(fā)硬腦膜下積液的特點?3 歲以上患兒較多見多在治療中體溫不退或熱退后復(fù)升進行性前囟飽瞞、頭圍增大透光實驗陽性頭顱CT 有助38. A B CD在身材矮小的兒童中,哪種情況下其骨齡發(fā)育是正常的生長激素缺乏癥甲狀腺功能減低癥體質(zhì)性延遲性矮身材39.A.B.C.D.

18、E.心跳呼吸驟停最嚴重的危害為中樞神經(jīng)不可逆損害再灌注損傷復(fù)蘇后壞死性腸炎心功能損害腎功能不全40.可A.,10 歲。人漸消瘦 2 月余,伴食量增加、多飲、多尿。查空腹血糖 10mmol/L。為中樞性尿崩癥腎性尿崩癥甲亢以上都不是二問答題 (每題 15 分,共 60 分)1.試述新生兒病理性黃疸和生理性黃疸的鑒別。2.簡述小兒腹瀉伴脫水時靜脈補液的原則。3.試述小兒合并心衰的標準和處理原則。4.簡述室間隔缺損的血力學(xué)特點和臨床表現(xiàn)。復(fù)旦大學(xué) 20042005 學(xué)年第二學(xué)期期末試卷(B)2005.6(02 級預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué)、基礎(chǔ)醫(yī)學(xué))學(xué)號班級成績選擇題:1、(C)21、 (A)2、(D22、 (B)3、(C)23、(E)4、(C24、E)()5、(A)25、(D)6、(C)26、(D)7、(C27、E)()8、(D)28、(B)9、(C29、D)()10、(B)30、(E)11、(E)31、(E)12、(E32、 (B)13、(A)33、(C)14、(B34、C)()15、(D)35、(B)16、(A)36、 (C)17、(E)37、 (A)18、(B)38、(D)19、(C39、D)()20、(D)40、(A)二問答題 (每題 15 分,共 60 分)1. 試述新生兒病理性黃疸和生理性黃疸的鑒別。病理性黃疸生理性黃疸黃疸出現(xiàn)時間生后 24 小時或其他時間生后 23 天


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