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1、六級綜合精品新講義主講人:歡迎使用第一部分完型填空題解題技巧與思路1)2)利用文章利用四個選項一、根據(jù)文章推理又分為(一) 句內推理1、 近義詞重現(xiàn)例:Certain species disappeared or became as new forms arosethe Earths changing environment.t were better adapted toA .feebleB. extinguishedC. extinctD. massive當新的更能適應地球變化的環(huán)境的物種出現(xiàn)時,某些物種就會,或變得()??崭裉幰畹脑~應該是它附近某個詞的近義詞,即disappear. f

2、eeble,弱,虛弱,多指身體機能;extinguish,滅火;extinct,的;massive, 大規(guī)模的。所又為 C.his directions confused us; we did not know which of the two roads to take.A ambiguousambiguous,B complicatedCricateD arbitrary的,意思含糊的;complicated,復雜的;ricate,復雜而精細的;arbitrary,果斷的,武斷的。他那()的指導方針讓這說明他給的指示是模糊的,故選A.這道題的選項前后雖沒有近義詞,但有一個子句。感到困惑,不

3、知道該走哪條路。I was deeply impressed by the hostess and enjoyed the dinnarty very much.A humanityB hostpitalityC hostilityD indignation我被女主人的()深深地打動了,我晚宴十分盡興。初步判斷選項應是女主人的優(yōu)良品質。humanity,人性;hostpitality, 好客,熱情;hostility, 敵意的;indignation, 憤慨。通過 enjoy這個積極詞匯,很明顯為 B.The damage to his car was therefore, he could

4、repair it himself.A considerableB apprebleC negligibleD invisible對他的車的損害相當?shù)模ǎ虼怂约壕湍苄?。自已能修,說明小。considerable, 相當大的,非常的; appreble, 明顯的,顯而易見的; negligible, 容易忽視的,微不足道的; invisible,看不見的。故選 C.t part of the city has long been for its street.A notoriousB responsibleC historicalD illegal城市的這個地方多,是貶義詞,所又選項也應是

5、貶義詞。notorious,臭名昭著的;responsible,對某某負責;historical,與歷史有關的;illegal, 2、反義詞暗示even sensible men do things sometimes的。所以選A.A abruptB absurdC acuteD apt甚至非常理智的人有時候也會做()事。接下來要找到的詞應是“理智的”的反義詞。abrupt,粗魯而突然的;absurd,荒謬的,荒誕的;acute,激烈的,敏銳的;apt,傾向做某事,易于做某事,通常表達為 be apt to do sth. B最接近“不理智”。it is hard to A con想說出l w

6、hether we are going to have a boomhe economy or a .B reC submisD transmis是否在將來在經濟方面是要有一個繁榮還是()很難。boom,繁榮,那么接下來就應找繁榮的反義詞。con,讓步;re, 經濟。 故選 B.,力減退,洪水退去;submis,提交,遞交,屈服;transmis,Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging repuions, and turning caones.ituationsoA turbulentB tragicC vulnerableD susp

7、icious的名聲,企圖把平靜的社會局面變成()。前面表達的都是不四起,恐懼,敗良的現(xiàn)象,接下來要找 calm 即穩(wěn)定的反義詞。turbulent,容易受傷的;suspicious,猜忌的。故選 A.3、根據(jù)的,的;tragic, vulnerable,if you work under a car when repairing it, you often get veryAwaxyB slipperyC stickyD greasy當你躺在車的下面修車的時候,你往往會()。根據(jù),在修車時會把自己弄臟。waxy,蠟的;slippery,容易打滑的;sticky,粘的;greasy,油膩膩的。故

8、選 D.the wings of the bird still after id been shot down D fluctuated,翅膀還在撲騰。slap,給A slappedB scratchedC flapped小鳥被擊落之后,翅膀仍然在()。根據(jù)一巴掌;scratch,撓;flap,輕輕拍打,撲騰;fluctuate, 波動。故選 C.4、根據(jù)固定搭配這一類題基本考用語和固定表達,需要的是日常的積累。in a row 排成一排/ in a chain 以鏈條或的形式出現(xiàn)/ in親自/ in common 共有提供某物/ Cause damage to./ come up with

9、得出/worry about 擔心/ supply sb.with sth.給造成/ convinb. of sth.使給相信某事e the difficulties 克服take responsibility for 對負責tackle/solve/deal with ie 解決問題(二) 根據(jù)語法關系大約考 1-2 題,主要考關系詞的填空。例如(三) 句間推理 邏輯關系t, which .大約 2-3 個空格會考句間推理關系。例:I dont care who you are, as long as you love me.這兩個分句間是條件關系。最常見的模式是關聯(lián)詞在兩個分句之間。最???/p>

10、的是讓步關系和轉折關系。讓步關系的關聯(lián)詞包括 as while, although 等;轉折關系的關聯(lián)詞包括 but, however 等。第二常考的是因果關系,排在第三位的是并列和遞進關系。(四) 句段推理即兩個自之間的關系推理。每年考 1-2 個。(五) 上下文推理主要考查全局觀。每年考查量一般不超過 2 個。二、根據(jù)四選項推理(一) 做題方法:1、押頭韻competitive 2、 押尾韻complexcompanycompatiblesucsive 連續(xù)的progressive 進步的repetitive 重復的extensive 延伸的3、 即押頭韻也押尾韻conver轉化, 兌換c

11、onvention 傳統(tǒng),會議conviction 信念conversationconservation 保護4、 押頭韻與押尾韻倆倆交叉emit 發(fā)射emerge 浮出水面submit 提交,讓步submerge下沉,沉入5、 只是詞形近似而已magnify 擴大,放大maain維持,保持 manipulate,掌控manifest 表示,表現(xiàn)commend 贊美commerce 商業(yè)commence 開始comment 評論,評說6、 同一場景詞辨析pen/salary 薪水 /earnings 收益e 個人收入 (經濟類)injure 皮外傷,輕傷 /hurt感較強,可表情感或的/wou

12、nd 刀傷,劍傷,中受傷 /damage 部分破壞,可修復 /destroy 徹底毀壞,不可修復 /split 沿著一條線縱向地裂開或撕開一條口子 /burst 因為壓力還/break 一切范圍內的破碎 /crash 飛機墜毀/collide 相撞/ wreck 海上遇難 (破壞系列) 7、 近義詞區(qū)分spelparticularuniquespecific( generally speaking, women are moreabout food and clothingn men.)女性比對食物和衣服更挑剔。用 particular 來表達。(二)做題原則1、相似的是解題的范圍:A hum

13、orA depart A vividB hororB imagine B visualC excitementC wander C livelyD extinction D wonderD live2、倆倆相似時,在更相似的A igniteB imieC describe里找D ascribe D ensureA requireB requestC are3、四選項中有三個是近義詞的時候,選不是近義詞的那個A freshB evidentC obviousD appearentAhardlyB barelyC rarelyD only4、四選項中有倆個區(qū)別不開時,一般不選這倆個A spelly

14、B particularly C consistently 連貫的,一致的 D natually5、相對的是解題的范圍,例如:完美、不可能是A reluctance 不情愿,不愿意對的(三)解題實例不是解概念,有些多數(shù)等是相對的概念。B denial 否認,否決C decline 委婉的D rejection 絕1). When he realized he had been to sign the contract bylegal proceedings to cancel the agreement.rigue, he threatened to startA. elicitedC. de

15、duced他已經通過詭計B. excitedD. induced()地簽署了那份合約時,他當他約。要啟動程序來取消合是 byrigue,故動詞應帶有貶義色彩。AB 相似,CD 相似。deduce 推理,induce誘導,故選D2). I am afraid arrived.t you have to alter your views in light of the tragic newss justA. pessimisticC. indifferentB. distressingD. optimistic因為悲劇性的消息剛剛傳來,我恐怕您得改變您那()的觀點了。pessimistic 悲觀的

16、,distressing沮喪,indifferent 默然,不關心,optimistic 樂觀的。此題所來您不能再樂觀了,要現(xiàn)實地面對。選 D.是 tragic,因為悲劇來了,3. I was deeply impressed by the hostess and enjoyed the dinnarty very much.A. humanityC. hostilityB. hospitalityD. indignation女主人的()給我留下了深刻的印象,晚宴十分盡興。題目要表達女主人優(yōu)秀品質。BC 最相似,B 指熱情好客,C 指敵意,A 表人性,D 表憤慨。故選 B.4). I sugg

17、estut the schemeo effect, for it is quite .B. sustainableD. feasibleA. eligibleC. probable我建議應該把這個計劃付諸實踐,因為這個計劃相當()。put stho effect,把某事付諸實踐。eligible 適合當選的,有資格的;sustainable 可持續(xù)的;probable 可能的;feasible 可行的。選 D.5).t part of the city has long been for its street.A. notoriousC. historical那城市的那個地方長時間來因為B.

18、responsibleD. illegal事件而導致()。notorious,臭名昭著的;responsible,對某某負責;historical,與歷史有關的;illegal,的。所以選A.6). The damage to his car was ; therefore , he could repair it himself.A. considerableB. negligibleD. invisibleC. appreble對他的車的損害相當?shù)模ǎ虼怂约壕湍苄?。自已能修,說明小。considerable, 相當大的,非常的; appreble, 明顯的,顯而易見的; neglig

19、ible, 容易忽視的,微不足道的; invisible,看不見的。故選 C.7) it is hard tol whether we are going to have a boomhe economy or a .A. conC. submisB. reD. transmis想說出是否在將來在經濟方面是要有一個繁榮還是()很難。boom,繁榮,那么接下來就應找繁榮的反義詞。con,讓步;re, 經濟。 故選 B.,力減退,洪水退去;submis,提交,遞交,屈服;transmis,8). Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging rep

20、uions, and turning ca ones.ituationsoA. turbulentC. vulnerableB. tragicD. suspicious的名聲,企圖把平靜的社會局面變成()。前面表達的都是不四起,恐懼,敗良的現(xiàn)象,接下來要找 calm 即穩(wěn)定的反義詞。turbulent,容易受傷的;suspicious,猜忌的。故選 A.的,的;tragic, vulnerable,9). The old lady has developed a cough which cannot be cured compley in a shorttime.A. petualB. per

21、manentD. sustainedC. chronic老太太患上了()的咳嗽,短時間不能痊愈。后面的從句為本題的關鍵。短時間治不好,說明是慢性的。pchronic disease 慢etual;permanent的,長期的;chronic 慢性的,多用于醫(yī)學當中,;sustained 持續(xù)的。選 C. t the plane would crash.,acute disease 急t I had an 10) it is very strangeA. inspirationB. imaginationD. incentiveCuition真的很奇怪我有一個()這飛機會墜毀。此題為題。insp

22、iration 靈感,imagination 想象;uition;incentive 刺激。ch 預感。選 C.11) the wings of the bird still after id been shot down.A. slappedC flappedB. scratchedD. fluctuated小鳥被擊落之后,翅膀仍然在()。根據(jù),翅膀還在撲騰。slap,給撓;flap,輕輕拍打,撲騰;fluctuate, 波動。故選 C.一巴掌;scratch,12). When you put up wallpA. coincider, should you the edges or pu

23、t them next to each other.B. extendC. overlapD. collide當你貼墻紙時,你是把墻紙的邊()還是把它們緊挨在一起。coincide (with)巧合,extend平面的延伸,overlap: 1-5 DDBDA,collide 相撞。故選 C.6-10 BBACC1112 CC第二部分一、講解概說2007 年 12 月節(jié)選片段It was an enormous complex task. Although Einstein was the betthysicist, Hilbert was thebetter mathematin. So i

24、n October 1915 Einstein (threw, thrust, huddled hopped)himselfo a month-long frendeavor in (how,t, what, which) he returned to anearr mathematical strategy and wrestled with equations, proofs, corrections and updatest he(dashed, darted, rushed, reeled )to give as lectures to Berlins Prussian Academy

25、 ofScienon four (sucsive , progressive, extensive, repetitive) Thursdays .(1)考固定表達,要投入到一個瘋狂的努力當中,如何表達呢?四個詞都表示做出的某個動作。threw olfo,瘋狂地獻身于某事當中。(2)in 后面接一個關系詞,which(3)t 接定語從句,四個詞為同類項,都表示快速走動或跑動。dash, dart, reel 都只能用其本意,而rush 卻可表示匆匆忙忙做某事,符合文意。(4)四個詞押尾韻。四個連續(xù)的extensive 擴展的;repetitive 重復的。四,所以應是 sucsive,連續(xù)的。

26、progressive 進步的;總:完型填空中四選項要么為同一場景類,要么詞形相近,要么詞性相同,要么考固定表達。完形填空做題時間為 15 分鐘,分值為 70 分,每空 3.5 分。在時間分配上應是:先用 4 分鐘通讀文章,再用 9 分鐘精讀,2 分鐘查漏補缺。六級在廣度和深度上都遠遠超過四級。二、07 年 6 月Historically, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them. 62 t logic, 2006 should have been a breakthroug

27、h year for rational behavior. With thememory of 9/11 still 63 in their minds, Americans watched hurricane Katrina, the mostexpensive disaster in U.S. history, on 64 TV. Anyho didnt know it before should havelearnedt bad things can happen. And they are made 65 worse by our willful blindness torisk as

28、 much as our 66 to work together before everything goes to.Granted, some amount of delu(錯覺) is probably part of the 67 condition. In A.D.63, Pompeii was seriously damaged by an earthquake, and the locals immediay went to work 68 ,he same spot-until they were buried altogether by a volcano eruption 1

29、6 years later.But a 69 of the past year in disaster history suggestst modern Americans are particularlybad at 70 themselves from guaranteed threats. We know moren we 71 did about thedangers we face. But it turns 72 t in times of crisis, our greatest enemy is 73 thestorm, the quake or the 74 itself.

30、More often, it is ourselves.So whas happenedhe yeart 75 the disaster on the Gulf Coast? In New Orleans,the Army Corps of Engineers has worked day and night to rebuild the floodwalls. They have gotthe walls to 76 they were before Katrina, more or less.ts not 77 , we can now saywith confidence. But it

31、 may be all 78 can be expected from one year of hustle (忙碌)。Meanwhile, New Orleans offils have crafted a plan to use buses and trains to 79 thesick and the disabled. The city estimatest 15,000 people will need a 80 out. However,se offils have not yet determined where these people will be taken. The

32、81 withneighboring communities are ongoing and difficult.62.A) ToB) ByC) OnD) For介詞辨析。通過對前句的分析理解,知道人性的本質-只有在了痛苦之后才會重視痛苦,于是后句緊跟的連詞應該是表示解釋說明,而 to 為到怎么的程度,on 為在.上面,for 為因果連詞,只有 by 可以表示通過,by rules/standard/logic/rate。63.A) freshB) obviousC) apparentD) evident詞義辨析。考生初看本題以為的是obvious, apparent, evident 的詞義

33、辨析,三個詞都表示明顯的意思,但是根據(jù)文章的意思,此處應該是表示猶新的意思,因此只有一個fresh 表示的是新鮮,固定表達 fresh memory。64.A) visualB) vividC) liveD) lively。Live 這個單詞除了有生活的意思之外,詞義辨析。本題的是性還有現(xiàn)場的意思。而剩余的項完全是在誤導大家,visual 為視覺的,vivid 為生動活潑的,lively 為活潑的意思。65.A) littleB) lessC) moreD) much此題純考邏輯。they 指前面的 bad things.句子結構是 sth is made worse by sth. blin

34、dness是盲目的意思,willful 指。在前面添加副詞,只能用副詞原級,不能再用。B 和 C 顯然錯誤。根據(jù)文章的感彩,文章表示的是貶義,在嘲笑人們喜歡做馬后 的事情,因此用 much 不用 little.66.A) reluctanceB) rejectionC) denialD) decline詞義辨析。Reluctance 不情愿,rejectiondenial 否定 decline。BCD 是絕對意義詞,只有A 是相對意義詞。在臨頭之前,人們不愿意合作。67.A) naturalB) worldC) solD) human形容詞辨析。固定搭配 human condition.該詞組

35、表示人的生存條件的意思。68.A) revisingB) refiningC) rebuildingD) retrievingRevising 修訂,refining 提煉,rebuilding 重建,retrieving 重新得到。之后要干什么呢?當然就是重建了。這種題目關鍵是看句子前面的連詞 and.69.A) reviewB) reminderC) conceptD) prospectReview 回顧,reminder 提醒,暗示,concept 概念,prospect 希望。句子開頭一個強轉折 BUT,表示后面的和前面的內容是相反的意思。同時,后面有一個 history,通過這個單詞

36、就知道前面用review。70.A) preparingB)ingC) protectingD) prevailing固定搭配。 protect sb. from sth 保護免受某事。Prepare 準備,prevail流行,成功。71.A) neverB) everC) thenD) before對于所的,比以前知道的。本句中 did 是用助動詞取代實意動詞know。因此這里的連詞只能用 ever 表示以前,而 before 做副詞時一定放在句末或后跟名詞。72.A) upB) downC) overD) out此題又是考固定搭配。Turn out出場亮相,turn down 調底音量t/

37、 turn out to be sth 結果表明,證明。Turn up 調高音量,turn over73.A) merelyB) rarelyC) incidentallyD) accidentally本題涉及兩組詞,一個是 merely 和 rarely,merely 表示僅僅,只不過的意思,rarely 表示極少,罕有的意思。incidentally 非主流的,附帶的,accidentally 偶然的,意外的。關鍵在于區(qū)分 merely 和 rarely 就可以得出。74.A) surgeB) spurC) surfD) splash本題實際的是同類事物的列舉。Surge 表示巨大的海浪,

38、洶涌澎湃,做動詞有急速上升的意思, spur 刺激,surf 海浪,做動詞有沖浪的意思, splash 濺。75.A) ensuedB) tracedC) followedD) occurredEnsue 由.而產生,繼.而來,trace 追溯, follow 跟隨,occur 發(fā)生,出現(xiàn)。Ensue 是不及物動詞,不能直接跟名詞連用,trace 的主語應該是人,而這里也只有 follow 表示的是時間的緊隨狀態(tài)。76.A) whichB) whereC) whatD) when本題簡單的從句理解能力。介詞 to 接賓語,后面跟一個地點性的成分,而后面又要引出 they were before

39、 Katrina 這一地點狀語,所以選 where.77.A) enoughB) certainC) conclusiveD) final此題 CD 區(qū)分不開,所以在 AB 中選擇。結合下一句的 BUT 轉折詞分析,得出做的事夠的,但是也只能做那么多了,表達了無奈。情是78.A) butB) asC)tD) thoseAllt=what,all but=幾乎,差一點,all those=復數(shù)形式的 what。 而本題開頭主語是it,因此只能用 all79.A) exilet。hustle and bustle,熙熙攘攘。B) evacuateC) dismissD) displaceExile

40、 為放逐,evacuate 為疏散,疏通,dismiss 為解雇, displace 為代替。80.A) rideB) trailC) pathD) track乍一看四個單詞都認識,但是就是不知道哪個單詞后面能跟 OUT 連用。Ride out 為安全過度,track out 為追蹤。81.A) conventionsConvention 大會,B) notificationsC) communicationsD) negotiations,notification 通知,communication 交流,negotiation 協(xié)商。本題的關鍵在于對于 neighboring communi

41、ties 的理解。其實就是接壤的城市的意思,在,community的被用做社區(qū)的含義。本句是對上前一句的解釋和說明,前一句說事情尚未決定,因此本句就說明如何解決問題的。而這個進程又是的,因此只有 negotiation 能夠出現(xiàn)困境,固而選擇negotiation.三、07 年 12 月In 1915 Einstein made a trip to Gottingen to give some lectures at the inviion of themathematical physicist David Hilbert. He was particularly eager-too eag

42、er, it would turn -62- -to explain all thericacies of relativity to him. The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friendexcitedly, I was able to -63- Hilbert of teral theory of relativity.-64- all of Einsteinsal turmoil(焦躁) at the time, a new scientific anxiety wasabout to65-. He was struggling to

43、find the right equationst would -66- his new conceptof gravity, -67-t would define how objects move -68- space and how space is curved byobjects. Byof the summer, he -69- the mathernatical approach he had been -70- foralmost three years was flawed. And now there was a -71- prere. Einstein discovered

44、 tohis -72-t Hilberd taken what he had learped from Einsteins lectures and was racing tocome up -73- the correct equations.It was an enormously comlex task. Although Einstein was the betthysicist, Hilbert wasthe better mateematin. So in October 1915 Einstein -74-himselfo a month-long frendeavor in -

45、75- he returned to an earr mathematical strategy and wrestled with equations,proofs, corrections and updatest he -76- to give as lectures to Berlins Prussian Academy ofScienHison foru -77- Thursdays.lecture was delivered on Now.4.1915,and it explained his new approach,-78- headmitted he did not yeve

46、 the precise mathematical for mulation of it. Einstein also took timeorom -79- revising his equations to engage in an awkward fandango(雙人舞)withhis competitor Hilbert. Worried -80- being scooped(搶走),he sent Hilbert a copy of his Nov.4lecture.I am -81- to know whether you will take kindly to this new

47、solution.Einstein notedwitouch of defensiveness.C 62. A) upB) overC) outD)off考詞組 turn out,表示出現(xiàn),產生的意思A 63. A) convince B) counselC) persuadeD) preach Convince 表示通過說理使人信服,說服,counsel,詢問,persuade 表示通過情感來打動人,preach 傳道,。AC 的表達結構都可以是 V+sb+of+sth,但 Einstein 只可能是通過說理來說服人。C 64. A) aboveB) aroundC) amidD) alon

48、gAbove 表示在之上,around 表示在周圍,amid 表示在之中,along 表示沿著。,此處關鍵理解 at the time 表示當時的意思,從后面的的 struggling,flaw 等單詞是在 Einstein 所有的個人焦躁之中。B 65. A) emit B) emergeC) submitD) submerge都能知道這里應該Emit 表示發(fā)送,發(fā)射,emerge 表示突然出現(xiàn),浮出水面,脫穎而出,submit 表示提交,屈服,submerge 表示沉入水中。C 66. A) imie B) ignite C) describe D) ascribeImie 表示模仿,ig

49、nite 表示點火,describe 表示描述,ascribe 表示歸因于,一般和 to 連用。AB 相似,CD 相似,用具體的方程式來描述,選 C。 A 67. A) ones B) those C) all D) none本題的是代詞的用法。those 不能做同謂語,ones 能做同謂語,指方程式,all 指所有的,none 指一個都沒有。D 68. A)o B)C) among D) through物質在宇宙空間是如何移動的以及物質如何在與宇宙空間運轉。前后關系并列,因此在四個方位介詞中,必須選擇一個既能表示在里面,又能表示運動狀態(tài)的單詞。 o 表示進入,表示,among 表示在里面(三

50、者以上),不可能有三個宇宙。而 through 可以表示在里面通過的意思A 69. A) resolved B) realized C) accepted D) aredResolved 下決心,realize 表示意識,accept 表示接受,ared 保證,are sb of sth。要選擇表示心理活動范圍的詞,在AB 中選,根據(jù)句意,只能選擇表示意識的單詞。A 70. A) pursuing B) protecting C) contesting D) contendingPursuing 表示追求,protecting 表示保護,contesting 表示競賽,contending 表

51、示識到三年來他一直追求的數(shù)學方法是錯誤的。D 71. A) complex B) compatible C) comparative D) competitive。他意選項押頭韻。Complex 表示復雜的,compatible 表示兼容的,comparative 表示相比較而言, competitive 表示競爭的。根據(jù)后句所說的 was racing to 可以推出此句應該選擇表示競爭的單詞。B 72. A) humor B) horror C) excitement D) extinctionHumor 表示幽默,horror 表示,excitement 表示興奮,extinction

52、表示。四選項兩兩相似。要填一個發(fā)現(xiàn)用他從那里所學到的知識首先提出了相對論的概念。需語,對于這個現(xiàn)象進行描述。這種現(xiàn)象明顯讓人感到,屬于剽竊現(xiàn)象。C 73. A) to B) for C) with D) against Come up with,固定搭配,表示表示達到,符合的意思。意思,come up against 表示遇見的意思,come up toA 74. A) threw B) thrust C) huddled D) hoppedthrow,扔;thrust,用于,積極從事,thrust o的東西刺;huddle,擠作一團;hop,跳。Threw olfo 表示投身lfo 表示強行

53、闖入,探聽。D 75. A) how B)t C) what D) which看哪個詞既能做 in 的賓語,又能做先行詞,只能是 in which.而C 76. A) dashed B) darted C) rushed D) reeledhat 表示因為的意思。Dash 表示沖,dart 表示飛快的扔出去,rush 表示匆忙,reel 表示趔趄。A 77. A) sucsive B) progressive C) extensive D) repetitiveSucsive 表示連續(xù)的,progressive 表示進步的,extensive 表示延伸的,repetitive 表示重復的。這里

54、句子表達的是四個四,那么帶入后,僅僅有四個連續(xù)的四符合題意。C 78. A) so B) since C) though D) becauseSo,since,because 都表示因果關系,而 though 表示轉折關系,句子當中前句為肯定句,后句為否定句,典型的轉折關系。D 79. A) casually B) coarsely C) violently D) furiouslyCasually 表示隨意的,coarsely 表示粗糙地,violently 表示猛烈地,烈而匆忙地。考 Einstein 修改方程式的方式。地,furiously 表示激B 80. A) after B) ab

55、o) on D) in除了 worry about,其余介詞和 worry 都沒有搭配關系。A 81. A) curious B) conscious C) ambitious D) ambiguousCurious 表示好奇的,conscious 表示有知覺的,ambitious 表示野心勃勃的,ambiguous 表示的。三、08 年 6 月Seven years ago, when I was visiting Germany, I Met win offil who explained to met the country had a perfect solution to its e

56、conomic problems. Watching the U.S. economy62 during the 90s, the Germans had decidedt they, too, needed to go thehigh-technology 63. But how? In the late 90s, the answer schemed obvious.ns.64 all, the Germanby 66n entrepreneurs accounted for one of every three Silicon Valley start-ups. Soernment de

57、cidedt it would 65ns to Term any just as America doesgreen cards. Offils created something called the German Green Card and67t they would ie 20,000heyear. 68, the Germans expectedt tensof thousands morens would soon be begging to come, and perhaps the 69 would haveto be increased. But the program wa

58、s a failure. A year later 70 half of the 20,000 cards hadbeen ied. After a few extens, the program was 71.I told the German offil at the timet I ware the 72 would fail. Its nott Ihad any particular expertise in immigration policy, 73 I understood something about greencards, because I had one (the Am

59、erican 74). The German GreenCard was mismand, I argued, 75 it never, under any circumtan, translatedo Germancitizenship. The U.S.green card, by contrast, ismost 76 path toing American (aftert there was no wayfive years and a clean record).The offil 77 my objection, sayingGermany was going to offer t

60、hese peoplecitizenship.” we need young tach workers,” hesaid.”ts what this pro-gram is all 78 .”so Germany was asking bright young 79 toleavetheir country, culture and famis, move thousands ofaway, learn a new language andwork in a strange landbut without any 80 of ever being part of their new home.


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