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1、昂立新概念一小學(xué)英語分院新一組Lesson35-36Our villageContentsGrammar3Vocabulary1Text2Vocabulary(1). photograph n. 照片 又可以寫作:photo e.g. This is a photograph of our village. 這是我們村莊的一張照片。(課文原句) Vocabulary(2). village n. 村莊 e.g. 他現(xiàn)在住在一個小村莊里。 He is living in a small village now. Vocabulary(3). valley n. 山谷 Vocabulary (4)

2、. between prep. 在 之間 (兩者) 常用搭配:betweenand 在和之間 e.g. 我通常走在爸爸媽媽的中間。 I usually walk between my father and mother.Vocabulary(5). hill n. 小山 e.g. 那兩座小山之間,有一條小河。 There is a small river between two hills. Vocabulary(6). another n. 另一個 e.g. When you eat that, you can have another one. 吃完那個以后,你還可以再吃一個。 Vocab

3、ulary(7). wife n. 妻子 丈夫 husband Vocabulary(8). along prep. 沿 e.g. We are driving along that road. 我們正沿著那條路開車。 Vocabulary(9). bank n. 河岸 e.g. Roger pushes the boat away from the bank. Roger把船從岸邊推走。 猜猜其它詞意:e.g. You put money in a bank. 銀行 Vocabulary(10). water n. 水 Vocabulary(11). swim v. 游泳 去游泳 go sw

4、imming = go for a swim Vocabulary(12). building n. 大樓,建筑物 Vocabulary(13). park n. 公園 Vocabulary(14). into prep. 進(jìn)入 e.g. He is going into the paper shop. 他正走進(jìn)一家報(bào)刊店。Vocabulary(15). beside prep. 在 旁邊 e.g. Wendy comes over and sits beside me. Wendy走了過來,坐在我旁邊。 Vocabulary(16). off prep. 離開 Text: Our villa

5、geQ: Are the children coming out of the park or going into it?Text記憶面包條This is a photograph of這是一張。的照片。Here is another photograph of 這是另一張。的照片。-好句推薦課文解析之經(jīng)典例句(1) The village is on the river.介詞on的用法:這里的on是“靠近,臨近”的意思,而on the shelf中的on是“在之上”的意思。課文解析之經(jīng)典例句(2) My wife and I are walking along the banks of t

6、he river. 解析:英語中表達(dá)“我和”時,要把I放在別人的后面。 e.g. 我和爸爸很喜歡飯后在公園里散步。 My father and I like having a walk in the park after dinner.Grammar課文原句重現(xiàn):Some children are coming out of the building. 常用表達(dá):come out of 表示“從出來”由不及物動詞及介詞構(gòu)成的短語試一試:用框框里的短語填空完成對話 Its a fine day. Yoyo and Neil are in the zoo. They see many animal

7、s there. What are the animals doing?go into come out of sit beside walk across run along jump off fly over Look! The panda is sitting beside(坐在旁邊)a bamboo.The tiger is coming out of(從出來)the cage.The zebras are running along(沿著跑)the river.Wow! Look at there!The monkeys are jumping off(從跳下來)the rockery.The kangaroo is going into(走進(jìn))the house.The white swans are flying over(在上飛)the lake.The alpacas are walking across(走過)the grass. I SAY, YOU DO:Introduction:If teacher says “on”, all the other students should do an actio


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