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1、最新(PEP)人教版五年級上冊英語(精心整理)(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 1 Whats he like?(第一課時(shí))Unit 1 Whats he like?一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.師生進(jìn)行英譯漢對話活動(dòng)。2.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Whos your teacher?”3.師生談?wù)撊握n老師的簡單情況。 誰是小小翻譯家1.音樂 music 2.年輕的 ;歲數(shù)不大的 young 3.老的;年紀(jì)大的 old 4.滑稽的;可笑的 funny5.體貼的;慈祥的;寬容的 kind 誰是小小翻譯家6.誰是你的英語老師?Whos your English teacher? 7.她很善良嗎?是的,她是。Is

2、 she kind? Yes, she is.二、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 music 音樂 young 年輕的;歲數(shù)小的 old 年老的;歲數(shù)大的 funny 滑稽的;可笑的 kind 體貼的;慈祥的;寬容的 猜謎語 kind old young2.一般疑問句 一般疑問句的結(jié)構(gòu): Be(Am,Is,Are)+主語+其他?Do / Does +主語+其他?例句: Is she kind? Yes, she is.她很體貼嗎?是的,她是。Is he young? No, he isnt.他很年輕嗎? 不,他不是。 1.二人一組,看圖進(jìn)行問答。三、分組練習(xí) Whos your

3、 music teacher?Mr Young. Is he young? No, he isnt. Hes old. Whos your English teacher?Miss White. Is she old?No, she isnt. Shes young. Whos your maths teacher?Mr Liu. Is he kind?Yes, he is. Whos your maths teacher?Mr Li. Is he kind?No, he isnt.四、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,選單詞。( ) 1. A.young B.old( ) 2. A.kind B.qui

4、et( ) 3. A.short B.tall( ) 4. A.friendly B.funny(二)判斷句子與圖片內(nèi)容是否相符。( ) 1.Hes young. ( ) 2.Its funny. ( ) 3.Were friendly. ( ) 4.My grandma is old. (三)根據(jù)提示填寫單詞,完成句子。1.Our English teacher is _(慈祥的).2.Amy is a _(年輕的) girl.3.Mr Black is an _(老的) man.4.Our maths teacher is _(滑稽的).(四)看圖片,選擇正確答語。( ) 1.Is you

5、r music teacher old? A.Yes, she is. B. No, she isnt.( ) 2.Is Huang Hong funny? A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isnt. (五)作業(yè)(Homework)1.熟讀對話,翻譯漢語。2.練習(xí)分角色表演對話。3.與同伴進(jìn)行對話練習(xí),談?wù)撃銈兊娜握n老師外貌及性格特征。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 1 Whats he like?(第二課時(shí))Unit 1 Whats he like?一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.師生進(jìn)行英譯漢對話活動(dòng)。2.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Whos your teacher?”3.師生談?wù)撊握n

6、老師的簡單情況。 二、誰是小小翻譯家1.年輕的 young 2.老的;年紀(jì)大的 old3.滑稽的;可笑的 funny 4.體貼的;慈祥的;寬容的 kind5.要求嚴(yán)格的;嚴(yán)厲的 strict 7.校長 head teacher8.誰是你們的美術(shù)老師? 瓊斯先生。 Whos your music teacher? Mr Jones.9.他很年輕嗎? 是的,他很年輕。 Is he young? No, he isnt. Hes old.三、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 young 年輕的 old 老的;年紀(jì)大的 funny 滑稽的;可笑的 kind 體貼的;慈祥的;寬容的 str

7、ict 要求嚴(yán)格的; 嚴(yán)厲的 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)特殊疑問詞who的用法 含義:誰(們),對人物進(jìn)行提問,通常放在句首。 例句:Whos your art teacher? Mr Jones. Whos the head teacher? Mrs Smith.(2)按照例句,對劃線部分進(jìn)行提問,并作回答。例句:Mr Black is our English teacher. Whos your English teacher? Mr Black. Miss Li is our PE teacher. Mr Liu is our computer teacher.(3)一般疑問句含有系動(dòng)詞be

8、(am,is,are)的陳述句,把系動(dòng)詞be(am,is,are)提到句首,即可變成一般疑問句。肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。is not 的縮略形式為isnt。例如:Is he young? Yes, he is. 他年輕嗎? 是的,他年輕。 Is she strict? No, she isnt. 她嚴(yán)厲嗎? 不,她不嚴(yán)厲。四、分組練習(xí)1.二人一組,看圖進(jìn)行問答。art teacher youngMiss Wang _ your _ teacher?_ .art teacher youngMiss Wang Whos your art teacher?Miss Wang .art te

9、acher youngMiss Wang Is _ young? Yes, _ is.art teacher youngMiss Wang Is she young? Yes, she is.Mrs Liscience teacher funny _your _ teacher?_ .Mrs Liscience teacher funny Whos your science teacher?Mrs li .Mrs Liscience teacher funny Is _funny?Yes, _ is .Mrs Liscience teacher funny Is she funny?Yes,

10、she is.Miss LiuEnglish teacher kind _ your _ teacher?_.Miss LiuEnglish teacher kind Is _kind?Yes,_is.Mr JinPE teacher strict _ your _ teacher?_ .Mr JinPE teacher strict Is _ kind?No, _isnt . Hes _.五、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,寫單詞。(二)寫出反義詞。1.young_ 2.kind _3.tall _ 4.fat _5.quiet _ 6.long_ (三)根據(jù)圖片做肯定或否定回答。 1.Is he y

11、oung? _ 2.Is he funny? _ 3.Whos your English teacher? _ 4.Is your science teacher strict? _ (四)根據(jù)提示填寫單詞,完成句子。1.Our computer teacher is _(嚴(yán)厲的).2.Alice is a _(善良的) girl.3.The head teacher is an _(老的) woman.4.Our art teacher is _(滑稽的).(四)看圖片,模仿說一段話。1.This is Miss Wang. She is our music teacher. Shes ta

12、ll. Shes kind. Shes our good friend. 2. _ _ Mr Li. Hes our _ _. _ _. _ _. Hes our good_.(五)作業(yè)(Homework)1.練習(xí)抄寫五個(gè)單詞。2.練習(xí)分角色表演對話。3.與同伴進(jìn)行對話練習(xí),談?wù)撃銈兊娜握n老師外貌及性格特征。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 1 Whats he like?(第三課時(shí))Unit 1 Whats he like?一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Whos your teacher?”2.師生對唱本單元重點(diǎn)單詞的順口溜。3.播放錄音,請學(xué)生做課本第7頁的聽力檢測Lets

13、 try。誰是小小翻譯家1.好像 like 2.(談及將來)將要 will3.系動(dòng)詞am, is, are的動(dòng)詞原形 be 4.真正地 really5.有時(shí);間或 sometimes 6.認(rèn)識(shí);知道;了解 know 8.王女士將要成為我們的語文老師。 Ms Wang will be our Chinese teacher.9.她什么樣? 她很慈善。 Whats she like? Shes kind.二、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 Chinese teacher 語文老師 strict 要求嚴(yán)格的;嚴(yán)厲的 kind 體貼的; 慈祥的;寬容的 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)will的

14、用法 will+動(dòng)詞原形,表示將要發(fā)生的事情,與be going to的用法相似。 will be 意為“將要成為”,be是am,is,are的原形。例如:My sister will be a good teacher. 我的姐姐將要成為一位很好的教師。(2)特殊疑問句 特殊疑問詞what(什么),Whats like是對人的外貌、性格特征進(jìn)行提問的,意為“是什么樣子”。例如:Whats your PE teacher like? Hes strict. 你們的體育老師是什么樣? 很嚴(yán)厲。 sometimes的同類詞及其用法sometimes,是頻度副詞,意為“有時(shí);間或”。經(jīng)常放在主語和謂

15、語動(dòng)詞之間。有時(shí)為了強(qiáng)調(diào),也可放在句首。例如:My mother is usually kind. But sometimes she is strict.我的媽媽經(jīng)常很寬容。但有時(shí)她卻很嚴(yán)厲。其他的頻度副詞還有:always(總是);usually(通常);often(經(jīng)常)seldom(很少);never(從沒有;從來不)1.二人一組,自選頭飾扮演角色,進(jìn)行對話表演。2.傳話游戲,鞏固新學(xué)重點(diǎn)句型。3.二人一組,談?wù)摾蠋熀屯瑢W(xué)的性格及外貌特征。三、分組練習(xí) Whats Wang Hong like?Shes funny. Whats Liu Gang like? Hes friendly.

16、 Whats Li Jun like?Hes quiet.4.猜謎語:我說某人的特征,請你猜出這人是誰。舉例如下: Yes, he is.Is he Liu Shicheng.Hes tall. Hes funny. Hes a boy.Whats he like? Yes, she is.Is she Li Jia?Shes kind. Shes friendly. Shes a girl.Whats she like? Yes, he is.Is he Mr Lu?Hes tall. Hes strict. Hes a teacher.Whats he like?四、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,

17、選單詞。( ) 1. A.kind B.strict( ) 2. A.funny B.quiet( ) 3. A.Chinese teacher B.English teacher( ) 4. A.friendly B.strict(二)給句子配圖片。( ) 1.Whats Ma Li like? Shes quiet.( ) 2.Whats Ge You like? Hes funny. ( ) 3.Whats Mr Chen like? Hes strict. A. B. C.(三)情景選擇。( ) 1.你想了解王麗什么樣,你可以詢問: A.Whats Wang Li like? B.Ho

18、w old is Wang Li? ( ) 2.你想表達(dá)高先生將要成為我們的科學(xué)老師, 你可以說: A.Mr Gao is our science teacher. B.Mr Gao will be our science teacher. (四)讀問句,選擇正確答語。( ) 1.Whats Miss Tian like? A.Yes, she is. ( ) 2.Whats Mr Sun like? B.Yes, hes my dad.( ) 3.Is your mum kind? C.Shes quiet.( ) 4.Is your brother funny? D.Hes strict.

19、 ( ) 5.Do you know him? E.No, he isnt. Hes nice.五、作業(yè)(Homework)1.熟讀對話,翻譯漢語。2.練習(xí)分角色表演對話。3.與同伴進(jìn)行對話練習(xí),談?wù)撃銈兊娜握n老師或同伴的外貌及性格特征。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 1 Whats he like?(第四課時(shí))Unit 1 Whats he like?一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.師生進(jìn)行英譯漢對話活動(dòng)。2.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Whos your teacher?”3.師生談?wù)撊握n老師的簡單情況。誰是小小翻譯家1.有禮貌的;客氣的 polite 2.工作努力的;辛勤的 hard-working

20、3.有用的;愿意幫忙的 helpful 4.聰明的;聰穎的 clever5.羞怯的;靦腆的;怕生的 shy6.吳一凡什么樣? 他學(xué)習(xí)很努力。 Whats Wu Yifan like? Hes hard-working.7.他是什么樣? 他很有禮貌。 Whats he like? Hes polite.二、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 polite 有禮貌的;客氣的 hard-working 工作努力的;辛勤的 helpful 有用的;愿意幫忙的 clever 聰明的;聰穎的 shy 羞怯的; 靦腆的; 怕生的 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)特殊疑問句Whats like?的用法 wh

21、ats 是what is的縮略式,意為“是什么”; like意為“像”;Whats like?意為“什么樣?” 例句:Whats Alice like? Shes shy. Whats Jim like? Hes hard-working.(2)按照例句,對劃線部分進(jìn)行提問,并作回答。例句:Wu Yifan is hard-working. Whats Wu Yifan like? Hes hard-working. Miss Smith is polite. Tom is clever.(3)抽簽對話游戲。二人一組,桌面上擺出兩個(gè)小箱子,里面分別裝著課前準(zhǔn)備好的本班每個(gè)同學(xué)的名片和描述人物外

22、貌及性格特征的詞卡。學(xué)生1在名片箱子里任意抽取一張名片Zhang Juan,進(jìn)行詢問:Whats Zhang Juan like? 學(xué)生2在詞卡箱子里任意抽取一張?jiān)~卡clever,并作回答:Shes clever.在任意抽取學(xué)生名片和詞卡,繼續(xù)做對話游戲。 三、分組練習(xí)1.三人一組,一位組員負(fù)責(zé)做動(dòng)作表演,并告知自己所模仿人的姓名;另外兩位組員根據(jù)第一位組員的動(dòng)作表演,進(jìn)行問答對話練習(xí)活動(dòng)。舉例如下: Wu Jun hard-working Whats Wu Jun like?Hes hard-working. Liu Yuanyuan helpful Whats Liu Yuanyuan l

23、ike?Shes helpful . Sun Yan shy Whats Sun Yan like? Shes shy. Xiaohong Xiaoli polite Whatre Xiaohong and Xiaoli like?Theyre polite. Tong Bin clever Whats Tong Bin like?Hes clever .2. 比一比,觀察圖片內(nèi)容,看誰能快速拼讀出正確單詞,并且能夠說出一句話。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ My sister is _. _ _ _ _ _ _ Chen Jie is _. _ _ _ Lily is _. shy Lily

24、is shy. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yang Bin is _ .四、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,寫單詞。(二)判斷句子與圖片內(nèi)容是否相符。( ) 1.My brother is shy. ( ) 2.Alice is clever. ( ) 3.Theyre helpful. ( ) 4.Guo Liang is polite. (三)根據(jù)提示填寫單詞,完成句子。1.Wang Ming is _(有禮貌的).2.Ma Li is a _(聰明的) student.3.Max is very _(有用的) at home.4.Jim and Tim are _(辛勤的).

25、(四)看圖片,選擇正確答語。( ) 1.Whats he like? A.Hes polite. B. Hes clever.( ) 2.What are they like? A.Theyre helpful. B.Theyre shy. (五)作業(yè)(Homework)1.正確書寫重點(diǎn)單詞和句子。2.練習(xí)分角色表演對話。3.練習(xí)朗讀和問答對話,錄音發(fā)在班級微信群里。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 1 Whats he like?(第五課時(shí))Unit 1 Whats he like?一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.拉火車,讀詞卡。2.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Whos your teacher?”3.仿

26、照例子,師生簡單介紹自己好朋友的的外貌及性格特征情況。舉例:Tom is my friend. He is tall. He is funny. We all like him.Ann is my friend. She is young. She is clever. We all like her.二、新課呈現(xiàn)1.機(jī)器人 robot 2.(用作賓語或標(biāo)語)他 him3.會(huì)說;會(huì)講(某種語言);用(某種語言)說話 speak4. 完成;做好 finish 5.羅賓很矮但是很強(qiáng)壯。 Robin is short but strong.6.他會(huì)說漢語和英語。 He can speak Chine

27、se and English.誰是小小翻譯家三、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 robot 機(jī)器人 speak 會(huì)說;會(huì)講; 用(某種語言)說話 finish 完成;做好 him 他(用作賓語或表語) make 制作;創(chuàng)造 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)made的用法 含義:made是動(dòng)詞make的過去式,意為“制作”,表示過去某時(shí)間發(fā)生的動(dòng)作。 例句:My grandpa made him. 我的爺爺制作了他。(2)make sb. do sth. 的句式。例句:He makes me finish my homework. 他讓我完成我的家庭作業(yè)。(3)really的用法reall

28、y是副詞,可以修飾形容詞、副詞和動(dòng)詞,在修飾形容詞時(shí),可以放在形容詞的前面。例句:He is really clever. 他真的很聰明。四、根據(jù)提示填空,請模仿機(jī)器人Robin說話。Hello, Im Robin. Im a r. Im really c.I can speak and .Im h. I am very h at home.Im , too. I make Wu Yifan finish his homework.五、看圖選詞填空。1.Miss Zhang is a music / art teacher. 2.Mr Teng is amaths / Chinese teac

29、her. 六、看圖,回答問題。1.What is Miss Tian like? Shes . A.kind B.strict2.Whats Li Jun like? Hes . A.quiet B.funny 七、聽力練習(xí)。.聽錄音,選詞填空。1.Miss Li is a PE / computer teacher.2.Mr Wang is an art / English teacher. . 聽錄音,回答問題。1.Whats Lily like? .2.Whats Zhao Shuo like? . 聽錄音,給正確圖片打 。 1. ( ) ( ) 2. ( ) ( ) 3. ( ) (

30、) . 聽錄音,判斷正誤。 ( ) 1.Tom is very funny.( ) 2.Shanshan is hard- working.( ) 3.Lin Hong is really polite. . 聽錄音,給句子排順序。 ( ) Is she shy?( )Yes, she is. ( )Whats Lucy like?( )No, she isnt . ( ) Is she polite? (四)看圖片,模仿說話。 1.This is a r_. 2.Wang Yan is c_. 3.They are h_. 4.They are h_. 5.They are p_. (五)作

31、業(yè)(Homework)1.練習(xí)抄寫本單元的10個(gè)單詞。2.練習(xí)分角色表演對話。3.談?wù)撟约旱耐瑢W(xué)或者任課老師外貌及性格特征。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 1 Whats he like?(第六課時(shí))Unit 1 Whats he like?一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Whos your teacher?”2.做炸地雷游戲。指令:strict為地雷,遇到這個(gè)詞不能讀出來,誰如果讀出strict,就會(huì)被“砰”的一聲炸掉,即為被淘汰。 二、誰是小小翻譯家1.高興的 happy 2.嬰兒 baby 3.有風(fēng)的windy 4. 晴朗的 sunny5.抱歉的,對不起 sorry 6.

32、僅僅;只有 only 7.參加 join8.錯(cuò)過;失誤 miss 9.得分;獲勝 score 10.球門;得分goal5.這幼兒很開心。 The baby is happy. 6.我喜歡糖果。I like candies. 7.我很抱歉。 I am sorry.三、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 baby 幼兒 happy 高興的;快樂的 windy 有風(fēng)的 sunny 晴朗的,有陽光的 sorry 抱歉的; 對不起的 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)be的用法 含義:be是系動(dòng)詞。一般情況,它有三種形式,即am,is,are。 am,is,are的用法口訣:我用am,你用are;is

33、連著他,她,它 ;單數(shù)is,復(fù)數(shù)are;若要變成疑問句,句首am,is,are。(2)陳述句 我很怕生。I am shy. 你很聰明。You are very clever. 她在家很有用。She is helpful at home. 他真的很風(fēng)趣。 he is really funny. 它很安靜。It is quiet. (3)疑問句 你好嗎? How are you? 你是圖圖嗎? Are you Tutu? 她學(xué)習(xí)刻苦嗎? Is she very hard-working? 他們有用嗎? Are they helpful ? 是的,他們有用。Yes, they are.四、分組練習(xí)。

34、1.四人一組,練習(xí)領(lǐng)讀、朗讀下列單詞。family many sorry baby partywindy sunny candy funny happy 2小組討論,判斷每組單詞紅色字母讀音 是()否()相同。 ( ) 1.many sorry fly( ) 2.family dry baby( ) 3.party candy windy( ) 4.shy baby happy 3.小組討論,根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容,填單詞完成句子。(1)This is my . (2)Today is a day. (3)Lucy is very . (4)My brother is so.(5)She likes v

35、ery much. 五、隨堂練習(xí)。.填寫含有相同音素的單詞。1.sorry many 2.family sunny .看圖,填寫單詞,補(bǔ)全句子。 1.The is . 2.These are very sweet. 3. I am very. .選用am,is,are填空。1._ you happy today? Yes, we _. 2. Tom _ really clever.3.What _ Amy like? She _ helpful. 4.They _ very polite. . 糾錯(cuò),改錯(cuò)。( ) 1. Is you quiet? _ _ ( ) 2.We am very so

36、rry. _ _ ( ) 3. Tom are hard-working. _ _ .把陳述句變成一般疑問句。 1.This is Lily. 2.I am polite. 3.We are helpful. .英譯漢。 1.I only know hes a good football player. 2.He must be tall and strong! 3.Can I join you? 4.Youre very thin and so short. (五)作業(yè)(Homework) 1.練習(xí)抄寫本單元的10個(gè)單詞。 2.練習(xí)抄寫A、B部分的重點(diǎn)句型。 3.練習(xí)分角色表演故事。 英語(

37、PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 2 My week(第一課時(shí))Unit 2 My week一、課前預(yù)習(xí)1.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Days of the week”2.復(fù)習(xí)有關(guān)課程的單詞:Chinese,English,maths 3.播放錄音,請學(xué)生做課本第14頁的聽力檢測Lets try。 誰是小小翻譯家1.星期四 Thursday 2.數(shù)學(xué) maths3.英語 English 4.音樂 music 5.一堂烹飪課 a cooking class6.在每個(gè)星期四你上什么課? What do you have on Thursdays? 我上數(shù)學(xué)、英語和音樂。 I have maths, Eng

38、lish and music.二、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 Thursday 星期四 maths 數(shù)學(xué) English 英語 music 音樂 a cooking class 一堂烹飪課 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)what引導(dǎo)的特殊疑問句。句型結(jié)構(gòu):What do +主語+have+時(shí)間短語?例句:What do you have on Thursdays? 在每個(gè)星期四你上什么課?(2)陳述句句型結(jié)構(gòu):主語+have+科目名稱。例句:I have maths, English and music. 我上數(shù)學(xué)、英語和音樂。1.二人一組,看圖進(jìn)行問答。三、分組練習(xí) What d

39、o you have on Thursdays?I have maths. What do you have on Thursdays?I have English. What do you have on Thursdays?I have maths. _?_.2.分組比賽,練習(xí)傳話游戲。 傳話內(nèi)容選項(xiàng):What do you have onThursdays? What do you have on Wednesdays?I have maths, English and music.I have a cooking class with your grandma. 3.分組練習(xí),表演對話

40、。 四、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,選單詞。( ) 1. A.English B.maths( ) 2. A.music B.art( ) 3. A.Thursday B.Wednesday( ) 4. A.cook B.sing (二)判斷句子與圖片內(nèi)容是否相符。( ) 1.I have music. ( ) 2.I have English. ( ) 3.I have maths. (三)看圖片,選擇正確答案。( ) 1.What do you have on _? A.Wednesdays B. Thursdays( ) 2.What do you have on _? A.Wednesday

41、s. B.Thursdays. (四)看圖,回答問題。1.What do you have onWednesdays? _2.What do you have on Thursdays? _3.What do you have on Thursdays? _(五)作業(yè)(Homework)1.熟讀對話,翻譯漢語。2.練習(xí)分角色表演對話。3.與同伴進(jìn)行對話練習(xí),談?wù)撃銈兊纳险n情況。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 2 My week(第二課時(shí))Unit 2 My week一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Days of the week”2.請學(xué)生代表表演P14的對話。1.星期一 Mo

42、nday 2.星期二 Tuesday 3.星期三 Wednesday4.星期四 Thursday 5.星期五 Friday 6.星期六 Saturday7.星期日 Sunday 8.周末 weekend6.在每個(gè)星期一你上什么課? What do you have on Mondays?7.我上語文、英語、數(shù)學(xué)和音樂。 I have Chinese, English, maths and music.誰是小小翻譯家二、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday 星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Satu

43、rday 星期六 Sunday 星期日 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)What do you have 的兩種譯法。就餐時(shí)間,意為“吃什么”。例如: What do you have for lunch? 中午你吃什么?上學(xué)時(shí)間,意為“上什么課”。例如: What do you have on Tuesdays? 在每個(gè)星期二你上什么課? (2)陳述句句型結(jié)構(gòu):主語+have+科目+on+星期幾。例句:I have Chinese, English, maths and music. 我上語文、英語、數(shù)學(xué)和音樂。1.二人一組,看圖進(jìn)行問答。三、分組練習(xí) What do you have on Mond

44、ays?I have Chinese, maths and art . What do you have on Tuesdays?I have maths, Chinese, science and PE. What do you have on_?I have Chinese, music,_ What do you have_ ?I have _ . _?_.(2)猜謎語游戲。 Yes!Is it Tuesday?I have maths, Chinese, science and PE.No.Is it Monday? Yes!Is it Thursday?I have English,

45、 Chinese and PE.No.Is it Friday? Yes!Is it Monday?I have Chinese, maths and art.No.Is it Friday? Yes!Is it Friday?I have PE, Chinese and English?No.Is it Wednesday?四、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,選單詞。( ) 1. A.Monday B.Wednesday( ) 2. A.Tuesday B.Thursday( ) 3. A.Sunday B.Saturday( ) 4. A.weekend B.week(二)判斷句子與圖片內(nèi)容是否相符

46、。( ) 1.I have Chinese, English on Mondays. ( ) 2.I have PE and art on Tuesdays. ( ) 3.I have Chinese, maths and science on Wednesdays. (三)根據(jù)提示填寫單詞,完成句子。1.I have Chinese, music and math on _(星期二).2.I have maths, English and art on _(星期四).3.I have Chinese, PE and English on _(星期三).4.I have science, ma

47、ths and computer on _(星期五).5.I have Chinese, maths and PE on _(星期一).(四)看圖片,選擇正確答語。( ) 1.Is it Thursday? A.Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.( ) 2.Is it Friday? A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isnt. (五)作業(yè)(Homework)1.練習(xí)抄寫新單詞。2.就本班的課程表練習(xí)問答對話。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 2 My week(第三課時(shí))Unit 2 My week一、課前預(yù)習(xí)1.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Days of the

48、 week”2.復(fù)習(xí)A部分的重點(diǎn)單詞,和問答句型。3.播放錄音,請學(xué)生做課本第17頁的聽力檢測Lets try。 誰是小小翻譯家1.故事書 storybook 2.看書 read books 3.打乒乓球 play ping-pong 4.踢足球 play football 5.聽音樂 listen to music6.你經(jīng)常在公園里讀書嗎? 不,我不是。 Do you often read books in this park? No, I dont.7.你經(jīng)常在這里踢足球嗎? 是的,我經(jīng)常。 Do you often play football here? Yes, I do.二、新課呈現(xiàn)

49、重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 storybook 故事書 read books 看書 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 play football 踢足球 listen to music 聽音樂 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)do開頭的一般疑問句實(shí)意動(dòng)詞作謂語時(shí),構(gòu)成疑問句,需要在句首加助動(dòng)詞do??隙ɑ卮穑篩es, do. 否定回答:No, dont.例如:Do you often read books in this park? No, I dont. Do you often play football here? Yes, I do.三、分組練習(xí)1.二人一組,看圖進(jìn)行問答。 D

50、o you often read books?Yes, I do. Do you often play ping-pong?No, we dont. Do you often play ping-pong?No, we dont. Do you often play football?No, I dont. Do you often play football?Yes, I do. Do you often listen to music ?No, I dont. Do you often listen to music?Yes, I do.四、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,選單詞。( ) 1. A.

51、sing B.listen( ) 2. A.play B.eat( ) 3. A.football B.ping-pong( ) 4. A.book B.look (二)判斷句子與圖片內(nèi)容是否相符。( ) 1.We often play ping-pong. ( ) 2.I often play football. ( ) 3.I often read books. (三)看圖片,選擇正確答語。( ) 1.Do you often read books? A.Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.( ) 2.Do you often play ping-pong? A.Yes, w

52、e do. B.No, we dont. (四)看圖,回答問題。1.Do you often read books? _2.Do you often play football? _3.Do you often listen tomusic? _(五)作業(yè)(Homework)1.熟讀對話,翻譯漢語。2.練習(xí)分角色表演對話。3.與同伴進(jìn)行對話練習(xí),談?wù)撃銈兊恼n外活動(dòng)。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 2 My week(第四課時(shí))Unit 2 My week一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Days of the week”2.請學(xué)生代表表演P17的對話。1.洗 wash 2.洗我的

53、衣服 wash my clothes 3.看 watch 4.看電視 watch TV 5.做;干 do 6.做作業(yè) do homework 7.看;讀 read 8.看書 read books 9.踢;玩;參加(體育運(yùn)動(dòng))play 10.踢足球 play football10.在周末你經(jīng)常洗你的衣服嗎? Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend? 是的,我經(jīng)常洗。 Yes, I do.誰是小小翻譯家二、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 wash my clothes 洗我的衣服 watch TV 看電視do homework 做

54、家庭作業(yè) read books 看書 play football 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)助動(dòng)詞do的用法。謂語動(dòng)詞是實(shí)意動(dòng)詞時(shí),構(gòu)成否定句或疑問句,要用到助動(dòng)詞do,當(dāng)主語是第三人稱單數(shù)時(shí),其形式為does。 肯定式:do / does 否定式:do not / does not 縮略式:dont / doesnt(2)例句:Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?Yes, I do.三、分組練習(xí)1.二人一組,看圖進(jìn)行問答。 Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend?Yes, I do. Do

55、 you often watch TV on the weekend?Yes, I do . Do you often_ on the week end? Yes, _ . _ _ on the weekend?_ . Do you often_ on the week end?Yes, I do.2.快速朗讀短語。wash my clothes watch TVdo homework read booksplay football 3.快速翻譯英語 看書 踢足球 洗我的衣服 做家庭作業(yè) 看電視 4.炸地雷游戲。拉火車?yán)首x短語,誰遇到watch TV即為炸彈,誰如果讀出watchTV,就被“砰

56、”的一聲炸掉淘汰。 四、隨堂練習(xí)(一)看圖片,選單詞。( ) 1. A.play football B.play ping-pong ( ) 2. A.watch TV B.read books( ) 3. A.wash my clothes B.clean the room( ) 4. A.draw pictures B.play the pipa(二)判斷句子與圖片內(nèi)容是(T)否(F)相符。( ) 1.I often do homework on the weekend. ( ) 2.I often read books on the weekend. ( ) 3.I often play

57、 football on the weekend. ( ) 4.I often clean my room on the weekend.(三)根據(jù)提示填寫單詞,完成句子。1.I often play the pipa _ _ _(在周末).2.I often_ _ _(洗衣服) on Sundays.3.I often _ _ (做家庭作業(yè))on Saturdays.4.I often watch TV _ _(在周三).(四)看圖片,選擇正確答語。( ) 1.Do you often read books on Mondays? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.(

58、) 2.Do you often play football on the weekend? A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. ( ) 3.Do you often wash your clothes on the weekend? A.Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.( ) 4.Do you often watch TV on the weekend? A.Yes, I do. B.No, I dont. (五)作業(yè)(Homework)1.練習(xí)抄寫5個(gè)動(dòng)詞短語。2.練習(xí)問答對話,談?wù)撚嘘P(guān)課余活動(dòng)情況。英語(PEP)人教版五年級上冊Unit 2 My

59、week(第五課時(shí))Unit 2 My week一、課前熱身與導(dǎo)入1.拉火車,讀詞卡,復(fù)習(xí)本單元A、B部分的重點(diǎn)單詞。2.聽音樂,播放歌曲“Whos your teacher?”3.填寫課程表游戲。請學(xué)生代表介紹自己制作的課程表,其他學(xué)生根據(jù)學(xué)生代表的介紹,填寫出相應(yīng)的課程內(nèi)容,看誰填寫的又對又快。 二、誰是小小翻譯家1.星期一 Mon. 2.星期二 Tues. 3.星期三 Wed. 4.星期四 Thur. 5.星期五 Fri. 6.星期六 Sat. 7.星期日 Sun. 8.建議;勸告;忠告 advice 9.應(yīng)該 should 10.每;每個(gè) every 11. 一天;一日 day 12.

60、工作計(jì)劃;日程安排 schedule 誰是小小翻譯家13.你應(yīng)該每天做運(yùn)動(dòng)。 You should play sports every day.14.吳一帆在周末經(jīng)??措娨?。 Wu Yifan often watch TV on the weekend.三、新課呈現(xiàn)重點(diǎn)詞語和句子。 1.給重點(diǎn)詞語配圖。 Mon. 星期一 Tues. 星期二 Wed. 星期三 Thur. 星期四 Fri. 星期五 Sat. 星期六 Sun. 星期日 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型(1)should的用法 含義:should是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,意為“應(yīng)該”,后面跟動(dòng)詞原形,一起構(gòu)成謂語。 2.講解重點(diǎn)句型 例句:You should


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