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1、Chapter 1what are the eight elements in the communication process? At a general level ,communication events involves the following :a source,a process of encoding, a message ,a channel ,a process of decoding,a receiver,the potential for feedback ,the chance of noise.What are the three types of noise

2、In communication, anything that interferes with the delivery of a message. It can be semantic noise, mechanical noise,and environmental noise3、gatekeepers Individuals who decide whether a given message will be distributed by a mass medium.4、mass media Mass media use channels to carry the message. Ou

3、r definition will include not only the mechanical devices that transmit and sometimes store the message(TV cameras, radio microphones, printing press),but also the institutions that use these machines to transmit messages.1 The communication process is initiated by the A) message B) receiver C) sour

4、ce D) channel 2 The interpretation of physical message into a form that has eventual meaning for a receiver is called A) coding B) recoding C) decoding D) encoding 3 Receivers can be A) a group B) a single person C) an institution D) all of the above 4 An increase in noise _ message fidelity. b A) i

5、ncreases B) decreases C) does not effect D) expands 5 In machine-assisted interpersonal communication: A) Source and receiver can be separated by time and space B) Messages can have permanence C) Messages can be amplified or transmitted over large distances D) All of the above 6 Mass communication r

6、efers to the process by which a complex organization with the aid of one or more machines produces and transmits public messages that are directed at large, scattered audiences that are aA) heterogeneous B) homogenous C) related D) specific7 Message termination is easiest in A) interpersonal communi

7、cation B) mass communication C) machine assisted interpersonal communication D) none of the above 8 Mass communication organizations A) have multiple gatekeepers B) require little money to operate C) exist irregardless of profit D) are non-competitive 9 The following is an example of a media vehicle

8、: A) newspapers and magazines B) radio stations C) TV networks D) all of the above 10 Disintermediation eliminates the A) source B) middleman C) customer D) seller 11 In a communication setting, encoding may take place only once. A) true B) false 12 Feedback refers to responses of the receiver that

9、shape subsequent messages of the source. A) true B) false 13 Interpersonal communication can occur between two people without being in each others physical presence. A) true B) false14 The receiver in the machine-assisted setting can be a single person only. A) true B) false 15 The term mass media r

10、efers to the messages carried to the public by vehicles such as TV, radio and magazines. A) true B) false Answer CCDBD ABADB BABBBChapter 21 what is the defference between macroanalysis and microanalysisMacroanalysis is an approach describes the perspective of a sociologist and look through a wide-a

11、ngle lens to consider the functions performed by the mass media for the entire society.Microanalysis is an approach when we look through a close-up lens at the individual receivers of the content, the audience and ask them to report how they use mass media.2 Compare and contrast the functional appro

12、ach and the critical /cultural approach .how does each view the audience ?how does each view the media? View the audience:in functional approach ,it thinks that audiences take an active role in their interaction with various media .That is ,the needs of each individual provide motivation that channe

13、ls that individuals media use.In critical approach ,it thinks the audience ,however ,is not passive .The dominant values may have been encoded in complex and subtle ways ,but viewers can supply their own meanings to the content. View the media:in functional approach ,the mass media compete with othe

14、r sources of satisfaction .Relaxtion ,for example ,can also be achieved by taking a nap or having a couple of drinks,and social utility needs can be satisfied by joining a club or playing touch football .In critical approach,the media worked to maintain those dominant values by presenting versions o

15、f reality on TV and films that represented this situation as normal and natural ,as the way things should be.3 dysfunctions Harmful or negative consequences of the functions of mass media that are undesirable from the point of view of the welfare of society.4、surveillanceSurveillance refers to what

16、we popularly call the news and information role of the media. The media have taken the place of sentinels and lookouts.5. status conferralThe process that certain individuals or issues receive media attention means that they achieve a certain amount of prominence.1 An advantage of the functional app

17、roach to studying mass communication is that it A) provides a perspective to examine mass communication B) generates concepts that are helpful in understanding media behavior C) makes us aware of the diversity of gratifications provided by the media D) all of the above 2 Harmful or negative conseque

18、nces of the functions of mass media are called A) repercussions B) ramifications C) dysfunctions D) displacement 3 Which of the following is an important factor in determining which news medium people find most believable? A) convenience B) comfort C) credibility D) format 4 The reasoning behind the

19、 idea that if the audience believes you really matter, you will be the focus of media attention, and if you are the focus of media attention, then you really matter is known as A) dysfunction B) status conferral C) surveillance D) all of the above 5 The most popular form of interpretation is probabl

20、y a(n) A) review B) commercial C) editorial cartoon D) editorial 6 Telephons, E-Bay, and chat rooms are examples of A) dysfunction B) linkage C) interpretation D) surveillance 7 Comics, puzzles, horoscopes, games, advice, gossip, humor, and general entertainment account for which percentage of newsp

21、aper content? A) 6 B) 12 C) 18 D) 24 8 _is a form of diversion. A) Stimulation B) Relaxation C) Emotional release D) All of the above 9 Developing feelings of kinship with media characters is known as a _relationship. A) social B) parasocial C) cathartic D) all of the above 10 The creation of unstab

22、le superior and inferior positions that are continuously being negotiated through interpretations of meaning is known as A) culture B) ideology C) hegemony D) all of the above 11 The news and information role of the media is known as surveillance. A) true B) false 12 The media sometimes consciously

23、tries to instill values and behavior in the audience through their portrayal of society. A) true B) false 13 At the micro level, the functional approach is called the cognition model. A) true B) false 14 The critical/cultural studies approach is based on asking people questions, tabulating their res

24、ults, and enumerating characteristics of media content. A) true B) false 15 The critical/cultural approach is more useful than the functional approach in understanding the complicated relationship between mass communication and its audience. A) true B) falseAnswer: DCCBC BBDBC AABBBChapter 31 techno

25、logical determinism The theory that contends technology drives historical change. It assume that the printing press was the prime mover behind all these effects.2 Difference between writing based on signs and writing based on an alphabetwriting based on signs is an early symbol system in which each

26、symbol was based on a picture that resembled she thing it stood for.writing based on an alphabet was based more on sound than signs. A group of letters, called was used to symbolize each of the sounds that make up a word.1 The following is an example of an early form of paper: A) clay tablets B) pap

27、yrus C) parchment D) all of the above 2 During the feudal period in Europe, bookmaking became centered in A) libraries B) tax offices C) monasteries D) wineries 3 The moveable metal type printing press was developed by A) Martin Luther B) Samuel Morse C) Mathew Brady D) Johann Gutenberg 4 Most early

28、 books were written in A) Latin B) English C) French D) German 5 The invention of the _ led to the development of what we would today call news. A) radio B) television C) printing press D) telegraph 6 Which invention was the first to be called the great annihilator of time and space? A) radio B) tel

29、ephone C) telegraph D) television 7 The inventor that helped the development of photography was: A) Louis Daguerre B) William Fox Talbot C) George Eastman D) All of the above 8 The long-range impact of the motion picture lay mainly in the areas of A) news and reporting B) business and law C) enterta

30、inment and culture D) all of the above 9 The first mass medium that brought sports, music, talk, and news into the living room was the A) telegraph B) radio C) telephone D) newspaper 10 The technology behind television received a substantial boost from which wars efforts? A) the Civil War B) WWI C)

31、WWII D) All of the above 11 Digital technology encodes information such as sound, text, data, graphics, and video into a series of on and off pulses that are usually denoted as ones and twos. A) true B) false 12 Paper was developed by the Japanese. A) true B) false 13 Technological determinism is th

32、e belief that technology drives historical change. A) true B) false 14 The Civil War was the first American war to be photographed. A) true B) false 15 The Payne Fund was significant because it was the first time the public decided that a medium was deserving of serious examination. A) true B) false

33、Answer:DCDAC CDCBC BBAAAChapter 41 what are the defining characteristics of newspaper1. the newspaper is made up of diverse content2. newspapers are conveniently packaged3. newspapers are local4. newspapers serves as a historical record more than any other medium5. newspapers perform the watchdog ro

34、le6. newspapers are timely2 what are some of the advantages the traditional ink-and-paper newspaper has over the online version? what are some of the advantages the online version has over the print version?Answer: printed newspaper are limited by the newshole , the amount of news that can be printe

35、d in one edition .online papers have no such limitations.Online papers can be updated continuously .Online papers are interactive .Online papers tend to have small staffs.Political pressA type of newspaper which openly supported a particular party, faction, or causeTabloid : A heavily illustrated pu

36、blication usually half the size of a normal newspaper page.CirculationThe number of copies delivered to newsstands or vending machines and the number delivered to subscribes1 The first American newspaper was A) the Boston News Lette B) Publick Occurrences both Foreign and Domestick C) New England Co

37、urant D) Pennsylvania Gazette2 Benjamin Franklin is credited with A) starting the Pennsylvania Gazette B) running the first editorial cartoon C) demonstrating that journalism could be an honorable profession D) all of the above3 The freedom of the press is protected by A) the First Amendment B) the

38、Fifth Amendment C) the original Constitution D) the Declaration of Independence 4 The first penny press paper, New York Sun, was popular because it contained A) Political debates and an aggressive editorial policy B) A sports page and a financial page C) Local stories of sex, violence, features, and

39、 human interest stories D) All of the above5 The Penny Press changed A) the basis of economic support for newspapers B) the pattern of distribution C) the definition of what constituted news and how it was collected D) all of the above6 The idea of a newspaper chain was pioneered by A) Joseph Pulitz

40、er B) E.W. Scripps C) William Randolph Hearst D) Horace Greeley7 Although the onset of yellow journalism in the U.S. was not the best moment in American newspaper history, it did help bring aboutA) aggressive reporting and investigative stories B) the use of layout and display devices C) wide exposu

41、re form many prominent authors D) all of the above8 Jazz journalism is characterized by which of the following features A) the use of tabloids B) an abundance of photographs C) both A and B D) none of the above9 According to the text, one result of a credibility scandal in newspapers, such as the Ja

42、yson Blair saga was that A) editors refuse to reveal their ethical guidelines to the public B) online news reporting becomes more reliable C) newspapers stiffened their requirements for quotes from unnamed sources D) college journalism programs decline to teach ethics to students10 Newspapers are tr

43、ying to attract more readers by A) using more color B) creating highlighted synopses within long stories C) printing more lifestyle and fashion features D) all of the above11 In journalism, a newshole is the amount of news that can be printed in one edition. A) true B) false12 An online version of a

44、 newspaper is an exact replica of the printed newspaper that can be read on a computer screen. A) true B) false13 In addition to the Internet, newspapers are distributing news via handheld media such as Internet-enabled cell phones and personal digital assistants. A) true B) false14 Gannett is the b

45、iggest newspaper group. A) true B) false15 Blogs are private websites maintained only by and for journalists. A) true B) falseBDACD BDCCD ABAABChapter5Muckcrakers : term coined by Theodore Roosevelt to describe the reform movement undertaken by leading magazines in the 1890s; corrupt practices of bu

46、siness and government were exposed to the general public by crusading members of the press .Paid circulation : a type of circulation in which the reader must purchase a magazine through a subscription or at a newsstand .1 The number of magazines produced increased from 1860-1900 because of A) money

47、from investors B) better printing techniques C) Postal Act of 1879 D) all of the above2 A popular magazine that began publishing in the late 1930s and continued to publish until it expired in 1972 was A) Life B) Leslies C) Time D) all of the above3 Between WWI and WWII, the shift in economic develop

48、ment and change in lifestyles influenced the development of the A) Digest B) News magazine C) Pictorial magazine D) All of the above4 Magazines use their websites for all of the following except A) to provide additional information about stories B) subscriptions C) production D) e-commerce5 Accordin

49、g to the text magazines are distinguished from other media in that they A) attract the highest number of consumers B) attract the most specialized audiences C) give the most in depth news coverage D) all of the above 6 The magazine industry is divided by the following function categories except A) p

50、roduction B) distribution C) retail D) advertising 7 Controlled circulation magazines gain most of their revenue from A) subscriptions B) advertising C) e-commerce D) none of the above8 The following division heads report to the circulation director except A) Managing Editor B) Subscription Manager

51、C) Single-Copy Sales Manager D) Subscription Fulfillment Director 9 In addition to ancillary services such as e-commerce, custom publishing, and database assistance, the following is another basic sources of magazine revenue: A) subscriptions B) single-copy sales C) advertising D) all of the above10

52、 Data on the total audience for magazines gathered by conducting personal interviews with individuals to get an exposure score is provided by A) ABC B) BPA C) MRI D) None of the above.11 Magazine readers are usually loners. A) true B) false12 Benjamin Franklin published the first American magazine.

53、A) true B) false13 Custom publications are often offered for free at business locations. A) true B) false14 A magazine dummy is the schedule drawn up to ensure that articles get to the printer in time for the forthcoming issue. A) true B) false15 Newsletters are characterized by their general reader

54、ship, large circulation, and low prices. A) true B) falseDADCB DBADC BBABBChapter 6Best seller listsThe most important form of audienc feedback in the book industry is the best-seller lists complied by newspapers using slightly different methods to tabulate a rank ordering of the best-selling books.

55、Chapter 71The first radio station was developed byA)Heinrich HertzB)Reginald FessendenC)David SarnoffD)Frank Conrad2The idea to sell broadcasting time on the radio for advertising is credited toA)AT&TB)RCAC)WestinghouseD)None of the above3The first network wasA)UPNB)ABCC)NBCD)CBS4Established by the

56、Radio Act of 1927, the Federal Radio Commission (FRC)A)defined the AM broadcast bandB)standardized channel designationsC)minimized interferenceD)all of the above5Frequency modulation radio (FM) was invented byA)David SarnoffB)Edwin Howard ArmstrongC)Edward NobleD)Edward R. Murrow6A characteristic of

57、 digital radio broadcasting will beA)improved sound qualityB)static-free signalsC)compatibility with analog signalsD)all of the above7Noncommercial stations are supported by all of the following, exceptA)listener donationsB)tax revenueC)advertisementsD)endowments and grants from foundations8The peop

58、le responsible for the sound of the station through music and other material are part of the following department:A)salesB)programC)newsD)engineering9Which source of advertising income represents the largest portion of revenue?A)nationalB)regionalC)localD)none of the above10The major company that me

59、asures radio audiences isA)BPAB)ArbitronC)MRID)None of the above11Many early radio stations were not owned by broadcasters.A)trueB)false12Radio was able to weather the Depression with relatively little hardship.A)trueB)false13Radio was unaffected by the development of television.A)trueB)false14Many

60、liberal talk show hosts have been successful in radio.A)trueB)false15Infinity is the largest radio company.A)trueB)falseChapter 81The first disk player designed to look like a piece of furniture was theA)phonographB)gramophoneC)victrolaD)none of the above2The Beatles are credited withA)introducing t


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