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1、3. A.pageB. passage2019-2020年高考英語大一輪復(fù)習(xí) Unit5Music課時(shí)規(guī)范訓(xùn)練新人教版必修完形填空I had been writingin pen and ink before making the change to a puter keyboard.I had bee quickly used to the feel of the _1_ on my fin gers. I discovered how _2_ it was to see my words in black type, almost as if it were already a _3_ i

2、n a book.I grew used to rushing through a first draft, reworking it with pen in _4_ ,retyping, reworking, retyping _5 I had my copy in what I had believed wasreas on ably _6_ to hand in to my age nt. The secret to good writi ng was rewriti ng.I reconsider different ways of _7_ the material; the subc

3、onscious is a very _8_ place, and every thought, is constantly _9_. Writing stories is like building a house _10_ woode n blocks: remove one, and you must rearra nge the support ing_11 or the whole structure will _12_._Some of my writi ng friends con ti nued to _13_ , and they ofte n in sisted thatt

4、hey were happy with the old ways of pen on paper. In fact,many of them continuedto _14_ that way and some still do; I have a number of writing friends that have_15_ to adapt in any situation. I suppose it is an age thing. After all, they _16一, the greatest works of literature were posed with pen and

5、 paper. Were William Shakespeare or Charles Dicke ns _17_ by the lack of puter tech no logy?I must admit that it took a while to _18_ my fear.Whe n I slowed dow n or meta difficulty while writ in g, I won dered whether or not the _19_ was due to thenew process and the difficulties of havi ng to reme

6、mber the new strokes on a puterkeyboard._2 _ , my earlier typ ing skills came in handy and after a few mon ths Iwas able to write and rewrite to my hearts content, which I continue to do today.【語篇導(dǎo)讀】現(xiàn)代社會(huì)寫作是用電腦,還是用鋼筆呢?請(qǐng)看“我”的寫作歷程。 A.pensB. keysC. wordsD. pains解析:選B。結(jié)合上文的 making the change to a puter k

7、eyboard可知,作者現(xiàn)在開始用電腦寫作了,因此他的手指在鍵上活動(dòng)。 A.simpleB. easyC. slowD. great解析:選D。根據(jù)后面的it was to see my words in black type .可知,看到了打出來的字,呈現(xiàn)出黑色印刷字體,好像已經(jīng)成書一樣,應(yīng)該感到高興。CtextDchapter解析:選A。與前面的in black type呼應(yīng),指作者看到自己的作品,把字打到電腦上, 好像是書頁一樣。4A.sightBlineChandDcontrol解析:選C。此處語境表示手里拿著鋼筆,重新寫作。5A.becauseBuntilCthoughDif解析:選

8、B。與前面的retyping ,reworking ,retyping 呼應(yīng),指作者寫了又寫,打了又打,直到作者對(duì)于自己的作品感到滿意為止。6A.acceptableBimportantChumorousDreliable解析:選A。與前面的retyping ,reworking ,retyping 呼應(yīng),指作者經(jīng)過多次的修改, 認(rèn)為可以接受了,才把自己的作品送到經(jīng)紀(jì)人那里。7A.collectingBdownloadingCimaginingD expressing解析: 選 D。與 The secret to good writing was rewriting.呼應(yīng),指作者認(rèn)為好的作品需

9、要不斷地修改,作者反復(fù)地思考不同的表達(dá)方式。8A.busyBnaturalCdistantDseparate解析:選A。此處語境指我們的下意識(shí),是一個(gè)繁忙的地方,與后面的every thought ,is constantly 呼應(yīng)。9A.disappearingBpassingCchangingDresponding解析:選C。此處語境指我們的意識(shí)不斷地變化著,因此我們的想法也在不斷地變化。10A.inBwithConDby解析:選B。根據(jù)上下文,和后面的 with 表示使用的具體的東西。wooden blocks 可知, 像使用木塊來建筑房子一樣,11A.neighborsBpolesCb

10、asesDsignals解析: 選 A。結(jié)合前面的 remove one, and you must rearrange the supporting 可知, 你把房子的一塊木塊拿走了,必須重新排列周圍相鄰的木塊。12A.blow upB burst outC. turn overD. fall down解析:選 D。與前面的 remove one 和 rearrange thesupporting _11_ 呼應(yīng),指如果不重新排列的話,整個(gè)建筑就會(huì)倒塌。 A.appreciateB. performC. resistD. rely解析: 選 C。結(jié)合后面的 they often insist

11、edthat they were happy with the old waysof pen on paper可知,作者的這些朋友認(rèn)為用筆來寫作,他們會(huì)感到高興,表明他們拒絕使用電腦。 A.thinkB. writeC. sufferD. pete解析:選B。與上文的 with the old ways of pen on paper呼應(yīng),指這些朋友們繼續(xù)用鋼筆寫作。A.refusedB. decidedC. man agedD. expected解析:選A。與上文呼應(yīng),指作者的這些朋友們拒絕適應(yīng)新的形式,即不使用電腦來寫 作。 A.argueB. agreeC. worryD. surviv

12、e解析: 選 A。根據(jù)后面的 the greatest works of literature were posed with pen and paper可知,作者的朋友們提出理由說明最偉大的作品是用鋼筆和紙撰寫的。A.chargedB. trappedC. rewardedD. prevented解析: 選 D。與前面的 the greatest works of literature were posed with pen andpaper呼應(yīng),指這些朋友們問:莎士比亞和狄更斯受到?jīng)]有電腦的阻礙了嗎? A.deal withB. sort outC. get overD. break up

13、解析:選C。表示作者承認(rèn)自己使用電腦寫作的時(shí)候,也需要克服恐懼感。A.troubleB. concernC. terror解析:選A。與前面的a difficulty 煩。A.ThankfullyC. ActuallyD. harm致,指作者在使用電腦寫作的時(shí)候,遇到了麻B. HonestlyD. Really解析: 選 A。根據(jù)后面的 my earlier typing skills came in handy and after a few可知,作者對(duì)于自己months I was able to write and rewrite to my hearts content能夠使用電腦寫作

14、感到高興。n.語法填空When you hear the word “farm ”, you may imagine the countryside with cows and crops.But 1.(scientist) say the farms of the future could(build) in tall buildings in some large cities.3. may bedifficult to believe, but in fact, the technology for growing crops indoors already exists.4.(farm

15、)in the city is already happening. Some vegetables arealready grown in greenhouses. Experts say indoor farming 5.(solve) manyproblems. First, traditional farming takes 6. a lot of land.Growing crops in tall buildings called vertical farming ( 垂直農(nóng)業(yè) ) can solve the problem. Also, fruits and vegetables

16、 7.(grow) indoors would not faceserious threats from insects and weather.8. vertical farms dont existyet ,experts have created a plan for recycling in such farms. Gases from crop waste would be used 9.(heat) the buildings.Waste from chickens or pigs wouldbe reused as a source of energy. But experts

17、believe vertical farming is not going to be easy. They say it can be difficult to control climate conditions indoors.Besides , plants differ in 10.(they) weather and lighting needs. Thatsnot to say these difficulties wont be overe but it will take time.【語篇導(dǎo)讀】 本文講了城市中的垂直農(nóng)業(yè)。1 scientists考查名詞單復(fù)數(shù)。由后面的謂語動(dòng)

18、詞 say 可知此處應(yīng)用復(fù)數(shù)。2 be built考查被動(dòng)語態(tài)。主語是 farms ,和 build 之間是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,故用被動(dòng)語態(tài),在情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 could 之后,所以是 be built 。3It考查 it 用法。 it 在這里指代前面提到的.the farms of the future .insome large cities 這件事。4 Farming考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。 farm 在這里作動(dòng)詞,意為“耕種;養(yǎng)殖”。作主語時(shí)要用動(dòng)詞 -ing 形式。5 solves考查動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài)。 indoor farming 是單數(shù),本文時(shí)態(tài)是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),故這里用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。6up 考查介詞。 tak

19、e up 為固定短語,意為“占據(jù) ( 時(shí)間或地方 ) ”。7 grown 考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。 fruits and vegetables 和 grow 之間是被動(dòng)關(guān)系,故這 里用過去分詞形式。8Though/Although考查連詞。 本句話的前后是轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系, 故用連詞 though/although連接。 to heat考查非謂語動(dòng)詞。動(dòng)詞不定式作目的狀語。their 考查代詞。后面的 needs是名詞,前面應(yīng)該用形容詞性物主代詞。 川.短文改錯(cuò)The new semester is e and I want to make a pla n for it. Firstly, I work as

20、 hardas before.This holiday, I do some previews and found that the courses are not verydifficult. Secon dly, I will spe nd more time read. Readi ng is really good for us,so we can leann a lot from book and broade n our horiz ons. Fin ally, I will exerciseactively and regular.No matter how busy I am,

21、 I will be set some time aside to keepfit. Before doing exercise I feel so fresh and relaxed that I can put your wholeheart into doing thin gs.答案:The new semester is e and I want to make a plan for it. Firstly, I血 workas hard as before.This holiday, I dsome previews and found that the courses areco

22、mi ng1/not very difficult. Secondly, I will spend more time rea readng. Reading is really goodfor us, s o we can learn a lot from boobecausebs and broade n our horiz ons. Fin ally, Iwill exercise actively and regular . No matter how busy I am, I will be setsome time aside to keep fit. Befor Aer doin

23、g exercise I feel so fresh and relaxedthat I can put yourmy whole heart into doing thin gs.IV.書面表達(dá)假設(shè)你是高二學(xué)生李華,高二年級(jí)將于6月15日上午舉辦英語演講比賽,希望請(qǐng)外籍教師懷特先生來做評(píng)委。請(qǐng)根據(jù)以下內(nèi)容給他寫一封邀請(qǐng)信:介紹演講比賽概況;邀請(qǐng)懷特先生的理由;希望懷特先生能夠到場(chǎng)。注意:1.詞數(shù)100左右;2.可適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫?!痉段馁p讀】Dear Mr. White ,Howare you? Will you be free on Wednesday morning, June

24、 15? WeSenior 2 students are going to have a speech con test and we are won deri ng if you can e as a judge.The speech con test, the subject of which is Play and Study, will be held inClassroom 508 in the Teachi ng Buildi ng, from 9: 00 to 11: 30 on June 15. Apart from the stude nts tak ing part in

25、the con test, the headmaster, head teachers, En glish teachers and all the Senior 2 stude nts will be there, too.Weall learn that you, as a kind and warm-hearted foreign teacher in our school, are ready to help us learn English at every moment and every situation. Thank you for what you have done fo

26、r us! Wewill be very glad if you can also e to this speech con test!Look ing forward to your reply.Yours sincerely ,Li Hua2019-2020年高考英語大一輪復(fù)習(xí)Unit5NelsonMandela講義新人教版必修重點(diǎn)單詞quality n.質(zhì)量;品質(zhì);性質(zhì)mean adj.吝嗇的;自私的;卑鄙的found vt.建立;建設(shè) principlen.法則;原則;原理fee n.費(fèi)(會(huì)費(fèi)、學(xué)費(fèi)等);酬金hopeful adj .懷有希望的;有希望的youth n.青年;青年時(shí)期s

27、tage n.舞臺(tái);階段;時(shí)期attack vt.進(jìn)攻;攻擊;抨擊10 . escape vi .逃脫:逃走:泄露11. beg vi.請(qǐng)求;乞求12. activeadj.積極的;活躍的t activelyadv.積極地;活躍地t activityn.活動(dòng)13. gen erous adj.慷慨的;大方的t gen erosityn.慷慨;大方14. self r.自我;自身t selfish adj .自私的t selfless adj .無私的;忘我的15. devotevt.獻(xiàn)身;專心于t devoted adj .忠實(shí)的;深愛的t devotionn .獻(xiàn)身;奉獻(xiàn);熱愛;忠誠(chéng)16.

28、peaceful adj.和平的;平靜的;安寧的t peacefullyadv.和平地;平靜地tpeace n.和平;平靜;和睦17. guidanee n.指導(dǎo);領(lǐng)導(dǎo)t guide vt.指導(dǎo);引導(dǎo);管理;操縱n.向?qū)?;指?dǎo)原則;入門書;手冊(cè)18. legaladj.法律的;依照法律的t illegaladj .違法的;非法的19. violenee n.暴力;暴行t violent adj.暴力的;猛烈的t violentlyadv.猛烈地;強(qiáng)烈地20. equaladj.相等的;平等的t equality n .平等;相等t equallyadv.相等地;同樣地;公平地21. willi

29、ngadj.樂意的;自愿的t unwilling(反義詞)adj.不情愿的;不樂意的22. educatevt.教育;訓(xùn)練t educated adj .受過教育的;有教養(yǎng)的t educationn.教育t educatorn .教育工作者;教育家23. terrorn .恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖時(shí)期:恐怖活動(dòng)tterrorism n .恐怖主義t terroristn .恐怖分子t terrifyvt.使恐懼;使驚嚇t terrifiedadj.恐懼的;害怕的24. crueltyn .殘忍;殘酷t(yī) cruel adj .殘酷的t cruellyadv.殘酷地25. rewardn .報(bào)酬;獎(jiǎng)金

30、 vt.酬勞;獎(jiǎng)賞t rewarding adj .值得的;有益的;有回報(bào)的1. out of work 失業(yè)2. as a matter of fact事實(shí)上重3. blow up使充氣;爆炸點(diǎn)短4. in trouble在危險(xiǎn)、受罰、痛古、憂慮等的處境中語5. turn to.求助于;致力于6 . lose heart喪失勇氣或信心7 . e to power 當(dāng)權(quán):上臺(tái)8.set up 設(shè)立:建立9.be_sentenced_to被判處(徒刑)10.put_sb_in_prison把某人投入監(jiān)獄11.be_willi ng_to_do_sth愿意做某事12.vote_for/agains

31、t投票贊成/反對(duì)1 .see的用法和stage作先行詞的定語從句The last thirty years have seenthe , until today we have reached astage where (教材 P34)重2.“l(fā)ess +形容詞/副詞”構(gòu)成否定比較級(jí),意為“不如,不比”點(diǎn)句awe were put into a position in which we had either to acceptwe were型less important,or fight the government.” (教材 P34)3.reason(s)后的定語從句The9 reason

32、 why I got a job was because of my hard work.(教材P37)語定語從句 (n ) : (where, when, why,介詞+ which/whom 引導(dǎo))汪W 法The time whe nl first met Nels on Man dela was a very difficult period占八、of my life.(教材 P34)Iquality n.質(zhì)量;品質(zhì);品德;優(yōu)質(zhì) adj.優(yōu)質(zhì)的;高級(jí)的What qualities does a great pers on have?(偉人具有什么樣的品質(zhì)?教材P33)of good/hi

33、gh/top quality質(zhì)量好的Of bad/low/poor quality 質(zhì)量差的product qualityquality of life產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量生活質(zhì)量We aim to provide products of high quality at reason able prices.我們致力于以合理的價(jià)格提供高質(zhì)量的產(chǎn)品。This pany is more concerned with quality than with quantity.這家公司對(duì)質(zhì)量的重視高于產(chǎn)量。My sister has many good qualities (quality) despite her

34、rude ness.我姐姐雖然粗魯,但還有許多優(yōu)秀品質(zhì)。We offer our customers aquality product at a reas on able price.我們?yōu)轭櫩吞峁┑漠a(chǎn)品物美價(jià)廉?!咎崾尽縬uality 作“質(zhì)量;優(yōu)質(zhì)”講時(shí),是不可數(shù)名詞;作“品德;性質(zhì),特性”講時(shí),是可數(shù)名詞。2devote vt.獻(xiàn)身;致力于;專心于A great pers on is some one who devotes his/her life to helpi ng others.(r r-r- llb-P33)偉人就是將他/她的一生致力于幫助別人的人。-to把用于devote宅

35、on eself to(do ing j sth 致力于/獻(xiàn)身于(做某事devoted adj .忠實(shí)的;摯愛的(2)be devoted to (to 為介詞 專心于; 奉獻(xiàn)于(3)devotionn. U奉獻(xiàn);關(guān)愛;專心;忠誠(chéng)You will n ever gain success uni ess you are fully devoted教材to your work.He could only devote two hours a dayto working ( work) on the project, buthis devotion ( devote) to duty is wort

36、h respecting.他一天只能在這個(gè)項(xiàng)目上花兩個(gè)小時(shí),但他忠于職守是值得尊敬的。3attack vt.攻擊;進(jìn)攻;抨擊;(疾病、蟲、化學(xué)物等)侵襲n.攻擊;抨擊;(疾病的)突然發(fā)作We chose to attack the laws.(我們選擇向法律進(jìn)攻。教材P34)(1)attack = make/launchan attack on/against攻擊;抨擊(2)be/e under attack 遭到攻擊He suffered from a heart attack.他心臟病發(fā)作了。The police are launching a major attack警方正在對(duì)毒品販子發(fā)

37、動(dòng)大規(guī)模的攻擊。The more he speaks out, the more he eson/aga inst drug dealer.under attack.他說的越多,受到的攻擊越多。4equal adj .相等的;平等的;勝任的vt.等于,和相等;抵得上n.同等的人;相等物I knew it would help us achieve our dream of mak ing black and white peopleequal.(教材 Pm)我知道這將幫助我們實(shí)現(xiàn)讓黑人和白人平等的夢(mèng)想。除非你全身心地投入工作中,否則你永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)獲得成功。be equal to sth/doi n

38、g sth等于 / 勝任做某事A equals B in A 在方面比得上 Bbe without equal/have no equal無與倫比; 無敵equality equallyn.U相等;平等adv.相等地;平等地;同樣地Wemust bear in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting (waste) your life. 我們必須牢記,浪費(fèi)時(shí)間相當(dāng)于浪費(fèi)你的生命。She is a professi onal desig ner, so sheis equal to the task.她是專業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)師,所以她能勝任這項(xiàng)工作。He is

39、really smart. No one equals himin in tellige nee.他真的很聰明。他的智力水平無人能及。He has made outsta nding aehieveme nts which are well-k nown in Chi na and have also bee n reeog ni zed by the intern ati onal society. He is without equal in this regard.他已取得了令人矚目的成就,這些成就不僅為中國(guó)社會(huì)所熟知,也為國(guó)際社會(huì)所承認(rèn),在當(dāng)下則更可謂是無出其右。Men and wom

40、e n must be treatedequally ( equal) in edueati on and employme nt.在教育和就業(yè)方面男女必須得到平等的對(duì)待。5eseape v. & n.逃脫;逃生;泄露;避開;被忘記;未被注意It was a prison from whieh no one eseaped.(教材 P38)那是一座任何人都逃不出來的監(jiān)獄。孑-sth/doing sth避開/避免某事/做某事from從逃脫/逃避escape death死里逃生on es atte ntio n/n otice逃過某人的注意(2)a narrow escape 九死一生Whoeve

41、r breaks the law wont escapepunishment/being punished (punish).不管是誰違反了法律都將不會(huì)逃脫懲罰。The residents were trying to escape from the fire but were overe by the smoke.居民試圖逃離火場(chǎng),卻被濃煙熏倒了。It might haveescaped your no tice, but rm very busy at the mome nt.也許你沒注意到,可我此刻非常忙?!臼煸~生義】寫出加黑單詞在語境中的含義。Bob looked back only

42、to find an old classmate whose name escaped him for themome nt.被遺忘6reward n.報(bào)酬;懸賞;獎(jiǎng)金vt.報(bào)答;賞給;酬勞They said that the job and the pay from the new South Africa n gover nment weremy reward after working all my life for equal rights for the Blacks.(教材 P38)他們說來自新南非政府提供的那份工作和薪水是對(duì)我一生為黑人的平等權(quán)利而奮斗的回報(bào)。-as a rewa

43、rd for作為 對(duì)的 報(bào)酬/獎(jiǎng)賞give/offer a reward to sb for sth為某事而給某人報(bào)酬(1)in reward for 為酬謝;作為對(duì)的獎(jiǎng)勵(lì).in reward = in return 作為回報(bào) / 報(bào)答(2)reward sb with for sth為某事而以報(bào)答某人 He gave a rewardrewarding adj.有益的;值得的of $500 for his lost child.他懸賞500美元尋找丟失的孩子。He received a medal in reward for his bravery.他因表現(xiàn)勇敢而獲得了一枚獎(jiǎng)?wù)?。Ackerm

44、an was_rewarded ( reward) the gold medal for being the fastest runner.阿克曼跑得最快,因而獲得了金牌。When asked for his views about his teaching job, Phil ip said he found it veryinteresting andrewarding ( reward).當(dāng)被問到他對(duì)教書工作的看法時(shí),菲利普說他覺得非常有趣和有意義?!颈容^網(wǎng)站】名詞動(dòng)詞rew ard報(bào)答;酬勞;獎(jiǎng)賞獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)。不可跟雙賓語,只可用 reward sb with ; rewardsb for (

45、doing)sth因而報(bào)答/獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)某人awa rd獎(jiǎng)品;獎(jiǎng)金授予,頒發(fā)。 award sb sth = award sth to sb After beingawarded the first prize, he expressed that he would con ti nue toreward the people and the society with his hard work.在被授予一等獎(jiǎng)之后,他表示會(huì)繼續(xù)以他的努力來回報(bào)人們和社會(huì)。1out of work 失業(yè)Sadly I did not have one because I was not born there, and

46、I worried about whetherI would bee out of work.( 教材 P34)糟糕的是我沒有這個(gè)證件,因?yàn)槲也皇窃谀抢锍錾?,我很?dān)心我是不是會(huì)失業(yè)。out of breath氣喘吁吁out of control失去控制out of dan ger脫離危險(xiǎn)out of date/fashi on過時(shí)out of mi nd心不在焉out of order混亂,無秩序;運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)不正常,出毛病out of questi on毫無疑問,無疑out of the questi on不可能out of reach 夠不著She was very ill, but is no

47、w out of dan ger.她病重,但現(xiàn)已脫險(xiǎn)。Sorry, you cant use the telepho ne. It isout of order.對(duì)不起,電話出毛病了,你不能使用。It is totallyout of the questi on to postp one the deadli ne.想要推遲最后期限是完全不可能的。2turn to求助于;致力于;開始從事;翻到(書的某頁);查閱;轉(zhuǎn)向Why did Nels on Man dela turn to viole nee to makeblack and white people equal ?(教材P35)為什么

48、納爾遜曼德拉使用暴力以使黑人和白人平等呢?【一詞多義】 寫出下列句中turn to的含義。Our talkturned to football. 轉(zhuǎn)向People usuallyturn to the police for help whe n they are in trouble.求助于He turned to the study of Shakespeare. 致力于Turn to the n ext page. 翻到After he left universityhe became a teacher, but later turned to journalism.開始從事You sh

49、ould nt always turn to the dictio narywhe n you meet new words in readi ng.查閱turn around 轉(zhuǎn)身;旋轉(zhuǎn);回轉(zhuǎn);好轉(zhuǎn)turn away 拒絕;不準(zhǔn)(某人)入內(nèi)turn down 調(diào)小(音量等);拒絕turn in 上交,交出turn into 把變成turn off 關(guān)閉(開關(guān)等)turn over 翻轉(zhuǎn);翻身;移交turn out證明是;結(jié)果是;關(guān)掉;變成turn up 調(diào)高;出現(xiàn)Tom had to turn down the invitation to the party last weekend bec

50、ause he wastoo busy.上個(gè)周末,湯姆不得不拒絕參加聚會(huì)的邀請(qǐng),因?yàn)樗α恕hough it looked like rain this mornin g, it has turnedout to be a fine day.盡管今早看起來要下雨,但結(jié)果卻是一個(gè)好天。3lose heart喪失勇氣或信心;灰心;泄氣The scie ntist from whom we heard the good n ews n ever lost heart whe n he was introuble.(教材 P37)我們從其口中獲得好消息的科學(xué)家遇到困難時(shí)從不灰心。lear n st

51、h by heart 背誦;牢記put on es heart into sth用全部精力去做某事lose ones heart to sb傾心于/愛上某人strike intoones heart 使亥U骨銘心heart and soul全心全意地from the bottom of on es heart從某人的心底As an old saying goes, “ Nothing is too hard if you put your heart into it.正如有句老話說的:“心之所愿,無所不成?!盨he l ost her heartto a handsome policeman.

52、她傾心于一位英俊的警察。So I should serve my countryheart and soul.因此,我應(yīng)該全心全意服務(wù)我的國(guó)家。1see的用法和stage作先行詞的定語從句The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress , until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.(教材 P34)過去30年來所出現(xiàn)的大量法律剝奪我們的權(quán)利,阻擋我們的進(jìn)步

53、,一直到今天,我們 仍處在幾乎什么權(quán)利都沒有的階段?!揪涫近c(diǎn)撥1】see, find, witness等詞可用物作主語,以增添語言色彩,即擬人手法。see可譯為(在 某段時(shí)期)發(fā)生(某情況);經(jīng)歷;經(jīng)受”。They came to the corner whichhad_seen ( see) many accidents.他們來到了那個(gè)發(fā)生過許多次事故的拐角處。Nati onal Daysaw people singing and dancing happily in the street.國(guó)慶節(jié)里人們?cè)诖蠼稚细吲d地唱啊跳??!The last thirty years have_witnes

54、sed(witness)a large number of lawsguara ntee ing us our rights.過去的三十年里制定了大量保障我們權(quán)利的法律?!揪涫近c(diǎn)撥2】當(dāng)先行詞是stage, situation, case, position等詞且從句缺少狀語時(shí),定語從句常用 where 或in/on which來弓丨導(dǎo)。You could get into a situationwhere ( = in which) you have to decideimmediately.你可能遇上一種情況,即當(dāng)下你不得不立刻作出決定。Were getting to the condit

55、ion where/ in which we can hardly go out together.我們已經(jīng)快到幾乎難以一起外出的地步了。2reason (s)后的定語從句The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.(教材 P37)我得到工作是因?yàn)槲夜ぷ髋Α!揪涫近c(diǎn)撥】reason后接定語從句時(shí),如果引導(dǎo)詞在定語從句中作賓語,定語從句應(yīng)由關(guān)系代詞 that/which弓I導(dǎo)(可省略);若作狀語,應(yīng)由why引導(dǎo)。Do you know the reasonwhy he was abse nt this morning?你知道他今

56、天上午缺席的原因嗎?(作狀語)He was abse nt today. The reas onthat/which he gave was that his father wasin hospital.他今天缺席了。他給出的原因是他父親住院了。(作賓語)知識(shí)要點(diǎn)觀FFII .品句填詞(用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式或根據(jù)語境寫一個(gè)合適的詞)I promise it will be an extremelyrewarding ( reward) experie nee.rm willing ( will) to admit that I have hurt her, but thats not my re

57、almea ning.Horace is so devoted ( devote) to his garde n that he has nt bee n away for 10 years. His sister ran away from home and went abroad because of familyviolenee (viole nt)The mine owner was sentenced to ten years in prison because he employed ehildren as miners illegally. The boy narrowly (

58、narrow) escaped being knocked down when he ran across the road in front of the bus.She spent a peaceful (peace) afternoon by the river with her two classmates.Though he escaped from the big fire, his skin was severely burned.Nowadays, womens contributions, skills and experienee are equalto mensand m

59、ust be rewarded accord in gly.The new policy provides an opport unity for young people to improve theirperformanee under theguidance ( guide) of professional coaches.n .單句改錯(cuò)(含本單元的詞匯和語法)Only when we realize the importanee of helping each other can we A devotedbeto building a harmonious society.Seeing

60、 that the enemy was much stronger than themselves, the soldiers lost their heart at once.Lei Feng is a moral model in China. His selfless is revealed in everythingselfless nesshe does.Nels on Man dela was 75 whe n he became a preside nt of South Africa.Only with the greatest of luck did she man age


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