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1、A. releva ntB. skilled2019-2020年高考英語(yǔ)大一輪復(fù)習(xí)Unit4Sharing課時(shí)作業(yè)新人教版選修單項(xiàng)填空 Markhave hurried.Afterdriving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.A. need n tB. would ntC. mustn tD. couldn t解析考查情態(tài)動(dòng)詞。句意:馬克本沒(méi)有必要那么急,全速開(kāi)車(chē)后他提前了半個(gè)小時(shí)到達(dá)。根據(jù)句意和前后的照應(yīng)可知應(yīng)選A項(xiàng)。A項(xiàng)表示“本沒(méi)有必要”;B項(xiàng)意為“不會(huì)”;C項(xiàng)表示“不允許”;D項(xiàng)表示“不可能”。顯然, B C、D三項(xiàng)與后文論述不符

2、。答案A If most bread-winnersa day s pay to the Hope Project , then it will be hopeful.A. giftB. don ateC. presentD. give解析句意:如果大多數(shù)掙工資的人把一天的所得捐獻(xiàn)給希望工程的話,那希望工程就有希望了。don ate “捐獻(xiàn)”;prese nt “(作為禮物)贈(zèng)送”;give “給予”;gift為名 詞“禮物”。答案BTheytwo free tickets to Canada, otherwise they d never have been able toafford to

3、 go.A. had gotB. gotC. have gotD. get解析 句意:他們得到兩張免費(fèi)去加拿大的機(jī)票,不然他們沒(méi)錢(qián)去那兒。otherwise 是虛擬語(yǔ)氣的暗示,從“they d never have been able to.”可知,該句是對(duì)已發(fā)生的事件的虛擬假設(shè),而前半句是對(duì)過(guò)去事實(shí)的陳述,故B項(xiàng)正確。答案B Ronny s steps , and there was a moment of absolute silenee.A. died backB. died awayC. died offD. died out解析考查短語(yǔ)的意思。die away意思為“(風(fēng)、聲音)漸息

4、,漸弱”;die off意為“相 繼死亡,種群突然急劇的衰減”;die out意為“完全的滅亡, 滅絕”,女口: Tribes and tribal customs died out ee nturies ago.部落和部落文化在幾個(gè)世紀(jì)前就消亡了。答案BThe criminal , as well as somepeople , was arrested by the police yesterday.C releasedD lucky解析 relevant 相關(guān)的。句意:那個(gè)罪犯,連同一些相關(guān)的人昨天被警方逮捕了。 答案 A6 The doctor said that the patien

5、t hadat once.Ato operateBto be operatedC operatedD to be operated on解析 operate作“動(dòng)手術(shù)”講時(shí),是不及物動(dòng)詞,所以表示“給某人動(dòng)手術(shù)”用短語(yǔ)operate on sb. 答案 D,用被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)時(shí)介詞 on 應(yīng)該保留。7 The secretary should have all thedocuments ready before the meeting begins.A concerningB respectingC relevantD regarding解析 relevant “有關(guān)的”。句意:秘書(shū)應(yīng)該在會(huì)議開(kāi)始之前

6、把所有相關(guān)文件準(zhǔn)備好。 答案 C8 Whenwill the result of the exam be announced ? The students areto know it.A agreeingBdyingC decidingDdesiring解析 be dying to do sth.極想做某事。desire 意為“渴望;渴求”后可接動(dòng)詞不定式,但不用于進(jìn)行時(shí)。答案 B9 What skills are needed to_this machine?A manageBoperateC operate onDmanage with解析 operate a machine操作機(jī)器。答案

7、 B10 Something is wrong with his camera.It cant beto take photos in cloudyconditions.AadaptedBadjustedCadoptedDremedied解析 adapt 使適應(yīng); adjust 調(diào)節(jié),調(diào)整,在此表示調(diào)節(jié)照相機(jī)的速度、距離或光圈等; adopt 采取、采用; remedy 糾正。答案 B11 Ladies andgentlemen , I have the greatprivilegeintroducing our speakerfor tonight.AinB ofC aboutD on解析

8、have the privilege of doing 很榮幸地做某事。句意:女士們、先生們,我很 榮幸地向大家介紹今晚的發(fā)言人。答案 B12 My family were moving to thecountryside and I had to make someand learnto lead a different life there.A allowanceB acmodationC adjustmentD assessment解析 考查名詞詞義辨析。 adjustment 表示“調(diào)整以適應(yīng)”。 A 項(xiàng) allowance “津貼, 限額”;B項(xiàng)acmodation 住所;工作場(chǎng)所”

9、; D項(xiàng)assessment “評(píng)價(jià);估計(jì)”。 答案 C13 Everyone in the class is expected to these discussions.AparticipateB participate inCtake partD join解析 考查動(dòng)詞 (詞組 ) 辨析。 participate 為不及物動(dòng)詞, 若跟賓語(yǔ), 則需要加介詞 in 。此處 participate in = take part in = join in 。答案 B14 All of them thought it necessary that hethe meeting.AattendB joi

10、nCparticipate inDtake part in解析 attend a meeting “參加 ( 出席) 會(huì)議”。答案 A15“ It s not only you but also Lucy who ,” said Mr.Black after knowingwhat had happened.Aare to blamedB is to blamedCare to blameD is to blame解析 “not only.butalso ”連接兩個(gè)并列的主語(yǔ)時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞的形式要遵循“就近原則”,也就是說(shuō)由Lucy”決定;be to blame 應(yīng)(為)承擔(dān)責(zé)任”,故選 D項(xiàng)。

11、答案 Dn 閱讀理解AFor manypeople , volunteeringis a way of life.Holidays are the time of the yearthat more people are in a giving mood.Homeless shelters, children s hospitals ,解析細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文中Volunteeringin Nursing Homes部分的描述可知 D項(xiàng)正s time.and nursing homes are excellent places to give of oneVolunteering in Home

12、less SheltersThere is a homeless directory online that anyone can easily access to find theclosest homeless shelter to their home.According to the homeless shelter directory , currently there are 3,233 shelters in the US, so it is not difficult to find a, preparing meals , andshelter.Helping to serv

13、e food , picking up donations of foodcleaning up are things that one can do to help at a homeless shelter.Volunteering in Children s HospitalsEvery child needs fortand joy ,especially during the holiday seasons.By visitingsick children in hospitalsan individual provides helping hands by supplementin

14、gthe services usuallydonebythe hospital staff.Personalizingthe hospitalexperience adds tothefortand happiness of the children and theirfamilies.Volunteers provide help, and positive interactions (相互交流 ) whichenhance the patient s qualityof care.Help is needed almosteverywhere in ahelping with thehos

15、pital rooms.hospital ;from the lobby , parking lot ,cafeteria , to admitting ,gift cart , and even reading to children in the waiting rooms or theirVolunteering in Nursing HomesAccording to the National Center for Health Statistics,“ Over 50% of thoseliving in nursing homesdo not have close relative

16、s and 46%have no living children. ” Life in a nursing home is lonely , confusing , and frightening for many residents.Volunteering at a nursing home is a great opportunity to make a difference in someone else s life.Playing cards, sitting with and talking to a resident,taking a walk ,or sharing a me

17、al makes a huge difference , especially when they have no other sole on earth to visit them.The three examples above are only a small fraction of institutions in which volunteers are needed.Giving of oneself , especially during the holidays blesses and cheers others.【語(yǔ)篇解讀】 本文介紹了人們?cè)诩倨谥锌梢赃x擇去做志愿活動(dòng)的三個(gè)地方

18、。 1 According to the passage, what can a volunteer do in nursing homes?A Visiting the sick children.B Picking up the donated food.C Helping with the gift cart.D Playing cards with a lonely old man.確。 A、 C 項(xiàng)是在 children s hospitals 可以做的事, B 項(xiàng)是在 homeless shelters 可以做的事。答案 D2 What can we learn about the

19、 volunteering?A You can only volunteer during the holidays.B You can help prepare meals in a nursing home.C It is easy to find a homeless shelter to volunteer.D Help is needed everywhere in a homeless shelter.解析 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文中的“ There is a homeless directory online that anyone can easily access to find

20、the closest homeless shelter to their home. ”可知, 人們很容易找到一個(gè)能在里面做志愿活動(dòng)的流浪者之家。其他三項(xiàng)都是與文章內(nèi)容不 符。答案 C3 In a children s hospital , which of the following is true?A Over 50% of those living there do not have relatives.B A personal visit brings happiness to a sick boy.C Children live a lonely and frightening l

21、ife.D Children love listening to volunteers reading.解析 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文中 Volunteering in Children s Hospitals 部分的描述可 知B項(xiàng)正確,A C兩項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤,D項(xiàng)文中未提及。答案 B4 The best title for the passage would be.A Giving of oneself cheers othersB Volunteering is a way of lifeC Volunteering during the holidaysD Giving is better than

22、taking解析 主旨大意題。 全文主要介紹了假期中人們可以選擇去做志愿活動(dòng)的三個(gè)地方。故C項(xiàng)作為本文的標(biāo)題最佳。答案 CBWisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear.This usually happens whenpeople are in their late teen years or early twenties , in other words , when they are older and wiser.Wisdom teeth can grow into place normally and never cause a

23、 problem.But oftenthere is not enough room for them in the mouth;they might crowd other teeth.Sometimes they even push sideways through the gums (齒齦 ) An impacted wisdom tooth is one that fails to pletely rise through the gums.Wisdom teeth that only partly break through can leave space for bacteria

24、to enter around the teeth.Infection (感染 ) is a risk in these cases.Wisdom teeth that are not well lined and bee impacted are often removed.TheAmerican Dental Association says removal is generally advised when wisdom teeth only partly break through the gums.Removal is also advised if there is a chanc

25、e that wisdom teeth ate poorly lined.The best time to remove is before the teeth cause any problems or pain.Young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal.But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed?One theory has to do with our diets.Scientists say the diet o

26、f ancient humans probably required more chewing teeth.Life was probably a little rougher on the teeth back then , too.So it was good to have extras.【語(yǔ)篇解讀】 本文是一篇說(shuō)明文。文章介紹了智慧之牙智齒。5 According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A Just older and wiser people can have wisdom teet

27、h.B Wisdom teeth can cause problems if not in their right place.C Impacted wisdom teeth can t grow out of the gum fully.D Wisdom teeth that only partly break can get bacterial infections.解析 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。 根據(jù)文章第一段可知, 所謂的智齒是指在青少年晚期或二十歲出頭 長(zhǎng)出的牙齒,而不是只有老人或智者才有的牙齒。答案 A6 Wisdom teeth should be removed.A when they b

28、reak through the gumsB when they are below the gumsC if they are not well lined or get impactedD if they take up enough room in the mouth解析 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)文章第四段第一句“ Wisdom teeth that are not well linedand bee impacted are often removed.”可知, C 項(xiàng)正確。答案 C7 We can learn from the passage that.A impacted wisdom t

29、eeth have the risk of getting infectedB ancient humans need chewing teeth because of their happy lifeC. older adults are the best can didates for wisdom teeth removalD. more chewing teeth are needed for the diet of modern humans解析 推理判斷題。根據(jù)文章第三段可知,阻生智齒(即impacted wisdom teeth) 會(huì)在牙齒周?chē)o細(xì)菌留出進(jìn)入的空間,這就有被感染的

30、風(fēng)除。故選A。根據(jù)第四段最后一句可排除C項(xiàng);根據(jù)最后一段可排除B D兩項(xiàng)。答案 A8. The main purpose of the passage is to.A. adviseB. persuadeC. mentD. introduce解析 寫(xiě)作意圖題。本文是一篇說(shuō)明文。 文章主要介紹了長(zhǎng)智齒的大約時(shí)間、智齒可能導(dǎo)致的問(wèn)題、拔掉智齒的時(shí)間、為什么長(zhǎng)智齒等內(nèi)容。所以本文寫(xiě)作的主要目的就是介 紹。答案 D2019-2020年高考英語(yǔ)大一輪復(fù)習(xí)Unit4Sharing課時(shí)規(guī)范訓(xùn)練新人教版選修完形填空(xx 安徽合肥模擬 )Goal setting seems to be a hot topic

31、, yet its easy to knowabout but difficult to practice.People set goals, work hard at them for even a few mon ths, and the n _1_ them. Next year, they set the _2_ goals. But why do so many people do it? They may be making goals too _3_.But that isnt to say that they arent _4 goals. They need to be br

32、oke n apart into smaller and _5_ pieces. Make spo on-size goal s and youll acplish them _6_.Many people are probably un willi ng to _7_ you to reach your goals. Theyre_8_ with you when you have your own goals.They may even be enthusiastic about your _9_ to change something or acplish something new._

33、10_ , as you change and acplish, they may not like it. Why? Its usually because your changes and acplishments _11_ them that they could be doing it, too ._12_ they arent!You may have filled your _13 with so many things that theres little_14for your goals to grow. We must be careful not to con fuse b

34、us yn ess with _15_, as goals are always achieved step by step. Be _16_ about how you use your timeand what you focus on. Success often es when you know what to _17_, rather thanwhat to in clude in your life.Goal setting is like the pig and chicken walking out early one morning. Thechicken became re

35、ally _18_ when she saw a sign:“ Ham & Eggs, $2.99 ” . She saidto the pig,“ Look, weve got double billingagain. ” The pig said,“Thats 9_for you to say! For you, its all in a days work. For me, its total mitment. ” Goal setting is all in a days work. Goal _20_ is total mitment.【語(yǔ)篇導(dǎo)讀】設(shè)定目標(biāo)是當(dāng)今一個(gè)熱門(mén)的話題,但是說(shuō)

36、起來(lái)容易做起來(lái)難。我們?cè)撛鯓尤ピO(shè)定目標(biāo),又該怎樣去實(shí)現(xiàn)這些目標(biāo)呢? A.withdrawB. forgetC. changeD. store解析:選B。下文提到,第二年他們?cè)俅卧O(shè)定同樣的目標(biāo),由此可知,幾個(gè)月之后就忘記(forget)了自己設(shè)定的目標(biāo)。withdraw 意為(部隊(duì))撤退”;change意為改變”;store意為“儲(chǔ)存”。故選 B項(xiàng)。A.oppositeB. monC. sameD. valid解析:選C。下文中提到,目標(biāo)應(yīng)該設(shè)定得小而具體才容易實(shí)現(xiàn)。由此可以推斷,那些常常半途而廢的目標(biāo)都是一樣的。opposite 意為相反的”;mon意為常見(jiàn)的”;same意為“相同的”;val

37、id意為“合理的;有效的”。故選 C項(xiàng)。 A.globalB. preciseC. vagueD. realistic解析: 選 A。根據(jù) _5_前的 They need to be broken apart intosmaller .pieces ,可知,他們?cè)谕瓿赡繕?biāo)時(shí)半途而廢是因?yàn)槟繕?biāo)太籠統(tǒng)。global意為“全面的,籠統(tǒng)的”;precise意為“精確的”;vague意為“模糊的”;realistic意為“現(xiàn)實(shí)的”。故選 A項(xiàng)。 A.simpleB. achievableC. reliableD. clear解析:選 B 根據(jù) _6_前的 Make spoon-size goals an

38、d youll acplish .可知,如果目標(biāo)小而具體就比較容易實(shí)現(xiàn)。由此可知,此處指這些目標(biāo)也不是不可實(shí)現(xiàn)的。simple意為“簡(jiǎn)單的”;achievable 意為“可實(shí)現(xiàn)的”;reliable 意為“可靠的”;clear意為 “清晰的”。故選 B項(xiàng)。 A.equalB. unusualC. regularD. specific解析:選D。句意:這些目標(biāo)需要分解成小而具體的部分。根據(jù)上下文可知,大而籠統(tǒng)的目標(biāo)不容易實(shí)現(xiàn),與此相反的應(yīng)該是小而具體的目標(biāo)。equal 意為“相等的”; unusual意為“不同尋常的”; regular 意為“普通的”; specific 意為“具體的”。故選

39、D 項(xiàng)。6 A.slowlyB accuratelyC easilyD instantly解析:選C。根據(jù)空前的 Make spoon-size goals可知,將目標(biāo)設(shè)定得小而具體就容易實(shí)現(xiàn)。 slowly 意為“慢慢地”; accurately 意為“精確地”; easily 意為“容易地”; in sta ntly意為立刻”。故選 C項(xiàng)。7A.supportB leadCforceD follow解析:選A。根據(jù)本段后面的內(nèi)容可知,當(dāng)你實(shí)現(xiàn)了目標(biāo)的時(shí)候,他們會(huì)不高興,因?yàn)?你的成功提醒了他們,他們本來(lái)也可以做到的。由此可知,許多人可能不愿支持(support)你去實(shí)現(xiàn)你的目標(biāo)。故選 A

40、項(xiàng)。 lead 意為“帶領(lǐng)”; force 意為“強(qiáng)迫;迫使”; follow 意為“跟隨;跟著”。8 AfortableB familiarCcarefulD patient解析:選 A。根據(jù)下文的 They may even be enthusiastic about your .可知,他們甚至于對(duì)你想改變或完成一些新的事情的欲望充滿熱情。 因此此處指“當(dāng)你有自己的目標(biāo)的 時(shí)候,他們和你在一起會(huì)感到自在”。 fortable 意為“舒適的”; familiar 意為“熟悉的”; careful 意為“細(xì)心的”; patient 意為“耐心的”。此處應(yīng)該是一種情緒,跟 patient 無(wú) 關(guān)

41、。故選A項(xiàng)。9A.meansBdesireCskillD energy解析:選B根據(jù)上下文可知,此處指的是他們只對(duì)你的欲望感興趣。means意為方法”; desire 意為“欲望”; skill 意為“技巧”; energy 意為“精力”。故選 B 項(xiàng)。10A.ThereforeBBesidesC OtherwiseD However解析: 選 D。下文的 they may not like it 與上文的 They may even be enthusiastic about your .之間為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,故應(yīng)用However表轉(zhuǎn)折。句意:但是,當(dāng)你作出了改變并完成了目標(biāo),他們可能就會(huì)不喜歡。

42、故選D項(xiàng)。therefore 意為因此”;besides意為除此之外;而且”; otherwise 意為“否則”。11A.informBconvinceC remindD warn解析:選C。下文的that they could be doing it,too說(shuō)明是你的改變和成功對(duì)他們的“提醒”。 inform 意為“通知”; convince 意為“說(shuō)服”; remind 意為“提醒”; warn解析:選 G 根據(jù)雞對(duì)豬說(shuō)的話Look,weve got double billing again.我們身價(jià)意為“警告”。故選C項(xiàng)。句意:這通常是因?yàn)槟愕母淖兒统晒κ顾麄円庾R(shí)到他們也可以做到的,但是

43、他們沒(méi)有!12A.andBbutCorDfor解析:選B。句意見(jiàn)上一題解析。空后的 they arent 與空前的 they could be doing it ,too 之間為轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系。故選 B 項(xiàng)。13A.notebookBfileCscheduleDcase解析:選C。句意:你可能把你的日程表排得滿滿的,以至于沒(méi)有去實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo)的空間了。notebook 意為“筆記本”; file 意為“文件夾”; schedule 意為“時(shí)間表”; case 意為“箱子”。四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中只有 C項(xiàng)與目標(biāo)的設(shè)定有關(guān)。故選C項(xiàng)。14 A.doubtB hopeC dimensionD room解析:選D。句意見(jiàn)上

44、一題解析。doubt意為“懷疑”;hope意為“希望”;dimension 意為“尺寸”;room意為“空間”。根據(jù)語(yǔ)境可知選 D項(xiàng)。15A.progressB processCpracticeD promotion解析:選A。句意:我們要注意不要把忙碌與進(jìn)步混為一談,因?yàn)槟繕?biāo)是一步一步實(shí)現(xiàn) 的。 progress 意為“進(jìn)步,進(jìn)程”; process 意為“過(guò)程”; practice 意為“實(shí)踐”; promotion 意為“晉升”。只有 A項(xiàng) progress 與下文中的 achieved step by step相對(duì)應(yīng)。故選A項(xiàng)。16A.selectiveB curiousCskepti

45、calDoptimistic解析:選A。根據(jù)語(yǔ)境。時(shí)間有限,工作忙碌,要想一步一步地實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo),只能在時(shí)間 和關(guān)注點(diǎn)上有所選擇。 selective 意為“有選擇的”; curious 意為“好奇的”; skeptical意為“懷疑的”; optimistic意為“樂(lè)觀的”。故選 A項(xiàng)。17A.figure outB leave outC take outD send out解析:選B。根據(jù)下文的rather than what to include可知,該空與 include 相對(duì),應(yīng)表示“舍棄”。 figure out 意為“算出”; leave out 意為“省去”; take out 意

46、為“拿 出”; send out 意為“派出”。故選 B 項(xiàng)。根據(jù)上題的答案 selective 也可知答案。18A.confusedBupsetCexcitedDworried又漲了一倍?!笨芍?,雞在看到招牌后很興奮。 confused 意為“困惑的”; upset 意為“不 安的”; excited 意為“興奮的”; worried 意為“擔(dān)心的”。故選 C 項(xiàng)。19 A.strangeB pitifulC necessaryD natural解析:選D。句意:你當(dāng)然那么說(shuō)了!對(duì)你來(lái)說(shuō),那是一天的工作,對(duì)我來(lái)說(shuō),那是全 部的投入。根據(jù)豬說(shuō)的話可知,它認(rèn)為雞那樣說(shuō)是很自然的。 strange

47、 意為“奇怪的”; pitiful 意為“可憐的”; necessary 意為“必要的”; natural 意為“自然的”。故選 D 項(xiàng)。20 A.developmentB achievementC managementD assessment解析:選B這句話與上文中豬的話相呼應(yīng),應(yīng)指目標(biāo)的完成。development意為發(fā)展”;achievement 意為完成”; management意為管理”; assessment 意為評(píng)估”。 故選 B 項(xiàng)。n.語(yǔ)法填空(xx 黑龍江哈爾濱六中模擬 )People in munities have slowly been pushed apart th

48、rough the years, mostly because people simply arent taking the time to say a simple“ hello ” . After considering this phenomenon, I decided I was going to change the way I got on 1.others.My opportunity came one morning when I was in the munity library. I passed bya girl 2. dropped her books out of

49、her locker 3.(think) thatsomeone else would help her pick them up. I continued my way. However, when I had to go back 4. I forgot my book, I noticed she had just finishedpickingthem up by herself. No one had stopped 5.(help) her.“OK”, I thought to myself ,“ this is where I should have changed. ”My b

50、est opportunity came a few days later when I saw a man sitting by himself waiting for the library to open, so I sat down next to him and 6.(begin)a conversation. It was difficult to get started, and even when I had to say goodbye, almost every 7.(respond)from my new friend had a tone (語(yǔ)氣) of doubtin

51、 it. And who could blame him?People arent used to making 8.unprepared chat with a stranger.But a change, no matter how 9.(desperate) it is needed, doesnt justhappen. It takes people like us to make it possible. I advise you to take a small step out of your fort zone and try to make someones day a li

52、ttle 10.(bright). Together, we can really make our society e closer as awhole.【語(yǔ)篇導(dǎo)讀】社區(qū)中的人們多年關(guān)系都很生疏,主要是因?yàn)槿藗儾粫?huì)花時(shí)間去打個(gè)很簡(jiǎn)單的招呼。作者從自身做起,通過(guò)和陌生人打招呼,建議大家都行動(dòng)起來(lái),使人與人之間的關(guān)系變得更近。 with get on with sb. 是固定搭配,意為與某人相處。所以填with。 who/that分析句子結(jié)構(gòu),設(shè)空處引導(dǎo)定語(yǔ)從句,從句中缺主語(yǔ)。由于先行詞是agirl ,所以填關(guān)系代詞 who/that 。 thinking設(shè)空處與謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞 passed之間沒(méi)有并

53、列連詞, 應(yīng)用非謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞形式,且和主語(yǔ)I存在主動(dòng)關(guān)系,所以填現(xiàn)在分詞thinking作伴隨狀語(yǔ)。because/as/since 句意:因?yàn)槲彝泿?shū)不得不回去的時(shí)候,我發(fā)現(xiàn)她剛剛自己撿起書(shū)。根據(jù)文意并結(jié)合前后兩句的邏輯關(guān)系,可知此處要用一個(gè)表因果關(guān)系的連詞。所以填 because/as/since 。 to help stop to do sth.是固定搭配,意為停下來(lái)做某事”。所以填 to help 。 began 空前and連接前面的謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞sat down,形式應(yīng)該相同。所以填過(guò)去式began。 response分析句式結(jié)構(gòu)可知設(shè)空處應(yīng)作主語(yǔ)且前面有every限定修飾,所以填respo

54、nd 的名詞的單數(shù)形式 response 。 an 此處chat為可數(shù)名詞,意為聊天,而且在其前面有unprepared 一詞,所 以填不定冠詞an。desperately 此處為 no matter how + adj ./ adv.,根據(jù)句意,設(shè)空處要用一個(gè)副詞來(lái)修飾謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞,所以填desperately 。 brighter根據(jù)句意以及空格前的a little可知要用比較級(jí),所以填 brighter 。川.短文改錯(cuò)My soccer coach retired in last week .I wan ted to do anything special for himat his ret

55、irement party.My mum makes the better biscuits in the world , so I decide to ask her for help.Mum taught mesome basic step of baking.linsistedon doing mostof the bak ing myselfthought the biscuits were really well.My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.At a party , my coach , with a biscuit i


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