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1、 生物工程專業(yè)外語課程教學(xué)大綱課程名稱:生物工程專業(yè)外語英文名稱: Professional English for biological engineering課程編號(hào):x4031101學(xué)時(shí)數(shù):32 其中實(shí)踐學(xué)時(shí)數(shù):0 課外學(xué)時(shí)數(shù):0學(xué)分?jǐn)?shù):2.0適用專業(yè):生物工程一、課程簡(jiǎn)介生物專業(yè)外語是面向生物科學(xué)、技術(shù)高年級(jí)本科生開設(shè)的限選課程,本課程教學(xué)內(nèi)容主要涉及普通生物、微生物學(xué)、遺傳學(xué)、分子生物學(xué)等領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)。通過本課程,向?qū)W生介紹如何撰寫科技論文、投稿等方面的知識(shí);擴(kuò)大專業(yè)英語的詞匯量,掌握專業(yè)英語書刊的閱讀技巧、了解文獻(xiàn)檢索及寫作知識(shí)。二、課程目標(biāo)與畢業(yè)要求關(guān)系表課程目標(biāo)畢業(yè)要求(

2、1)通過本課程的學(xué)習(xí),使學(xué)生接觸到英文普通生物、微生物學(xué)、遺傳學(xué)、分子生物學(xué)等領(lǐng)域的專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)知識(shí)。10-2掌握一門外語應(yīng)能用于溝通,具備跨文化交流的語言和書面表達(dá)能力,能就生物工程相關(guān)工程問題,在跨文化背景下進(jìn)行基本溝通和交流。(2)通過本課程的學(xué)習(xí),使學(xué)生學(xué)會(huì)撰寫科技論文、投稿等方面的知識(shí),提高其科研能力。12-2具有自主學(xué)習(xí)的能力,包括對(duì)技術(shù)問題的理解能力,歸納總結(jié)的能力和提出問題的能力等;積極跟蹤職業(yè)的發(fā)展需求,能夠制定并實(shí)施符合自身的職業(yè)發(fā)展規(guī)劃。三、課程教學(xué)內(nèi)容、基本要求、重點(diǎn)和難點(diǎn)(一)課程教學(xué)內(nèi)容1、Lesson one introduce(4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo)掌握專業(yè)英語的特

3、點(diǎn)及學(xué)習(xí)方法。理解專業(yè)英語的概念。了解學(xué)習(xí)專業(yè)英語的意義。掌握專業(yè)英語的常用網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源。(2)本章重點(diǎn)介紹專業(yè)英語與一般英語的區(qū)別及專業(yè)英語學(xué)習(xí)的方法,以及生物專業(yè)英語的常用網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 科技英語在語法、句子結(jié)構(gòu)、詞匯構(gòu)成、表達(dá)方式及修飾手段上的特點(diǎn)。(4)講授內(nèi)容生物專業(yè)英語的概念、專業(yè)英語的特點(diǎn)、學(xué)習(xí)專業(yè)英語的意義、專業(yè)英語的學(xué)習(xí)方法、生物專業(yè)英語的常用網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源。2、Lesson two Inside the living cell:structure and function of internal cell parts(4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo)掌握關(guān)于植物細(xì)胞各種細(xì)胞器的英文詞

4、匯、詞根,熟悉相關(guān)的一些擴(kuò)展詞匯。了解英語科技論文的組成部分以及標(biāo)題的寫作注意事項(xiàng)。(2)本章重點(diǎn) 各種細(xì)胞學(xué)的專業(yè)詞匯。英語科技論文的組成部分以及標(biāo)題的寫作注意事項(xiàng)。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 胞質(zhì)的性質(zhì),內(nèi)質(zhì)網(wǎng)、高爾基復(fù)合體以及線粒體的結(jié)構(gòu)和功能。(4)講授內(nèi)容1)單詞Actin, centriole, chemotaxis, chloroplast, chromosome, cilia, cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, dynein, flagella, lysosome, microfilament, microtubule, mitochondrion, myosin, nuc

5、leoid, nucleoli, nucleus, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, plastid, polysome, ribosome, stroma, tubulin, vacuole2)詞組 endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear envelope, golgi complex, basal body3)重點(diǎn)句型分析分析()This quantity reflects the fact that ribosomes are the sits at which ammo acids are assembled into proteins for

6、 export or for use in cell processes.()During protein synthesis the two subunits move along a strand of mRNA,”reading” the genetic sequence coded in it and translating that sequence into protein.()Both types of endoplasmic reticulum serve as compartments within the cell where specific products can b

7、e isolated and subsequently shunted to particular areas in or outside the cell.() A subset of vacuoles is the organelles known as lysosomes,which contain digestive enzymes(packaged in lysosomes in the golgi complex)that can break down most biological macromolecules.()It is on the large surface area

8、provided by the inner cristae of mitochondria that ATP-generatating enzymes are located.4)英語科技論文的組成部分。5)英語科技論文標(biāo)題的寫作注意事項(xiàng)。3、Lesson three photosynthesis (4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo)掌握關(guān)于植物光合作用的原理及過程、反應(yīng)步驟中所涉及的專業(yè)詞匯和句型。熟悉英語論文摘要和關(guān)鍵詞的寫作技巧。(2)本章重點(diǎn) calvin-benson cycle, cyclic photophosphorylation, photon, tenna complexe的概念和生化

9、過程。英語科技論文摘要和關(guān)鍵詞的寫作注意事項(xiàng)。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 葉綠體的結(jié)構(gòu),光反應(yīng)、暗反應(yīng)發(fā)生的部位和機(jī)制,以及課文中定語從句的使用。(4)講授內(nèi)容1)單詞photon, photophosphorylation, photorespiration, photosynthesis, photosystem, thylakoid2)詞組Absorption spectrum, calvin_benson cycle, cyclic photophosphorylation, light-dependent reactions, light-independent reactions, noncy

10、clic photophosphorylation, rebulose biphosphate3)重點(diǎn)句型分析()During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis,as the absorbing molecule returns to the ground state, the “excess”excitation energy is transmitted to other molecules and stored as chemical energy.()Light striking any one of the pigment

11、 molecules is funneled to a special chlorophyll a molecule, termed a reaction-center chlorophyll, which directly participates in photosynthesis.()This packaging takes place through a series of oxidation-reduction reactions set in motion when light strikes the p680 reaction center in photosystem2.()T

12、he one-way flow of electrons through photosystems 2 and 1is called noncyclic photophosphorylation;plants also derive additional ATP through cyclic photophosphorylation, in which some electrons are shunted back through the electron transport chain between photosystems 2 and 1.()The pigment chlorophyl

13、l in plant cells absorbs photons within a particular absorption spectrum-a statement of the amount of light absorbed by chlorophyll at different wavelengths.4)英語論文摘要和關(guān)鍵詞的寫作技巧。3、Lesson four cellular reproduction: mitosis and meiosis(4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo)掌握細(xì)胞有絲分裂和減數(shù)分裂過程中涉及的各種專業(yè)詞匯和句型。理解課文中虛擬語氣的用法及強(qiáng)調(diào)句的形式。熟悉英語論文引言

14、部分的寫作技巧。(2)本章重點(diǎn)減數(shù)分裂,和有絲分裂的各個(gè)時(shí)期中,細(xì)胞內(nèi)出現(xiàn)的各種變化。英語論文引言的寫作技巧。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 概念:著絲點(diǎn)與著絲粒的異同。虛擬語氣與強(qiáng)調(diào)句的用法。(4)講授內(nèi)容1)單詞:anaphase, centromere, chalone, chromatid, chromatin, cytokinesis, diploid, haploid, histone, karyotype, meiosis, metaphase, mitosis, nucleosome, prophase, spindle, telophase2)詞組:cell plate, homologou

15、s pair, interphase(cycle), metaphase plate3)重點(diǎn)句型分析:()The fourth phase of the cell cycle is M phase, the period of mitosis,during which the replicated chromosomes condense and move and the cell divides. ()During prophase,other microtubules,the centromeric fibers,extend outward from the spindle poles

16、to structures on the chromosomes called kinetochores.() In animals it is associated with centriole,while in plant and fungal cells spindle formation is associated with regions called microtubule organizing centers.()Meiosis is a special form of cell division that takes place in the reproductive orga

17、ns that produce sex cells.()Durin this phase the homologous chromosome undergo synapsis, or pairing, which is brought about by a bridging structure of proteins and RNA called the synaptinemal complex.()It is this event that results in the halving of the chromosome number in the four daughter cells t

18、hat result from meiosis.() The advantages of this type of reproduction are that it preserves the parents successful genetic complement,requires little or no specialization of reproductive organs, and is more rapid than sexual reproduction.4)英語科技論文的引言部分的語言特點(diǎn)和寫作技巧。5、Lesson five Foundations of genetics

19、(4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo)了解早期的遺傳理論,孟德爾的生平及其經(jīng)典遺傳實(shí)驗(yàn),遺傳定律。掌握英語科技論文的“材料與方法”部分的語言特點(diǎn)和寫作技巧。(2)本章重點(diǎn)孟德爾的遺傳學(xué)經(jīng)典實(shí)驗(yàn),遺傳的分離和自由組合定律,以及關(guān)于遺傳學(xué)的專業(yè)詞匯。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 早期的遺傳學(xué)理論包括泛生論,種質(zhì)學(xué)說的基本觀點(diǎn)。(4)講授內(nèi)容1)單詞:allele, dominant, gene, genotype, heterozygous, homozygous, nondisjunction, pangenesis, phenotype, recessive2)詞組:dihybrid cross, germ plasm

20、theory, incomplete dominance, law of independent assortment, law of segregation, punnett square, test cross3)重點(diǎn)句型分析:()Both of the these early views incorporated the blending theory: they held that heritable traits of the two parents blend, so that the distinct characteristics of each are lost in off

21、spring.()Having been exposed to theories of the particulate nature of matter while a university student and having a background in mathematics,Mendel carried out a series of carefully planned experiments that demonstrated the particulate nature of heredity.()An organism that inherits identical allel

22、es for a trait from each parent is said to be homozygous for that trait;if different alleles for a trait are inherited, the organism is heterozygous for that trait.() The retio of dominant phenotypes (if any) in the progeny makes clear whether the unknown genotype is heterozygous, homozygous dominan

23、t, or homozygous recessive.()An apparent exception to Mendels laws is incomplete dominance,a phenomenon in which offspring of a cross exhibit a phenotype that is intermediate between those of the parents.4)論文中“材料與方法”的功能要求和語言特點(diǎn)。6、Lesson six Discovering the chemical nature of the gene (4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo)掌握基因

24、的化學(xué)性質(zhì),核酸的化學(xué)和分子結(jié)構(gòu)。理解DNA復(fù)制過程。了解在科學(xué)史上關(guān)于DNA分子結(jié)構(gòu)的各種理論。熟悉科技論文中“結(jié)果與討論”部分的功能要求和語言特點(diǎn)。(2)本章重點(diǎn)基因的結(jié)構(gòu)和功能涉及的專業(yè)詞匯。DNA復(fù)制的過程。研究基因化學(xué)本質(zhì)過程中的一系列經(jīng)典實(shí)驗(yàn)。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 一基因一酶假說與一基因一多肽假說的內(nèi)容,聯(lián)系和區(qū)別。(4)講授內(nèi)容1)單詞:adenine, cytosine, guanine, nucleoside, purine, pyrimidine, thymine2)詞組:DNA polymerase, double helix, Okazaki frgment, One-gen

25、-one-enzyme hypothesis, semicoservative replication, X-ray diffraction3)重點(diǎn)句型分析:()Nuclei acid,originally isolated by Johann Miescher in 1871,was identified as a prime constituent of chromosome through the use of the red-staining method developed by Feulgen in the early 1900s.()At about the same time

26、P.A. Levene discovered that DNA containd four nitrogenous bases,each of which was attached to a sugar molecule and a phosphate group-a combination Levene termed a nucleotide.()Disagreement over whether DNA could carry complex genetic information was ended in the early 1950s by Martha Chase and Alfre

27、d Hershey, whose work with E. coli showed clearly that DNA, and not protein, is the bearer of genetic information.()One eas the suggestion of Linus Pauling that DNA might have a helical structure held in place by hydrogen bonds, and the other was X-ray diffraction photos of DNA, showing a helical st

28、ructure with distance between the coils, taken by Franklin and Wilkins.4)專業(yè)論文寫作中“結(jié)果與討論”的寫作技巧。7、Lesson seven The origin and diversity of life (4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo) 掌握生命起源和演化的歷程。理解專業(yè)論文寫作中“致謝、參考文獻(xiàn)”的寫作技巧。掌握專業(yè)論文寫作與發(fā)表的一般程序和注意事項(xiàng)。(2)本章重點(diǎn)生命演化過程中出現(xiàn)的團(tuán)聚體、微球體和脂質(zhì)體的結(jié)構(gòu)和意義。宇宙大爆炸理論。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 影響生命進(jìn)化的多種因素,分類單位的界定。(4)講授內(nèi)容1)單詞Clade

29、, class, coacervate, core, crust, division, family, genus, kingdom, liposome, mantle, order, phylum, proteinoid, species, taxon,taxonomy2)詞組Ozone layer, continental drift, big bang, binomial system of nomenclature3)重點(diǎn)句型分析()The major current nypothesis holds that life arose spontaneously an the early

30、 earth by means of current hypothesis holds that life arose spontaneously on the early earth by means of chemical evolution from nonliving substances.()Evidence suggests that RNA, which can form spontaneously under conditions mimicking those of the early, was the first informational molecule.()Follo

31、wing the development of a lipid-protein surface layer and replicating RNA and DNA informational molecules, the events leading to the emergence of living cells would have included the origin of the genetic code; the sequestering of RNA or DNA into cell-like structures; and development of metabolic pa

32、thways.()The increasing quantity of atmospheric oxygen also permitted the evolution of aerobic cells and cellular respiration, which in turn signalled the beginning of the global carbon cycle.4)論文中“致謝、參考文獻(xiàn)”的寫作技巧。5)專業(yè)論文寫作與發(fā)表的一般程序和注意事項(xiàng)。8、Lesson eight Fungi: the great decomposers (4學(xué)時(shí))(1)教學(xué)目標(biāo)了解真菌的特征、分類

33、和結(jié)構(gòu)。掌握學(xué)術(shù)刊物的分類及常見學(xué)術(shù)刊物的載稿特點(diǎn)。了解世界四大科學(xué)索引SCI、EI、ISTP、ISR的概況。(2)本章重點(diǎn)真菌的特征、分類和結(jié)構(gòu),關(guān)于菌類的專業(yè)詞匯及重點(diǎn)句型分析。(3)本章難點(diǎn) 掌握學(xué)術(shù)刊物的分類及常見學(xué)術(shù)刊物的載稿特點(diǎn)。(4)講授內(nèi)容1)單詞Ascomycetes, ascus, basidiocarp, basidiomycetes, basidium, conidium, gametangium, haustorium, heterokaryon, hyphae, lichen, mycelium, rhizoid, saprobe, septate, sporang

34、ium2)詞組fungi imperfecti3)重點(diǎn)句型分析()They may be saprobes that decompose dead organic matter, they may be parasites which obtain nutrients from living hosts; or they may live in symbiotic relationships with algage or with the roots of higher plants.()Inspite of these variations, however, all fungi carry

35、 out extracellular digestion:they secrete enzymes that digest organic matter, and then they absorb the resulting nutrients.()Finally, hyphae may or may not be septate_having cross walls that segregate independent cells, each with at least one nucleus.()Deuteromycetes important to humans include those used to ferment soybeans and rice to make soy sauce and sake respectively, and those responsible for producing citric acid and the highly dangerous


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