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1、職場英語 奧運百科基本知識問答聽說過嗎?躺在床上能和外教一對一練英語口語!適合職場中的你!免費體驗史上最牛英語口語學(xué)習(xí),太平洋英語 HYPERLINK http:/www.pacificeng www.pacificeng1. Who created the Olympic Games? The ancient Greeks.誰創(chuàng)立了奧運會? 古希臘人。2. Where is the origin of the Modern Olympic Games?現(xiàn)代奧運會的發(fā)祥地在何處?Olympica, Greece. 希臘奧林匹亞。3. Who is the father of the Moder

2、n Olympic Games?誰被稱為“奧運會之父”?Baron Pierre de Coubertin. 顧拜旦。4. What doses IOC stand for? IOC代表什么?International Olympic Committee. 國際奧委會。5. Where is the International Olympic Committeelocated? 國際奧委會總部設(shè)在何處?Lausanne, Switzerland. 瑞士洛桑6. What is the Olympic motto? 奧林匹克的格言是什么?Faster, Higher, Stronger. 更快,

3、更高,更強。7. Where is the Olympic flame from? 奧運會圣火之源在哪里?Olympia, Greece. 希臘奧林匹亞。8. What are the colors of the five Olympic rings?奧運五環(huán)的顏色是哪些?Black, blue, green, red and yellow.黑,藍,綠,紅和黃。9. What does NOCS stand for? NOCS表示什么?National Olympic Committees. 國家奧林匹克委員會。10. What is the most revered sign of the

4、Olympic Gamescompetition? 奧運會競賽最神圣的標志是什么?The Olympic Flame. 奧運圣火。11. Who designed the Olympic Flag? 誰設(shè)計了奧運會會旗?Pierre de Coubertin. 顧拜旦。12. At which Olympic Games did China first win the goldmedal? 中國在哪屆奧運會上首獲金牌?At 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angles.1984年洛森磯奧運會。13. Which athlete won it? 哪個運動員?Xu Haifen

5、g. 許海峰。14. When did P.R.China participate the Olympic Games?中華人民共和國什么時候開始參加奧運會?In 1952. 1952年。15. Which city of China is the first one to bid for theOlympic Games? 中國哪個城市最先申辦奧運會?Beijing. 北京。16. Which Olympic Games did China first bid for?中國最初申辦哪屆奧運會?2000 Olympic Games. 2000年奧運會。17. When did Beijing

6、win the right of hosting the 29thOlympic Games? 北京何時獲得第29屆奧運會主辦權(quán)?On july 13,2001. 2001年7月13日18. What is the slogan of Beijing Olympic GamesOrganizing Cmmittee?北京奧運會組委會口號是什么?New Beijing, Great Olympics. 新北京,新奧運。19. Who is the presdent of Chinese Olympic Committee?誰是中國奧委會主席?Liu Peng. 劉鵬。20. What are t

7、he themes of the 29th Beijing Olympic Gamesin 2008? 2008年第29屆北京奧運會的主題是什么?Green Olympics, High-tech Olympics and PeoplesOlympics. “綠色奧運”、“科技奧運”、“人文奧運”。21. What are the mascots for the 2008 Beijing Games?奧運會的吉祥物是什么?The five bues. 五個福娃。22. What are theirs names? 他們叫什么名字?They are Beibei, Jingjing, Huanh

8、uan, Yingying, Nini.他們的名字是貝貝、晶晶、歡歡、迎迎、妮妮。23. What do their names stand for? 他們的名字代表什么?Beijing welcomes you. 北京歡迎您。24. What do the five mascots stand for?五個吉祥物象征什么?The Fish, the Panda, the Tibetan Antelope and theSwallow. The middle one is the Olympic flame.魚、大熊貓、藏羚羊、燕子,中間的是奧運圣火。25. What is the sloga

9、n of the official games amd themascots? 官方奧運和吉祥物共同的口號是什么?One World, One Dream. 同一個世界,同一個夢想。26. What the colors of the fuwas? 福娃的顏色是什么?Green, blue, red, yellow and black. They also repr-esent the sea, the air, the forest, the fire and theearth.綠、藍、紅、黃和黑色。 這些顏色代表海洋、空氣、森林、火和土地。27. What inspired the ide

10、a for the Modern Olympic Games?什么激發(fā)了現(xiàn)代奧運會的想法?Discovery of the ruins at Olympia.奧林匹亞廢墟的發(fā)現(xiàn)。28. Who chooses the city where the Olympic Games of Greekantiquity? 誰選擇奧運會舉辦的城市?International Olympic Committee. 國際奧委會。29. Where were the first Modern Olympic Games held?第一屆現(xiàn)代奧運會在哪里舉辦?Athens, Greece. 希臘雅典。30. Ho

11、w often are the Modern Olympic Games held?現(xiàn)代奧運會每隔幾年舉辦一次?Once every four years. 每隔4年。31. What do the Olympic rings symbolize?奧運五環(huán)象征什么?Unity of Africa, America, Asia, Australia, andEurope. 非洲、美洲、亞洲、大洋洲和歐洲的大團結(jié)。32. How many athletes were there at the first ModernOlympic Games in 1896?1896年第一屆現(xiàn)代奧運會有多少運動員

12、參加?241. 241名。33. What brings the Modern Olympic Games within reach?什么使奧運會觸手可及?Technology (television and satellites, etc).科技(電視、衛(wèi)星等)。34. What are the official languages of the InternationalOlympic Committee? 國際奧委會的官方語言是什么?French and English. 法語和 HYPERLINK http:/class.wtojo/english/english.html t _bl

13、ank 英語 。35. Who is the current president of the InternationalOlympic Committee? 誰是現(xiàn)任國際奧委會主席?Jacques Rogge. 羅格。36. Do women now compete in weightlifting?現(xiàn)代婦女能參加舉重比賽嗎?Yes, they do. 是的,能。37. What happened for the first time at the 1900 OlympicGames? 1900年奧運會發(fā)生了什么?Women were allowed to compete. 婦女第一次被允許

14、參賽。38. What kind of people competes at the Paralympics?哪些人能參加殘奧會?Physcally disabled. 殘疾人。39. When was the women marathon introduced into theOlympic Games? 女子馬拉松何年進入奧運會項目?In 1984. 1984年。40. Where is the opening ceremony of each Olympic Gamesheld? 奧運會開幕式在哪里舉行?In a major stadium. 露天大型運動場。41. What is th

15、e Olympic Flame? 奧運圣火是什么?It is lit with a torch that is brought by a relay ofathletes from the ruins of ancient Olympic inGreece.火種取自古希臘奧林匹亞廢墟,并通過運動員火炬接力來點燃的神圣之火。42. Are cities or countries that may host an OlympicGames? 舉辦奧運會的是城市還是國家?Cities. 城市。43. How many cities from a country are allowed to bidf

16、or the Olympic Games?允許一個國家多少個城市來申辦奧運會?Only one. 只有一個。44. What did the Olympic Games start as a test of?奧運會最初測試什么?Physical strength and endurance. 體力和耐力。45. Who won the Olympic Marathon race in barefoot?誰赤腳獲得了奧運會馬拉松冠軍?Abebe Bikila. 阿貝貝.比基拉。46. At which Olympic Games did Chinese Women VolleyballTeam

17、win the championship?中國女子排球隊在哪屆奧運會上獲得冠軍?At 23th Olympic Games in Los Angeles.在第23屆洛杉磯奧運會上。47. When was China accepted as a member of the Interna-tional Olympic Committee?中國何時被接納為國際奧委會成員?In 1931. 1931年。48. When did P.R.China participate the Olympic Games?中華人民共和國什么時候開始參加奧運會?In 1952. 1952年。49. Which ci

18、ty of China is the first one to bid for theOlympic Games? 中國哪個城市最先申辦奧運會?Beijing. 北京。50. How many times did the Chinese athletes Participatethe Olympic Games before 1949?1949年以前中國運動員參加了多少次奧運會?4. 4次。51. When were the first Olympic Games held?第一屆奧運會是什么時候舉辦的?In 776 BC. 公元前776年。52. Which rule did the anc

19、ient Greeks strictly adhere to?古希臘人嚴格堅持什么規(guī)則?Barring women from competing and halting was duringthe Games. 禁止婦女比賽及奧運會期間停止戰(zhàn)爭。53. How many centuries are the ancient Olympic Gamesknown to have existed for?古代奧運會持續(xù)了多少個世紀?12centuries 12個世紀。54. How many countries did the athletes at the firstModern Olympic

20、Games in 1986 come from?1896年第一屆現(xiàn)代奧運會有多少個國家參加?14. 14個。55. How many events were there at the first Modern Olymp-ic Games in 1896? 1896年第一屆奧運會有多少個項目?43. 43個。56. Which Olympic Games were the first to boast thepresence of national delegation?哪屆奧運會第一次歡迎五大洲的選手參與?The Stokholm Olympic Games in 1912.1912年斯德哥

21、爾摩奧運會。57. Was Pierre de Coubertin himself in favor of the part-icipa of women at the Olympic Games?顧拜旦是否贊成婦女參賽?No, he was not. 他不贊成。58. In which Olympic Games did women paticipate first?哪屆奧運會有婦女第一次參賽?At the Paris Games in 1900. 1900年巴黎奧運會。59. When was the first Olympic Winter Games held?第一屆冬奧會何時舉行?I

22、n 1924. 1924年。60. How many athletes participated the Olympic Winter Ga-mes in Salt Lake City of USA in 2002?多少名運動員參加了2002年美國鹽湖城冬奧會?2399. 2399名。61. How many times have the Olympic Summer Games been he-ld till today? 迄今為止夏季奧運會舉辦了多少屆?28. 28屆。62. When and where were the Modern Olympic Games firstheld in

23、 Asian continent?現(xiàn)代奧運會首次在亞洲舉辦是何時何地?Tokyo, Japan in 1964. 1964年日本東京。63. Have the Modern Olympic Games been held on every co-ntinent till today?迄今為止,奧運會在每個洲都舉辦過了嗎?No,they have not been held in Africa.沒有在非洲舉辦過。64. Who was the first gymnast to score a perfect 10 inOlympic Games?誰是第一個獲得體操滿分的運動員?Nadia Com

24、aneci. 納迪婭.科馬內(nèi)奇。65. What age was Oscar Swahn when he won a silver medalin 1920? 1920年,奧斯卡.斯旺在多大年齡得了奧運銀牌?72. 72歲。66. Which city, located 2,256 meters above the sea leve-l, is by far the highest to host Olympic Games tilltoday? 哪個城市位于海撥2256米以上且是迄今為止舉辦奧運會最高的城市。Mexico city, Mexico.墨西哥的墨西哥城。67. Which cit

25、y lost bids to Paris in 1924, Berlin in1936, Tokyo in 1940 and Munich in 1972, and finallygot its chance to host Olympic Games?哪個城市申辦奧運會先后于1924年、1936年、1940年和1972年輸給了巴黎、柏林、東京和慕尼黑,但最終卻獲得了舉辦權(quán)?Barcelona. 巴塞羅那。68. Which city was two votes shy of Sydney in its bid tohost the 2000 Olympic Summer Games?哪個城市

26、在申請舉辦2000年夏季奧運會僅以兩票之差落選?Beijing. 北京。69. How many years does the International Olympic Commi-ttee vote to select a host city before the OlympicGames are held?在奧運會舉辦前國際奧委會用多長時間投票選出主辦城市?7 years. 7年。70. In which city was the first Olympic Torch lit?首次奧運會火炬在哪個城市燃起?Amsterdam.阿姆斯特丹。71. Which Olympic Games

27、Japan and Germany were not invi-ted? 哪屆奧運會沒有邀請日本和德國參加?At 1948 London Olympic Games. 1948年倫敦奧運會。72. In wihich Olympic Games and by which Chinese athletewin the most gold medals?在哪屆奧運會上中國哪個運動員獲得最多金牌?Li Ning at Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1984.1984年洛杉磯奧運會上,李寧。73. When was basketball accepted as one of

28、 the events ofthe Olympic Games? 藍球何時成為了奧運會項目?In 1936. 1936年。74. What is modern pentathlon?現(xiàn)代五項是什么?Equestrianism, fencing, swimming, shooting andcross-country race. 馬術(shù)、擊劍、游泳、射擊和越野跑。75. What would happen to a married woman who tried topartieipate in the ancient-Olympic Games?已婚婦女試圖參加古代奧運會將會發(fā)生什么結(jié)果?She


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