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1、大連交通大學信息工程學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)任務書題 目 基于WEB的學校網(wǎng)站的設計與實現(xiàn)任務及要求:任務:調(diào)查開發(fā)學校網(wǎng)站當前技術的發(fā)展近況,完成實習報告,字數(shù)不少于3000,第三周交給指導老師。結合自己實習情況安排進度,填寫進度計劃表,第二周完成后交給指導老師簽字,并嚴格執(zhí)行。按照軟件工程思想,獨立完成系統(tǒng)的設計和程序開發(fā),完成代碼估計2000行左右。用Java Struts技術實現(xiàn)網(wǎng)站的設計和管理員操作的功能。程序簡潔,算法可行,運行情況良好。要求:每周和指導老師至少見面溝通一次,回報課題進展情況,接受老師詢問。接到任務書后,查閱與題目及專業(yè)相關的外文資料進行翻譯,要求不少于10000個外文

2、字符,譯出漢字不得少于3000,于第四周交給指導老師審閱。畢業(yè)設計第13周完成畢業(yè)論文的裝訂,并由指導老師評閱。論文要求12000字以上,包括綜述、系統(tǒng)總體設計、系統(tǒng)實現(xiàn)、性能分析、結論等。教學第13周通過中軟及教研室組織進行軟件驗收,驗收時要提供軟件使用說明書。于第13周提出畢業(yè)答辯申請并簽字。第14 周答辯,要求制作PPT通過在大學四年的時間對軟件工程這個專業(yè)的學習,以及在中軟幾個月的培訓。了解了很多諸如Java,等等語言和SQL server和Oralcle數(shù)據(jù)庫語言,對相應的開發(fā)環(huán)境都有所了解后,發(fā)現(xiàn)我所做的題目更適合用Java和JSP語言開發(fā),選用了SQL server 2000作為

3、數(shù)據(jù)庫,應用了Dreamweaver完成本次的畢業(yè)設計。1 Jol Le Bon, Dwight Merunka,The impact of individual and managerial factors on salespeoples contribution to marketing intelligence activities,Intern. J. of Research in Marketing.20062 Sebastien Thomassey *, Michel Happiette,A neural clustering and classification system f

4、or sales forecasting of new apparel items,Applied Soft Computing.20063 馮燕奎,趙德奎.JSP實用案例教程M.北京:清華大學出版社.20044 宮麗杰. SQL Server 2000 Web 應用開發(fā)指南M.北京:清華大學出版社.20015 茍凌怡,陳曉波,熊光楞.基于SQL Server 2000的關系數(shù)據(jù)與XML的集成J.計算機工程與應用.20016 張海藩.軟件工程M.北京:人民郵電出版社.7 飛思科技產(chǎn)品研發(fā)中心. JSP應用開發(fā)祥解(第二版)M. 北京:電子工業(yè)出版社.20048 李平,沈國民,李哲.基于JSP技

5、術的Web數(shù)據(jù)庫設計J.電腦與信息技術.20009 薩師煊,王珊.數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)概論M.北京:高等教育出版社.200010 田華,呂國斌,李振華.Browser Server 技術新一代的計算模式J.計算機應用與研究.199811 Ebbe Ethmane,王建新.基于SQL Server 2000的數(shù)據(jù)挖掘實現(xiàn)J.計算機技術與自動化.2005指導教師簽字:教研室主任簽字: 年 月 日大連交通大學信息工程學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)進度計劃與考核表學生姓名王亞桐專業(yè)班級軟件工程08-2班指導教師王 鑫翟 悅本課題其他人員無題目基于Web的學校網(wǎng)站的設計與實現(xiàn)日期計劃完成內(nèi)容完成情況指導老師檢查簽字第1周完

6、成任務書、提交進度表第2周完成調(diào)研報告、完成英文翻譯第3周進行市場調(diào)查研究,需求分析第4周初步對系統(tǒng)進行分析設計第5周系統(tǒng)詳細設計,進行編碼第6周系統(tǒng)編碼實施、完成論文初稿第7周完成系統(tǒng)編碼,進行調(diào)試第8周系調(diào)試統(tǒng)編碼、提交論文初稿第9周完成系統(tǒng)編碼調(diào)試、完善畢業(yè)論文第10周完成撰寫畢業(yè)設計論文編寫及代碼測試第11周完成論文終稿、準備畢業(yè)論文打印、裝訂第12周提交畢業(yè)論文終稿及代碼第13周提交畢業(yè)論文成果資料第14周畢業(yè)論文答辯指導教師簽字: 年月日注:“計劃完成內(nèi)容”由學生本人認真填寫,其它由指導教師考核時填寫。大連交通大學信息工程學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)調(diào)研報告學生姓名 王亞桐 專業(yè)班級 軟件

7、工程08-2班 指導教師 王鑫翟悅 職 稱 高工講師 所在單位 信息科學系軟件工程教研室 教研室主任 劉瑞杰 完成日期 2012 年 4 月 6 日實習報告1 課題來源及意義由于學校信息發(fā)布系統(tǒng)建設沒有統(tǒng)一的發(fā)展規(guī)劃和發(fā)展方向,從而造成實施時缺少連續(xù)性,導致不同時期購買的設備兼容性較差,不能很好地發(fā)揮設備的使用效果。學校在學校信息發(fā)布系統(tǒng)建設上只考慮一次性投入,而沒有考慮學校信息發(fā)布系統(tǒng)的可持續(xù)發(fā)展能力。由于沒有具體的學校信息發(fā)布系統(tǒng)建設參考方案作為參照標準,學校只能根據(jù)自身的資金投入情況來選擇網(wǎng)絡公司的建設方案,這樣就出現(xiàn)了各校校園信息化環(huán)境建設總體發(fā)展不均衡,彼此間差距較大。而網(wǎng)絡公司的建



10、帶來的影響與變革,或者說,信息時代的高等教育,這是一個值得關注與探討的深刻課題。許多專家已經(jīng)認識到,信息革命將會給我國帶來重大變革,而且教育是一個重要方面。國外高校信息化發(fā)展歷程1990年,美國克萊蒙特大學的Kenneth C.Green教授首次提出了“Campus Computing”(校園信息化)的概念,并于同年開始了針對美國高校信息化的研究項目:Campus Computing Project(CCP)。1美國高等院校是當代信息技術重要的發(fā)源地,其信息化程度、信息管理和應用水平堪稱世界最高。信息技術已經(jīng)成為美國高校人才培養(yǎng)質(zhì)量和科學研究創(chuàng)新的關鍵因素之一,信息技術應用已滲透到高等院校教學


12、eb服務器和JSP引擎將格式化后的JSP頁面以HTML格式返回客戶瀏覽器。這就是當前網(wǎng)站構建中廣泛采用的瀏覽器Web服務器后臺數(shù)據(jù)庫的三層架構模式。因為JSP所有程序操作都在服務器端執(zhí)行,網(wǎng)絡上傳送給客戶端的僅是得到的結果。簡化的頁面生成技術。JSP頁面用標準的HTML或XML命令來處理頁面的格式化和布局設計,而用類似HTML、XML的標記和JSP語言編寫的腳本程序生成頁面內(nèi)容。這使得頁面形式與頁面內(nèi)容互相獨立,非常有利于大型項目的分工合作。與JSP平臺有機集成。JSP技術是JSP 2平臺的重要組成部分,JSP使用JSP語言作為它的腳本語言。在JSP頁面中可以使用幾乎所有的JSP組件和JSP

13、API,這就能充分發(fā)揮出JSP語言的強大功能。使用JSP技術可以創(chuàng)建具有高度可伸縮性和可靠性的Web應用程序。硬件平臺和服務器無關性。JSP作為JSP家族的一員,秉承了JSP技術的“一次編寫,隨處可用(Write Once,Rum Anywhere)”的特性,可以運行于大多數(shù)流行的操作系統(tǒng)平臺及Web服務器,這種與服務器硬件和操作系統(tǒng)平臺的無關性是JSP相對于其它動態(tài)網(wǎng)頁技術最大的一個優(yōu)點。功能可擴展性。JSP可以通過內(nèi)置的DLL文件,與諸如Oracle、SQLSERVER2000這樣的大型關系數(shù)據(jù)庫進行連接。JSP提供了一些隱含對象。這些隱含對象在JSP頁面中可以直接引用,而不必首先聲明。利

14、用JSP提供的這些隱含對象,可以使腳本功能更加強大,并且編程更加容易、方便。例如,利用request對象,可以很容易地接收用戶在HTML表單中提交的信息。MicrosoftSQLServer2000是一個分布式的關系型數(shù)據(jù)庫管理系統(tǒng),具有客戶機/服務器體系結構。它具有如下一些功能特點:(1)真正的客戶機/服務器體系結構。(2)圖形化用戶界面,使系統(tǒng)管理和數(shù)據(jù)庫管理更加直觀、簡單。(3)豐富的編程接口工具,為用戶進行程序設計提供了更大的選擇余地。(4)與Windows NT完全集成,利用了NT的許多功能,如發(fā)送和接受消息,管理登錄安全性等。(5)具有很好的伸縮性,可跨越從運行Windows 95

15、/98的膝上型電腦到運行Windows 2000的大型多處理器等多種平臺使用。(6)對Web技術的支持,使用戶能夠很容易地將數(shù)據(jù)庫中的數(shù)據(jù)發(fā)布到Web頁面上。系統(tǒng)的組成和功能41 系統(tǒng)的組成:該系統(tǒng)根據(jù)業(yè)務分析主要分為5大模塊:教學科研信息管理模塊、管理機構管理模塊、招生信息管理模塊、人才需求管理模塊、規(guī)章制度管理模塊。42 系統(tǒng)的功能:管理員登陸模塊:管理員用戶輸入用戶名和密碼后,如果用戶名和密碼正確則成功登陸到系統(tǒng)后臺,如果錯誤則提示錯誤信息。實現(xiàn)教學科研信息管理模塊:管理員登陸后可以對教學科研信息進行添加,如果需要更新消息則可以對教學科研進行修改,如果消息過時則可以對消息進行刪除,游客登


17、后可以對規(guī)章制度信息進行添加,如果需要更新消息則可以對規(guī)章制度進行修改,如果消息過時則可以對消息進行刪除,游客登陸網(wǎng)站后可以對規(guī)章制度信息進行查看。除了實現(xiàn)上述功能以外,基于WEB的學校網(wǎng)站還應該具有友好、簡潔的界面,安全性要高,穩(wěn)定性要強。本系統(tǒng)采用的解決方法(技術)研究方法:采用project +Visio方法進行需求分析。通過該需求分析的方法確定系統(tǒng)必須完成哪些工作,也就是對目標系統(tǒng)提出完整、準確、清晰、具體的要求。經(jīng)過需求分析確定對系統(tǒng)的綜合要求從系統(tǒng)的功能、性能、運行、以及將來可能提出的問題進行需求分析。必要時運用需求分析的軟件工具驗證需求分析。系統(tǒng)設計采用結構化和原型法相結合的設計


19、步性?;贘SP的各種優(yōu)點和SQL Server2000良好的穩(wěn)定性和安全性的操作等優(yōu)勢,本課題采用瀏覽器和服務器的B/S架構,具有友好的前臺可視化的輸入界面,通過這種有機結合,再將信息的反饋顯示出來。應用軟件與數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)的設計要做到安全可靠,防止非法用戶的入侵。數(shù)據(jù)庫的備份策略恰當。經(jīng)濟上該系統(tǒng)主要成本低、收益高;技術上該系統(tǒng)采用的技術先進,通訊網(wǎng)絡可靠,系統(tǒng)條件優(yōu)越。模塊化的設計方法,有助于系統(tǒng)開發(fā)過程的管理以及更好的維護,因為科學合理的將整個程序劃分多個功能模塊,各模塊單獨設計,用助于降低整個程序的設計難度及減少錯誤程序的影響范圍,各模塊易于實現(xiàn),又使整個程序易于銜接和修改。確保最高的可

20、靠性、安全性和可擴展性。系統(tǒng)預計性能評價基于WEB的學校網(wǎng)站是一個學校不可缺少的部分,它的信息對于學校的宣傳起到重大作用,為學校減少人力物力,為學校和學校的信息傳播起到了舉足輕重的作用。 至于具體性能指標,需要在不斷的測試與使用中不斷提高。本系統(tǒng)將使學校信息化進一步推廣,大大提高學校的信息的傳播速度和質(zhì)量,并且對學校的信息化進程得到快速而有效的提高。進度安排設想第1周選擇研究課題,熟悉題目,對其進行調(diào)研工作,廣泛查閱外文資料,接收任務書。第2周根據(jù)畢業(yè)設計工作量,制定計劃并填寫進度計劃與考核表,交給指導教師簽字。繼續(xù)查閱國內(nèi)外資料和當今相關先進軟件需求管理工具技術,完成調(diào)研報告。第3周上交調(diào)研


22、塊編碼后續(xù)完善工作。程序結合和整體程序調(diào)試與打包。第10周運行和測試系統(tǒng),并對其進行修改和完善,使其能夠正常運行,界面友好。熟知畢業(yè)設計的格式并開始書寫畢業(yè)設計文檔。第11周嚴格按照畢業(yè)設計工作手冊的要求,繼續(xù)書寫畢業(yè)設計文檔,進行格式調(diào)整并完成論文初稿。第12周根據(jù)老師指導,對畢業(yè)論文進行調(diào)整,完善畢業(yè)論文。形成軟件系統(tǒng)的簡單文檔式操作說明,完成論文。第13周對軟件進行最后的修改,進行程序調(diào)試以及系統(tǒng)的維護。打印裝訂畢業(yè)設計相關文檔。開始準備答辯稿。第14周進行總結,根據(jù)實際系統(tǒng)和畢業(yè)文檔,完成答辯稿,并制作PowerPoint,迎接畢業(yè)答辯。參考文獻1 丁寶康數(shù)據(jù)庫原理M北京:經(jīng)濟科學出版

23、社,2000.32 陸麗娜軟件工程M北京:經(jīng)濟科學出版社,2000.13 薩師煊,王珊數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)概論M北京:高等教育出版社2004.14 孫衛(wèi)琴精通Struts:基于MVC的JAVA WEB設計與開發(fā)M北京:電子工業(yè)出版社,2004.75 陳剛Eclipse從入門到精通M北京:清華大學出版社,2005.66 彭晨陽Java實用系統(tǒng)開發(fā)指南M北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2004.47 朱群雄,汪曉男系統(tǒng)分析與設計M北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2005.108 宋遠方,成棟管理信息系統(tǒng)M北京:中國人民大學出版社,2005.129 Joseph SchmullerUML基礎、案例與應用M北京:人民郵電出版社,2

24、005.1 10 Bruce EckelThinking in JavaM北京:機械工業(yè)出版社,2004.1大連交通大學信息工程學院畢業(yè)設計(論文)外文翻譯學生姓名 王亞桐 專業(yè)班級 軟件工程08-2班 指導教師 王鑫翟悅 職 稱 高工講師 所在單位 信息科學系軟件工程教研室 教研室主任 劉瑞杰 完成日期 2012 年 4 月 13 日A Dynamic E-Business System Based on MVC and J2EE TechniqueFrom:Java EE at a GlanceAuthor: Kim Topley 1. INTRODUCTION E-business is

25、 some business trade activities, such as E-mail, EDI, value-added network, rapid response system, electronic transfers, business transactions, online services, smart cards, multimedia shopping etc that based on network foundation by electronic means. The E-business system reflects the information ex

26、change and it also is the rapid communication tool. The dynamic E-business system is the goal of E-business system development; its characteristic is that software schemes out the reused and flexile components according to commercial processing modeling. Constructed commercial condition based on the

27、 traditional technologies has two quite prominent problems: The first, because the E-business participants do not use the same technical standard or system architecture as the service relation method, it lacks of the uniform commercial publishing and finding mechanism which cause mutual information

28、exchange and cooperation to become extremely difficult. Secondly, as for regarding system itself, it also exists disadvantages, such as long development cycle, reconstruction difference, and upgrade and maintenance difficulty etc. These all greatly have limited the further development of E-business

29、system. In allusion to these disadvantages, this paper uses J2EE architecture and MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern to design and implement a dynamic E-business system.2. MIDDEWARE TECHNOLOGY J2EE J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) is an architecture which uses Java platform to simp

30、lify many enterprises on the development, deployment and management of the related complex questions. The basic J2EE technology is the core of Java platform or Java 2 platform standard. Not only does it consolidate many advantages of the standard and more convenient JDBC, JNDI, RMI, CORBA API, but a

31、lso provides the protected data security pattern in Internet applying and comprehensively supports EJB, Java Servlet, JTA, JTS, JavaMail and XML technologies. This architecture eventually reduces manufacturing time.Multi-tier enterprise application model based on J2EE technology is divides into four

32、 tiers: (1) The client tier component, it is application program client based on web way (for example Web page, Applet) or on the traditional way (for example Java application program) or on the mobile equipment (for example handset, PDA);(2) The web tier component, it generally includes JSP page or

33、 Servlet; (3) The business logic tier component, it mainly points to EJB in J2EE architecture and EJB processes the code logic in business tier;(4) The enterprise information system tier, it includes enterprises infrastructure equipments, such as database system and other left behind information sys

34、tem, therefore, the middle tier is composed of the second tier and the third tier, shown as Figure 1.Figure 1. J2EE ArchitectureJ2EE programming is extremely simple through using J2EE architecture based on the component, delaminating and the platform irrelevant, because the business logic is encapsu

35、lated into reused component, and J2EE server provides the background services for all components types through using container, it need not develop this kind of service by oneself. Therefore we may concentrate the energy on solution handy business problems.J2EE provides a variety of developing techn

36、ologies, there are more commonly used in the following: (1) JSP JSP technology is a new dynamic web application technology standard. JSP web page is composed of the traditional HTML web page files (*.html, *.htm), which are inserted Java program files (Scriptlet) and JSP tags. Consequently, it comes

37、 into being a dynamic page on the server according to the client request.(2) Servlet Servlet is a small Java program on the server side and it must realize Servlet interface. It can respond and deal with client request through Servlet API, and even it can bring a dynamic HTML page.(3) EJB J2EE techn

38、ology has won widespread attention, and one of the reasons is EJB. They provide a framework for developing and implementing the distributed business logic. Therefore, it is very significant to simplify the development of the scalability and the highly complex enterprise application. The EJB standard

39、 defines EJB component when and how to interact with their containers. The containers provide public services, such as directory services, business management, security, resource buffer pool, fault tolerance and so on. But it is noticeable that EJB is not the only means of realizing J2EE.2. 2 MVCMod

40、el-View-Controller (MVC) is a software design pattern, and until now it is still widely used by Smalltalk-80 in 1980s; that is widely recommended by J2EE platform of SUN Company. Using this pattern, the system is divided into three modules, every module has own function. This is a typical multi-tier

41、 structure designing ideas. There are three categories in the following:(1) The modelThe model is the principal part of application program. It expresses business data, it is clearly said that one model is a record in database. It is independent of the data form, in other words one model may provide

42、 the data for many views, in this way it reduces the repeated code for our application program.(2) The viewThe view is an interrelated part of User Interface (UI) in application program and a seeing and exchanging interface by users. One of advantages is that it can process many different views for

43、your application program using MVC. Actually does not have the true processing to take place in the view, and the view is only regarded as a means of output data and user operation. (3) The controllerThe controller controls UI data displaying and updates the model object state according to the users

44、 input. The controller accepts the user input and calls the model and view to complete the user demand. So when we click the hyperlinks in the web page and send HTML table list, the controller itself does not have any output and make any processing. It only receives the request and determines callin

45、g which model to deal with the request, and it confirms to use which view to display the returning data of the model processing. There is the relationship of the model, the view and the controller, shown as Figure 2.Figure 2. MVC Design Pattern3. A DYNAMIC E-BUSINESS SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Along with t

46、he application of the component technologies of EJB, MVC design pattern is more perfect on the technology; all of web application developing projects begin to adopt the multi-tier architecture of the JSP+Servlet+EJB in MVC pattern. Business logic is achieved by JavaBeans, EJB and so on. Set up a pag

47、e by using JSP and realize alternation between the business logic and the outside by using Servlet. It has come into being a clear MVC design pattern and simplified the development of the web application program.Figure 3. System Model Based on J2EE and MVC Design PatternThere is a system model based

48、 on J2EE and MVC design pattern, shown as Figure 3. JSP operates on the stage; Servlet accepts the users request on the background and then calls business logic for processing and finally returns information to the browser. JSP and Servlet pass data between the servers and browsers, and they do not

49、directly visit database system,they pass parameters to EJB component which implements visiting database, and the database will return the result to display on the stage through JSP and Servlet. This will encapsulate and protect the inner data in the system, and JavaBeans and EJB components also may

50、distribute the business to other components to process.Web server is an important part of J2EE architecture. The main technologies are Servlet and JSP; its function implements UI. Because the essential of JSP and Servlet is a small Java program on the server side, it can exchange Java Applet and HTM

51、L with the client. Not only is implementing speed fast and is UI generation flexible, but also is the security very good, at the same time, it can realize some simple application logic.J2EE uses EJB server which regards as deployment environment of the EJB component, and it provides all needed servi

52、ces of the distributed computing component in the EJB server, such as life-cycle management of the component, database connectivity management, distributed business service, automatic fault tolerance and laden automatic equilibrium capability etc. Realized business logic EJB component can efficientl

53、y operate and support multi-client visiting in the EJB server. The first the client sends request to JSP or Servlet on web server. Servlet or JSP calls EJB component in the EJB server; it will realize complex business logic. The whole system architecture has some advantages, as following: Have been

54、compiled .class file and the performance capability has significantly improved. Servlet and JSP also can directly use Java program to complete simple application logic, especially JSP may directly write HTML and XML, and it simplifies the page output and keeps down the easy-to-use scripting language

55、 characteristics. The complex business logic is deployed on the server side by using form of EJB component. And the server also provides a wide range of component business services which make the system deal with large subsequent requests and the complex business logic management. The EJB component

56、can realize a high level of security encryption and authentication which can effectively ensure data security. Introduced MVC design pattern can completely separate the view generation from the data processing. If we revise one of their operations, it will not affect the other operation. This design

57、 pattern can easily separate the software development and reuse EJB component. In allusion to dynamic E-business system, this has sealed the key operation and facilitated the developers, improved the development speed, increased the flexibility of the system and commendably realized security.4. IMPL

58、EMENT A DYNAMIC E-BUSINESS SYSTEM This paper uses the example of a bookstore dynamic E-business system to illustrate the designing and implementing processing. Figure 4. A Bookstore Dynamic E-business System Software Modules The bookstore dynamic E-business system is an online bookstore dynamic E-bu

59、siness system based on B/S pattern. The system is divided into the following four functional modules: user management subsystem, transaction subsystem, content management subsystem and increment service subsystem. There are system software modules, shown as Figure 4.The bookstore dynamic E-business

60、system must keep to J2EE criterion. It adopts a three-tier structure model and is composed of expression logic tier, business logic tier and data tier. Every tier is separate on physics. The expression logic runs on the web server, the business logic runs on the application server and the data tier


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