外研版九年級英語下冊課件Module 3 Life now and then Unit 1_第1頁
外研版九年級英語下冊課件Module 3 Life now and then Unit 1_第2頁
外研版九年級英語下冊課件Module 3 Life now and then Unit 1_第3頁
外研版九年級英語下冊課件Module 3 Life now and then Unit 1_第4頁
外研版九年級英語下冊課件Module 3 Life now and then Unit 1_第5頁
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1、Unit 1 Life now and thenModule 3They sometimes work harder.課文呈現(xiàn)知識講解Module 3 Unit 1課堂導入12課堂小結課堂練習課后作業(yè)Look at the pictures below;what can you see?Housesin the early 1980sNow1Listening and vocabularyTalk about the photo. Say what life was like in the early 1980s and what life is like today. There weren

2、t so many cars as there are today.2Listen and answer the questions.1What is the history homework?2What is the question they need to answer?3What does Betty ask?4What does Daming ask?Write about life in the past and life today.The question is“Is life today better than it was in the past?”Betty asks i

3、f they can write about medicine and pollution.Daming asks if they can write about personal safety.Mr Jackson: So for history homework, Id like you to write about life in the past and life today. Please answer the question: Is life today better than it was in the past? Yes, Betty? Betty: Can we write

4、 about anything, such as medicine and pollution? Mr Jackson: Yes, think about how our medical knowledge has grown and, of course, the environment is an important part of our lives today. Daming: And what about personal safety? 魔法記憶Mr Jackson: Thats a good idea, Daming. Do you think were safer today?

5、 Daming: Well, I think there are fewer accidents than in the past. Life is safer, certainly. Mr Jackson: And why do you think this is true? Daming: Probably because there are so many laws to protect us today. Mr Jackson: OK, you can write about personal safety as well. Remember to hand in your homew

6、ork next Monday. 3Listen and read.Mum:Its getting late, Betty. How is your homework?Betty:Nearly finished.Mum, do you think that life is better today than in the past?Mum:Yes, of course, I do.Betty:I do too. People are wealthiertoday, and they live longer than they did in the past.魔法記憶Mum:Thats true

7、. We know more about medicine today, and theres less fear of getting ill because we know how to deal with the ordinary diseases. But people dont take as much exercise as they used to.Betty:I suppose thats because more people have cars, and they walk or use their bikes less.Mum:Some people think life

8、 in the past was simpler and healthier than today. More wealth sometimes means less health. When the number of cars is doubled,the pollution is also doubled, or even worse.魔法記憶Betty:What about work? Do people work as hard as they did fifty years ago?Mum:Yes, and they sometimes work harder. People se

9、ldom say they have enough spare time!Why dont you go and ask Mrs Li, our neighbour? Shes over seventy years old. Shes seen how life has changed. Betty:Thats a good idea. Ill go and ask her.Mum:Remember to speak up! Shes a bit deaf now.Everyday EnglishNearly finished.Thats true.I suppose.魔法記憶Now choo

10、se the correct answer.1People live longer today because _ a) we know more about medicine b) they do not work as hard as they did c) they take more exercise2. There is less fear of getting ill_ a) so people live longer b) because people know how to deal with the ordinary diseases c) so people work ha

11、rder than beforeab魔法記憶3. People take less exercise because _ a) they do not need to b) they drive cars instead c) they do not have cars or bikes4. People work harder today and _ a) they do not live as long as they did b) they do not usually have enough free time c) they live a healthier lifebb知識點1Ne

12、arly finished.快做完了。 almost 和nearly 的異同考向一【難點】相同點almost和nearly在肯定句中可以互換,并且都可以用于行為動詞的否定形式之前。eg:Its almost/nearly nine oclock. 差不多九點鐘了。 I almost/nearly didnt get there in time. 我險些未能及時趕到那里。魔法記憶不同點(1)almost可與表示否定意義的詞,如 never,no, none,nothing, nobody等連用,而nearly則不能。 eg:There is almost nothing left. 幾乎什么也沒

13、留下。(2)almost不可與not單獨使用,而nearly可與not 連用,not nearly意為“遠非”。(3)一般說來,almost的差距比nearly小。 因此在“差一刻左右”開午飯時,可以說: Its nearly lunchtime.快到午餐的時間了 在“差五分鐘左右”的時候可以說: Its almost lunchtime.馬上就要吃午餐了。魔法記憶She said_nothing.Anearly Balmost Chardly典例 B【點撥】用標志詞法解答。almost可以和表示否定意義的詞連用,根據(jù)句中的單詞“nothing”可知選B。魔法記憶The volunteer t

14、eachers in the rural areas are_all college students.Ahappily Bnearly Cclearly Dfreely典例 B【點撥】用詞義辨析法解答。happily意為“幸福地”;nearly意為“幾乎,差不多”;clearly意為“清晰地”;freely意為“自由地”。結合句意“農村地區(qū)的志愿者教師差不多都是大學生?!笨芍xB。 nearly為副詞,意為“幾乎;差不多;將近”。 eg:Bruce is nearly twenty. 布魯斯快二十歲了??枷蚨R點2wealthy/wei/adj.富有的;富裕的wealthy的名詞為weal

15、th,意為“財富”eg:her great wealth她的巨額財富eg:His father is a wealthy man.他父親是位有錢人??枷蛞桓鶕?jù)句意及漢語提示寫出單詞The man is famous for his great_(財富)典例 wealth魔法記憶用所給單詞的適當形式填空The man is (wealthy) of this city.典例 the wealthiest wealthy的比較級為wealthier,最高級為wealthiest。 其同義詞為rich,反義詞為poor??枷蚨R點3fear/f/ n. 擔心;害怕fear的形容詞為fearful。

16、常用句式為:eg:Her brother feels no fear.她弟弟什么也不怕??枷蛞?翻譯句子)昨天我們擔心在森林里迷路。(fearful)_ _典例 We were fearful of losing our way in the forest yesterday.主語be fearful of sth./doing sth.主語be fearful that從句魔法記憶 用作名詞。eg:I couldnt move for fear. 我害怕得動彈不得??枷蚨?用作動詞,既可作及物動詞,也可作不及物動詞。eg:She fears mice.她懼怕老鼠。 She feared fo

17、r his safety.她擔心他的安全。考向三知識點4the number of 的數(shù)量eg:The number of the workers in this factory is 100. 這個工廠工人的數(shù)量是100。 辨析a number of與the number of考向一【重點】a number of許多相當于many,修飾可數(shù)名詞復數(shù)。作主語時,謂語用復數(shù)形式。number前可用large,small等修飾,以表示程度。A number of people have read the book.許多人已讀過這本書。the number of的數(shù)量跟復數(shù)名詞連用作主語時,中心詞是

18、number,謂語用單數(shù)形式。The number of the students in our school is rising year by year.我們學校學生的數(shù)量在一年年地增長。魔法記憶 一言辨異:A number of teachers are present today,and the number of them is 300.今天許多教師都到了,有300人。魔法記憶How many women doctors are there in your hospital?_them_over twenty. (益陽)AA number of;are BThe number of;

19、areCThe number of;is典例 C【點撥】此題用關鍵詞法。由答語中的“over twenty”可推知第一個空格處應用the number of,且其后的謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式,故選C。知識點5double/dbl/ v使加倍;把增加一倍adj.(成)雙的;兩個作形容詞,意為“兩倍的;雙的;供兩者用的”。double無比較級??枷蛞籩g:We should double steel output. 我們應該把鋼鐵產量增加一倍。魔法記憶 用動詞,意為“(使)加倍”。eg:Trade between us has almost doubled in the past five years.

20、 在過去的5年里,我們之間的交易量幾乎 增加了一倍??枷蚨R點6seldom/seldm/ adv.很少地;不常seldom意為“很少地”,相當于rarely或not often??枷騟g:He is seldom late for school.他上學很少遲到。拓展 圖解頻度副詞常見的頻度副詞按其頻率依次降低的順序排列如下:always,usually,often, sometimes,seldom, never。假如我們以一周為一個周期,那么, 這些副詞在一周中發(fā)生的頻率大致如下:頻度副詞日一二三四五 六 always總是 usually通常 often經常 sometimes有時 se

21、ldom很少 never從不 根據(jù)漢語提示寫出單詞Millie lives on a healthy diet.She_(很少)has sweet snacks.(南京)典例 seldom4Complete the questions with the words or expression in the box.1What kinds of things do you_?2What do you do in your_ time?3What can someone not do if they are_?4If something is _, is it more or less?5Do you think people _take more exercise than they do today?6Do you think people have more _ today than they used to? Now work in pairs. Ask and answer.deaf doubled fear spare used to wealthfearspar


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