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1、高頻寫作詞匯翻譯練習(xí)高頻名詞影響: influence/ impact/ effect教育對(duì)人類有影響。(教育)能力 ,技能: ability / capacity / skill旅游使孩子們能獲得 acquire(實(shí)用的 practical)技能。 (旅游 )污染: pollution / contamination人類活動(dòng) human activity 導(dǎo)致 (嚴(yán)重的 )環(huán)境污染。(環(huán)境)老人: old people/ the old / the elderly / the aged / senior citizens=seniors老人應(yīng)該受到社會(huì)的尊重。 (社會(huì))老師: teacher

2、 / instructor / educator / lecturer老師不能被電腦和遠(yuǎn)程教育 distance education替代 replace。(教育 )青少年: youngster / youth/ adolescent/teenager/ the young/ juniors越來(lái)越多的青少年沉迷 be addicted to英特網(wǎng)。(科技)優(yōu)點(diǎn): advantage/benefit /merit現(xiàn)代科技有很多的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。 (科技)缺點(diǎn): disadvantage/weakness/drawback出國(guó)留學(xué)的缺點(diǎn)不能被忽視 ignore.(教育 )責(zé)任: responsibility

3、/ obligation / duty / liability保護(hù)民族文化是每個(gè)公民的責(zé)任。 (文化 )改善,進(jìn)步,發(fā)展: improvement/ advancement/ development科技的發(fā)展能夠促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟(jì)的進(jìn)步。 (科技)高頻動(dòng)詞提高,加強(qiáng): improve / enhance/ promote/strengthen政府應(yīng)該提高人們的生活水平。 (政府 )導(dǎo)致,引起: cause / trigger / lead to/ result in現(xiàn)在科技的發(fā)展引起了一些社會(huì)問(wèn)題。 (科技)解決: solve /resolve /address / tackle /combat/cop

4、e with / deal with人們最近在討論怎樣解決交通問(wèn)題。 (交通)4. 拆除:tear down / knock down / eradicate精品文庫(kù)傳統(tǒng)建筑不應(yīng)該被拆除。 (政府)培養(yǎng) : develop / cultivate / foster競(jìng)爭(zhēng)可以幫助孩子們培養(yǎng)獨(dú)立性 independence。(教育)激發(fā),鼓勵(lì): encourage / motivate家長(zhǎng)們應(yīng)該鼓勵(lì)孩子們參與戶外活動(dòng)。 (教育)減輕,緩解 : ease / mitigate / alleviate / relieve / lighten政府應(yīng)該緩解環(huán)境問(wèn)題。 (政府)保護(hù): protect/pres

5、erve保護(hù)環(huán)境是每個(gè)公民的義務(wù)duty. (環(huán)境 )高頻形容詞積極的,好的: beneficial /advantageous /conducive /favorable/positive海外學(xué)習(xí)對(duì)一些學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)是有益的。 (教育 )消極的,不良的,不利的: harmful/ detrimental / undesirable/negative暴力的電影對(duì)孩子們的發(fā)展是不利的。 (媒體 )貧窮的: poor / needy / impoverished貧窮的學(xué)生不能負(fù)擔(dān)afford 學(xué)費(fèi) tuition fee.(教育 )富裕的: rich / wealthy / affluent富裕的孩子有

6、更多的機(jī)會(huì)成功。 (教育 )明顯的: obvious / apparent / clear手機(jī)的明顯的好處之一是提高交流效率。 (科技 )高頻副詞明顯地: obviously/ clearly/ apparently明顯地,越來(lái)越多的畢業(yè)生 graduate覺得難找工作。 (教育 )顯著地: significantly/ dramatically世界的人口顯著地增加了。 (環(huán)境 )相當(dāng)?shù)?,十分,非?: rather/ quite / very / pretty高科技的運(yùn)用變得相當(dāng)?shù)爻R姟?(科技 )重要詞組搭配表示有好處A is beneficial to BA 對(duì) B 有益歡迎下載2精品文

7、庫(kù)A exerts/imposes positive/beneficial influence on B A 對(duì) B 有積極的 /有益的影響練習(xí):閱讀對(duì)孩子們有益。休閑活動(dòng)對(duì)人們有益。自學(xué) self-study 對(duì)學(xué)生有益。全球化 globalization 對(duì)交流有益。電腦對(duì)提高效率有積極的影響。政府的投資 investment基礎(chǔ)教育的發(fā)展表示有壞處,有害A is harmful/detrimental to BA 對(duì) B 不利A exerts/imposes negative/detrimental influence on B A 對(duì) B 有消極的 /不利的影響練習(xí):網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲?qū)⒆觽冇?/p>

8、害。全球化對(duì)民族文化的保護(hù)。人口過(guò)剩 overpopulation社會(huì)的發(fā)展發(fā)展核武器 nuclear weapon世界和平表示引起 /導(dǎo)致A give rise to/cause/ lead to/ result in B練習(xí):廣告不必要的消費(fèi) consumption人口過(guò)剩資源的不足 insufficiency私家車的使用空氣污染表示 A 是 B的原/起因A is the cause of BA is the root cause of BA is the primary/ chief cause of B吸煙是很多疾病的根源。人口過(guò)剩是激烈的intense 社會(huì)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的主要原因。歡迎下載3

9、精品文庫(kù)表示重要性A plays an essential role/part in B/doing BA 對(duì) B起很重要的作用練習(xí):教育經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展教育環(huán)境的保護(hù)科技現(xiàn)代交通的發(fā)展保護(hù)民族特色旅游業(yè) tourism 的發(fā)展Protecting the national images plays a main role in the development of tourism.表示重視lay /place more emphasis onattach more importance to政府保護(hù)傳統(tǒng)建筑學(xué)生英特網(wǎng)的消極影響表示采取措施做某事Take/ adopt (effective/stro

10、ng) measures/ actions/ steps to do sth.練習(xí):政府保護(hù)野生動(dòng)物老師幫助學(xué)生提升能力家長(zhǎng)鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生參與戶外活動(dòng)推斷很可能的事實(shí)A be likely to doA 很可能A tend to do一般會(huì)做某事練習(xí):高中生更關(guān)注考試和學(xué)習(xí)成績(jī)academic performance來(lái)自富裕家庭的孩子享受高等教育或者海外學(xué)習(xí)表示投資invest in sth/ allocate money to sth/ provide financial support for sth.練習(xí):政府太空項(xiàng)目歡迎下載4精品文庫(kù)政府高等教育政府博物館和藝術(shù)館的維護(hù)maintenance

11、政府基礎(chǔ)建設(shè)the construction of infrastructure表示努力做某事struggle for /make great efforts to/ spare no efforts for練習(xí):學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)參與,參加engage in / take part in/ participate in練習(xí):學(xué)生課外 extracurricular 活動(dòng)住在大城市的人們休閑活動(dòng)使某人能夠做某事allow/enable sb. to do sth.練習(xí):海外學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)生體驗(yàn)異國(guó)的 exotic 文化和傳統(tǒng)接觸到某事get access to sth./ be exposed to sth

12、.練習(xí):學(xué)生異國(guó)的 exotic 文化和傳統(tǒng)人們更多資源認(rèn)為 sth./sb怎.么樣consider sth. as/to beregard sth. asfind sth .練習(xí):提升素質(zhì)教育解決社會(huì)問(wèn)題的主要方法之一Consider the quality educations development/ advancement/ improvement as /to be the major method to resolve the social problems不合理的道路設(shè)計(jì)交通堵塞的重要原因之一控制人口有效地解決能源不足energy insufficiency 的問(wèn)題的方法之一下定

13、義sth. can best be described as 某事 /物被描述為歡迎下載5精品文庫(kù)sth. can be seen as 某事 /物被看做是sth. can be viewed as被視 為是練習(xí):英特網(wǎng)主流媒體mainstream medium遠(yuǎn)程教育distance education一種更有效率的教學(xué)方式全球化信息時(shí)代 information era 的特征 feature翻譯下列詞組:美國(guó)的貿(mào)易 trade 一年工作或者旅游文化的發(fā)展中國(guó)的人口兩周的假期人口的增長(zhǎng)傳統(tǒng)文化的保護(hù)發(fā)展中國(guó)家的經(jīng)濟(jì)economic 增長(zhǎng) growth中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)的可持續(xù)sustainable發(fā)展

14、英國(guó)城市居民的人均average收入 income自然環(huán)境的破壞destruction人類的生存 survival 和發(fā)展歡迎下載6精品文庫(kù)高頻名詞影響: influence/ impact/ effect教育對(duì)人類有影響。(教育)Education has positive influence on human beings.能力 ,技能: ability / capacity / skill旅游使孩子們能獲得 acquire(實(shí)用的 practical)技能。 (旅游 ) Traveling enables children to acquire practical skills.污染:

15、pollution / contamination人類活動(dòng) human activity 導(dǎo)致 (嚴(yán)重的 )環(huán)境污染。(環(huán)境)Human activities cause serious environmental pollution.老人: old people/ the old / the elderly / the aged / senior citizens=seniors老人應(yīng)該受到社會(huì)的尊重。 (社會(huì))Seniors should be respected by the society.老師: teacher / instructor / educator / lecturer老師

16、不能被電腦和遠(yuǎn)程教育 distance education替代 replace。(教育 ) Teachers cannot be replaced by computers and distance education.青少年: youngster / youth/ adolescent越來(lái)越多的青少年沉迷be addicted to英特網(wǎng)。(科技)More and more youngsters are addicted to the Internet.優(yōu)點(diǎn): advantage/benefit /merit現(xiàn)代科技有很多的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。 (科技)Modern technology has many

17、 advantages.缺點(diǎn): disadvantage/weakness/drawback出國(guó)留學(xué)的缺點(diǎn)不能被忽視 ignore.(教育 )The disadvantages of studying abroad cannot be ignored.責(zé)任: responsibility / obligation / duty / liability保護(hù)民族文化是每個(gè)公民的責(zé)任。 (文化 )Protecting national culture is the responsibility of every citizen.改善,進(jìn)步,發(fā)展: improvement/ advancement/

18、development科技的發(fā)展能夠促進(jìn)經(jīng)濟(jì)的進(jìn)步。 (科技)The development of technology can promote the advancement of economy.高頻動(dòng)詞提高,加強(qiáng): improve / enhance/ promote政府應(yīng)該提高人們的生活水平。 (政府 )The government should improve people s living standard.導(dǎo)致,引起: cause / trigger / lead to/ result in現(xiàn)在科技的發(fā)展引起了一些社會(huì)問(wèn)題。 (科技)The development of mode

19、rn technology causes some social problems.解決: solve /resolve /address / tackle /combat/cope with / deal with人們最近在討論怎樣解決交通問(wèn)題。 (交通)歡迎下載7精品文庫(kù)People have discussed how to solve traffic problems.拆除: tear down / knock down / eradicate傳統(tǒng)建筑不應(yīng)該被拆除。 (政府)Traditional buildings should not be knocked down.培養(yǎng) : de

20、velop / cultivate / foster競(jìng)爭(zhēng)可以幫助孩子們培養(yǎng)獨(dú)立性 independence。(教育)Competition can help children develop independence.激發(fā),鼓勵(lì): encourage / motivate家長(zhǎng)們應(yīng)該鼓勵(lì)孩子們參與戶外活動(dòng)。 (教育)Parents should encourage children to take part in outdoor activities.減輕,緩解 : ease / mitigate / alleviate / relieve / lighten政府應(yīng)該緩解環(huán)境問(wèn)題。 (政府)Th

21、e government should mitigate environmental problems.保護(hù): protect/preserve保護(hù)環(huán)境是每個(gè)公民的義務(wù) duty. (環(huán)境 )Protecting the environment is the duty of every citizen.高頻形容詞積極的,好的: beneficial /advantageous /conducive /favorable海外學(xué)習(xí)對(duì)一些學(xué)生來(lái)說(shuō)是有益的。 (教育 )Overseas study is beneficial to some students.消極的,不良的,不利的: harmful/

22、 detrimental / undesirable暴力的電影對(duì)孩子們的發(fā)展是不利的。 (媒體 )Violent movies are harmful to the development of children.貧窮的: poor / needy / impoverished貧窮的學(xué)生不能負(fù)擔(dān)afford 學(xué)費(fèi) tuition fee.(教育 )Poor students cannot afford tuition fee.富裕的: rich / wealthy / affluent富裕的孩子有更多的機(jī)會(huì)成功。 (教育 )Rich children have more opportuniti

23、es to be successful.明顯的: obvious / apparent / clear手機(jī)的明顯的好處之一是提高交流效率。 (科技 )One of the obvious benefits of mobile phones is promoting the efficiency of communication.高頻副詞明顯地: obviously/ clearly/ apparently明顯地,越來(lái)越多的畢業(yè)生 graduate覺得難找工作。 (教育 ) Clearly, more and more graduates find it difficult to find a

24、job.顯著地: significantly/ dramatically世界的人口顯著地增加了。 (環(huán)境 )The world s population increased significantly.相當(dāng)?shù)兀?,非?: rather/ quite / very / pretty高科技的運(yùn)用變得相當(dāng)?shù)爻R姟?(科技 )歡迎下載8精品文庫(kù)The application of high-technology becomes rather common.重要詞組搭配表示有好處A is beneficial to BA 對(duì) B 有益A exerts/imposes positive/benefic

25、ial influence on BA 對(duì) B 有積極的 /有益的影響練習(xí):閱讀對(duì)孩子們有益。Reading is beneficial to children.休閑活動(dòng)對(duì)人們有益。Leisure activities are beneficial to people.自學(xué) self-study 對(duì)學(xué)生有益。Self-study exerts/imposes positive/beneficial influence on students.全球化 globalization 對(duì)交流有益。Globalization exerts/imposes positive/beneficial infl

26、uence on communication.電腦對(duì)提高效率有積極的影響。Computers exert/impose positive/beneficial influence on promoting efficiency.政府的投資 investment基礎(chǔ)教育的發(fā)展Governmental investment exerts/imposes positive/beneficial influence on the development of elementary education.表示有壞處,有害A is harmful/detrimental to BA 對(duì) B 不利A exer

27、ts/imposes negative/detrimental influence on B A 對(duì) B 有消極的 /不利的影響練習(xí):網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲?qū)⒆觽冇泻?。Online games are harmful/detrimental to children.全球化對(duì)民族文化的保護(hù)。Globalization is harmful/detrimental to the protection of national culture.人口過(guò)剩 overpopulation社會(huì)的發(fā)展Overpopulation is harmful/detrimental to the development of so

28、ciety.發(fā)展核武器 nuclear weapon世界和平Developing nuclear weapon is harmful/detrimental to world peace.表示引起 /導(dǎo)致A give rise to/cause/ lead to/ result in B練習(xí):廣告不必要的消費(fèi) consumptionAdvertisements give rise to unnecessary consumption. 人口過(guò)剩 資源的不足 insufficiency Overpopulation causes the insufficiency of resources. 私

29、家車的使用 空氣污染The use of private cars leads to air pollution.表示 A 是 B的原/起因歡迎下載9精品文庫(kù)A is the cause of BA is the root cause of BA is the primary/ chief cause of B吸煙是很多疾病的根源。Smoking is the root cause of many diseases.人口過(guò)剩是激烈的 intense 社會(huì)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的主要原因。 Overpopulation is the primary cause of intense social competit

30、ion.表示重要性A plays an essential role/part in B/doing BA 對(duì) B起很重要的作用練習(xí):教育經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展Education plays an essential role/part in the development of economy.教育環(huán)境的保護(hù)Education plays an essential role/part in the protection of the environment.科技現(xiàn)代交通的發(fā)展Technology plays an essential role/part in the development of mod

31、ern transport.保護(hù)民族特色旅游業(yè) tourism 的發(fā)展Protecting national identity plays an essential role/part in the development of tourism.表示重視lay /place more emphasis onattach more importance to政府保護(hù)傳統(tǒng)建筑The government should lay /place more emphasis on protecting traditional buildings.學(xué)生英特網(wǎng)的消極影響lay /place more emph

32、asis on the negative influence of the Internet.表示采取措施做某事Take/ adopt (effective/strong) measures/ actions/ steps to do sth.練習(xí):政府保護(hù)野生動(dòng)物The government should take/adopt (effective/strong) measures/ actions/ steps to protect wild animals.老師幫助學(xué)生提升能力Teachers should take/adopt (effective/strong) measures/

33、actions/ steps to promote students abilities.家長(zhǎng)鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生參與戶外活動(dòng)Parents should take/adopt (effective/strong) measures/ actions/ steps to encourage students to engage in outdoor activities.推斷很可能的事實(shí)A be likely to doA 很可能A tend to do一般會(huì)做某事歡迎下載10表示努力做某事struggle for /make great efforts to/ spare no efforts for精

34、品文庫(kù)練習(xí):高中生更關(guān)注考試和學(xué)習(xí)成績(jī)academic performanceHigh-school students tend to pay more attention to academic performance.來(lái)自富裕家庭的孩子享受高等教育或者海外學(xué)習(xí)Children from rich families are likely to enjoy higher education or overseas study.表示投資invest in sth/ allocate money to sth/ provide financial support for sth.練習(xí):政府太空項(xiàng)目

35、The government should invest in space programs.政府高等教育The government should allocate money to higher education.政府博物館和藝術(shù)館的維護(hù)maintenanceThe government should invest in the maintenance of museums and art galleries.政府基礎(chǔ)建設(shè)the construction of infrastructureThegovernmentshouldprovidefinancialsupportfortheco

36、nstructionofinfrastructure.練習(xí):學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)Students should spare no effects for English studying.參與,參加engage in / take part in/ participate in練習(xí):學(xué)生課外 extracurricular 活動(dòng)Students should engage in extracurricular activities.住在大城市的人們休閑活動(dòng)People living in big cities should engage in leisure activities.使某人能夠做某事al

37、low/enable sb. to do sth.練習(xí):海外學(xué)習(xí)學(xué)生體驗(yàn)異國(guó)的 exotic 文化和傳統(tǒng)Overseas allows students to experience exotic cultures and traditions.接觸到某事get access to sth./ be exposed to sth.練習(xí):學(xué)生異國(guó)的 exotic 文化和傳統(tǒng)Students can get access to exotic cultures and traditions.人們更多資源歡迎下載11精品文庫(kù)People can be exposed to more resources.認(rèn)為 sth./sb怎.么樣consider sth. as/to beregard sth. asfind sth .練習(xí):提升素質(zhì)教育解決社


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  • 5. 人人文庫(kù)網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對(duì)任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請(qǐng)與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對(duì)自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。


