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1、2022天津高中生暑假期末考試語文局部:一、積累與運(yùn)用L用你最喜歡的字體、最漂亮的字跡,把下面一句格言抄在方格里, 并做到書寫工整、美觀。自信是成功的第一要訣。愛默生2、以下詞語加點(diǎn)字注音全都正確的一項(xiàng)為哪一項(xiàng)()A、怒吼hou渺小m iao潸然淚下shanB、擎天qing旋風(fēng)xuan膾炙人口 kuai zhiC、參差cha裊裊n詒。萬里迢迢ti臺(tái)。D、喧囂血。繁衍y粉撲朔迷離shCi3、默寫(1)把酒話桑麻。(孟浩然過古人 莊)(2 )柳暗花明又一村。(陸游游山西 村)(3 ),風(fēng)雨 不動(dòng)安如山。(杜甫茅屋為秋風(fēng)所破歌)(4 )行到水窮處 (王維終南別業(yè))(5 )羌管悠悠霜滿地。,o (范

2、么撫慰她。我自己心里也很難過,有點(diǎn)想哭。我想,別讓母親看見了,要哭就躲 到被子里哭去吧。可我實(shí)在太累啦,頭剛剛挨到枕頭就睡著了,睡得又香又甜?!鞠嚓P(guān)鏈接】賣米的故事其實(shí)再簡(jiǎn)單不過:父親臥病,母親趕 集去賣米,本來以為米好可以多賣點(diǎn)錢,誰想到賣米的鄉(xiāng)人極多,米 販子們趁機(jī)集體壓價(jià),不甘心被敲詐的母親一點(diǎn)米也沒有賣掉,更沒 有錢給父親買藥,最后只好趕更遠(yuǎn)的集市去低價(jià)賤賣。選文選自小說 的結(jié)尾局部。文中的場(chǎng),為方言,指集市,趕場(chǎng)就是趕集的后、心、o16、用一句話簡(jiǎn)析文中“我這一形象。答:17、選文的主要情節(jié)是什么?作者主要采用什么樣的手段來展開情 節(jié)的?答:18、母親的話里有許多辛酸和無奈的意思一句

3、中,母親的話 指哪句話?辛酸和無奈在何處?答:19、任選一個(gè)角度對(duì)最后兩段略作賞析。答:20、親愛的同學(xué),也許你的家庭很富有,也許你的家庭像瓊寶 一樣困難,請(qǐng)結(jié)合自己的情況簡(jiǎn)要談?wù)勀阕x完本文后的體會(huì)。答:三、作文閱讀下面文字,根據(jù)要求作文。不是所有的鳥都能飛越太平洋,而有一種小鳥,卻能飛越。它需 要的不僅是一小截樹枝。它把樹枝銜在嘴里,累了,就把那截樹枝扔 到水面上,然后落在樹枝上休息。餓了,它就站在樹枝上捕魚。困了, 它就站在樹枝上睡覺。就這樣小鳥越過了太平洋。其實(shí),對(duì)每個(gè)人來說,在生活中都有自己的那截樹枝那么, 什么是我們心底的”那截樹枝呢?是追求?是自信?是責(zé)任?是習(xí) 慣?是信任?還是請(qǐng)

4、以那截樹枝為話題,寫一篇不少于600字的文章。除詩歌、戲劇外,文體不限。書寫要認(rèn)真,文面整潔美觀者酌情加13 分。數(shù)學(xué)局部:一、選擇題(每題3分,共30分).等腰三角形的一邊長(zhǎng)是8 ,另一邊長(zhǎng)是12 ,那么周長(zhǎng)為()A.28B.32C.28 或 32D.30 或 32.在一個(gè)直角三角形中,有一個(gè)銳角等于45。,那么另一個(gè)銳角的度數(shù)是()A.300B.45C.60D.75.如圖,直線/垂直平分線段AB.戶是/上一點(diǎn),以I二1 ,那么心()A.等于1A.等于1B.小于1C.大于1D.不能確定第3題.如圖在中/=90 。是/水;的角平分線假設(shè)/回10 ,CD=6 ,那么點(diǎn)。到80的距離是()A.10

5、B.8C.6D.4.以下能判定“8。為等腰三角形的是()A.z/=40 , /8=50B.nZ=2/8=70C.n/=40。,/8=70。D./8=3 , BC=6 ,周長(zhǎng)為 14.如圖,BE=CF, AEVBC, DFBC,要根據(jù) HL證明 RtB隹RfDCF,那么還需要添加一個(gè)條件是()4.AE=DFB.n/二 n。JB二乙 CDAB二 DC.如圖,在中,/二30。,是斜邊/C的中垂線,分別交AB, 于D、兩點(diǎn),假設(shè)BD=2 ,那么2。的長(zhǎng)是()A.2 0B,3V3C.4V3D.8V3第7題.如圖,在中,AB=AC, DE=DF, DErAB, DF1.AC,垂足分別是E、現(xiàn)有以下結(jié)論:2

6、。平分N8/U; ADA.BC,上任意一點(diǎn)到2。的距離相等;上任意一點(diǎn)到8。兩端點(diǎn) 的距離相等.其中正確結(jié)論的個(gè)數(shù)有()A.4B.3C.2D.1.如圖,正方形網(wǎng)格中,網(wǎng)格線的交點(diǎn)稱為格點(diǎn),/, 6是兩格 點(diǎn),如果。也是圖中的格點(diǎn),且使得為等腰三角形,那么點(diǎn)C 的個(gè)數(shù)是()D.10第9題.如圖,在Z8C中,AB=AC=6 ,該三角形的面積為15 ,點(diǎn)。是 邊夕。上一動(dòng)點(diǎn)(不與B、。重合),那么點(diǎn)。分別到AB, ZC邊的距離之和等于()A.5C.9D.10二、填空題(每題4分,共28分).等腰三角形的一個(gè)底角是50,那么它的頂角是.12如圖,在中,AB=AC, OE是/。的垂直平分線,那的 周長(zhǎng)為

7、14 , BC=5 ,那么“8。的周長(zhǎng)是.A第12題.”對(duì)頂角相等的逆命題是.如圖,在如8c中,AC3=9Q , n/=30。,以點(diǎn)。為圓心,CB 長(zhǎng)為半徑作圓弧,交于點(diǎn)D,假設(shè)CB=4 ,那么8。的長(zhǎng)為.如圖,等邊三角形,點(diǎn)。在8。的延長(zhǎng)線上,作DF1AB, 垂足為F,假設(shè)CD=4 ,那么Z尸的長(zhǎng)等于.第15題.如圖,在三角形紙片28。中,AC=6 , z/l=30 , zC=90 ,將n/沿折疊,使點(diǎn)力與點(diǎn)8重合,那么折痕的長(zhǎng)為.第16題.如圖,在 Rf/8。中,zC=90 , z/l=60 , 28=12 cm,假設(shè)點(diǎn) P 從點(diǎn)8出發(fā)以2 cm/s的速度向點(diǎn)/運(yùn)動(dòng) 點(diǎn)Q從點(diǎn)/出發(fā)以1 c

8、m/s 的速度向點(diǎn)。運(yùn)動(dòng),設(shè)P、Q分別從點(diǎn)B、,同時(shí)出發(fā),運(yùn)動(dòng)的時(shí)間 為”.當(dāng)t 時(shí),ZPQ是以PQ為底邊的等腰三角形.三、解答題(一)(每題6分,共18分).如圖,在 中,zC=90 , nZ=30 , BC=3 ,求28。的 面積.如圖,在“8。中,zC=90 , 平分OS1/8于點(diǎn) E, 點(diǎn)尸在AC_ ,且求證:CF=EB.20如圖,AB=AC,。是上一點(diǎn),DE上BC于點(diǎn)E,屹的延長(zhǎng)線 交C4的延長(zhǎng)線于點(diǎn)求證:尸是等腰三角形.四、解答題(二)(每題8分,共24分).如圖,在28。中,AB=AC(1)作28的垂直平分線分別交AB, /C于點(diǎn)D, E;(尺規(guī)作圖, 不寫做法,保存作圖痕跡)(

9、2 )在(1)的條件下,連接BE,假設(shè)n/=40。,求的度數(shù).如圖,在“SU和。四中,z/l=zZ?=90 , AC=BD, ACBD 相交于點(diǎn)。(1)求證:aABDCB;(2 ) 08。的形狀是.證明你的結(jié)論.23如圖,在=8。中,/8=30。,邊的垂直平分線分別交和8U于點(diǎn)。,E,且平分/必C(1)求N。的度數(shù);(2)假設(shè)。=1,求/8的長(zhǎng)J五、解答題(三)(每題10分,共20分)24如圖,在紀(jì)中,E、。分別是/8、/U上一點(diǎn),BD與CE交 于點(diǎn)。,給出以下四個(gè)條件:OB=OC:于D, CE Z8于 E,BD=CE:BE=CD.(1)上述四個(gè)條件中,哪兩個(gè)條件可判定28。是等腰三角形;用

10、序號(hào)寫出所有情形(2 )選擇第(1)小題中的一種情況,證明/8C是等腰三角形.25在28。中,zC=100 ,乙ABC=lACB,點(diǎn)。在直線 8。上運(yùn) 動(dòng)(不與點(diǎn)B、。重合),點(diǎn)E在射線2。上運(yùn)動(dòng),且, 連接。M設(shè)金(1)如圖,當(dāng)點(diǎn)。在邊8。上時(shí),且二36。,那么/珈。=, 乙 CDE=;(2 )如圖,當(dāng)點(diǎn)。運(yùn)動(dòng)到點(diǎn)8的左側(cè)時(shí),其他條件不變,請(qǐng)猜測(cè) /以。和的數(shù)量關(guān)系,并說明理由;(3 )當(dāng)點(diǎn)。運(yùn)動(dòng)到點(diǎn)。的右側(cè)時(shí),其他條件不變,BADCDE 還滿足(2 )中的數(shù)量關(guān)系嗎?請(qǐng)畫出圖形,并說明理由.4英語局部:第一節(jié):?jiǎn)雾?xiàng)填空(共15小題;每題1分,總分值15分).You may depend o

11、n that tour friends will help youwhenever you need it.A.them B yourself C.it D.me.They were walking along the shore a huge waveappeared out of nowhere,sweep them out to sea.A.while B.as C.when D.since.You wont make much progress you work hard.A.be cause B.unless C.when D.whilet makes whether Mr.Smit

12、h joins in our discussion ornot.A.no sense B.no difference C.no point D.no use.This plan will be prevented.A.carrying out B.from carrying out C.being carried out D.from being carried out._What happened to him?-He by a snake when he went through the forest.A.gets bitten B.got bitten C.is bitten D.was

13、 being bitten7 .These volunteers of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games on. A.what to give first aid B.how to aid C.how to give first aid D.what to offer first aid8.1 like color of your skirt.lt is good match for yourblouse.A.a;the B.a;a C.the;a D.the;the9 .The present situation there is more serious than. A

14、.expected B.expectation C.expect D.has been expected 10. - Have you got the lights yet?-Yes,everything is ready for the party.A.in place B.in place of C.out of place D.in places11.111 probably get lost I haven7 t got a wary good ofdirection.A.ability B.sense C.meaning D.way12.1 have little doubt the

15、 plan will succeed.A that B if C.whether D.because13. - Can you give me some advice on how to improve my English?仲淹漁家傲)(6 )誰道人生無再少 (蘇軾浣溪沙)4、按提示填空。語文學(xué)習(xí)讓我們有豐富的生活體驗(yàn),從巴東三峽我們領(lǐng)略到的景色;從青海湖,夢(mèng)幻般的湖中,我們感受到青海湖的神奇、美麗,及作者 情感;從記承天寺夜游記中我們領(lǐng)略了蘇軾被貶后 的復(fù)雜心情。5、綜合性學(xué)習(xí)(1)下面是某校文學(xué)社征稿啟事的一局部,讀后請(qǐng)你按要求完成后面的問題。本刊歡迎大家賜稿、來稿,不管是發(fā)表過作品的同

16、學(xué),還是剛學(xué)寫作的同學(xué),都以文章質(zhì)量高低決定取舍,我刊將一視同仁。來稿體 裁不限,提倡創(chuàng)新,以1500字左右為宜。文章寫好后必須交到本刊 編輯部,本刊有權(quán)對(duì)錄用稿件進(jìn)行修改。征稿啟事中,有一處用語重復(fù)、多余,應(yīng)該刪去,刪去的詞語應(yīng)是征稿啟事中,有兩句的順序顛倒,影響了意思的表達(dá),應(yīng)該對(duì)調(diào)。這兩句是文中用語不得體的一個(gè)詞語是 應(yīng)改為 O(2 )三位教師就教育學(xué)生的問題發(fā)表觀點(diǎn)。甲說:教育是一切為了 孩子乙說:“教育是為了一切孩子。丙說:教育是為了孩子的一-sure In my opinion,the only way to improve your English is to practice

17、speaking.Which of the following is wrong?A.over and over again B.repeatedly C.over and over D.over again14.-Tony said he could fix my bicyclezbut I really doubt it.-.He s very good at this sort of thing.A.Don t worry B.I could zt agree moreC.Of course D.A piece of cake15.It we had stayed together fo

18、r a couple of weeks Ifound we had a lot in common.A.was until;when B.was until;that C.wasn7 t until;when D.wasn t until;that第二節(jié):完形填空(共20小題,每題1.5分,總分值30分) 閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從16 - 35各題所給的四 個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)。Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to 16.Now she was Portiaza strong - will

19、ed 17 in Shakespeare s The Merchant of Venice J he theater was filled with people.She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced;the words flowing 18 form her. 19,Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition(選拔試演).She 20 being in front of other people.She was very 21 at sc

20、hool.She had never thought she was good enough at anything to 22 much attention.She stayed mostly to herself,making 23 friends.She had excellent grades,24 she always thought that something was missing.Two weeks before the audition,Roberta s mother had heard about it and 25 her to join in.“l(fā)ean t thi

21、nk of anyone else better suited to 26 the part.Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?Her mother wouldn7 t let the 27 drop.You re just a little scared(害怕).Everyone gets scared.You know you 28 do it.The trick is to look past the 29 to find the love of what you re doing/So Roberta had made

22、an appointment(預(yù)約)with the head of the Drama Club.She had read the play and found herself excited by the 30 of speaking such rich words.In secret she practiced Portia7 s part,31 the lines by repeating them over and over.lt wasnz t hard;she 32 every minute of it.Every time she spoke the words,she had

23、 a new 33 of the lines,as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.On the day of the audition,she 34 two of Portia7 s famous speeches for the auditors.When she had finished,the head of the Drama Club announced the 35 was hers.16Asing B.dance C.speak D.report17Amember B.actress C.player D.cha

24、racter18Aweakly B.rapidly C.smoothly D.slowly19.A.At first B.In fact C.After all D.In all20Ahated B.enjoyed C.appreciated D. reg retted21Ahonest B.shy C polite D.patient22Aavoid B.focus C.pay D.attract23Afew B.a few C.several D.many24.A.or B.so C.for D.but25Aforced B.requested C.encouraged D.reminde

25、d26Aaccept B.play C.offer D.learn27Arole B.matter C.interest D.grade28Acan B.must C.may D.should29Aanger B.pain C.sadness D.fear30.A purpose B.way C.idea D.importance31Amemorizing B.organizing C.checking D.improving 32Adisliked B.loved C.expected D.bore33Aconsideration B.description C.selection D.un

26、derstanding 34Apracticed B.planned C.performed D.delivered35Apart B.play C.speech D.position第二局部:閱讀理解。閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選 項(xiàng)中,選出最正確選項(xiàng)。AIt is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain.Without enough blood,thebrain lives for only three to five minutes.More often the doctors can t fix the

27、 damage.Sometimes they are afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain.The doctors might make the person worse if he operates on the brain.Dr.Robert White,a famous professor and doctor,thinks he knows a way to help.He thinksdoctors should make the brain very cold.If

28、it is very coldzthe brain can live without blood for 30 minutes.This gives the doctor a longer time to do something for the brain.Dr.White tried his idea on 13 monkeys.First he taught them to do different jobszand then he operated on them.He made the monkeys blood go through a machine.The machine co

29、oled the blood.Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkeys brains.When the brain7 s temperature was 10C,Dr. White stopped the blood to the bra in. After 30 minutes he turned the blood back on.He warmed the blood again.After their operations the monkeys were like they had been before.They wer

30、e healthy and busy.Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.The biggest difficulty in operating on the damaged brain is that.A.the time is too short for doctors B.the patients are often too nervousC.the damage is extremely hard to fix D.the blood-cooling machine might break down.T

31、he brain operation was made possible mainly by. A.taking the blood out of the brain B.trying the operation on monkeys firstC.having the blood go through a machine D.lowering the brain s temperature.With Dr.White7 s new ideazthe operation on the damaged brain.A.can last as long as 30 minutes B.can ke

32、ep the brain7 s blood warmC.can keep the patient7 s brain healthy D.can help monkeys do different jobs.What is the right order of the steps in the operation? a.send the cooled blood back to the brain b.stop the blood to the brain c.have the blood cooled down d.operate on the brainA.azb,c,d B.cab,d C

33、.c,b,d,a Ab,c,d,aBI spent the first eight years of my education in a small.Howeverjn the ninth grade I moved to a huge public high school.I went from a class of 30 kids to a class of almost 100!I was shy and did not have much experience of socializing.! felt invisible there.They had a tradition in t

34、his class.On your birthday everyone would sing /z Happy Birthday to Youz, and then members of the opposite sex would line up and give you a hug.My birthday was early in the school year,and since I didn t know anyone to tell I figured that no one would notice.Little did I know that the teacher had lo

35、oked at the school records and knew about my birthday.On my birthday I suddenly found myself at the center of everyone7 s attention.Before I knew what was happening,everyone was singing to me and I had a bunch of girls waiting to give me a hug!I was completely confused.My heart was racing!It wasn7 t

36、 until the fourth or fifth hug that I realized what I was saying “Happy Birthday“ in a shy voice during each embrace.I tried to stopzbut my brain I was so busy that I couldn t control my mouth.Each girl gave me a wish,and I gave her the same in return.Later,whenever we greeted each other with a hug

37、we would say. Happy Birthday”.By saying 4 felt invisible there”,the writer meant that he was not.A.independent B.important C.noticed D.excited 41.What can we infer from the last paragraph? A.The writer was still being laughed at by his classmates. B.The writer had completely become a part of the cla

38、ss. C.Wishing his classmates a happy birthday had become a habit of the writer.D.The writer didn7 t mind people playing jokes on him. 42.Where is the passage probably taken from?A.piece of news B.A story book C.An advertisement D.A research bookCamp memories last foreverlWe make sure they areunforge

39、ttable!Shadow Ridge Summer Camps offer so many exciting things for campers to do.Unlike other camp programs that include horses as a small part of their programzat Shadow Ridge horses ARE the programlWe are 100%horse from stable(馬 廄)management,nature walks,and track rides to bedroom furnishings.Hors

40、es help us achieve many of our aims.Girls can learn to develop responsibility,self-confidence and personal connections in their lives while having fun.Using horses as a wonderful tool for education,our camps offer an interesting place for growth and learning.Imagine each girl having her very own hor

41、se to spend time with and a best friend to love and take care of.Each camper is responsible for a horse for the week.Our riding program provides a lot of riding and lesson time.Campers will learn how to take care of the horse and the tack(馬具),as well as how to ride.Days are filled with horse-related

42、 activities to strengthen the connection between each girl and horse,as the girls learn to work safely around the horses.At Shadow Ridge we try to create a loving,caring family atmosphere for our campers.We have The Bunkhouse” (4 girls),the Wranglers Roost” (4 girls),and The Hideout (2 girls)in our

43、comfortable 177-year-old farm house.AII meals are home cooked,offering delicious and healthy food for the hungry rider.Our excellent activities create personalized memories of your child zs vacation;each child will receive a camp T-shirt and a photo album(usually 300-500 pictures)of their stay at ca

44、mp.Our camps are offered during Junejuly and August 2007zfor small groups of girls aged 13-16 years,not only from Canada but also other parts of the world.We will send you full program descriptions at your request.What is the main purpose of the passage?A.To attract people to the camps.B.To talk abo

45、ut camping experiences.C.To describe the programs of the camps.D.To explain the aims of the camps.What do we know about the camp programs at Shadow Ridge?A.Campers are required to wear camp T-shirts.B.Horses play a central role in the activities.C.Campers learn to cook food for themselves.D.Horse le

46、ssons are offered all the year round.The programs at Shadow Ridge mainly aim to help people.A.understand horses better B.enjoy a family atmosphere C.have fun above other things D.achieve an educational purpose.The passage is written mainly for.A.horseriders B.teenagegirls C.Canadianparents D.interna

47、tional travelers DImagine youz re at a party full of strangers.You7 re nervous.Who are these people?How do you start a conversation?Fortunately/you/ ve got a thing that sends out energy at tiny chips in everyones name tag(標(biāo)簽).This hasn t quite happened in real life.But the world is already experienc

48、ing a revolution using RFID technology.An RFID tag with a tiny chip can be fixed in a product,under your pet s skinzeven under your own skin.Passive RFID tags have no energy source-batteries because they do not need it.The energy comes from the reader;a scanning device (裝置),that sends out 切。請(qǐng)問他們各自的意

49、思是什么?甲:乙:丙:6、名著閱讀。(1)將相關(guān)內(nèi)容用線連接起來。例如:劉備借荊州有借無 還孔明拳打鎮(zhèn)關(guān)西寄人籬下魯達(dá)揮淚斬馬謖費(fèi)力不討好豬八戒進(jìn)賈府打抱不平林黛玉背媳婦顧全大局(2)從以下三個(gè)人物中任選一個(gè),通過一個(gè)故事情節(jié),對(duì)該人物作 出簡(jiǎn)要評(píng)價(jià)。L孫悟空2、武松3、保爾柯察金二、閱讀(-)閱讀小石潭記,回答文后問題。從小丘西行百二十步,隔篁竹,聞水聲,如鳴佩環(huán),心樂之。伐竹取道,下見小潭,水尤清冽。全石以為底,近岸,卷石底以出,為 域,為嶼,為蝮,為巖。青樹翠蔓,蒙絡(luò)搖綴,參差披拂。潭中魚可百許頭,皆假設(shè)空游無所依。日光下澈,影布石上,屹然 energy(for example,radi

50、o waves)that starts up the tag immediately.Such a tag carries information specific to that object,and the data can be updated.Already,RFID technology is used for recognizing each car or truck on the road and it might appear in your passport.Doctors can put a tiny chip under the skin that will help l

51、ocate and obtain a patient s medical records.At a nightclub in Paris or in New York the same chip gets you into the VIP (very important person)section and pays for the bill with the wave of an arm.Take a step back : 10 or 12 years ago,you would have heard about the coming age of computing.One exampl

52、e always seemed to surface : Your refrigerator would know when you needed to buy more milk.The concept was that computer chips could be put everywhere and send information in a smart network that would make ordinary life simpler.RFID tags are a small part of this phenomenon. Z/The world is going to

53、be a loosely coupled set of individual small deviceszconnected wirelessly/ predicts DrJ.Reich.Human right supporters are nervous about the possibilities of such technology.lt goes too far tracking school kids through RFID tags,they say.We imagine a world in which a beer company could find out not on

54、ly when you bought a beer but also when you drank it.And how many beers.Accompanied by how many biscuits.When Marconi invented radio,he thought it would be used for ship-to-shore communication.Not for pop music.Who knows how RFID and related technologies will be used in the future.Here; s a wild gue

55、ss : Not for buying milk. 47.The article is intended to.A.warn people of the possible risks in adopting RFID technologyB.explain the benefits brought about by RFID technology C.convince people of the uses of RFID technology D.predict the applications of RFID technology48.We know from the passage tha

56、t with the help of RFID tags,people.A.will have no trouble getting data about othersB.will have more energy for conversationC.will have more time to make friendsD.won7 t feel shy at parties any longer 49.Passive RFID tags chiefly consist of.A.scanning devices B.radio waves C.batteries D.chips 5O.Why

57、 are some people worried about RFID technology?A.Because children will be tracked by strangers.B.Because market competition will become fiercer.C.Because their private lives will be greatly affected. D.Because customers will be forced to buy more products. 51.The last paragraph implies that RFID tec

58、hnology.A.will not be used for such matters as buying milkB.will be widely usedjncluding for buying milkC.will be limited to communication usesD.will probably be used for pop music第n卷(共65分)第一節(jié)語法填空(共10小題;每題2分,總分值20分)閱讀下面短文,按照句子結(jié)構(gòu)的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,在 空格處填入一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~或使用括號(hào)中詞語的正確形式填空。First 56 burns affect only th

59、e outer skin layer.The 57 appears dry,redzand mildly swollen.A first degree burn is painful and sensitive to touch.Mild sunburn and brief contact with a heat source such as a hot iron are examples of first degree burns.First degree burns should feel better within a day or two.They should heal in abo

60、ut a week if there are no other problems.58 degree burns affect the skin s lower layers as well as the 59 skin.They are painful,swollen,and show redness and blisters.The skin also develops a weepy,watery surface.60 of second degree burns are severe sunburnzburns caused by hot liquids and a flash fro


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