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5、 1, Episode 5: Unchained0165Season 1, Episode 6: Do No Harm.0202Season 1, Episode 7: The Best Policy0238Season 1, Episode 8: Depraved Heart0278Season 1, Episode 9: Life Is Priceless0310Season 1, Episode 10: The Better Half0349Season 1, Episode 11: Undercover.0383Season 1, Episode 12: Blinded.0417Sea

6、son 1, Episode 13: Sacrifice0448- 3 -百度一下 愛酷英語:看電影/美劇學(xué)英語,漫畫英語,聽歌學(xué)英語,游戲英語Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot Scene: Question Room, Cal, a criminal and his attorney are there.-The Attorney: Ive instructed my client to remain silent. Hes not gonna talk.instruct: 指導(dǎo) remain: 保持 client:顧客,委托人 silent:安靜的,沉默的,無言的我已經(jīng)

7、讓我的客戶保持沉默了。他不會開口的。-Cal: Thats okay. Thats okay. 沒有關(guān)系,沒有關(guān)系。I dont have much faith in words myself. faith:信任我自己也不怎么相信言語。Statistically speaking, the average person tells three lies per ten minutes conversation. And granted, its just regular people. statistically:統(tǒng)計學(xué)上 granted:但是 regular people:普通人averag

8、e:平均的,一般的,通常的據(jù)統(tǒng)計,一般人在十分鐘的談話中平均說 3 個謊話。當(dāng)然,這只是普通人。We havent studied people who are planning to firebomb a black church. Could skew differently.firebomb:炸毀 black church:黑人的教堂 skew: 歪斜,側(cè)轉(zhuǎn) 我們還沒有研究那些計劃炸毀一個黑人教堂的人,那樣的話,結(jié)果指不定是啥樣兒。-FBI 1: We dont have time for this scientist to talk to the guy. We went at him

9、 for fourhours, got nothing. go at:著手干,盡全力干 guy:人,家伙我們沒時間讓這個科學(xué)家盤問他了,我們套了他四個小時,啥都沒套到。-Cal: Now, the FBI knows you want mass casualties. FBI: (Federal Bureau of Investigation,簡稱FBI)美國聯(lián)邦調(diào)查局 mass:大規(guī)模的casualty:傷亡人數(shù)FBI 已經(jīng)知道你想要達(dá)到大規(guī)模傷亡。So right now ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black church

10、es in the state. ATF:酒煙火器爆破物品局 inch: 寸 state:國家 right now:立刻,馬上所以現(xiàn)在 ATF 正在慢慢搜索這個州內(nèi)最大兩所黑人教堂的每個角落。The FBI got it wrong. Well, theres a shocker. shocker:令人震驚的事FBI搞錯了,好吧,真令人震驚啊。Its not one of those two churches. Maybe you want one of the smaller churches, one ofthe black suburbs. suburb:郊區(qū)不是這兩所教堂,你是想炸小點

11、的教堂吧,在黑人聚集的郊區(qū)。-The Criminal: You dont know what youre talking about.真不懂你在說什么。-Cal: Dont respond! respond:反應(yīng),回答 別回應(yīng)!What do you say ATF starts with Southbridge? start with:從開始ATF 從 Southbridge 市開始搜如何?No, Im only kidding. 我開玩笑的啦,不搜 Southbridge 了。Well skip that one. Were gonna focus on Lorton. focus on

12、:集中于,聚焦 skip:略過,跳過我們跳過這個,那集中搜查 Lorton 市吧?You feel good about that? Thats it! Lorton! Going after a church in Lorton. go after:追著你覺得行嗎?就這個! Lorton 市!搜索 Lorton 市的教堂。-The Attorney: That accusation has no basis. accusation:控告,指控 basis:基礎(chǔ),根據(jù)這個控告沒有依據(jù)。-Cal: What do you mean? He just told me.你啥意思?他剛剛告訴我了。Sc

13、ene: In one criminal lecture, Cal and his audiences are there.criminal:犯罪的,刑事的 lecture:演講,講課 audience:觀眾,聽眾-Cal: The ATF found a pipe bomb in a church basement in Lorton an hour later. pipe:管道 basement:地下室ATF一個鐘頭后在一個教堂的地下室找到一個管道炸彈。-Audience A: DOD friend of mine said this guys a total nut-job. Heard

14、 he spent, like, three years in the African jungle with some primitive tribe studying their eyebrows.DOD: Department of Defense國防部(美國) nut-job:瘋子 jungle: 熱帶雨林primitive tribe:原始部落 eyebrow:眉毛一個國家安全局的朋友告訴我這人是個十足的瘋子。聽說他在非洲叢林里待了三年跟原始部落住在一起就為研究他們的眉毛。-Cal: Watch his reaction to my statement. reaction:反應(yīng) st

15、atement:陳述看他對我的話的反應(yīng)。Right now, ATF is searching every inch of the two largest black churches in the state.現(xiàn)在 ATF 正在慢慢搜查這個州里那兩座最大黑人教堂的各個角落。Now what you just saw there was a brief expression of happiness on his face which he was trying his best to conceal. expression:表情 conceal:隱藏 a fifth of a second:

16、 = one-fifth of a second 五分之一秒他的臉上霎那間掠過幾分喜悅,他卻竭力想要掩飾。It lasted for less than a fifth of a second. Its what we call a micro-expression.last for:持續(xù) less than:少于,不到 brief:簡短的這一喜悅持續(xù)不到五分之一秒,就是我們所說的微表情。Now, look at his mouth. The suspect is secretly happy about the locations we aresearching, which tells m

17、e we have the wrong locations.suspect: 嫌疑犯 location:位置 secretly:秘密地,背地里看看他的嘴,嫌犯正竊喜我們的搜索地點。我便知道,我們搜錯地兒了。Now I tell him of our new plan, and.現(xiàn)在我告訴他一個新方案,然后-The criminal:You dont know what youre talking about.你不知道你在說什么。-Cal: Classic one-sided shrug. Translation: Ive absolutely no confidence of what I j

18、ust said.classic:經(jīng)典的,典型的 shrug:聳肩 典型的單邊聳肩。這可以翻譯成:我對于我剛才說的話完全沒有自信。The body contradicts the words. Hes lying. Yeah? contradict:矛盾肢體跟語言相矛盾,他在說謊。請說?- Audience B: When you accuse the suspect, and he acts surprised, is there a way to tell if its real or if hes just trying to look innocent? accuse:控告 innoc

19、ent:無辜的如果你指控一個嫌疑犯。而他表現(xiàn)得很驚訝。我們怎樣來判斷這是真的還是他只是試圖表現(xiàn)得無辜?-Cal: Now thats real surprise.現(xiàn)在這種是真正的驚訝。Lasts for less than a second when it comes across your face, but if your suspect issurprised for more than a second, hes faking it. Hes lying. come across:出現(xiàn) fake:假造,仿造真正的驚訝處在你臉上的持續(xù)時間只有少于一秒,但是如果你的嫌疑犯表現(xiàn)出驚訝超過一秒

20、,他就在作假。他在撒謊。Now I call out his target is actually Lorton, and watch it again. target:目標(biāo) call out:大聲叫喊現(xiàn)在我說出他的目標(biāo)實際上是 Lorton,然后再看下他的表情。Concealed scorn. One personal tip: You see this micro-expression in your spouses face, your marriage is coming to an end. Trust me. Yeah?conceal:隱藏 scorn:輕蔑 spouse:配偶 e

21、xpression:表情,表現(xiàn)隱藏的不屑。我稍稍指點一句:如果你們在你們的配偶臉上看到這種細(xì)微表情,你們的婚姻也將走到頭了。相信我。請說?-Audience C: Dont these micro-expressions vary depending on the person? vary: 變化 depend on取決于這些細(xì)微表情不會在不同的人臉上變化么?-Cal: Lets leave this up. leave up:任(某物)懸掛著或擺放著,這里指放著不管。先把這個問題放著。And well go to the Kato Kaelin footage from the OJ tri

22、al. footage:鏡頭 trial:審訊來看看辛普森一案中 Kato Kaelin 的作證錄像。(后者曾與辛普森前妻有曖昧關(guān)系)-Questioner:Mr. Kaelin, you got a lot of money for your appearance on Current Affair,didnt you? appearance:出現(xiàn),出場 Current Affair:時事,這里是一電視節(jié)目。Kaelin 先生,你因為上時事節(jié)目而獲得不少錢,是嗎?-Kaelin:Um, yeah.是的。-Cal: Scorn. Scorn. Huge scorn. scorn:不屑,輕蔑 h

23、uge:龐大的,巨大的不屑,不屑,很明顯的不屑。Shame, shame, and shame.羞愧,羞愧,還是羞愧。Contempt. These expressions are universal. contempt:輕視,輕蔑 universal:全球性的輕蔑。這些表情人人都會有。Emotion looks the same whether youre a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. emotion:情感,情緒 suburban:城郊的 housewife:家庭主婦 suicide:自殺的不管你是郊區(qū)的主婦還是人肉炸彈,表情都是一樣的。

24、The truth is written on all our faces.truth:事實真相,盡在我們臉上。Scene: THE LIGHTMAN GROUP, Cal and Gillian are there.-Gillian: Just the man I was looking for. Todays the day. Say it. look for:尋覓我正找你呢,就今天了,說吧。-Cal: Youre the shrink. Im not big on self-affirmation. shrink:心理醫(yī)生 self-affirmation:自我肯定你才是心理醫(yī)生,我可沒

25、那么自大。-Gillian: Im telling you we cannot wait another day to hire someone. hire:雇傭我跟你說,我們得雇人,不能再等了。I found the one. This is the one.我找到一個,就這個了。- Cal: I.我-Gillian: Use your words. 你說呀。-Cal: Why do we need to hire someone?為什么我們要雇人?-Gillian: We got a new request this morning from the DEA and Homeland Se

26、curity.request:要求 DEA: 毒品管制局 Homeland Security:國土安全局今早又收到毒品管制局和國土安全部的要求。Someone from the Prime Ministers office in Uzbekistan called.Prime Minister:總理 Uzbekistan:烏茲別克烏茲別克斯坦總理府有人打電話。They want us to give a talk to their senior police. senior police:高級警官讓我們盤問他們的一個高級警官。-Cal: Tell him to call back when t

27、hey got a constitution, a real one. constitution: 憲法告訴他們,等他們有了一部真正的憲法再來找我們。-Loker: Heres the analysis from the blinking experiment. analysis:分析 blink:眨眼 這就是眨眼實驗的分析結(jié)果。-Cal: You just getting in, Loker?你剛來嗎,Loker?-Loker: Yeah, I got pissed-drunk last night with my roommate, and I was just lying in bed

28、this morning thinking about how nasty hot Nancy Grace is, pissed-drunk:喝醉 roommate:室友 nasty hot:下流的熱辣是,昨晚跟室友大醉了一場。早晨躺在床上想著 Nancy Grace 有多熱辣呀 (CNN 主持人),and just trying to decide if I was gonna come in at all.decide:決定 at all:完全,根本一邊琢磨今天要不要去上班呢。cause its not like theres anyone here to fantasize about.

29、fantasize:幻想 cause: =because因為這里貌似沒啥可幻想的對象。-Gillian: No offense taken.offense:冒犯一點沒有冒犯到我。-Loker: I dont go for married women. go for:喜愛 married:已婚的已婚婦女不是我的那杯茶。-Gillian: Cal, Cal.-Heidi: Dr. Lightman, I have the mayor on 2 for you. mayor:市長Lightman 博士,市長在 2 號線上。-Cal: All right. 好的。Mr. Mayor. I see. O

30、f course. Any time. 市長先生。我懂。當(dāng)然了。隨時效勞。-Gillian: What is it?怎么了?-Cal: Some blowup at the Justice Department about a high school teacher that was killedin Northwest. blowup:激烈的爭論 Justice Department:司法部門司法部遇著麻煩了,西北市一高中內(nèi)一名老師被殺。He wants us in on it right away since. What is that? right away:立刻,馬上他希望我們立刻著手

31、.那是什么?-Gillian: Chocolate pudding. pudding:布丁巧克力布丁。-Cal: Who eats pudding at 10:00 in the morning? 誰早上 10 點吃布丁啊?-Gillian: People who like pudding.喜歡布丁的人嘍。Scene: In the lockup, a policeman, an officer, Cal and Gillian are there.lockup:監(jiān)獄;(臨時)拘留所-The Officer: The mayor thanks you and Dr. Foster for co

32、ming on short notice. mayor:市長 short notice:臨時,即刻市長感謝你和 Foster 博士能立刻趕來。This case is a land mine. land mine:地雷【棘手的事情】這案子很棘手啊。We got a juvenile offender, family of devout Jehovahs Witnesses. juvenile:青少年 offender:罪犯 devout:虔誠的 Jehovahs witness:耶和華見證人信徒(一種宗教。不信耶穌是上帝,稱自己是真正基督徒)被告是青少年,全家都是虔誠的耶和華見證人信徒。We

33、gotta be real careful here. gotta: = have to do careful:小心的,仔細(xì)的我們得萬分小心。-Bonds: Three days ago, James Cole, 16-year-old student at Jackson High, murdered his teacher, Susan McCartney. murder:謀殺三天前,Jackson 高中 16 歲學(xué)生,James Cole 謀殺了他的老師 Susan McCartney。After Mr. Cole got into Mrs. McCartneys house, he s

34、mashed her head into a glass coffeetable. smash:敲碎Cole 進(jìn)入 McCartney 小姐家房子后把她的頭撞向玻璃咖啡桌。He then was caught fleeing the house by two patrolmen. flee:逃跑 patrolman:巡邏員逃出時被兩個巡邏的給逮了。Been in custody here ever since. custody:拘留 ever since:從那時起,自那時以來一直拘留到現(xiàn)在。-Hutchinson: So what exactly does the mayor want to

35、find out about the McCartneymurder?exactly:精確地,正確地 find out:找出,查明,發(fā)現(xiàn)那這個案子,市長究竟還想查出些什么?-The Officer: Assistant US Attorneys Hutchinson and Estin.US Attorney:國家律師,那就是檢察長副檢察長 Hutchinson 和 Estin。-Hutchinson: The kid was at the scene of the crime; he had motive, means; and he resisted arrest. And he fail

36、ed a polygraph test.scene:現(xiàn)場 motive:動機(jī) means:方法,手段 resist:抵抗 arrest:逮捕 polygraph: 測謊器那孩子在犯罪現(xiàn)場、有動機(jī)、有手段,而且還拒捕,測謊儀也測出來了。Its murder one.這是一級謀殺。-Cal: Well, I guess were all here then: someone who wants the truth; somebody who wants to be right; and us, the idiots in the middle. idiot:白癡 in the middle:在中間

37、現(xiàn)在我們也來了:有人想要真相,有人想證明自己是對的,而我們,則是夾在中間的笨蛋。-The Officer: The US Attorneys office wants to try Cole as an adult.聯(lián)邦檢察長辦公室希望我們把 Cole 當(dāng)成年人來審。But if the mayor is gonna support sending a 16-year-old to prison for the rest of his life,he wants to be certain were talking about a premeditated, cold-blooded murd

38、支持 certain:肯定的,無疑的 premeditated:有預(yù)謀的 cold-blooded:冷血的 gonna: =going to the rest of:的其余部分但市長若要支持把這個16歲的少年終身監(jiān)禁,他想要確定此案是關(guān)乎一場早有預(yù)謀且手法相當(dāng)殘忍的謀殺。He wants you to provide an independent assessment of vide:提供 independent:獨(dú)立的 assessment:評估 intent:意圖他想讓你們提供一份獨(dú)立的意圖評估。-Gillian:Well need the cri

39、me scene photos and the autopsy report.autopsy:驗尸 crime scene:犯罪現(xiàn)場 report:報告我們需要現(xiàn)場照片和尸檢報告。-Hutchinson: I thought you could tell somebody was lying just by looking at them.我還以為你們看看那個人就能知道他在撒謊呢。-Gillian: The question is never simply if someone is lying; its why. simply:簡單的,僅僅關(guān)鍵不在他是否撒謊而是為什么。-James Cole

40、: Look, I already told the police everything, okay? already:已經(jīng)聽著,我對警察都說了,行嗎?-Gillian: Tell us why you think youre here, James.你覺得你為什么會在這,James。-James: I was out for a run, and the police thought I was running from them.So they arrested me.我出去跑步,而警察覺得我要逃跑。就把我拘捕了。-Cal: I heard you made your schools tr

41、ack team. track team:田徑隊聽說你成功進(jìn)了學(xué)校的田徑隊。-James: I didnt make it. 我沒有成功。They dont have tryouts. tryout:測試 他們沒有選拔賽。-Cal: What was your best race this year?今年最好成績是多少?-James: I dont know, Um, probably against Jefferson last week. Why? probably:大概,或許不知道。大概是上周跟 Jefferson 比的那次吧。怎么了?-Cal: I ran hurdles myself

42、, 110 meters. hurdle:障礙賽我自己也跑 110 米障礙賽。Howd your quads feel during the race? quad:四頭肌比賽時四頭肌感覺如何?-James: Good, I guess. 我想,還好吧。-Cal: And what about on your run the night you were arrested? 被捕那晚跑時感覺如何?-James: I felt fine.感覺不錯。-Gillian: Your teacher Ms. McCartney was found dead in her home.你的老師 McCartn

43、ey 小姐死于家中。Have you ever been to her house before? 你之前去過她家嗎?-James: No, Ive never been to her house before. 沒有,我之前從沒去過她家。-Gillian: Ms. McCartney thought that you should be held back a year because she felt you were having some problems with your classmates. hold back:留級 classmate:同學(xué)McCartney 小姐覺得你該留級

44、一年,因為她覺得你跟同學(xué)相處不好。-James: What? I didnt want to get held back. 什么?我可不想留級。-Cal: Howd you feel when you found out she was dead? 知道她死了你感覺如何?-James: I prayed for her soul.pray:祈禱 soul:靈魂我愿她安息。I cant know Gods plan, but I didnt kill her.上帝的計劃我無法預(yù)料。我只知道我沒殺她。-Gillian: Hurdles? 障礙賽?- Cal: Could have run hurd

45、les.本來可以去跑的嘛。- Gillian: Please.省省吧。-Hutchinson: So you got a sense of his intent?sense:感應(yīng),感覺 intent:意圖,目的知道他的目的了嗎?-Cal: When I asked James about his best race, he broke eye contact in order to remember and answer truthfully. contact:接觸,聯(lián)系 truthfully:如實地我問起 James 的最好成績,他終止了眼神交流努力回憶并如實回答。And when I as

46、ked him about his run the night of the murder, he never broke eye contact. 但我問起謀殺當(dāng)晚的跑步情況,他卻一直看著我。He wasnt recalling a memory. He was lying. recall:回想并未回憶什么而在撒謊。-Hutchinson: But I thought most people avoid eye contact when theyre lying.avoid:避免大部分人撒謊時都避免眼神交流的吧。-Cal: No, its a myth. myth:神話【這里指杜撰出來的事】

47、不,那是誤區(qū)。And quite often, they make more eye contact. 他們會經(jīng)常做更多眼神交流。They need to watch, see if you believe their lies. 他們需要觀察,看你是否相信他們的謊言。-Gillian: The content analysis would suggest that James has been to Ms. McCartneys house before. content:內(nèi)容這 suggest:建議,提出內(nèi)容分析顯示 James 之前曾去過 McCartney 小姐的家。Question:

48、 Have you ever been to her house? 我問他 你之前去過她家嗎?Answer: No, I have never been to her house. 回答 沒有,我之前從未去過她家Rigid repetition like that is typical of a lie. rigid:嚴(yán)格的 repetition:重復(fù),反復(fù) typical:典型的完全照搬的重復(fù)回答是典型的謊言。-Hutchinson: Okay, so youll tell the mayors office the murder was premeditated?premeditate:預(yù)

49、謀好了,你們能告訴市長他是有預(yù)謀的嘍?-Cal: Looks that way. 似乎如此。But when I asked him about his teachers death, what we saw was this: oblique eyebrows.oblique:傾斜的但當(dāng)我說起老師的死,我們看到的是這個:眉毛掛下來了。-Gillian: Sadness.悲傷。Why would he be hiding sadness for her?為什么要為她掩飾悲傷呢?-Hutchinson: Looks like guilt to me.guilt:罪行,內(nèi)疚我看是罪惡感。-Cal:

50、 Its possible he didnt mean to kill his teacher.possible:可能的 mean to:故意的,有意的也有可能,他不是有意殺人。-Hutchinson: Excuse me?什么?- Cal: Could have been an accident.可能是意外。-Hutchinson: Okay. 好的。Okay, I indulged the mayors office in letting you talk to the kid, but now youre just making wild guesses that have no bas

51、is in hard evidence. indulge:遷就 wild:粗糙的 evidence:證據(jù)我遷就市長辦公室的人讓你跟這個孩子談,現(xiàn)在你卻在無可靠證據(jù)的情況大膽猜測。This was no accident. 這不是意外。And personally, I think what you do is a joke.而我個人覺得,你們這一行簡直是笑話。Its a friggin carnival act. friggin carnival: =frigging carnival 受詛咒的嘉年華【隨便亂來】完全隨心所欲嘛。-Cal: Oh, yeah, yeah, I get that

52、a lot. 是啊,是啊,經(jīng)常有人這么說。You know, a moment ago, I saw you smile at your colleague, flash her a glance, thenshift your gaze.colleague:同事 flash:閃過 glance:一瞥 shift:改變,移轉(zhuǎn) gaze:注視話說,就剛才我看你沖你同事笑,朝她拋去一瞥,然后轉(zhuǎn)移視線。She responded by raising her chin boss, revealing deep embarrassment.respond:回答,反應(yīng) chin: 下巴 reveal:顯

53、示,透露 embarrassment:尷尬她以提高下巴作回應(yīng),說明她非常尷尬。-Gillian: Cal.?-Cal: Ill take another wild guess: you two had a fling. fling:盡情歡快的一陣我再大膽猜一下,你倆有一腿吧。She doesnt want a repeat performance because, you know, what with your wife and all.performance:行為,表現(xiàn)她不想再繼續(xù)下去,因為你有妻室。But you wont move on. 但你不想放手。Oh, no, no. Keep

54、 your fingers off your nose. 別.別把手放鼻子上。Men have erectile tissue there. erectile:可致豎起,即勃起的 tissue:組織男人那兒有可致勃起的組織。Itches when theyre hiding something. itch:癢你想要隱瞞什么這兒就癢了。Scene: In the school, the principal, Cal and Gillian are there.-Castle: Ive been principal here for over three years. principal:校長我在

55、這當(dāng)了三年多校長了。Weve never faced anything like this. 從未遇到過這樣的事。To lose a teacher and then to find out that a student might have been responsible.responsible: 應(yīng)負(fù)責(zé)的失去一個老師,結(jié)果還很可能是個學(xué)生干的。-Gillian: I understand James was new to the school. 我知道 James 是新生。-Castle: Yes. His parents chose to home-school him until t

56、his year because theyre devout Jehovahs Witnesses. home-school:在家教授 devout:衷心的,虔誠的沒錯,他父母今年之前都在家教授他,因為他們是虔誠的耶和華見證人教徒。He was prepared academically, but he had real difficulties socially.prepared:有準(zhǔn)備的 academically:學(xué)術(shù)上 socially:在社會上,在社交上他學(xué)習(xí)方面沒有欠缺,但社交方面卻有大問題。-Cal: Did he ever express emotion of any kind

57、towards Mrs. McCartney? towards; 向,朝他對 McCartney 小姐表達(dá)過某種情感嗎?-Castle: He was sent to my office a number of times, but he never mentioned her specifically.specifically:特別地 a number of:許多,若干 mention:提起他被送來我辦公室?guī)状?,但沒有特別提到她。But I can tell you the boys father had some strong objections to Ms. McCartneys te

58、aching.objection:反對 但我可以告訴你們,他父親對 McCartney 的教學(xué)非常不滿。He was outraged that she had assigned the book The Color Purple to her students.outraged:憤怒的 assign: 安排她將紫色一書作為輔讀教材,他非常惱火。Thought it was pornographic. pornographic: 色情的認(rèn)為那是色情書籍。All right, theyre ready for you. 好了,可以問他們了。But can I just say, uh. as m

59、uch as we all mourn this loss no teacher that Ive spoken to believes that this boy should go to prison for life. mourn:哀悼我只是說一下.盡管我們都對此深感痛心,但跟我談過的老師都不認(rèn)為這個孩子該被終身監(jiān)禁。-Student A: He was in the photography club for like five minutes before he quit.quit:離開,辭職,停止 photography:攝影術(shù) club:俱樂部他剛進(jìn)攝影社團(tuán) 5 分鐘就退出了。It

60、 seemed like he didnt talk ever. 他好像從不說話。He took really good photos, though. 照片拍得倒是不錯。-Student B: I never saw him hang out with anybody. Hes kind of intense.hang out:一起玩 intense:緊繃 kind of:有點兒,有幾分我從沒見他和誰一起玩,他好像總是很緊張。Like the way hed stare at you. stare:凝視比如他盯著你看的樣子。-Student C: He talked a bunch of c


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