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1、教學重點:七年級上冊教案Starter Unit 1 Good morning . Aa Hh 的字母教學;Hello. Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. - How are you. - Im fine, thanks. And you. - Im OK. 教學難點: 課本中英語人名的學習和大、小寫字母的學習及書寫;單元課時: 5 個課時第一課時:完成 Section A 1a, 1b 其次課時;完成 Section A 2a, 2b,2c, 2d, 3, 4a 第三課時:完成 Section A 4b, 4c, Section B 1,

2、 2a, 2b 第四課時:完成 Section B 3a, 3b, 4, 5 第五課時:完成 Self Check and Just for Fun 教學目標:A. 語言學問目標 詞匯: Letters Aa Hh 八個人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 句型: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. - How are you. - I m fine, thanks. And you. - I m OK. B. 語言技能目標通過嬉戲等多種形式的學習活動,培育同學對初學學問

3、的聽、說、讀、寫才能和敏捷運用初學的日常 交際用語的才能;C. 情感目標 1. 激發(fā)同學學習英語的愛好,發(fā)揮同學學習英語的積極性和主動性;2通過小組活動,培育同學的合作意識和團隊精神;3在活動中培育同學的思維才能和創(chuàng)新才能;Period One Teaching materials:Section A 1a,1b Teaching aims: 1.識別和把握八個人名;2.學會早上見面打招呼的用語;Language points 1.詞匯: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen 2.句型: Hello. Good morning.

4、Difficulties :八個人名的把握 Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming-up 1.T wears a name card with an English name on it, then points to the name card and have an introduction. 2. Greet the whole class and help them to say, Hello, ,Good morning, ,Step 2. Play a game. T gets ready for a list of English names f

5、or boys and girls. Play the game like this: T says a letter, for example C, then let the Ss tell the letters which is before and after C. The one who says B, D first is the winner. The winner can get a chance to choose an English name first or he can give the chance to his friend. Step 3. Presentati

6、on Show a picture of a girl and give the name under the picture, teach Alice. In the same way teach the other seven names. Step 4.Game Show the pictures of these eight children as quickly as possible. Let the Ss tell the names of these children. The winner can have a chance to choose an English name

7、. Step 5. Presentation Show a picture with Eric, let Ss guess what Eric wants to say to us. The answer is : Hello. or Good morning. Then help them to say: Hello, Eric. or Good morning, Eric. Step 6. Work on 1a Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Play the recording a second time. S

8、s repeat. Step 7. Work on 1b Ss practice the conversations in pairs. T moves around the classroom when Ss are practicing. Give them some help if needed. Ask Ss to practice greeting each other. They can use their Chinese names if they wish. Encourage them to use their English names if they can. Ask t

9、hem to practice using all the different greetings taught in Activity 1a. Homework Make a name card like the teachers by themselves and learn how to read their own names. Period Two Teaching materials:Section A2a-4a Teaching aims: 1.學會正確朗讀和書寫 Aa-Hh 八個字母;2.明白一些常用縮略字的含義;3.鞏固所學的八個人名;4.記住自己和同伴的英文名字;Langu

10、age points: 詞匯:自己和同伴的英文名字;Difficulties: 八個字母的正確書寫和記住盡可能多的名字;Teaching procedures: Step 1. Warming-up Greet all the Ss with : Hello, , or Good morning, , using their English names. Ask all the students to wear their name cards like T At the same time let them repeat their names and try to remember the

11、ir names. Step 2.Presentation Show different letters on the slide picture and see if they can read them. First big letters, then small letters. Step 3. Learn the letters. Work on A 2a 2d 1.Listen and repeat the eight letters. 1.Put all the big letters in order. 2.Find the big letters for these small

12、 letters. 3.Listen and number the letters they hear. 4.Teach them how to write these big and small letters. 5.Write the small letter for each big letter. Step 4. Game.Which letter is missing. Show seven big lettersfrom A-H on the slide picture, see who can find the missing letter. Then show seven sm

13、all letters. Ss play the game in a group of four. Everyone should get ready for two pieces of paper with seven big letters and seven small letters. Step 5. Presentation Show some letters and ask them to read first, and then guess what they stand for.If they have difficulties, T can give them some hi

14、nts. Step 6. Work on Section A 3 Ss discuss and guess what these letters stand for and then check the answers with the whole class. Step 7. Presentation Show the eight names on the slide picture first and ask Ss to read. Then put them in order according to the first letter. Step 8. Work on 4a Listen

15、 to the tape and circle the names they hear. Step 9. Practice In groups of four, Ss introduce their English names first. Then practice “ Good morning, ,” to each other like the dialogue they heard just now on the tape. Homework 1.Copy these eight big and small letters five times. 2.Find as many lett

16、ers like HB, CD, BBD as they can. Period Three Teaching materials:Section A 4b, 4c, Section B 1-2b Teaching aims: 1.學會不同時段打招呼的用語;2.學習熟識伴侶見面的問候語和應答;3.記住盡可能多的同學的名字;Language points: 句型: Good afternoon. Good evening. -How are you. -Im fine, thanks. And you. -I m OK. Difficulties: 用英文名字來跟伴侶打招呼問候;Teaching

17、 procedures: Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greet the students. 2. Ss practice greetings in groups of four using their English names. 3. A report on “ What do these letters mean.” Ask some students to give their reports. Step 2 Presentation 1. Use clocks to teach morning, afternoon and evening. Let Ss know di

18、fferent time we use different words. 2. Show some pictures to help them say,Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Step 3 Work on 4b Play the tape for the first time, let Ss only listen. Play the tape again. This time Ss put the correct number of each conversation in the box. Step 4 Work on 4c

19、Ss practice the conversations in pairs. Step 5 Look and say Show different pictures with different time and let Ss practice the dialogue in pairs.Use some popular cartoon figures. Step 6 Presentation Look at the picture and present the dialogue: -How are you. -Im fine, thanks. Step 7 Work on Section

20、 B 1 First listen and then read after the tape. Ss practice the dialogue in pairs. Step 8 Work on Section B 2a 2b 1. In groups of four or five, practice the dialogue in 2b with their English names. 2. Play a game. Who has the most friends. Ss move round the classroom and try to know as many friends

21、as they can and practice the dialogue with them. Lets see who has the most friends in just three minutes. Ss should point to the persons and tell their names. The winner can get a present. Homework Greet all the classmates after class and try to remember their English names. Period Four Teaching mat

22、erials:Section B 3a 5 Teaching aims: 1.學會一首英語歌曲;2.鞏固本單元所學字母,單詞及句型;3.學會將相同音素字母和單詞歸類;Difficulties: 學好這首英語歌曲及將相同音素字母和單詞歸類;Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming-up Greetings. Let all the Ss practice with their English names. Step 2 Letter Bingo Play a game like this: Fill in nine blanks with AaHh. One of

23、them can be used twice.Show an example on the slide picture.Ss should write both the big ones and the small ones. Ss circle the letters they hear. If the circled letters are in a row, they win. Step 3 Work on 3a Listen and draw lines between the letters they hear. Play the tape twice. At last ask th

24、em what they can see. A fish. Step 4 Work on 3b Match the big letters with the small letters. Step 5 Look and find Look and find the letters. Show them a picture and ask them to find AaHh in it. a sounds and the two e Step 6 Work on 4 Ss listen and repeat. Make sure Ss understand the difference betw

25、een the two sounds. Step 7 Listen and sing the song Play the tape for Ss listen first. Then sing after the tape. At last just play the music and let Ss sing together. Then let the boys have a try ,then the girls. Homework Get ready for a picture with different letters in it. Period Five Teaching mat

26、erials:Self Check and Just for Fun Teaching aims: 1.復習學過的英語歌曲;2.鞏固本單元所學字母,單詞及句型;3.學會將相同音素字母和單詞歸類;Difficulties: 將相同音素歸類;Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Ask some students to sing the song. Step 2 Look and find the letters pictures and let Ss find the letters in them. Show some

27、studentsStep 3 Work on 1 Ask Ss to check all the letters and words they know. Circle any words that they dont know. Ask them to find out the meanings of any words that they dont know. They can do this by reviewing lessons, asking T or asking classmates. Step 4 Work on 2 Ask them to write five new wo

28、rds in their V ocab-builders on Page 19. In groups ask them to share their lists with other students. Step 5 Work on 3 Look at the faces and put their names in the correct alphabetical order. See if they can recognize them and remember their names. Step 6 Play a game Play a game called 名字蹲; Get read

29、y for eight big cards with eight English names on them: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Eric, Frank, Grace and Helen. They should say like this: Helen Bob 蹲, Bob 蹲完 Alice 蹲,蹲, Helen 蹲, Helen 蹲完 Bob 蹲; Bob 蹲,Step 7 Work on 4 Read aloud the words on the left. Ask Ss to repeat. Make sure they know the distinction b

30、etween different pronunciations of the same letter. Ask Ss try to read the new words on the right. T moves around the classroom and helps Ss if necessary. Check their pronunciations. Step 8 Just for fun Ask Ss to read the conversation. Ask Ss to explain where the misunderstanding is in the conversat

31、ion. Homework Think it over and try to read these words: game, race, and, dad, be, me, get, hen Name Telephone numbers Li Lei Liu Yu Lin Fang Yin Kailin Yu LingxiaoAge:14 Hobby: Music No.4 Middle SchoolClass:Class3,Grade1 Class2,Grade1Tel:6251558 Tel:6222890Add:22 Xinan Street E-mail:Name:Yuan Fanxi

32、English name:AppleAge:13 Class:4 Tel: 6422960 E-mail:fanxi2022 Hobby:basketballMotto:No pains,no gains. Information cardXu Ri AliceNo.14 Middle School Class Five, Grade ONe Tel:6662280 QQ:156129832Name:_Sex:_Age:_Last name Brown family nameNationality:_Language:_Birthplace:_Job:_Workplace:_Tel:_Hobb

33、ies:_First name last name女名 mother Jenny father Miller sister 男名 grandmother Alan grandfather Hand friend brother grandparents 男名 Jim TomGreen Green男名 男名 Mike Linda Smith Brown 女名 女名 Kim Brown女名 Gina Hand女名 Mary TonyGreen Smith男名 男名 Bob Jack Miller Brown男名 男名 NickHandNamefirst name English name:Mary

34、 given nameChinese name:Zhang family nameFirst GirlsMeaningNan given nameBoysFirst Last MeaningLast namenamenamenameThings Pencil case Books Backpack ,教材分析 : Picture1 in the backpack Pictuer2 on the table Unit 7 How much are these socks. 本單元主要學習使用 How much 引導的問句以及回答;學習一些表示顏色、外形、大小的形容詞;學 習數(shù)詞 10-3l ;復

35、習名詞單、復數(shù)的使用和指示代詞 this, that,these, those 的用法;本單元以談論服裝為 主題,設(shè)計了三個活動:一是通過介紹服裝,學習一些常用的服裝名詞;二是通過介紹服裝,學習“ 詢問價格和顏色” 的句型:How much is this T-shirt. Its seven dollar How much are these socks. They are two dollars What color is it. It is red What color are they. They are green 三是作價格報告;總體目標 : 本單元通過學習使用 How much

36、引導的問句以及回答,讓同學學會談論物品的顏色和價格、對服裝 的喜好和購物時使用的禮貌用語等;重難點一覽:1.復習詞匯: bag, hat 重點難點how 語 法 重 點 : 使 用2.詞匯: sock, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, color, black, white, red, green, blue, big, short, long, Number 10-31 3. 句型 : How much is this T-shirt. Its seven dollars. How much are these socks. They are two dollars. 課時

37、支配:much 引 導 的 問 句 及 回 答;第一課時 Section A la lc 其次課時 Section A 2a, 2b, 2c 第三課時 Section B 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c 第四課時 Section B 3a, 3b, 4 Self-check Period One Teaching materials:Section A 1a-1c Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge Objective: 學習談論服裝的價格和顏色;2. Ability Objective: 學會談論對服裝的喜好和購物時使用的禮貌用語;3. Moral Objectiv

38、e: 通過購物的對話練習教同學學會如何感謝人;Key points: 1. 使用 how much 引導的問句及回答;2. 詞匯: sock, T-shirt, sweater, shoes, color, black, white, red, green, blue, big, short, long, Number 10-31 3. 句型 : How much is this T-shirt. Its seven dollars. They are two dollars. How much are these socks. Difficulties: 談論如何詢問服裝的價格和顏色,并學會

39、如何購物;Methods: Leading and Guided method Aid: Tape Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greeting and duty report Step 2 Lead in T: Hello, everyone. Do you like shopping. S: Yes, we do. T: Do you know the names of the clothes. S: Sorry, we dont know. T: Thats all right. This class we will learn the names of th

40、e clothes. Step 3 Clothes Show the names of the clothes with pictures. Step 4 Practice Remember the words and then do the exercises. 1a Match the words with the pictures. 1b Listen and circle the things in the picture you hear. Step 5 Watch a play Listen carefully and let s find out how to ask price

41、s. Step 6 Presentation A: How much is this T-shirt. B: It s seven dollars. A: How much are these socks. B: They re two dollars. Step 7 Practice Two Ss make a dialogue to practice the pattern. Step 8 Task Look at Meimei Clothing Store, and ask the prices with your partners. Step 9 Homework Practice t

42、o use how to use the question: how much. Find five more clothing names, and write them down on your workbook. Teaching postscript: 本課采納 Repeating 和 Cooperation 的學習策略,利用Pairwork 問答式或?qū)υ捠降目谡Z交際活動,談論服裝并學習詢問服裝的價格與顏色,學會如何購物,本課重在對同學進行聽力和口語交際才能的訓練;Period Two Teaching materials:Section A 2a, 2b, 2c 1. Knowled

43、ge Objective: 學習談論服裝的價格和顏色;2. Ability Objective: 學會談論對服裝的喜好和購物時使用的禮貌用語;3. Moral Objective: 通過購物的對話練習教同學學會如何感謝人;Key points: 如何描述衣服,連續(xù)練習如何詢問價格;Difficulties: 談論如何詢問服裝的價格和顏色,并學會如何購物;How much 和 how many 的用法區(qū)分;Methods: Leading and Guided method Aid: Tape Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greeting and duty repor

44、t. Step2 Lead in T: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you like songs. S: Yes, we like songs very much. T: Now I have a beautiful color song for you. Lets learn to sing it. OK. S: OK. Watch the play and sing the color song. Step 3 Presentation Key words: black, white, red, green, blue, big, small, sho

45、rt, long. Find out three opposite in the new words: black white, big small, short long. Step 4 Practice 1.Remember the new words with your partners. 2. Review the names of clothes and describe the clothes. We can do like this: T: What is this. S: It s a hat. t it. T: What color is it . S: It s red.

46、T: It s a red hat, isnS: Yes, it is a red hat. Step 5 Task one Say the colors in our classroom and try to describe the things in the picture, such as a red flag. Let Step 6 Do the exercise 2a Listen to the conversations. Circle the things you hear. 2b Listen again and fill in the price tags. Step 7

47、Presentation s contest. How much is the red sweater. It s eight dollars. How much is this blue T-shirt. It s seven dollars. How much is that white bag. It s nine dollars. How much are these black pants. They re ten dollars. How much are those blue socks. Theyre three dollars. Step 8 Task Pairwork As

48、k and answer questions about the things in 1a. How much ,. Its,/ Theyre ,Step 9 Homework Please write five sentences after the presentation. Please find out five more kinds of color, and write their English names on your workbooks. Teaching postscript: 本課內(nèi)容是關(guān)于購物的,環(huán)繞同學的生活實際,又加之內(nèi)容較簡潔,所以同學學起來得心應手,表現(xiàn)出極大

49、的愛好;Period Three Teaching materials:Section B 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge Objective: 談論服裝并學習詢問服裝的價格與顏色;同時進行聽力訓練;2. Ability Objective: 學會談論對服裝的喜好和購物時使用的禮貌用語;3. Moral Objective: 通過購物的對話練習教同學學會如何感謝人;Key points: 1. 學習一些膳食名詞:breakfast,lunch ,dinner ,egg,apple, chicken, fruit , vegetabl

50、e;復習行為動詞like ;2. 談論如何詢問服裝的價格和顏色,并學會如何購物;Difficulties: 行為動詞一般現(xiàn)在時的確定句、否定句和一般疑問句的結(jié)構(gòu),特別是三單形式的變化;Methods: Leading and Guided method Aid: Tape Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greeting and duty report. Step 2 Lead in Step 3 Watch the play about shopping Know how to want something in a store and how to buy some

51、thing you need. Step 4 Complete the conversation Listen carefully and then fill in the blanks in the conversation. Learn the following while Listening. New words: clerk, help, want, Sentences: Please give more examples such as the following -I want a new sweater. -Here you are. new -Thank you. -You

52、are welcome. new Step 5 Practice Practice the conversation above. Then talk about these things. Step 6 Task You want a blue T-shirt. How will you do in the store. Please act it in pairs. Step 7 Do the exercises Write a number from the box next to the correct word below. Which two rows of numbers are

53、 in the wrong place. Step 8 Check Listen and circle the numbers in 1a that you hear. Listen and circle the things in the picture that Lisa and her mom talk about. Check Step 9 Presentation the thing Lisa buys. How much are the red socks. Theyre eight dollars. Step 10 Pairwork Practice asking and ans

54、wering questions about the clothes in the picture. Step 11 Task Here are some clothing in Meimei Clothing Strore. Please ask and answer the prices. Homework Learn the numbers by heart. Teaching postscript: 在實際的課堂教學過程中,為同學創(chuàng)設(shè)符合實際情形的對話情形,使同學在深厚的英語氛圍中學習英 語,得到事半功倍的成效;Teaching materials:Section B 3a, 3b,

55、4 Period Four Self-check Teaching aims: 1. Knowledge Objective: 復習詞匯pant, sock, T-shirt , sweater, shoes, color , black, white , red,green,blue, big,short,long,數(shù)字 1031;2. Ability Objective: 學會談論對服裝的喜好和購物時使用的禮貌用語;3. Moral Objective: 通過購物的復習對話練習教同學學會購物時使用的禮貌用語和如何感謝人;Key points: 學習詞匯 clothes,shop,yello

56、w , ask,which ;復習 How much 引導的特別疑問句的使用和回答;Difficulties: 通過各種復習手段的檢測促使同學把握所學學問,并能使用所學學問進行交際活動;Methods: Leading and Guided method Aid: Tape Teaching procedures: Step 1 Greeting and duty report. Step 2 Lead in. Step 3 Revision Show the pictures of the clothing. Let s read and spell the names. Ask the p

57、rice according to the pictures. Step 4 Do the reading practice Read the ad and fill in the price tags. Do the ask-answer exercises in pairs according to the prices in 3a. Step 5 Learn the new words. Listen to the tape and repeat. clothing, store, sale, time, year, again, fantastic, price, cheap, all

58、, each, or, just, believe, come, down, come down to, yourself, cool, goods, buy, from, sell. Step 6 Task 3b. 1.You have a clothing store next to Huaxing. We go to your shop. Please answer our questions about the prices of the clothing. 2. Then write your own ad. The beginning has been given. Mr Cool

59、 s Clothing Sale Come to Mr Cool s Clothing Sale. These socks are only 5 dollars. Do you like , . Step 7 Task 4. Groupwork Your group is having a sale. You each have 200 RMB. You can buy or sell anything you like. Make a note of what you buy or sell. Names Goods Buy from Sell to Price Step 8 Homewor

60、k Review the whole unit and the new words. Preview the next unit. Do the following exercises of 學習策略與測評and 優(yōu)化訓練 ;Teaching postscript: 本單元重點讓同學在重復、仿照中學會對話,進行簡潔的分角色表演,在完成任務中完成語言學習任務,較好的完成了本單元的教學任務;一、教材分析Unit 8 When is your birthday. 整個單元以談論“ 生日” 為主線,將12 個月份的名稱、序數(shù)詞的學習融入到一系列的小任務中,學生通過詢問對方的生日來完成一個最終的目標,即


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