新外研版九年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Module 6 Unit 2 教學(xué)課件_第1頁
新外研版九年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Module 6 Unit 2 教學(xué)課件_第2頁
新外研版九年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Module 6 Unit 2 教學(xué)課件_第3頁
新外研版九年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Module 6 Unit 2 教學(xué)課件_第4頁
新外研版九年級(jí)上冊(cè)英語 Module 6 Unit 2 教學(xué)課件_第5頁
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1、Module 6 Problems Unit 2 If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest.學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)1.技能目標(biāo)(1)說:能談?wù)撋钪谐霈F(xiàn)的各種問題,并給出建議。(2)讀:通過閱讀這兩封信,讓學(xué)生掌握并運(yùn)用略讀、精讀的技巧,即略讀找大意,精讀搜索相關(guān)信息。2. 態(tài)度目標(biāo)知道更多的其他方面的問題,做一個(gè)誠實(shí)的人。3.了解一些報(bào)刊、雜志或網(wǎng)絡(luò)論壇中收集讀者問題并提 出建議的欄目,會(huì)通過不同途徑向他人尋求建議。思 考新課導(dǎo)入思 考If you have problems what will you do? Wil

2、l you tell your parents or your teachers?新課講解1Read the letter and the reply. Decide where they come from.1)Look at the letter and the reply in Activity 2. Decide where they come from. a)A report b)A magazine c)A story d)A playb新課講解2Read the letter and the reply. Choose the best summary of Steves pro

3、blem.Dear Diana Do you have a problem?Write to Diana at New Standard Magazine and ask for her advice.Dear Diana,Last week, my friend David came round with a new computer game and asked to play it on my dads computer. I was worried, because I should ask my dad before I use his computer. He uses it fo

4、r his work,and I can only新課講解use it for my homework. The reason is that he thinks something will go wrong if I play games on it.Well,while my dad was out,we decided to try out Davids game. We copied it to the computer, and after we finished playing,we took it off the computer. However,when I started

5、 the computer again to check if everything was OK,some of my dads documents were missing. Then,when my dad used the computer last night,he was really angry. He could no longer find the documents anywhere!They were very important.新課講解I did not tell him about the computer game because I did not want h

6、im to be angry with me.Now I feel terrible I am not sure whether a computer repair shop can get the documents back. Should I tell him about the computer game?Should I pay to repair it?Yours, Steve新課講解新課講解Steves problema) Steve and his friend played a computer game on his fathers computer, though his

7、 father warned him not to do so. Steves father was really angry.b) Steves friend took out some documents by mistake from Steves fathers computer. His father was very angry. Steve did not know how to repair it.c) Steve and his friend played a computer game on his fathers computer. Some important docu

8、ments were missing. His father was angry. Steve was worried about what to do.新課講解3 Complete the advice to Steve.1Steve should never _ when his father told him not to do so.2Steve should tell his father the truth to show _3Steve should _ to his father and pay_.4Steve should give up his _ so that his

9、father will realise that_use his fathers computer gameshe is honest apologisethe billpocket moneyhe is very sorry新課講解4Complete the passage with the words in the box. billhonestleastreasonrepairtruth If Steve tells his father the (1)_,at (2)_he will show that he is (3)_. If Steve wants to get his fat

10、hers documents back,he will have to ask a computer (4)_shop for help. Steve should use his pocket money to pay the (5)_The (6)_for this is that it will show he is sorry.engineerrepairbillreasontruthleast新課講解5Look at the letter by Steve in Activity 2.Find:1sentences that say what Steve did and when2s

11、entences that say what happened next3sentences that say what the problem is4Steves questions新課講解6Think of a problem. Write a short letter to Diana about the problem. Use the steps in Activity 5 to help you.7Work in pairs. Read each others problem letter. Suppose you are Diana and write a reply. Give

12、 your advice.新課講解 try out試用,試Point Well, while my dad was out, we decided to try out Davids game.Language points 1 try out是一個(gè)“動(dòng)詞副詞”型短語,其賓語是代詞時(shí)應(yīng)放在兩詞之間。eg:I want to try the boat out at the weekend.周末我想開船出去試一下。Your idea is good and try it out.你的想法是好的,嘗試一下吧。try的其他常見短語:try to do sth.努力做某事;try doing sth.嘗

13、試做某事;have a try試一試try on“試穿”,其賓語的位置與try out 的賓語位置一樣。新課講解We copied it to the computer, and after we finished playing, we took it off the computer. take off 取消;中止;移去PointLanguage points 2eg:The plane has taken off. 飛機(jī)已經(jīng)起飛了。Its very hot outside. You must take off your coat.外面非常炎熱,你必須脫下你的外套。新課講解Then, wh

14、en my dad used the computer last night, he was really angry. angry/ri/adj.憤怒的;生氣的PointLanguage points 3be angry with sb.對(duì)某人生氣be angry about/at sth.對(duì)某事生氣be angry for sth.因某事而生氣be angry for doing sth.因做某事而生氣新課講解 whether/we/conj.是否PointLanguage points 4I am not sure whether a computer repair shop can g

15、et the documents back.eg:I didnt know whether to believe him or not.我不知道該不該相信他。I wonder whether/if I can ask you some questions.我想知道能否問你一些問題。新課講解Language points 4辨析whether與ifwhether在動(dòng)詞discuss和介詞后作賓語一般用whether。在引導(dǎo)主語從句、表語從句、同位語從句時(shí),通常用whether。 if除了“是否”的意思外,還有“如果”的意思,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。whether和if引導(dǎo)含有疑問語氣的賓語從句時(shí),一般

16、情況下可以互換。新課講解Language points 4(一) whether用法歌訣:主語從句用whether,賓語從句or not,不定式前介詞后。(二) whether與if用法區(qū)別歌訣:主從表從同位從,if不用whether用;discuss和介詞后,whether獨(dú)能顯神通;避免歧義要慎重,其他情況可換用。新課講解 no longer不再PointLanguage points 5He could no longer find the documents anywhere!辨析no longer和no moreno longer指時(shí)間上不再延長,多與持續(xù)性動(dòng)詞連用,相當(dāng)于not.a

17、ny longer。no more相當(dāng)于not.any more,指做某事的次數(shù)不再增加,多與非延續(xù)性動(dòng)詞連用。當(dāng)堂小練一、根據(jù)句意及首字母或漢語提示完成單詞1.We had an argument with the waiter about the (賬單).2.If I want you to tell me the t,dont tell lies to me.3.It was such a great chance that I had no r to refuse it.4.My brother wants to be an (工程師)when he grows up.5.(中考寧夏

18、)He is an (誠實(shí)的) man.billrutheasonengineerhonest當(dāng)堂小練6.Harry has decided(open) an online shop after graduating from school.7.She offered(help)me with my English.8.My teacher always warns us (not cross)the street at rush hour.9.To tell you the (true),I am (true) sorry for my mistakes.10.If you (be)late for school,the teacher_ (be)angry.二、用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空to opento helpnot to crosstruthtrulyarewill be當(dāng)堂小練1. She improves her spoken English _ practicing conversations. A. in B. on C. by D. at2. Mum, my little siste


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