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1、2018考研英語一作文題型及范文一、預(yù)防疾病 (Prevent disease)談?wù)擃A(yù)防疾病的重要性;簡述預(yù)防疾病的措施;如何勸說人們來共同預(yù)防疾病。(1)重要性:提高免疫能力;降低患嚴重疾病的風險(risk);make life better。(2)措施:接種疫苗(be vaccinated);加強鍛煉(enhance both physical and mental training / vigorous body);改善飲食(病從口入:illness finds its way in by the mouth);加強衛(wèi)生宣教(strengthen health education)。(3

2、)勸說:讓人們認識到疾病的危害性(患病時不僅病人感到痛苦,家屬也會感到憂傷;患病的同時也加重了家庭的經(jīng)濟負擔)。(aggravate financial burden)It is pivotal for human to prevent disease to improve our immune system. Besides for it, precaution not only can decrease the risk of getting serve diseases, but can make our life better and better.Here are some meth

3、ods for you to prevent disease. To commence, we should be vaccinated when we are children, which is significant for us to be far away from epidemic. Additionally, enhancing both physical and mental training to make us have vigorous bodies is one of the most important avenues for precaution. Last but

4、 not least, as the saying goes, illness finds its way in by the mouth. This certainly conveys to us that it is more vital to make the diet healthier.Although plenty of people knew a wealth of ways for precaution, they dont do these at all. Hence persuading them to prevent disease is as important as

5、the methods of prevention. I assert that doctors and nurses should make people be aware of the danger of diseases which have you been painful, and not only make your kin get depressed, but aggravate your financial burden. Therefore, precaution should be integrated into our lives. Only in this way ca

6、n we be healthier and the incidence of illness fell greatly. (206 words)二、中國電影票房收入 (Box-office income) 2018江蘇英語高考作文概述柱狀圖信息的主要內(nèi)容;我國電影票房收入變化的原因有哪些;談?wù)勀銓ξ覈娪捌狈渴杖胱呦虻目捶?,并簡要說明理由。(1)柱狀圖:說明中國電影票房收入總體趨勢在上升(2012年2016年),但是2015年2016年,上升趨勢在緩慢下降。(2)原因:我國科技與網(wǎng)絡(luò)不斷發(fā)展,電影院上映的大部分電影都能在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上觀看;電影的口碑也會影響票房的收入;我國經(jīng)濟增速放緩,也在影響票房收

7、入的趨勢;人們娛樂生活方式的轉(zhuǎn)變,家庭影院的突然出現(xiàn)。(口碑:public praise)(3)看法:我認為電影票房收入的增速依然會下降,理由:網(wǎng)絡(luò)不斷沖擊舊產(chǎn)業(yè)的經(jīng)濟收入,也在不斷地改變?nèi)藗儕蕵飞罘绞?。What the bar chart attempts to convey to us is that the box-office income of Chinese movies increased constantly from 2012 to 2015, whereas its growth, for one reason or another, slowed down in 201

8、6.The changes in the box-office income of Chinese films can be attributed to numerous factors. To begin with, with the constant development of the technology and internet, the vast majority of movies which are released in the cinema can be watched online. On the top of this, the growth of economic i

9、n our country has slowed down. This also exerts effects on the tendency of the box-office income. Ultimately, the variation of our entertainment and life styles like the sudden appearance of home theatre affect the trend.I, by weighing up the issue, assert that the film market, not in China, but in

10、the whole world, will witnessed a slowdown in the near future. The internet will impact constantly the income of the old industry and change our entertainment and life styles at intervals. Therefore, the film industry should make greater efforts to attract more viewers. (181 words)三、醫(yī)患關(guān)系 (Poor docto

11、r-patient relationship / medical dispute / doctor-patient contradicts)圖畫:30年前,患者聽醫(yī)生話,醫(yī)患關(guān)系和諧;30年后,患者因某些原因,開始不信任醫(yī)生,并出現(xiàn)醫(yī)鬧等惡劣現(xiàn)象;簡述發(fā)生醫(yī)患關(guān)系矛盾的原因;談一談如何解決醫(yī)患關(guān)系矛盾。(1)圖畫:如上述。(2)原因:醫(yī)生的角度:某些醫(yī)生道德品質(zhì)敗壞,對病人不負責任,造成患者病情耽擱,引起醫(yī)患矛盾;醫(yī)生的角度:某些醫(yī)生學術(shù)不精,專業(yè)技術(shù)較差,也是原因之一;患者的角度:患者和患者家屬對疾病的認識只知其一不知其二,并不充分信任醫(yī)生;患者的角度:有些患者以為自己高高在上,不知在中國醫(yī)

12、生與患者是一對多的關(guān)系,醫(yī)生無法滿足每個患者的需求,也是導致醫(yī)患矛盾的原因之一。(3)方法:有關(guān)部門要建立相應(yīng)的規(guī)章制度,杜絕醫(yī)鬧在醫(yī)院發(fā)生;醫(yī)院也必須樹立“以病人為中心”的理念,不能讓患者再次受到打擊,并采取有效措施;醫(yī)生也要不斷地補充自己的專業(yè)知識;要讓患者充分信任醫(yī)生,配合好醫(yī)生,只有這樣,患者的病情才會好轉(zhuǎn),醫(yī)患關(guān)系矛盾才會得到有效緩解。As is vividly depicted in the two pictures, a patient cooperates positively with a doctor 30 years ago in the left drawing, wh

13、ereas in the right picture, a patient, for one reason or another, insults and hits a doctor unexpectedly 30 years later, which convey to us that the doctor-patient relationship has been tenser recently.I assert that the three most important reasons lead to the poor relationship between doctors and p

14、atients. Firstly, some doctors attitude is so worse that it makes patients uncomfortable. They lack basic communication. Secondly, a track of doctors cannot clarify the state of illness for poor knowledge and skills about their own specialty. Finally, patients always believe the hospital charges hig

15、h fees, and no matter how illness they get, they have to do numerous examinations they think its unnecessary in the hospital.How shall we build a harmony human relationship between doctors and patients?On the one hand, it is high time that authorities concerned laid out tough regulations and laws ag

16、ainst the fact that the doctor-patient relationship has been worse in recent years. On the other hand, we should let people know medicine cant do everything and not all patients can be cured, but medical science has been moving forward constantly. Therefore, doctors and patients are supposed to trus

17、t each other. Only in this way can we make a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. (229 words)考研英語小作文題型:建議信、感謝信、推薦信、求職信、詢問信、投訴信、邀請信、祝賀信、道歉信(辭職信)、備忘錄/報告、告示(尋物啟事):四、旅游景點 (Scenic Spot)向你的外國朋友寫一封信推薦一個我國的景點,讓他動心來中國旅游。要點如下:信件內(nèi)容要誠摯,友善;可以介紹一個到兩個你認為最美的景點;字數(shù)150詞左右。(1)信函用語必須為正式用語,不可縮寫、省略問句和和口語表達。(2)開頭:稱呼,如“D

18、ear Mr. James,”、“Dear my friend,”,記住最后的逗號不能丟。(3)正文:第一段:內(nèi)容涵蓋兩點,第一先表達歡迎言辭(Welcome to China!),第二要言明寫作的目的。第二段:表明推薦原因。再次強調(diào)寫信的目的(最好不要重復前面的語言)。(4)結(jié)尾:落款:“your sincerely,”,最后的逗號不能丟。簽名:Li Ming (無標點符號)。Dear my friend,Welcome to China! I know you love traveling, so I am writing this letter to recommend to you o

19、ne of my favorite scenic spot Beijing, which is not only the capital of my country, but also the political and cultural center of China.I believe you will like it for the reasons as follows. To commence, there are a wealth of beautiful scenery spots in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Imperial P

20、alace, the Ming Tombs, the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven and so on. In addition, you could taste a great number of snacks on the average street, especially roast Beijing duck which is one of the most popular food all over the world. Finally, the people of Beijing are overwhelmingly hospitable

21、and enthusiastic, which is famous in China.Owing to the reasons discussed above, I wont hesitate to recommend this scenic spot to you. I am sure you will enjoy it. Best wishes for you! (159 words)Yours sincerely,Li Ming五、名著閱讀 (Masterpiece)向你的朋友寫一封信介紹或推薦一本你喜歡的名著,要點如下:信中內(nèi)容誠摯,友善;介紹名著里的內(nèi)容,語言要精簡;字數(shù)150詞左右

22、。Dear my friends,Remember Gorky once said that the book is the ladder of human progress. I am writing the letter to recommend to you one of my favorite books Journey to the West, which is one of the Four Great Classic Novels of Chinese literatures.Journey to the West, which is also one of the most p

23、revalent books all over China, is written in 16th century when was dominated by Ming dynasty. It tells a story that a Buddhist monk and his three apprentices who are animals but with human characteristic experienced Eighty-one sufferings before they finally got the real Buddhist scripture. Except fo

24、r adventurous experiences, we can still learn some knowledge and spirits from this book. On the one hand, no matter how difficulty we meet, we should be brave and intelligent to overcome and defeat it. On the other hand, team work based on trust is very powerful. It is important to combine people to

25、 a team and work together.Owing to my introduction for Journey to the West, I wont hesitate to recommend this masterpiece to you. I am sure you will enjoy it. Best wishes for you! (189 words)Yours sincerely,Li Ming六、尋物啟事 (Lost)Directions:Suppose you lost a suitcase casually when you went to the cent

26、ral hospital at about 10 a.m. last Saturday. Write a notice in your Twitter:(1)Give any relevant information about your suitcase and its contents,(2)Tell him or her how the suitcase can be sent to you,(3)Do not write your own name and address in the notice.例文:上周六上午10時左右,你乘坐23路公交車從長江大學去中心醫(yī)院時,不慎將手提箱丟失

27、。手提箱是方形,黑色,皮制。提箱上有一個系著標簽的金屬提手。標簽上寫著你的名字。箱子里有一個相機,幾卷膠卷,和兩件外套。箱前的口袋里放著一本詞典,和兩封美國來信。箱后有一個裝有1000塊錢的黑色錢包和一張從荊州到北京的火車票。請拾到者速與你聯(lián)系,他的電話號碼是XX。你將不勝感激。Notice (Lost)At about 10 a.m. last Saturday, I lost my suitcase carelessly when I went to the central hospital from Yangtze University by No. 23 bus.The suitcas

28、e is square, black color and made of leather. On it there is a mental handle which a label is tided. My own name is written on the label. Inside the suitcase there is a camera, several rolls of film, and two coats.In the packet on the front cover puts a dictionary and two letters from America. In th

29、e back packet is a black wallet with 1000 Yuan and a train ticket from Jingzhou to Beijing inside.I would appreciate it if the finder could contact with me as soon as possible. My phone number is XX. Thank you for your help! (129 words)七、邀請 (Invitation)Directions:Write an email of about 100 words to

30、 a foreign teacher in your college inviting him / her to be a judge for the upcoming English speech contest.(1)You should include the details you think necessary.(2)You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(3)Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail Use “Li Ming” instead.(4)Do not write

31、 the address.Dear Prof. Smith,On behalf of Students Union, I am writing this letter to invite you to be a judge for the speech contest which will be held in Students Union Hall on Monday, January 21.As an internationally acclaimed scholar in English language and culture, your participation will brin

32、g us the pleasure. Whats more, since you have been teaching for a long time and you enjoy a great popularity among all teachers and students, we firmly believe that you can offer us valuable suggestions on improving our students oral and writing abilities.It would be a great honor if you could accep

33、t this invitation. We are looking forward to your favorable early reply. (111 words)Yours sincerely,Li Ming八、道歉 (Apology)Directions:Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & fashions. But now you find that the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a lett

34、er to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason(s), and making an apology.(1)Write your letter with no less than 100 words.(2)Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.(3)You do not need to write the address.辭職:resign (既可作名詞,也可做動詞)Dear Mr. Wa

35、ng,Thank you for providing me with this once-in-lifetime opportunity. However, the absolute reality forces me to decline your job offer. I am awfully sorry for this. I hope that you can take the reasons below into your account.First, my extended family pressures me to land a job in my hometown which

36、 is far from your Beijing-based company. Elders in my family need taking care of. Traditionally, my family takes priority over any other things for me. Second, I do belong to individuals who characteristically excel at a technical role instead of an editorial one. The inherent conflict is impossible

37、 to be resolved.These reasons can clearly explain why I make this decision. And you can choose a more ideal candidate to replace me. (124 words)Yours sincerely,Li Ming九、建議 (Suggestions / proposals / recommendations / advice)Directions:Write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your univer

38、sity, suggesting how to improve students physical condition.(1)You should include the details you think necessary.(2)Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.(3)You do not need to write the address.suggest suggestion(s):suggest doing sth. / that sb. (should) do sth.p

39、ropose proposal(s):propose doing sth. / that sb. should do sth. / put forward a proposal to do sth. / proposal(s) thatrecommend recommendation(s):recommend doing sth. / that sb. should do sth.recommend作推薦、介紹意思時:recommend sth. to sb. / recommend sb. for sth.advise advice:advise sb. to do sth. Dear Mr

40、. President,It is my great honor to write to you. As far as I am concerned, we have enough extraordinary lectures and what we need now is physical exercise.Since most of the time is spent in watching TV and playing computer games, our physical conditions have been worse day by day. I still have sugg

41、estions for you. To commence, our university should arrange more PE classes. Additionally, we should have a fixed schedule for a certain time of outdoor activities. Finally, teaching faculty should be involved in the same kind of physical exercise.I hope that our university could take the responsibi

42、lity for our students physical health. I will be highly grateful if you could take my recommendations into your account. (121 words)Yours sincerely,Li MingDirections:Write a letter to your university library, making suggestions for improving its service.(1)You should write about 100 words on ANSWER

43、SHEET 2.(2)Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.(3)You do not need to write the address.Dear Madam or Sir,I have long been a user of your services and up until now have always thought your staff provided us with a far better service than the average. However, the

44、re is much room to be improved. We prioritize them as follows:First, the complicated borrowing and returning procedures need streamlining. Second, our library should be equipped with a computer retrieval system. Its easy-to-use and time-efficient features will enable us to access materials we need c

45、onveniently. Third, we are asked to borrow only one book at a time and keep it no longer than two weeks. You know, sometimes we need more books at a time for reference purposes. And we usually fail to return the book within the borrowing term and are charged. The regulations concerned are expected t

46、o be modified. An alternative approach we prefer is to extend the borrowing period online.I have every faith that you will respond positively and helpfully to the complaint and take our advice into your consideration. (164 words)Yours sincerely,Li Ming十、感謝信 (Gratitude)Directions:Suppose you have jus

47、t come back from a business trip with delegation. Write a letter to your host company who received you to express your gratitude for their hospitality, describe the help they gave you and offer to repay their help.(1)You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.(2)Do not sign your own name at

48、the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.(3)You do not need to write the address.Dear Pres. Smith,I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your company. I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussi

49、on with me which I have found very informative and useful.During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with our company. I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to c

50、ontinue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our economic and trade cooperation.I feel obliged to thank you once more, and I am looking forward to your early visit to our company when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in your comp

51、any. (141 words)Faithfully yours,Li MingDirections:Suppose you were recommended by Professor Liang to get further education in Sydney University last June and now you have been admitted by that university. Write a letter to Professor Liang to express your gratitude in about 100 words.(1)You should w

52、rite about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.(2)Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.(3)You do not need to write the address.reciprocate (vt.)回報,報答Dear Professor Liang,I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because with your help I am now a student of Chemistry Dep

53、artment of Sydney University.Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a wealth of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University and also gave me careful and patient instructions o

54、n how to fill the application forms and write the application letters.It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate your sincere help and expectation with excellent grades. (118 words)

55、Yours truly,Li Ming十一、祝賀信 (Congratulations)Directions:Write a letter to your best friend Wang Ming, congratulating him on accepting admission to a postgraduate program. (1)You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.(2)Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use “Li Ming” instead.(3)You do not need to write the address.ideal 理想的;desirous 渴望的(be desirous of);industrious 勤奮的;perseverant 堅持的Dear Wang Ming,I am writing this letter to convey my warm congratulations on your admission to a postgraduate at Beijing University. I must say that I was not s


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