Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good2 Reading(2) 課時培優(yōu)作業(yè) 高中英語新牛津譯林版必修第一冊(2022-2023學(xué)年)_第1頁
Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good2 Reading(2) 課時培優(yōu)作業(yè) 高中英語新牛津譯林版必修第一冊(2022-2023學(xué)年)_第2頁
Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good2 Reading(2) 課時培優(yōu)作業(yè) 高中英語新牛津譯林版必修第一冊(2022-2023學(xué)年)_第3頁
Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good2 Reading(2) 課時培優(yōu)作業(yè) 高中英語新牛津譯林版必修第一冊(2022-2023學(xué)年)_第4頁
Unit 4 Looking good,feeling good2 Reading(2) 課時培優(yōu)作業(yè) 高中英語新牛津譯林版必修第一冊(2022-2023學(xué)年)_第5頁
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1、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good4.2 Reading(2)第一部分:緊扣教材抓基礎(chǔ)一、詞匯1. concentrate concentration n. 集中精力,專心原文:Sometimes he told me he had trouble concentrating in class. 有時他告訴我他在課堂上注意力不集中。(教材P45) vt. & vi.集中(注意力,思想等);全神貫注concentrate on 集中;集中精神于concentrate on 把集中于focus on集中;集中精神于focus on 把集中于with concentr

2、ated/ focused on 全神貫注于It was _ hisstudiesandmake somethingofhimself.他能否專心學(xué)習(xí)并有所成就取決于他自己。Ifyou_studyingEnglish, youwillmasterthelanguage.如果你將全部精力集中在英語學(xué)習(xí)上,你就會掌握這門語言。Youcannotafford to_for a moment.你必須集中精力,一刻都不能松懈?!敬鸢浮?up tohimtoconcentrateon concentrateallyour energieson relaxyourconcentration2. effect

3、 effective adj. 有效的 affect vt. 影響 influence vt./ n. 影響原文:They are increasing their efforts to educate teens about the side effects of losing weight too quickly . 他們正在加大力度來教育青少年減肥過快的副作用。 (教材P45)n. 效果,作用,影響side effect 副作用be of no effect 無效have an effect/ influence on 對 有影響bring/ put/ carry into effect

4、 實施;使生效come into effect 生效;開始實施take effect 生效,起作用in effect實際上;生效Doestelevision_childrensbehaviour?電視對孩子的行為有影響嗎?_, the two systems are identical.實際上,這兩種系統(tǒng)完全一樣Hisproposalispracticable in theorybutcant _.他的建議在理論上可以,但不能付諸實現(xiàn)。Humouris_ thanviolence.幽默是比暴力更有效的防御武器?!敬鸢浮?have aneffecton In effect beputintoef

5、fect a moreeffectivedefence3. function 原文:Teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition to function well. 青少年還在成長,他們的身體需要大量的營養(yǎng)才能更好的運轉(zhuǎn)。(教材P45)vi. 起作用,正常工作,運轉(zhuǎn) n. 作用,功能,職能function as 擔(dān)任; 起作用perform a function 發(fā)揮功能;發(fā)揮作用as a function of根據(jù)_istopump bloodthrough thebody.心臟的功能就是把血液輸往全

6、身。Many children cant_ in large classes.許多孩子在大班上課時學(xué)習(xí)效果不好。Ijust haveenoughroomhere_.我有足夠空間,根據(jù)時間變化的構(gòu)圖?!敬鸢浮?Thefunctionoftheheartfunction effectively asafunctionoftime4. take in 原文:If they do not take in enough food, they may feel weak and get ill easily. 如果他們沒有攝入充足的食物,他們可能會感到虛弱而且容易生病。 (教材P45)攝入;吸收;接受;收

7、留;領(lǐng)會;欺騙寫出下列句子中take in 的漢語意思Thekindold ladyoffered totakeinthepoorhomelessstranger.Whatwecollectandtakeinbecomesthesourcematerialforwhat wecreate.Icould hardlytakeinwhattheold mansaid.If youare taken inbysomeone or something, you are deceived by them, so that you get a false impression of them.【答案】 收

8、留 吸收 領(lǐng)會 欺騙 5. frightened frightening adj. 令人恐懼的;令人害怕的 frighten vt. 使恐懼;使害怕原文:I was very frightened when woke up in hospital last Tuesday. 上周四當(dāng)我在醫(yī)院醒來時我非常害怕。(教材P47)害怕的,驚嚇的,受驚的(1) be frightened at 對感到恐懼 be frightened of 害怕(2) frighten sb into doing sth 恐嚇某人做某事 frighten sb out of doing sth 恐嚇某人不要做某事 fri

9、ghten away 把 嚇跑Noenemycan_submission.任何敵人的恐嚇都不能使我們屈服。He threatened the intruders with a gun and_.他用槍威脅闖入者,把他們嚇跑了。He was _ at the _ story.他對那個令人感到恐懼的故事感到恐懼。【答案】frightenusinto frightened them away frightened; frightening 6. rather 原文:From now on, I will pay more attention to my health rather than my w

10、eight. 從今以后,我會更注重我的健康而不是體重。 (教材P45)adv. 相反,而是;相當(dāng);更準(zhǔn)確的說rather than而不是;寧可也不愿would rather寧愿,寧可or rather更精確地說,倒不如說rather tooadv. 稍微.一點Wedontreallyliveanywhere._, weliveeverywhere.我們實際上不住在任何地方,或者更確切地說,我們住在所有地方Evidentlysomeof thesequestionsare_ toanswer.顯然,其中有些問題稍有點難以回答。I_be alone_haveafalsefriendforcompa

11、ny.與其擁有虛情假意的朋友的陪伴,我寧愿獨身一人。【答案】Orrather rathertoodifficult wouldrather; than二、句型1. do you think 作插入語原文: What do you think are healthy ways of losing weight? 你認(rèn)為健康的減肥方式是什么?(教材P44)【句式分析】本句句型結(jié)構(gòu)為: 特殊疑問詞+ 插入語 (do you think/ suppose/ say/ suggest/)+ 陳述語序本句型常用來征求他人對某事的看法,判斷,認(rèn)識,猜測等,表疑問的插入語起到主句的作用,所以其后一定要跟陳述句

12、語序What_were some of themorepersuasiveargumentson theotherside?你覺得對方哪些論點更有說服力?Whattoprotectwildlife?請你建議我們應(yīng)該做些什么來保護(hù)野生動植物你呢?【答案】doyouthink doyousuggestweshoulddo動名詞作主語原文:Exercising regularly us also an important of a healthy lifestyle. 規(guī)律鍛煉也是健康生活方式的一個重要方面。(教材P47)【句式分析】本句中 “Exercising regularly ” 是動名詞短

13、語,在句中作主語。動名詞做主語往往表示經(jīng)常性、習(xí)慣性的動作。此時,謂語動詞用單數(shù)形式,動名詞做主語有三種形式:(1)動名詞在句首直接做主語 (2)It 在句首做形式主語,而動名詞短語在后面做真正的邏輯上的主語 It is no good/ use/ a waste of time doing 作某事沒有好處/ 沒有用/ 浪費時間 (3)There be + no + 動名詞_ is a good sport in summer.在夏天游泳是一項很好的運動。Itisnogood_.學(xué)而不實踐是沒好處的。_ about such matters. 對這種事情不是開玩笑。【答案】 Swimming

14、learningwithoutpractice There is no joking. 語法填空閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。In my opinion, we should try our best (1)_( realize) our goals even though there is little hope The efforts seem to be the lights in the (2)_( dark), leading the way to hope and successI used to be (3)_shy girl in my pri

15、mary school I was weak in English at that time, especially for (4)_( speak) English So I was afraid to answer the teachers questions during English classes After I entered my middle school Something (5)_( change) I started to read many (6)_( interest) English stories and my English teacher was patie

16、nt to help me a lot I studied hard in class and practiced by (7)_(watch) English films and listening to English songs in my free timeLittle (8)_little, I found (9)_more and more interesting to learn English I could even talk with my classmates (10)_(fluent) in English and I was not shy any more At l

17、ast, I got high grades in English and I had confidence to do it better in the future. 語法填空1. to realize考查動詞不定式根據(jù)try our bestto do sth,表示盡力做某事,用動詞不定式to realize2. darkness考查派生詞表示在黑暗中,在in the 后,用名詞darkness3. a考查冠詞修飾名詞shy girl,表示一個害羞的女孩,用不定冠詞a4. spoken考查派生詞修飾名詞 English,表示口語,用形容詞spoken5. changed考查謂語動詞根據(jù)上

18、下文可知本句用一般過去時態(tài),所以謂語動詞用過去式changed6. interesting考查派生詞修飾名詞 English stories,表示有趣的,用形容詞interesting7. watching考查動名詞做介詞by的賓語,表示觀看,用動名詞watching8. by考查固定短語表示漸漸地,用固定短語 Little by little,所以答案是by9. it考查it的用法做I found的修飾賓語,代指動詞不定式to learn English,用it10. fluently考查副詞修飾動詞talk with my classmates ,用副詞fluently、拓展詞匯一靈活用1

19、._adj.極端的;嚴(yán)重的n.極端不同的感情(或境況、行為方式等)_adv.非常,極其;極端2._adj.擔(dān)心的,憂慮的;關(guān)注的,關(guān)切的_v.涉及;與.有關(guān);使擔(dān)憂n.擔(dān)心;關(guān)心_prep.關(guān)于3_._n.效果,作用;影響_adj.有效的;生效的4._adj.精力充沛的,充滿活力的_n.精力;活力;能量5._adj.害怕的,驚嚇的,受驚的_adj.令人害怕的v.使驚嚇,使驚恐_n.驚嚇;驚駭6. _vi.&vt.是.的原因之一;捐贈,捐獻(xiàn);增加,添加_n.貢獻(xiàn);促成作用7_._adj.消極的,負(fù)面的;壞的,有害的;否定的 _adj.積極的,正面的;肯定的8_.n:增加,添加;加法adj.附加的

20、,額外的_v.添加;增加9._adj.男性的;雄性的n.男性;雄性_-adj.女性的;雌性的 n.女子;雌性動物10_n.時尚,時興;流行款式_adj.流行的;時髦的11._n.優(yōu)勢;力氣,力量;實力_-v.加強_n.弱點12_._n.天資;天賦;人才,天才_adj.有才能的;有天賦的13._n.成就,成績;達(dá)到,完成_取得;獲得;實現(xiàn);成功 (C)1.extreme ; extremely2.concerned ; concern ; concerning3.effect;effective4.energetic;energy5.frightened ; frightening ; frig

21、hten ; fright6.contributecontribution 7. negative; positive8.addition ; additional; add 9.male;female 10.fashion;fashionable11.strength; strengthen; weakness12.talent; talented13.achievement;achieve第二部分:聚焦高考好提升高考英語3500詞匯讀練測精品系列(基礎(chǔ)訓(xùn)練)14一、詞形轉(zhuǎn)換(用所給單詞的正確形式填空) 1.“Take a look at these pictures, and see if

22、 you can pick out the _(crime).”The policeman said to the witness.【答案】criminal【句意】“看這些照片,看看你是否能辨認(rèn)出罪犯”,警察對目擊者說。2.Why did you buy an old house like that?I bought this house for its _(convenient).【答案】convenience【句意】“你為什么要買那樣的老房子?”“我買這個房子是為了方便。”3.Why are you so mad at her?She should have given in to _(c

23、urious)and opened my handbag without my permission.【答案】curiosity【句意】“你為什么這么生她的氣?”“她竟然抑制不住好奇心,未經(jīng)我的允許就打開了我的手提包?!?.We look towards strengthening _(cooperate)cooperation with universities all over the world in regard to scientific research.【答案】cooperation【句意】關(guān)于科學(xué)研究,我們期待與世界各地的大學(xué)加強合作。5.Mercytotheenemiesme

24、ans_(cruel)tothepeople.【答案】cruelty【句意】對敵人的仁慈就意味著對人民的殘忍。6.The _(correct)of all my mistakes took nearly an hour.【答案】correction【句意】我用了近一個小時才改完我的全部錯誤。7.This program plays a role of a medium which some assume is of great value to _(culture)exchange.【答案】cultural【句意】這個程序在媒體中起作用,一些人認(rèn)為媒體對文化相互交流有著重要的價值。8.A fl

25、ood of corrupt officials have been punished in China, which shows the governments determination to fight against _(corrupt)to the end.【答案】corruption【句意】大批腐敗官員在中國受到了懲罰,顯示出政府要與貪腐勢力一戰(zhàn)到底的決心 。9.The infrastructure project has _(consumer)so much money that we cant find any financial support and have to pul

26、l out.【答案】consumed【句意】這個基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施項目花費了太多的錢,我們找不到資金支持,只好撤出。10.The young lady behaved _(courage)in the face of danger.【答案】courageously【句意】那個年輕女士在危險面前表現(xiàn)得很勇敢。11.The auto company succeeded in developing a new type of new energy vehicle, having experienced _(count)failure.【答案】countless【句意】在經(jīng)歷了無數(shù)次失敗之后,這個汽車公司成功地

27、研發(fā)了一款新能源汽車。12.The online word “selfie” is gaining_(current)and more and more people tend to use it nowadays.【答案】currency【句意】網(wǎng)上“自拍”這個詞越來越流行,現(xiàn)在越來越多的人傾向于使用它。13.Success in achieving sustained growth depends _(critic)on expanding access to the opportunity of globalization.【答案】critically【句意】實現(xiàn)持續(xù)增長的成功關(guān)鍵在于擴

28、大獲得全球化的機會。14.As we all know, cloning is the _(create)of cells or the whole animals using DNA from a single “parent”.【答案】creations【句意】眾所周知,克隆是利用單個“親本”的DNA創(chuàng)造細(xì)胞或整個動物。15.The governors statement on employment set off a storm of _(criticize).【答案】D【句意】州長關(guān)于就業(yè)的聲明引發(fā)了一場批評風(fēng)暴。二、詞組填空(選用恰當(dāng)詞組,并用其恰當(dāng)?shù)男问教羁?,每個詞組只能用一次)t

29、o the contrarycount in count oncount upcureofcut downcut incut offcut throughcut up1.Goandseehowmanychairsthere areinthatclassroom,butdont_thebrokenones.【答案】count in【句意】去看看那個教室里有多少把椅子,不過壞的不要算進(jìn)去。2.Shesaysshedidntgothere,andthereisnoevidence_.【答案】to the contrary【句意】她說她沒有到那兒去,且沒有與她的話相反的證據(jù)。3.You can use

30、 an egg timer to_count down to fifteen minutes so that you wont need to constantly look at the clock to see how much time has gone.【答案】count down【句意】你可以使用一個煮蛋計時器進(jìn)行十五分鐘倒計時,這樣你就不需要經(jīng)??寸妬砜纯磿r間過去了多少。4.Jim, please help me_the cooked meat. I want to make fried rice.OK, Mom.【答案】cut up【句意】“吉姆,請幫我把熟肉切一下,我想做炒飯。

31、”“好的,媽媽?!?.Although this medicine can_you_your illness, it has a bad effect on you.【答案】cured, of【句意】雖然這種藥能治好你的病,但它對你有不好的影響。6.Dont try to_while others are talking.【答案】cut in【句意】別人談話時不要插嘴。7.Imust_howmuchmoneyIvespenttoday.【答案】count up【句意】我得算一下今天我總共花了多少錢。8.The small mountain village was_by the snow for

32、 more than one month.【答案】cut off【句意】這個小山村被大雪阻隔了一個多月。9.The manager needs an assistant that he can_to take care of problems in his absence.【答案】counton【句意】經(jīng)理需要一個助手,當(dāng)他不在的時候他可以信賴他負(fù)責(zé)所有的問題。10.Theboysnextdoor_ouryardontheirwaytoschool.【答案】cut through【句意】隔壁的男孩子們上學(xué)時抄近路,從我們家的院子里經(jīng)過。II.高考英語經(jīng)典長難句分析及重點詞匯用法(14)27.

33、Having scared the little beings, I began struggling to get loose and managed to break the strings that tied my left arm and slightly moved the strings that tied down my hair. 【句式翻譯】嚇跑了小人,我開始掙扎以使繩子松開,終于掙斷了綁著左臂的繩子,并輕輕地解開綁著頭發(fā)的繩子?!揪涫椒治觥勘揪涫菑?fù)合句,兩個that在從句中都引導(dǎo)定語從句,修飾先行詞the strings,Having scared在句中作狀語,to bre

34、ak作manage的賓語。【詞語點撥】struggle vi. 搏斗; 掙扎;爭取 n.打斗;掙扎;斗爭The climbers struggled against the strong wind and finally reached the top of the mountain. 登山者在強風(fēng)中艱難的行走,最終到達(dá)山頂。They struggled to get out of the burning building. 他們艱難地逃離了著火的大樓。With a struggle, I managed to control my feelings. 經(jīng)過一番斗爭,我把情緒控制住了。【語法點

35、撥】1)having done作狀語,具體用法參見第25句。2)不定式to do常跟在下列動詞后作賓語:ask, agree, beg, begin, start, wish, choose, decide, expect, fail, hope, manage, seek, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, want, would/should like等。如: His parents choose to live in the countryside. 他的父母決意在鄉(xiāng)下居住。We agreed to meet here, bu

36、t so far she hasnt turned up yet. 我們約定在這里見面,但是到現(xiàn)在她還沒露面。Would you like to go and have a picnic with us tomorrow? 明天和我們一起去野餐好嗎?28. Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acut

37、e epidemic in history. 【句式翻譯】西班牙流感在十八個月內(nèi)奪去了五千萬人的生命,該病似乎專門襲擊年輕力壯的人,而不是老邁長者,被認(rèn)為是歷史上最嚴(yán)重的一次傳染病。【句式分析】本句是簡單句,包含有一個句式:be believed to do/be 被認(rèn)為做/是,Having killed在句中作狀語,to strike作定語,修飾tendency。【詞語點撥】strike vt. 攻(襲)擊;打,打動; (鐘)敲響報(時); 使突然想起 n.打擊;罷工Snowstorms often strike that area in winter. 冬天暴風(fēng)雪常常襲擊那個地區(qū)。Stri

38、ke while the iron is hot. 趁熱打鐵。The clock struck twelve. 鐘敲十二點。I was struck by the beauty of the West Lake.我被西湖的美景給迷住了。It suddenly struck me that I ought to make a new plan.我突然想到, 我應(yīng)該制訂一個新的方案。The bus drivers have been on strike for several days. 公共汽車司機罷工好幾天了?!菊Z法點撥】1)(sth/sb)be believed to do/be 被認(rèn)為做/

39、是= It is/ was believed that,在這個句式中,不定式作主語補足語,可以代替believe用于這個句式的動詞還有:say, suppose, think, know, report等。如:Do you know why Friday is believed to be an unlucky day? 你知道為什么星期五被認(rèn)為是不吉利的日子嗎?The old castle was believed to have ghosts living in it for many years. 多年來人們一直相信這座古堡里面居住著幽靈。The great pyramid is bel

40、ieved to have been built over a 20-year period. 人們認(rèn)為建造這座大金字塔花去了20多年的時間。Yao Ming is thought to be one of the best basketball players in the world. 姚明被認(rèn)為是世界上最棒的籃球運動員之一。、高考真題新高考天津卷閱讀理解AJob for You!Family Alliance Meal DeliveryFamily Alliance is looking for people who can deliver hot Chinese meals one t

41、o two times a week for people with disabilities in north suburban Fairfield County. All applicants must have a drivers license and access to a car. Gas will be covered for each delivery.Working hours: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays For more information, contact Charles Chenat cchenOr call 74

42、0-6668988Lancaster DesignWe provide full furnishings, like donated kitchen equipment and furniture items, for the new homes of people who were once homeless. We need people who can work at our warehouse (倉庫)sorting and packing items to be delivered to families, repair donated furniture and more. Can

43、didates will be matched with a task based on skill set.Interested? Submit your application toOr call 740-6119735Lancaster WeeklyWould you like the opportunity to earn extra cash close to home? If so we have a vacancy in our team which would suit you.Both adults and youngsters aged 13+ are required t

44、o deliver our newspaper. You may I have to cover some distance. Bicycles are available if needed.Working hours: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. SaturdaysFor more informationCall 740-6538360Parkview Nursing HomeCaregivers are wanted. We seek people who are patient and caring, and who have experience and interest i

45、n working with older adults.As part of the package, initial and follow-up training sessions are provided and accommodation is available if required.For more details, visit us at Unit 3 Park View LaneOr contact Ellen White at 740-696839936Which job requires a drivers license?ADelivering meals.BDelive

46、ring newspapers.CWorking at the warehouse.DWorking at the nursing home.37Which of the following is TRUE about the Lancaster Design job?AApplicants are expected to design furniture.BWork is arranged according to ones skill set.CIt involves collecting furniture from homes.DIt favors applicants who are

47、 homeless.38A middle-school student is most likely to be hired by.AFamily Alliance Meal DeliveryBLancaster DesignCLancaster WeeklyDParkview Nursing Home39Which number should you call if you want to work with the elderly?A740-6668988.B740-6119735.C740-6538360.D740-6968399.這是一篇應(yīng)用文。文章刊登了四則招工廣告。36細(xì)節(jié)理解題。

48、該小題問哪份兒工作需要有駕照。根據(jù)第一則廣告第二段“All applicants must have a drivers license and access to a car.(所有的申請人都必須有駕照并要有可使用的汽車。)”可知,第一則廣告招聘外賣送餐工,并要求應(yīng)聘者有駕照。故選A項。37細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Lancaster Design 廣告“Candidates will be matched with a task based on skill set.(應(yīng)聘者將會被安排與自己技術(shù)相匹配的任務(wù)。)可知,B項(Lancaster Design job的工作是根據(jù)個人的技能來安排的)這一表

49、述正確。故選B項。38細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Lancaster Weekly“Both adults and youngsters aged 13+ are required to deliver our newspaper.(成人和13歲以上的青少年都可以投遞我們的報紙。)可知,中學(xué)生(13+)也有可能會被Lancaster Weekly雇傭。故選C項。39細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)Parkview Nursing Home廣告部分“We seek people who are patient and caring, and who have experience and interest in worki

50、ng with older adults.( 我們尋找有耐心,有愛心,有經(jīng)驗和興趣與老年人一起工作的人。)可知,Parkview Nursing Home招聘照顧老人的員工,他們養(yǎng)老院的電話是740-6968399。故選D項。B About five weeks ago, I noticed the skin of our pet lizard was growing dusty. It worried me. I reported the strange surface on the skin of the lizard to my husband and children the next

51、 morning. Seconds later, our lizard emerged from its tank with its old skin flowing behind it.I didnt think about it much until a morning last week when I knocked my favorite teapot off the table. It burst into hundreds of pieces. As I swept up the mess, I wondered why we had been breaking so many t

52、hings over the months.The destruction started three months ago. It was my husbands birthday. He had just lost his job. The uncertainty was starting to wear on us, so I wanted to do something special.“Lets make a cake for Dad!” I cried.My kids screamed with joy. We baked, iced and sprinkled for most

53、of the day. Candles on the cake! Balloons on the walls! Flowers on the table!Two hours before my husband came back home from another job interview, my daughter climbed up to grab a glass vase from a high shelf. It fell and crashed beside the cake. Tiny pieces of glass were everywhere. She sobbed lou

54、dly as I threw the cake away. My husband had banana pudding for his birthday.Three days ago, the light in our living room suddenly went out. After several frustrating hours of unsuccessful attempts to fix it, my husband suggested watching the Michael Jordan documentary series The Last Dance.The poig

55、nancy of Jordan retiring from his beloved basketball to play baseball and what had pushed him to make such a tough decision took me by surprise. As I watched him take off his basketball uniform and replace it with a baseball uniform, I saw him leaving behind the layer that no longer served him, just

56、 as our lizard had. Neither of them chose the moment that had transformed them. But they had to live with who they were after everything was different. Just like us. I realized that we have to learn to leave the past behind.Humans do not shed skin as easily as other animals. The beginning of change

57、is upsetting. The process is tiring. Damage changes us before we are ready. I see our lizard, raw and nearly new.Jordan said that no matter how it ends, it starts with hope. With our tender, hopeful skin, that is where we begin.40What can we learn about the pet lizard from Paragraph 1?AIts tank grew

58、 dirty.BIts old skin came off.CIt got a skin disease.DIt went missing.41Why did the authors husband have banana pudding for his birthday?AThe birthday cake was ruined.BThe author made good puddings.CPudding was his favorite dessert.DThey couldnt afford a birthday cake.42Why does the author mention T

59、he Last Dance in the passage?ATo prove a theory.BTo define a concept.CTo develop the theme.DTo provide the background.43The underlined part leaving behind the layer in Paragraph 8 can be understood as .Aletting go of the pastBlooking for a new jobCgetting rid of a bad habitDgiving up an opportunity4

60、4What does the author most likely want to tell us?ALove of family helps us survive great hardships.BIts not the end of the world if we break things.CWe should move on no matter what happens.DPast experiences should be treasured.【分析】這是一篇夾敘夾議文。講述了作者的丈夫剛剛丟了工作,這種不確定性開始影響到家人,直到作者看到家里的寵物蜥蜴換皮和觀看了Michael Jo


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