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1、2011 年 1 月 SAT 閱讀SECTION 3Questions 9-13 are based on the following passages.Passage 1Ecotourism has been broadly defined as recreationaltravelt is focused on the natural environment andt seeks to minimize its impact ont environment.However, there is little doubtt increasing numbersof ecotourists al

2、soe a threat to the quality and5sustainability of natural ecosystems. Numerous accountsof tourists loving nature to death” have been reported,and concern is growingt ecotourism isingnothing moren a green” labelt dresses upexploiive and destructive human behavior. Despite10widespread advocacy for edu

3、cation as a solution to minimizing ecotourists” impacts on the natural environment, few tests of the effectiveness of educational programs in controlling tourists behavior have beenconducted.15Passage 2Although a substantial part of tourism is the “sun,surf, and sand”variety, the fastest-growing seg

4、ment is ecotourism. There is, however, substantial concern aboutthe potential negative impacts of ecotourism on theenvironment and about the nesity to plan and regulate5ecotourism to prevent them. There clearly have been abusesand mismanaged activities. Bettlanning and regulationare essential. Yet e

5、cotourism brings many peopleoenvironments in which they can learn about the localeand learn environmental principlest can heighten their10awareness of and commitment to environmental protection in general. Increased emphasis on environmental learningas part of ecotourism could help prevent or reduce

6、ecotourism、negative impacts.9.The authors of both passages would most likely agreet ecotourismA.B.C.D.E.is most popular in sunny coastal environmentsmay harm the environment it claims to valuemay soon be more commonn other types of tourismserves to educate the public about environmental iesshould be

7、 tightly regulated in order to minimize its impact選B。兩篇作者都提及了生態(tài)旅游會到環(huán)境。Passage 1 的line 5,e a threat to the quality and sustainability of natural ecosystems 以及Passage 2 的 19 行 the potential negative impacts of ecotourism on theenvironment .。因此正確選項B。10.Unlike Passage 2. Passage I primarilv emphasizes e

8、cotourismsA.B.C.D.E.Economic consequen educational value increasing popularity uncertain originsdamaging effects選E。Passage1 說 ecotourism 的性的影響,非常明顯。干擾選項排除11.The author of Passage 2 would most likely characterize the tourists wholove “nature to death (Passage I. line 7) asA.B.C.D.E.evidence of the ne

9、ed for further environmental educationprooft ecotourism should be banned within fragile ecosystemconcerned about the impact of their actionsunaware of the regulationserning ecotourisminsincereheireresthe environment選A。問Passage 2 如果看到了Passage1 的“愛環(huán)境愛到死”這幫人,有何感想.A 選項 evidence of the need for further e

10、nvironmental education第二篇作者認為大家缺乏對于生態(tài)旅游的基本的知識,應該好好學習學習,從而將生態(tài)旅游的消極內容的影響給降到最低。12.In line 15. “conducted” most nearly means(本文檔 Passage 1 最后一個詞)A.B.C.D.E.performed channeled transmitted escorteddirected A B C DE選A。 performed channeled transmitted escorteddirected表現,履行引導傳輸,傳送命令line 15 few tests of the e

11、ffectiveness of educational programs in controllingtourists behavior have been conducted.如果提取選項的話,就是 conductbehavior,需要從選項中找出一個動詞來搭配表現。正確選項,A.13.Which spassages?ement best characterizes the relationship betn the twoA. Passage 2 provides a historicalportrays as a recent problem.on a situationt Passag

12、e 1B.Passage 2 takes aitive stance on an iet Passage 1 presentssomewhat pessimisticallyC. Passage 2 provides considers theoreticallyal experience wiphenomenon Passage ID.1.E.Passage 2 suggests an innovative solution to a puzzle outlined in PassagePassage 2 provides evidencet counters a criticism rai

13、sed in Passage 1選B。如果遇到選項中同時出現了Passage 1 和 Passage 2 的情況,看一半。以本題為例子,就看Passage 2A Passage 2 provides a historicalon a situationhistoricalB Passage 2 takes a歷史視角無中生有,排除itive stance on an ieitive stance 積極的立場,和 passage 2 的主旨觀點完全一致,對C Passage 2 providesal experience誤,排除al experience wiphenomenon這篇文章很明顯是

14、 opinion 的類型,不是 experience,錯D Passage 2 suggests an innovative solution如果說solution 是正確的,但是innovative,創(chuàng)新,無中生有選項,排除。 E Passage 2 provides evidence第二篇只有自己的想法,沒有實體的(客觀),錯誤選項,排除。Questions 14-23 are based on the following passage.The following passage is adapted from a 2002 book about modern medicine.The

15、explanation of pahas dominated muchof medical history originated with Rene Descartes, moren three centuries ago. Descartes proet paine injuryis a purely physical phenomenon 一t tistimulates specific nervest transmit an impulse5to the brain, causing the mind to perceive pain. Thephenomenon, he said,is

16、 like pulling on a rope to ringa bellhe brain. It is hard to overse how ingrainedthis accounse. In everyday medicine, doctorssee pain in Descartess termsas a physical pros,10a sign of tie injury. We look for a ruptured disk ora fracture and we try to fix whats wrong.The limiions of this mechanistic

17、explanation,however,have been apparent for some time, since peoplewith obvious injuries sometimes report feeling no pain15at all.he 1960s researchers proedt Descartessmbe replaced with what they called the gate controltheory of pain. They arguedt before pain signals reachthe brain, they mustgo throu

18、gh a gating mechanismhe spinal cord, which could ratchet them up or down.In some cases, this hypothetical gate could simply stop pain impulses from getting to the brain.20Their most startling suggestion wast what controlledthe gate was not just signals from sensory nerves but alsoemotions and other

19、“output” from the brain. They were25sayingt pulling on the rope need not make the bellring. The bell itselfthe mindcould stop it. This theoryprompted a great deal of researcho how such factorsas mood,gender, and befs influence the experience ofpain. In a British study, for exle, researchers measured

20、30pahreshold and tolerance levels in 52 ballet dancers and53 university students by using a common measurementknown as the cold pressor test. Theingeniouslysimple. (I tried ihome myself.) Alter immersing yourhand in body-temperature water for two minutes to establish a baseline condition, you dunk y

21、our hand ina bowl of ice water and start a clock running. You mark35the time when it begins to hurt:t is your pahreshold.Then you mark the time when it hurts too much to keepyour handhe water:t is your paolerance. The40always stopped at 120 seconds, to prevent injury.The results were striking. Oage

22、female studentsreported pain at 16 seconds and pulled their hands out of the ice water at 37 seconds. Female dancers went almost three times as long on both counts. Men in both groupshad a higher threshold and tolerance for pain,but the45difference betn male dancers and male nondancerswas nearly as

23、large. What explainst difference?Probably is something to do with the psychology ofballet dancersa group distinguished by self-discipline,physical fitness,and competitiveness, as well as by a high50rate of chronic injury. Their drivenalities andcompetitive culture evidently inure them to pain.Other

24、studies along these lines have showntroverts andextroverts have greataolerancen55t, with training, one can diminish ones sensitivity topain. There is also striking evidencet very simple kindsof mental suggestion can haveerful effects on pain.In one study of 500 patients undergoing denial procedures,

25、those who were given a placebo injection and rearedfort 一 60t it would renot only lessve their pain had the leastn the patients who got a placebo and weretold nothing but also lessanesthetic without any rean the patients who got a realring commentt it wouldwork. Today it is abundantly evidentt the b

26、rain is65actively involvedhe experience of pain and is no merebell on a string. Today every medical textbook teachesthe gate control theory as fact. Theres a problem with it, though. It explains people who have injuries but feel nopain, but it doesnt explahe reverse, which is far more70common 一the m

27、illions of people who experience chronicpain, such as back pain, with no signs of injury whatsoever.Gate control theory accepts Descartess viewt whatyou feel as pain is a signal from tie injury transmittedby nerves to the brain, and it adds the notiont the brain75controls a gateway for such an injur

28、y signal. But inthe case of something like chronic back pain, there often is noinjury. So where does the pain come from? The rope and clapper are gone, but the bell is still ringing.14.The primary pure of the passage is toA.B.C.D.E.describe how modern research has updated an old explanationargue for

29、 the irrelevance of a popular theorysupporraditional view with new datapromote a particular attitude toward physical experienceproe an innovative treatment for a medical condition選A。A describe how modern research has updated an old explanation新研究升級了老的解釋。正確,就是對于老的B argue for the irrelevance of a popu

30、lar theory爭論流行理論的無關性。irrelevance,排除的完善C supporraditional view with new data新數據支持老觀點。support 錯誤,排除D promote a particular attitude toward physical experience推動生理經驗的獨特態(tài)度。particular attitude 無中生有,排除E proe an innovative retreatment for a medical condition提及一個醫(yī)療環(huán)境中的創(chuàng)新治療。innovative retreatment 無中生有,排除15.Wh

31、ich sement best describes Descartesfs theory of pain as presented inlines 3-8 (“Descartes . brain”)?A.B.C.D.E.The brain can shut pain ot will.The brain plays no partPain can be triggeredhe bodys experience of pain.any different ways.Pain is a highlyal phenomenon.Pain is an automatic response to bodi

32、ly injury選E。lines 38 有個人D,說疼痛就是身理現象,injury stimulatest transmit an impulse to the brain ,疼痛感刺激了神經,傳遞到了大nerves腦 (就像) like pulling on a rope to ring a bell 就像是拉響了腦部的警鈴聲一般。類比。E Pain is an automatic response to bodily injury疼痛是對于身體的自動反應。完全正確,automatic response 可以和原文Line6 的cause the mind to perceive pain

33、 做同義替換。(DL1)16.In line 11,“sign” most nearly means(本文檔第一段)A.B.C.D.E.symbol gesture image indicationOmen選 D。Line 11: In everyday medicine, doctors see pain in Descartesstermsas a physical pros a sign of tie injury.翻譯:每天的藥理現象中,醫(yī)生都可以看到D 術語中的疼痛,身理的過程,組織損害的跡象。要和組織的跡象最接近的為正確。A symbol B gestureC image標志(象征

34、含義,排除)手勢(有手做的有關,排除)想象 (文章是真,這個是特征,排除)D indication 跡象(特指疾病的癥狀)a spel symptom or the liketpos out a suitable remedy or treatment or shows the presence of adisease. 正確選項,D。E omen 預兆。和本文無關,排除。17.The author impst the reason the gate control theory wast it“startling”(line 23) wasA.B.C.D.offered an extreme

35、ly novel explanation ran counter to peoples everyday experienundermined a respected philosophers repuionwas grounded in anprehensible logicE.was so sensible it should have been proed centuries before選 A。line 23 但是看完后本身沒有任何感覺,因為句子開頭的 their 無從查起,于是在定位失效的情況下,果斷向上搜尋。然后可以研究 line 20- 27。他們最驚人的提議是,控制疼痛這一門板

36、的不僅僅是神經,還有情感等其他的在腦子里的東西。換而言之,拉繩子可以不驚動鈴聲,鈴本身可以制止疼痛。也就是說,大腦本身可以感知到疼痛,也可以直接去止痛。選項:A offered an extremely novel explanation 給出了一個極為新穎的解釋 因為新穎,因為從來沒人聽過,所以讓人 startling,這個因果關系非常的明晰,18.The author does which of the following in lines 25-27 (“They . it”) ?A. Employs a previously used comparison to explain a n

37、ewlyidearoducedB.C.D.E.Cites an aforementioned study to disprove a recently published claimSignals a digresfrom the main line of the argumentInvokes figurative language to note the drawbacks of an approachUsesification to explicate thericacies of a theory選 A。與 17 題的line 23 行的內容重合,還是說新研究和老研究的差異性問題,新的

38、誕生。A Employs a previously used comparison to explain anewlyroduced idea 用先前的對比講述一個全新的理念,只有 newly 一詞和原文對應的工整,正確選項A19.In line 49, “psychology” most nearly meansA.B.C.D.E.mental makeup emotional trauma manipulative behavior clinical investigationunderlying meaning選 A。line 4953 芭蕾演員和心理學有關系。Their drivena

39、litiesand competitive culture evidently inure them to pain. 他們的有緊迫感的個性(強迫癥)和競爭性的文,會讓他們性的覺得痛。這里的 psychology 指的是,芭蕾舞演員由于長期很累,因此很容易覺得疲憊的族群。身體不累,心累,所以得選和精神有關的,只有 AB,但終究不是A mental makeup 精神特質,是一種特征,所以選 A。B emotional trauma感情20.The author suggestsrespect to theirt “extroverts,,(line 55)are like ballet dan

40、cers withA.B.C.D.E.reaction to sosense of groul situationsentityresponse to physical stimuli need for the attention of otherspeculiar attraction to suffering選C。Line 5456 Extroverts have greataolerancenroverts with training, one can diminish ones sensitivity to pain.性格外向者對于疼痛的忍耐度比內向者強。經過訓練,一個人可以削減對于疼

41、痛的敏感度。 題干所提及的芭蕾舞演員就是如此,雖然容易覺得疼痛,但是可以將對于疼痛的耐力給。ABD 純粹的未提及選項,和身體疼痛沾邊的只有 C 和 E。E選項極具 SM 的特征,喜歡疼痛的感覺,排除。正確選項唯有 C. physical stimuli和原文的sensitivity to pain 做對應。21.A defender of the gate control theory would most logically arguet the“problem” (line 68)maynot with the theory but withmedical profes hypothesi

42、sdiagnostic toolsals unwillingness to accept it as a thoroughly verifiedt cannot detect the injuries causing currentlyinexplicable conditionsC.D.E.doctors who misdiagnoseermittent pain as chronic painthe unfortunate tendency lo medicate even minor ailmentsthe willingness of people to subject themsel

43、ves to stressest lead tounconventional injuries選B。Line68,Today every medical textbook teaches the gate controltheory as fact. Theres a problem with it, though.今天,每個教科書都在教授門板理論,雖然這個理論是有缺陷的。然后,看下門板理論的,line1922:他們認為痛苦的信號會直接沖到腦子,假象的門會脈沖進入大腦。所以,有脈沖,門會。那么 problem 產生的可能就是有脈沖,但是門板已經攔不住了。B diagnostic toolscu

44、rrently inexplicable conditionst cannot detect the injuries causing工具無法去偵測出疼痛,這種疼痛是目前無法解釋的情況。假設論中的門板果然擋不住這次痛苦的沖擊,因此選項是 B22.The author refers to “chronic back pain” (line 77) as an exle ofsomethingt isA.B.C.D.E.costly, because it afflicts millions of people dubious, because it is often claimed freque

45、ntlypuzzling, because it sometimes has no apparent causefrustrating, because it does not improve with therapytantalizing,because itsthe reach of medicine選 C??键c詞: 慢性的背痛。buthe case of something like chronicback pain, there often is no injury.在類似于背痛的這種案例中,是沒有任何受傷的情況存在的。表示無傷但是疼的即為正確,并且應該是負評價。C puzzling,

46、 because it sometimes has no apparent cause讓人疑惑不解的,因為它有時沒有明顯的原因,apparent cause 和原文的injury一詞做對應挺工整的,正確選項C(DL3)23.The lasprimarily to expresstence of the passage (“The rope .ringing”)servesA.B.C.D.E.theprehensibility of scientific judgmentsthe inadequacy of abstract metaphorsthe futility of theoretica

47、l inquirya conundrumt faresearchersan ambiguity at the heart of science選D。so where does the pain come from? The rope and clapper aregone, but the bell is still ringing.疼到底從何處而來捏?繩子和鈴都沒了,但是依然響叮當。(雖然沒有受傷的痕跡,但是疼還在,的類比關系)沒人知道疼從哪里來,表示不知疼痛的根源即為正確選項。SECTION 4Questions 6-7 are based on the following passage

48、.A turning leaf stays green at, then reveals splotchesof yellow and red as chlorophyll gradually breaks down.Dark green seems to stay longesthe veins, outliningand defining them. During the summer, chlorophyll breaksdownhe heat and light,but it is also being steadily5replaced.he fall, on the other h

49、and,npigmentt wereis produced, and so we notice the other colorsalways there, although chlorophylls shocking green hidthem from view. With their camouflage gone, we see thesecolors for thetime all year, and marvel,but they were10always there, hidden like a vivid secret beneath the hotglowing greens

50、of summer.156.The passage serves primarily toA.B.C.D.E.present a debate explain a phenomenon recount an experiment advocate an actionrefute a theory選。第一段第一句就給了一個現象,葉子起初是綠色,又逐步解釋了的分解使得葉子有黃色和紅絲的斑點。對應了。7.According to the passage, which of the following most directly causes leavesto change their colorhe

51、 fall?A.B.C.D.E.Chlorophyllhe leaves beginning to break down thenHeat and light causing new pigments to be producedChlorophyll changing from green to other colorsExisting pigmentsing more uniformNew chlorophyll no longer being produced選E。對應Line6-9 在秋天,沒有新的色素產生。Questions 8-9 are based on the followin

52、g passageIm watching Sesame Street with my daughter. Today Grover has transported us to Alaska, where a local lass is suiting up to face the Arctic chill, with the help of hermother, who sews fur pelts together to fashion a coat torepel the subzero temperatures. The child rushes outo5the crisp fresh

53、 air to meet other children, laughing stly.It looks so wholesome, so simple, soplicated. No fancy schools to get o, no apartments to compare. Itlooked pleasant there, outhe bleak but weirdly alluringslate of glistening frost punctuated only by playful tykes10toting their homemadebuckets.ches to scho

54、ol in swinging8.The narrator would most likely characterize the dSesame Streetasction of Alaska onA.B.C.D.E.lurid idyllic eclectic nebulousTriteout選 B。從文章的整個 Tone 發(fā)現,文章是正向的,說的是 The child rusheso the crisp fresh air to meet other children, laughing stlyout inthe bleak but weirdly alluring slate of gl

55、istening frost punctuated only byplayful tykes toting their homemadeches to school in swinging buckets.整個節(jié)奏就是悠閑和愉快的。所以選項中除了B 外都呈現負。9.In context, the referentoto “fancy schools” and apartments” (line 8) serveA.B.C.D.E.illustrate the glamour of urban environmentssuggest some concerns the narrator may

56、haveestablish a contrast betn past and present lifestylesindicate the narrators distaste for rural livingchallenge the stereotyped view of a region選B。對應原文It looked pleasant there, outhe bleak but weirdlyalluring slate of glistening frost punctuated only by playful tykes toting theirhomemadeches to s

57、chool in swinging buckets.Questions 10-16 are based on the following passagesThese passages discuss Leroy “Satchel” Paige (1906 ?一1982), a star profesal baseball pitcher who continuedto play sucsfully wen when he was much older n any oth ayer. Passage I is adapted from u 1994 biography: Passage 2 fr

58、om Paiges autobiographyPassage 1When was Satchel Paige born? The myriad answerstot question havee one of the greatest sportsenigmas of nil time and play a huge part in bringing a senseof mynd mystery to Paiges life. When the Clevelandns owner Bill Veeck signed Paige in 1948. Veeck5did as much to obf

59、uscateiean ie he stokedconstantly as a public relations gimdid himself. For aid and comfortas Satchel everhis, Veeck could counton the succor 一witting or unwilling or perhaps both 一 ofLula Coleman Paige, Satchels mother.10Lula Paige confided to a sportswritert her son was inface three years olderlat

60、er,she had anothern he was thought to be; a few yearsphany. He was,she said, two yearsolder. This she knew because she had written down the year of his birth in her Bible, and it said, right there, plain as day, “1904.”When Satchel Paige committed his memoirs to pr15in 1962, though, he wasnt ready t


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