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1、 PAGE 頁碼 18 / NUMPAGES 總頁數(shù) 18六年級滬教版下學(xué)期英語期末學(xué)業(yè)質(zhì)量監(jiān)測復(fù)習(xí)過關(guān)題班級:_ 姓名:_ 看圖題寫單詞1. 看圖,寫單詞補全句子。1We are on the second floor at the m_.2Sally went s_yesterday and bought a lot of things.3Its in the n_of China. You can visit the Great Wall there.4F_make the city clean and beautiful.5The smoke comes from the f_.2.

2、根據(jù)圖意及首字母提示,把句子中所缺的單詞補充完整。..1Dont eat too much, you will be too f_. Its bad for you h_.2We w_to the c_to see my grandfather last weekend.3I s_a film with my friend last night.4Look, some g_are swimming in the river.5The early market is n_and c_, but the food is fresh and cheap.6D_B_Fest

3、ival is a Traditional Chinese festival. We often watch races at this festival.7The boy came to see the dentist because he had a t_.8The woman h_long hair before she became a mother.3. 看圖寫短語,將句子補充完整。1There is a new_in our town.2Lets go to Beijing_.3Im going to_.4My hobby is_.5Im going to be a_.4. 看圖,

4、回答下列問題。A. B. C.D. E.1What does your father do? 2What does he do? 3What does he do? 4What does she do? 5What does your mother do?5. 看圖,完成句子。1Its aday.2Its aday.3Its aday.4Its aday.6. 看圖寫出相應(yīng)的單詞。1. 2.3. 4.7. 看圖,寫短語。123458. 根據(jù)句義及首字母或圖片提示,補全單詞,完成句子。1Mikes grandpa listened to the radio and read_.2They wen

5、t to the_last week.3It means you cant_.4We can move some_away from our city.5Were going to watch_dance in the afternoon.填空題9. 按要求寫單詞。heavy(比較級)_ smaller(反義詞)_thinner(原形)_ I(賓格)_funny(比較級)_ tall(最高級)_Mike(名詞所有格)_ dinosaur(復(fù)數(shù))_shorter(反義詞)_10. 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1I_(catch) some fish in the river yesterday.2F

6、orm then on, they_(become) friends.3He_(see) a parrot show and_(ride) a bike in the park last week.4They will go_(swim) tomorrow.5Miss Li_(teach) us Chinese. She is a good teacher.11. 用所給詞適當(dāng)形式填空。1What_you_(do) last night?2He often_(play) football on Sundays.3Did Mike_(go) hiking?No, he_(do)4Come and

7、 look at_(Sally) photos.5I_(not wear) glasses two years ago.12. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1_(eat) vegetables is good for our health.2Exercise helps_(make) our bodies healthy and strong.3I walk to school_(two) a day.4How many_(month) are there in a year?5He is going to_(visit) Beijing next week.13. 用所給單詞的正確形式填空。1

8、We_(drink) tea in the afternoon and watched TV.2I want to_(buy) the new film magazine in the bookstore.3We_(see) some animals in the zoo last weekend.4Your feet are_(big) than mine.5Did you go_(swim) last Sunday?6I like_(draw) pictures very much.7Now, I_(go) cycling every day.8Its 7:00 am. Sarah is_

9、(do) morning exercise.9Miss Li usually_(play) sports on the weekend.選擇題14. 選出下列每組詞中不同類的一項。1A.swim B.skate C.run D.pineapple( )2A.vegetables B.apple C.strawberry D.mango( )3A.door B.desk C.like D.window( )4A.pencil B.pen C.fruit D.ruler( )5A.teacher B.teach C.walk D.drive( )15. There is a little mous

10、e in the house. She shouts, “_”. ( )A.Take out B.Come in C.Get out D.Look for16. Hi, Tom! _? ( )I am fourteen.A.How old are you B.How do you doC.Whats fifteen minus two D.How are you17. They will go on a trip _ Dalian. ( )A.with B.to C.for18. 靠右行走。 ( )A.Keep to the left. B.Keep to the right.句型轉(zhuǎn)換19.

11、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. The lion and the mouse became friends.(改為否定句)The lion and the mouse_friends.2. He is reading an English book now.(用yesterday改寫)He_an English book_.3. You shouldnt go to bed late.(同義句)You_go to bed_.4. Ill stay therefor a month.(對句子主題意思提問)_will you stay there?5. He usually finishes his homewo

12、rk before dinner.(改為一般疑問句)_he usually_his homework before dinner?20. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。1. I swim every day.(用yesterday改寫)2. was What the like food there?(連詞成句)3. It wasrainylast weekend. (就主題意思提問)4. We werein Beijinglast week(就主題意思提問)5. We went skiing and ice-skating. (改為否定句)21. 按要求改寫句子。(1)What does your mother

13、do? (改為同義句)(2)He goes to school on foot. (改為否定句)(3)Hedesigns carsin a car company. (對句子主題意思提問)(4)She likessinging and dancing. (對句子主題意思提問)(5)Sarahs father works in a bank. (變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?22. 按要求改寫句子,每條橫線只填一個單詞。1. The children like the ball.(改為一般疑問句)_the children_the ball ?2. Please put the clothes here.(改

14、為否定句) _put the clothes here,_. 3. They get upat six thirty.(就主題意思提問)What_they get up?23. 按要求完成句子。1Of all fruit, I like pears best.(改為同義句)2There are some books under the bed.(改為一般疑問句)3I playfootball and basketball.(對句子主題意思提問)4Do you like the yellow one?(加上the white one將句子改為選擇疑問句)5Do you like juice or

15、 milk?(根據(jù)實際情況回答)閱讀理解24. 閱讀理解。Mr Brown is a pilot. On Sunday morning, he takes Mike and Jone to a plane. He opens the door of the plane and lets the children in. Soon, the plane begins to go up. Mike looks out of the window and says, “Wow, we are like the birds in the sky! Then he looks down at the h

16、ouses, they are like the small toy houses. John looks at the streets and sees the buses, they look like small toy buses, too. All the people on the ground are very, very small.When the plane comes down and down and down, the houses, buses and people become bigger and bigger. Mike and John have great

17、 fun on the plane, they both feel excited because it is the first time to take a plane. And Mr Brown is very happy, too.(1)What is Mr Browns job?( )A. A bus driver. B. A pilot. C. A businessman.(2)When Mike looks down at the ground, what are the houses like?( )A. Small toy houses. B. Small toy buses

18、. C. Short trees.(3)How do the two children feel on the plane?( )A. Angry. B. Worried. C. Excited.(4)What is the story about?( )A. The first time by plane. B. A pilot. C. Houses and buses.(5)When the plane is going up, we can find _.( )A. the children become birdsB. the houses become bigC. the thing

19、s on the ground become small25. 根據(jù)短文選擇正確的答案。FatherandsonAwell-dressedmanwentintoarestaurantoneday.Heaskedforalotofnicedishes.Atthattime,aboycameinandsatdownbesidetheman.Themangavehimahamburger.Thenhesaidthathewantedtobuysomedrinksandthenleft(離開)?!癊xcuseme,yourfatherdidnotpay(付錢)themoneyforhismealand

20、yourhamburger,”thewaitresssaid.“Father?Yourewrong.Idontknowhimatall.Isawhiminthestreet.HesaysthathewillgivemeahamburgerifIcomehereathalfpasttwelve.”1_wentintoarestaurantoneday.()A.Awell-dressedman B.Aboy C.Awell-dressedmanandaboy2Themanaskedfor_.()A.alotofdrinks B.alotofhamburgers C.alotofdishes3The

21、mangave_.()A.ahamburgertotheboy B.somebreadtotheboy C.theboyacake4Theboycame_.()A.atelevenforty-five B.attwelvethirty C.attwelveoclock.5Thewaitressthought_.()A.theboywasthemansson.B.themanwastheboysfriendC.Themancouldntpayforthemeal26. 閱讀短文,選擇正確的答案。Last week, Mrs White went to London. She didnt know

22、 London very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.She went up to the man and said, Excuse me! Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? The man smiled. He knew little English! He came from Germany. He put his hand into his pocket and took out a phone. He looked

23、up some words. Then he said slowly, Im sorry I cant understand you.( )(1)Mrs White went tolast week.A. America B. London C. Canada( )(2)The man.A. knew English B. knew little English C. was good at English( )(3)The man came from.A. England B. France C. Germany( )(4)Did the man tell Mrs White the way

24、 to the hospital?A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. I dont know.( )(5)What did the man take out?A. A pocket. B. A phone. C. A schoolbag.27. 閱讀短文,選擇合適的答案。Hello, Im Jack. Im from the UK. I live in Beijing with my parents now. I like reading books. I have lots of books in my bedroom. I also like writi

25、ng stories. Sometimes, I write stories in Chinese. I want to be a writer someday. On Sundays, I sometimes have a picnic with my parents. We fly kites and we sing songs. Thats very funny. I never play computer games. I think thats not good for my eyes.1Jack is a /anboy. ( )A.Chinese B.England C.Ameri

26、can2There are lots ofin Jacks bedroom. ( )A.dolls B.books C.kites3Jack likes. ( )A.reading books B.writing stories C.A and B4Jack sometimeson Sundays. ( )A.has a picnic B.takes pictures C.reads books5Jackplaying computer games. ( )A.likes B.doesnlike C.I dont know.28. 閱讀理解。John is six years old. He

27、can read and write well. But he cant tell the time. His mother, Mrs Brown teaches him many times, but he still cant tell. He would say “brerakfast time”, “l(fā)unchtime” and “teatime” instead of (代替) saying eight oclock, twelve oclock and four oclock in the afternoon. His mother doesnt know how to help

28、him.One day Johns aunt, Mary comes to see his mother. His mother tell her about that. His aunt says. “Let me help you. I think I can help him.”When John comes home after school, Mary begins (開始) to teach him.“Can you count,John ?” she asks him.“Yes. One ,two three,four ”John says.“Thats fine. Now I

29、put the long hand (鐘表的長指針) on twelve and the short hand on one that is one oclock. If I put the short hand on two, what is the time?“Two oclock.”“Good. And on three?”“Three oclock.”Then it is four oclock in the afternoon, and Johns aunt asks him, “What time is it now ,John?”“Teatime, Aunt, and I am

30、very hungry (饑餓).” John looks at the clock and answers.1John s mother cant teach him to _.( )A.read B.write C.tell the time2When its twelve oclock John says its _.( )A.breakfasttime B.lunchtime C.teatime3The word “count” may mean (意思是) _.( )A.計算 B.數(shù)數(shù) C.認(rèn)為4The long hand is on twelve, and the short ha

31、nd is on five. Whats the time? ( )A.Its twelve B.Its five C.Its four5From the text (文章), we know _.( )A.John says teatime instead of four oclock in the afternoon.B.John has a nice watch (手表).C.There is something wrong with Johns watch.29. 讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確的答案。Wang Bin is a football fan. There is a foot

32、ball match between Chinese team and American team. He wants to watch it. He comes to the box office(售票處) and gives the clerk 10yuan. The clerk says, Please give me another 10yuan. The price(價格) of a ticket is 20yuan.Why? says Wang Bin, I just watch Chinese team. I dont want to watch the other team a

33、t all. Do you want me to buy a ticket for them? No, no, no(1)How does Wang Bin like football?( )A. Very much. B. Very. C. A little.(2)Can you guess the meaning of clerk in the passage?( )A.老板 B. 買主 C. 售票員(3)Can Wang Bin buy a ticket with 10yuan?( )A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. Yes, he does.(4)D

34、o you want me to buy a ticket for them? The word them refers to(提到) _.( )A. American team B. British team C. Chinese team(5)Can Wang Bin watch the match?( )A. Yes, he will. B. Yes, he can. C. No, he cant.30. 閱讀理解。Hello, my name is Amy. I am 8 years old. Today is Saturday. And it is my birthday. My m

35、um gives (送給) me a birthday gift. Its a red dress. Its new. And I have a little sister. Her name is Lucy. Her favourite clothes are skirts, but her skirt is old. She wants(想要) a new skirt. We go to the park to fly kites(放風(fēng)箏)in the afternoon. I meet my friend there. His name is Jack. He is wearing a

36、blue Tshirt and green shorts. We fly kites together. Saturday is fun.1What day is today?( )A.Monday. B.Friday. C.Saturday.2What does Amys mum give her for her birthday?( )A.A red dress. B.A yellow skirt. C.A blue Tshirt.3What does Lucy want?( )A.An old skirt. B.A new skirt. C.A green coat.4Is Jack w

37、earing red shorts?( )A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isnt. C.I dont know.5Is Saturday fun?( )A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isnt. C.I dont know.31. 閱讀理解。Hans Christian AndersenHans Christian Andersen was a great writer. He wrote many famous fairy tales for children all over the world.Andersen was born in 1805. When he was a little boy, his father read him a story every day. His father died when he was


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