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1、Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer RelationshipsChapter 11Road Map: Previewing the ConceptsDefine marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process.Explain the importance of understanding customers and the marketplace, and identify the five core marketplace concepts.2Identify the key ele

2、ments of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy.Discuss customer relationship management and strategies for building lasting customer relationships.Road Map: Previewing the Concepts3Describe the major trends and forces tha

3、t are changing the marketing landscape in this new age of relationships.Road Map: Previewing the Concepts4What is Marketing?Simple Definition: Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships.Goals: Attract new customers by promising superior value. Keep and grow current customers by deliveri

4、ng satisfaction.5Marketing DefinedA social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.6Needs, Wants, & DemandsNeed: State of felt deprivation including physical, social, and individual needs.Phy

5、sical:Food, clothing, shelter, safetySocial:Belonging, affectionIndividual:Learning, knowledge, self-expression7Wants: Form that a human need takes, as shaped by culture and individual personality.Wants + Buying Power = DemandNeeds, Wants, & Demands8Need / Want FulfillmentNeeds and Wants Fulfilled t

6、hrough a Marketing Offer :Some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered to a market to satisfy a need or want.9Need / Want SatisfiersProducts:PersonsPlacesOrganizationsInformationIdeasServicesActivity or benefit offered for sale that is essentially intangible and does n

7、ot result in the ownership of anything.10Marketing MyopiaSellers pay more attention to the specific products they offer than to the benefits and experiences produced by the products.They focus on the “wants” and lose sight of the “needs”11Value & SatisfactionIf performance is lower than expectations

8、, satisfaction is lowIf performance is higher than expectations, satisfaction is high12Exchange vs. TransactionExchange:Act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.Transaction:A trade of values between two parties.One party gives X to another party and gets Y in re

9、turn. Can include cash, credit, or check.13What is a Market?The set of actual and potential buyers of a product.These people share a need or want that can be satisfied through exchange relationships.14Marketing ManagementThe art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relation

10、ships with them.15Marketing ManagementQuestions to ask:What customers will we serve?What is our target market?How can we best serve these customers?What is our value proposition?16Segmentation & Target MarketingMarket Segmentation:Divide the market into segments of customersTarget Marketing:Select t

11、he segment to cultivate17Marketing ManagementDemand ManagementFinding and increasing demand, also changing or reducing demand, such as in demarketing.DemarketingTemporarily or permanently reducing the number of customers or shifting their demand18Value PropositionThe set of benefits or values a comp

12、any promises to deliver to consumers to satisfy their needs.19Marketing Management PhilosophiesProduction ConceptProduct ConceptSelling ConceptMarketing ConceptSocietal Marketing Concept20The Marketing MixProductPriceDistribution (Place)Promotion21Customer Relationship ManagementThe process of build

13、ing and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction.22Customer Perceived ValueCustomers evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing offer relative to those of competing offers.23Customer SatisfactionD

14、ependent on the products perceived performance relative to a buyers expectations.24Loyalty & RetentionFinancial BenefitsSocial BenefitsStructural TiesFocus on profitable customers25Partner Relationship MarketingPartners inside the firmAll employees customer focusedTeams coordinate efforts toward cus

15、tomersPartners outside the firmSupply chain managementStrategic alliances26Customer Loyalty & RetentionCustomer Lifetime ValueThe entire stream of purchases that the customer would make over a lifetime of patronage.Share of CustomerThe share a company gets of the customers purchasing in their produc

16、t categories.27Customer EquityCustomer equity is the total combined customer lifetime values of all the companys customers.28The InternetThe technology behind a New EconomyApplications:“Click-and-mortar” companies“Click-only” companiesBusiness-to-business e-commerce 29New Marketing LandscapeRapid Gl

17、obalizationEthics & Social ResponsibilityNot-for-Profit MarketingNew World of Marketing Relationships30Rest Stop: Reviewing the ConceptsDefine marketing and outline the steps in the marketing process.Explain the importance of understanding customers and the marketplace, and identify the five core ma

18、rketplace concepts.31Identify the key elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and discuss the marketing management orientations that guide marketing strategy.Discuss customer relationship management and strategies for building lasting customer relationships.Rest Stop: Reviewing the Concepts

19、32Describe the major trends and forces that are changing the marketing landscape in this new age of relationships.Rest Stop: Reviewing the Concepts33Q: Your marketing campaigns appeal to your customers desire to be perceived as owning the best in bicycle technology. Your marketing campaigns successf

20、ully appeal to consumers: 1. needs. 2. wants. 3. satisfactions. 4. demands. AK, 7e Chapter 134Q: Your company is also successful because you offer free maintenance and repair for the first two years after the purchase of a bicycle. Therefore, along with the physical product, you offer an attractive

21、package of: 1. values. 2. ideas. 3. events. 4. services. AK, 7e Chapter 1 35Q: As a campaign manager for a candidate to your countys legislature, you are defining the candidates positioning among voters and are working on a pre-election rally during which your candidate and several prominent support

22、ers will deliver speeches. You are planning a: 1. product. 2. service. 3. satisfaction. 4. promotional campaignAK, 7e Chapter 136Q: Your firm has perfected a process that reduces the overall cost of producing custom-made bikes. As a result, you adopt the _ concept of marketing, whereby you offer you

23、r products to consumers at prices well below those of your competitors. 1. production 2. product 3. marketing 4. societal marketing AK, 7e Chapter 137Q: You favor a marketing approach that emphasizes the quality and new features of your bicycles, yet your assistant prefers an approach that emphasize

24、s innovative promotion strategies. Which of the two following marketing concepts are exhibited here? 1. Marketing and selling 2. Production and societal marketing 3. Product and marketing 4. Product and selling AK, 7e Chapter 138Q: To reduce the large capacity of bikes in your warehouse, you adopt t

25、he _ concept and attempt to push your products into the market through heavy advertising. 1. production 2. product 3. selling 4. marketing AK, 7e Chapter 139Q: In anticipation of high demand, you build a factory in Mexico, where you can save on labor and production costs. However, you still provide

26、benefits to the Mexican workers comparable to those many American workers receive, illustrating that you have successfully practiced the: 1. marketing concept. 2. product concept. 3. societal marketing concept. 4. selling concept.AK, 7e Chapter 140Q: Are you more inclined to buy from a company that

27、is socially responsible? 1. Yes2. NoAK, 7e Chapter 141Q: Would you be willing to pay more for a product because it was from a socially-responsible company? Yes NoAK, 7e Chapter 142Q: The most important new technology for connecting is: 1. the Internet. 2. the database. 3. the laptop computer. 4. the

28、 fiber optic telephone. AK, 7e Chapter 143Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer RelationshipsChapter 244Road Map: Previewing the ConceptsExplain companywide strategic planning and its four steps.Discuss how to design business portfolios and growth strategies.Explain marketings

29、 role in strategic planning and how marketing works with its partners to create and deliver customer value.45Road Map: Previewing the ConceptsDescribe the elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and mix, and the forces that influence it.List the marketing management functions, including the

30、 elements of a marketing plan.46Strategic PlanningThe process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities.47Steps in Strategic PlanningDefining the company missionSetting company objectives and goalsDesigning

31、 the business portfolioPlanning marketing and other functional strategies48The Mission StatementA statement of the organizations purposeWhat it wants to accomplish in the larger environmentShould be market oriented and defined in terms of customer needs.49Mission Statement Should:Be realisticBe spec

32、ificFit the market environmentBe based on distinctive competenciesBe motivating50Designing the Business PortfolioThe business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the company.The company must:analyze its current business portfolio or Strategic Business Units (SBUs),dec

33、ide which SBUs should receive more, less, or no investment,develop growth strategies for growth or downsizing.51Portfolio AnalysisAn evaluation of the products and business making up the company.Resources are directed to more profitable businesses and weaker ones are phased down or dropped.52Strateg

34、ic Business Unit (SBU)A unit of the company that has a separate mission and objectives and that can be planned independently from other company businesses.Can be a company division, a product line within a division, or sometimes a single product or brand.53BCG Growth-Share MatrixStarsCash CowsQuesti

35、on MarksDogs54Problems with Matrix ApproachesCan be difficult, time consuming, and costly to implementDifficult to define SBUs and measure market share and growthFocus on current business, not future planningCan place too much emphasis on growthCan lead to poorly planned diversification55Product/Mar

36、ket Expansion GridMarket PenetrationProduct DevelopmentMarket DevelopmentDiversification56Marketings Role in Strategic PlanningProvide a guiding philosophyProvide inputs to strategic plannersDesign strategies to reach objectives57Value Delivery NetworkCompanys value chainDistributorsSuppliersCustome

37、rs58Market SegmentationThe process of dividing a market into distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics, or behavior who might require separate products of marketing programs.A market segment consists of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of marketing efforts.

38、59Target MarketingInvolves evaluating each market segments attractiveness and selecting one or more segments to enter.Target segments that can sustain profitability.60Market PositioningArranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable place relative to competing products in the m

39、inds of target consumers. Begins with differentiating the companys marketing offer so it gives consumers more value.61The Marketing MixThe set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to produce the response it wants in the target market.Consists of the 4 PsProductPricePlacePro

40、motion62The 4 Ps & the 4 Cs of theMarketing Mix4 Ps - Sellers ViewProductPricePlacePromotion4 Cs - Buyers ViewCustomer SolutionCustomer CostConvenienceCommunication63Sections of Product/Brand PlanExecutive summaryCurrent marketing situationAnalysis of threats and opportunitiesObjectives for the bran

41、dMarketing strategyAction programsMarketing budgetControls 64Marketing Department OrganizationFunctional OrganizationGeographic OrganizationProduct Management OrganizationMarket or Customer OrganizationCombination65Marketing Control ProcessSet GoalsMeasure PerformanceEvaluate PerformanceTake Correct

42、ive Action66Rest Stop: Reviewing the ConceptsExplain companywide strategic planning and its four steps.Discuss how to design business portfolios and develop strategies growth and downsizing.Assess marketings role in strategic planning and explain how marketers partner with others inside and outside

43、the firm to build profitable customer relationships.67Rest Stop: Reviewing the ConceptsDescribe the elements of a customer-driven marketing strategy and mix, and the forces that influence it.List the marketing management functions, including the elements of a marketing plan.68Q: Marketing planning t

44、akes place at the: 1. business unit level. 2. product level. 3. market level. 4. all of the above. AK, 7e Chapter 269Q: Strategic planning consists of the four steps below. What is the correct sequence of these steps? 1. Define company mission 2. Design business portfolio3. Plan functional strategie

45、s 4.Set company goals and objectives 1. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 2. 4 - 2 - 3 - 1 3. 4 - 1 - 2 - 3 4. 1 - 4 - 2 - 3 AK, 7e Chapter 270Q: A mission statement should be: product oriented. 2. market oriented. 3. sales oriented. 4. production oriented. AK, 7e Chapter 271Q: Which of the following mission statements

46、 is market oriented? 1. Revlon: We sell cosmetics. 2. Disney: We run theme parks. 3. Wal-Mart: We deliver value through low prices. 4. Xerox: We make copying, fax, and other office machines. AK, 7e Chapter 272Q: A strategic business unit: 1. is a unit of a company that focuses on a single product. 2

47、. is a unit of a company that focuses on a line of products. 3. is a unit of a company that can be planned independently. 4. is a unit of a company with authority over all other units. AK, 7e Chapter 273Q: Acme Bicycle Company wants to grow by diversification. To accomplish this, Acme will: 1. intro

48、duce new bicycle models. 2. introduce modifications to its existing bicycle products. 3. identify new market segments for its current products. 4. start up or acquire businesses outside of its current products and markets. AK, 7e Chapter 274Q: A company that is seeking to make more sales to its curr

49、ent customers without changing its products is pursuing a _ strategy. 1. market penetration 2. market development 3. product development 4. diversificationAK, 7e Chapter 275Q: Mega-corporations can become so powerful that they can easily displace small competitors from the marketplace.Do you think s

50、uch mergers are good for the overall economy and the consumer?1. Yes2. No AK, 7e Chapter 276Q: Value delivery network refers to: 1. a companys ability to ship products on time and at low cost. 2. relationships among the marketing department and other departments within a company. 3. partnerships amo

51、ng different companies to enhance customer value. 4. the marketing of communication services. AK, 7e Chapter 277Q: Acme Marketing has divided the shampoo market into five groups based on age. This is an example of: 1. market segmentation.2. market positioning.3. market targeting.4. marketing mix.AK,

52、 7e Chapter 278Q: Acme Marketing decides to focus exclusively on the kids market (ages 2-12) for selling its shampoos. This is an example of: 1. market segmentation.2. market positioning.3. market targeting.4. marketing mix.AK, 7e Chapter 279Q: To attract kids, Acme positions its shampoo as the only

53、 premium-priced, no-tears shampoo thats packed in bottles shaped like Disney characters. This is an example of: 1. market segmentation.2. market positioning.3. market targeting.4. marketing mix.AK, 7e Chapter 280Q: By focusing on the kids market, Acme is able to avoid all large competitors because t

54、hey tend to overlook this specialized, small market. This is an example of: 1. market leader strategy.2. market challenger strategy.3. market follower strategy.4. market nicher strategy.AK, 7e Chapter 281Q: A marketing audit includes an examination of a: 1. companys environment.2. companys objective

55、s and strategies.3. companys activities and strategies.4. all of the above.AK, 7e Chapter 282Q: While _ addresses the what and why of marketing activities, _ addresses the who, where, when, and how. 1.marketing mix, marketing planning2.marketing segmentation, marketing implementation3.marketing plan

56、ning, marketing implementation4.marketing implementation, marketing positioningAK, 7e Chapter 283Q: Companies that sell one product line to many different types of markets should have: a.functional organization.b.geographic organization.duct management organization.d.market management organization.A

57、K, 7e Chapter 284The Marketing EnvironmentChapter 385Road Map: Previewing the ConceptsDescribe the environmental forces that affect the companys ability to serve its customers.Explain how changes in the demographic and economic environments affect marketing decisions.Identify the major trends in the

58、 firms natural and technological environments.Explain the key changes in the political and cultural environments.Discuss how companies can react to the marketing environment.86Marketing EnvironmentConsists of actors and forces outside the organization that affect managements ability to build and mai

59、ntain relationships with target customers.Environment offers both opportunities and threats.Marketing intelligence and research used to collect information about the environment.87Includes:Microenvironment: actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers.Macroenvironment:

60、larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment.Considered to be beyond the control of the organization.Marketing Environment88The Companys MicroenvironmentCompanys Internal Environment: Areas inside a company.Affects the marketing departments planning strategies.All departments must “think


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