1、Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.0-110.0Table of ContentsTable of Contents10.0-1Appendix 1 Emergency Exit Control Procedure10.1- Seat10.1-1Layout of Exit Seats10.1-1Passenger Exit Seating Determination10.1-1Requirements of the Exit Seat Passenger10.1-1Emergency
2、Exit Control Procedure during Spel Passengers Bookingand Ground Transporion10.1-3Appendix 2 Ground Handling Agreement10.2-1附件三 航空器地面維修協(xié)議10.3-1Appendix 4 Aviation Fuel Purchase and Sale Agreement10.4-1Appendix 5 Flight Service Agreement for Irregular Flight10.5-1Appendix 6 Sales Agency Agreement of S
3、pring Airlines Air Tickets10.6-110.210.310.410.510.610.710.8Appendix 7 Sales Agency Agreement of Airs10.7-1Appendix 8 Aviation Security Agreement10.8-1Terminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.0-2(ENTIONALLY BL)Terminal Operations ManualRev
4、i/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.1- 1 Emergency Exit Control ProcedureExit SeatA seat from whichsenger can proceed directly to the exit without passingaround an obstruction and each seat in a row of seats through which passengerswould have t
5、o pass to gain acs to an exit, from theseat inboard of theexit to theaisle inboard of the exit.10.1.2Layout of Exit Seats10.1.3Passenger Exit Seating DeterminationExit Seat Passenger Information Card shall be included in the seat pocket in front of each exit seat for the exit seating passengers;Desi
6、gnated flightendant shall, prior to closing cabin door, prompt passengersin exit seats to read exit seat passenger information card specifically preparedfor them and to identify themselves according to the information, verifyt noexit seat is occupied by an individual is likely to be unable to perfor
7、m the applicable functions.10.1.4Requirements of the Exit Seat PassengerFunctions which the passenger occupying an exit seat shall be able to perform:(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)Locate the emergency exit;Recognize the emergency exit opening mechanism; Comprehend the instructions for operating the emergency exit;
8、 Operate the emergency exit;Assess whether opening the emergency exit will increase the hazards towhich passengers may be exed;(6)(7)Follow oral directions and hand signals given by a crewmember;Stow or secure the emergency exit door so the exit;t it will not impede use of(8)Assess the condition of
9、an escslide, activate the slide, and stabilizethe slide after deployment to assist others in getting off the slide;Pass expeditiously through the emergency exit;(9)(10)Assess, select and follow a safe paway from the emergency exit.Applicable functions the passengers shall be able to perform:Terminal
10、 Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08A/C TypeLocation of Emergency ExitA32012A/B/C/D/E/F13A/B/C/D/E/FChapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.1-2Theshall have sufficient mobility, strength, or dexterity in borms andhands, and both legs:(1)To reach upward, sideways, and downward to th
11、e location of emergency exit and exit-slide operating mechanisms;To grasp and push, pull, turn, or otherwise manipulate those mechanisms;To push, shove, pull, or otherwise open door operating mechanisms and emergency exits;(2)(3)(4)To lift out, hold, deit on nearby seats, or maneuver over the seatba
12、cksto the next row objects the size and weight of over-wing window exit doors;To remove obstructions similar in size and weight of over-wing window(5)exit doors;To reach the emergency exit expeditiously;(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)To maain balance while removing obstructions;To exit expeditiously;To stabilize a
13、n escslide after deployment;To assist others in getting on escslide.Other Requirements(1)(2)The passenger is no lessn 15 years old;The passenger shall have the ability to read and can understand oral crew ds;The passenger shall have sufficient visual capacity without the assistance(3)of visual aidsc
14、ontact lenses or eyeglasses;(4)The passenger shall have the ability to hear and understand instructionsshouted by flightendants, without assistancea hearing aid;(5)The passenger shall have the ability adequay to impart informationorally to othassenger;(6)The passenger has a condition or responsibili
15、ties, such as caring for smallchildren,t might not prevent thefrom performing one or more in of this Appendix, or a harm if he or she performs theof the applicable functions listedconditiont might not cause theabovementioned functions.Under the following circumstan for reseating:,senger may request
16、flightendant(1)(2)(3)Cannot meet the passenger selection criteria set forthhis section;Cannot determine whether he or she has the nesary ability;May suffer bodily harm as the result of performing the functions;Terminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-T
17、OM Page: 10.1-3(4)(5)May not be able to perform the functions which are probably required;May not be able to understand the exit seat passenger information card and the briefing by crewmembers due to language or understanding ability.10.1.5 Emergency Exit Control Procedure during Spe Ground Transpor
18、ionl Passengers Booking andBooking Control Procedure(1)The staff shall confirm whether there is any spel passenger among the passengers while filling Passenger Booking Sheet;The staff shall inform the purchaser of the provis on denying or(2)restricting the transporion of the passenger with infectiou
19、s diseases,mental diseases, or whose health condition may affect him/her or other passengers safety.(3)Transporionofspelpassengerslikepaniedminors,passengers with physical difficulties, pregnant women, the blind and deafshall be approved by Spring Airlines in advance and given correspondingarrangeme
20、nts. The staff shall fill the Spel Passenger TransporionApplication and submit it to related departments as required. See Chapter3 of Passenger Transporion Manual for the specific provis oftransporting spel passengers.Check-in Control of Emergency ExitFollow the requirements ofManual of Spring Airli
21、nes.Section0ofPassengerTransporionTerminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.1-4(ENTIONALLY BL)Terminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.2-110.2Appendix 2 Ground Handling AgreementI
22、n compliance with Civil Aviation Law of the Peoples, Contract Law ofChina, China Civil Aviation Domestic Transporion Rules of Passengers and Baggage,China Civil Aviation Domestic Transporion Rules of Cargo, China Civil Aviation andrelated provis of CAAC, with regard to various ground handling servi(
23、includingtheernational, domestic, regional flight, alternate, layover and ferry flight of thewet-leased and dry-leased aircraft) entrusted by the Carrier, the parties of this Agreementhave negotiated and hereby agree to be bound by the following terms to ensure service quality and clarify responsibi
24、lities and liabilities of both parties:1General1.1Both parties shall comply with national laws, regulations and related provis ofCAAC, perform the responsibilities and liabilities under this Agreement and ensurethe passengers and teral public is given the best impresof air transport.1.2Both parties
25、shall perform this Agreement and its annexes with the principles ofcompensable servi, mutual benefit, friendly negotiation and mutual development.1.3To ensure the safe and regular flight, and provide premium civil aviation servi, theHandling Company shall abide by the regulations of CAAC and the req
26、uirements ofthis Agreement together with its annexes, provide ground handling in a conscientious and through manner, avoid the delay and damage to aircraft,passenger, baggage, cargo,and other articles (hereinafter referred to as“Loads”), and give the best impresto passengers, consignors and consigne
27、es.1.4The Handling Company guarantees its technicalnel serving the Carrier holdeffective license, permit orgranted by related authorities.2General Provis2.1Operationals TransporionThe Carrier shall provide Handling Company with manifest, weight and balance manifest, aircraft seat layout, aircraft pe
28、rformance data, fuel data, weight and balance chart, etc, and shall provide the Finance Department of the Handling Company with the basic data including aircraft type, registration number, takeoff weight, payload weight and seat capacity. The Handling Company shall provide the consumables including
29、boarding pass and baggage ticket whose charges shall be further determined.2.2Scheduled FlightThe Handling Company agrees to provide for the Carriers Aircraft for flightsoperating at the location(s) mentionedhe Annex 2 without prior application inwriting. The Carrier,urn, agrees to inform the Handli
30、ng Company 72 hours inadvance of schedule and/or frequencies and/or types of aircraft.2.3-scheduled FlightThe Handling Company will also provide the servito the Carriers Aircraft for-schedule flights at the location(s) mentioned in the Annex 2, providedtreasonable prior notice is given 24 hours in a
31、dvance and the proviof suchTerminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.2-2servi2.4Prioritywill not prejudice commitments already undertaken.In case of multiple handling of scheduled flight and-scheduled flight, priorityshall, as far asServisi
32、ble, be given to aircraft operating on schedule.2.5RThe Handling Company shall safeguard the Carriers transit and layover aircraft, provide security check to passengers and cargo, ensure the flight safety of theCarrier within specified areas, and hand the emergency under spe2.6Emergency Assistancel
33、circumstan.In case of emergency, including but not limited to, forced landings, accidents or actsof, the Handling Company shall without delay and without waiting forinstructions from the Carrier report to local emergency authority and take allreasonable andsible measures to assist passengers and cre
34、w and to safeguardand protect from loss or damage of baggage, cargo andcarriedhe aircraft.The Carrier shall reimburse the Handling Company at cost for any extra expenses incurred in rendering such assistance.2.7As far assible, the Handling Company will, upon request, provide to the Carrierany additi
35、onal servi. Such servimay beerned by spel conditions to beagreed betn the Parties. Such additional agreement is deemed as the annex ofthis Agreement and has the same legal effect.2.8Subcontracting of ServiceThe Handling Company is entitled to delegate any of the agreed servi to subcontractors with t
36、he Carriers consent. It is understood t, in this case, the Handling Company shall nevertheless be responsible to the Carrier for the properrendering and quality of such servias if they had been performed by theHandling Company itself. Any subcontracting of serviand the provider(s)thereof, will be re
37、cordedThe Carrier shall not appohe Annex 2.any third party to provide the serviwhich theHandling Company has agreed to provide by virtue of this Agreement and itsannex(es), except in such spe Parties.Fair Practil cases as shall be mutually agreed betn the33.1The Handling Company will take all practi
38、cable measures to ensuret salesinformation contained in the Carriers flight pures of the Carrier only.s is made available for the3.2Neither Party to this Agreement shall disclose any information contained herein tooutside parties without the prior consent of the otharty, unlesch informationis specif
39、ically required by applicable law or regulations or by CAAC or by judilor administrative authorities regulations, in which case the notified accordingly.3.3The Handling Company must report to the Carriers Represenotharty will beive immediay allTerminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date:
40、2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.2-3loss or damage to the Carriers Aircraft, Passengers and Loads noticedhe courseof the handling or which in any other way comes to the knowledge of the HandlingCompany and take allsible measures of prevention and protection so as to ally reduce the loss
41、.Carriers Represenion44.1The Carrier may maain its own represenive(s) or office at the location(s)designatedhis Agreement.4.2Such represenive(s) may inspect and supervise the serviprovided to the Carrierby the Handling Company, advise and assist the Handling Company and render tothe Carriers cnts su
42、ch assistance as shall noterfere with the proviofserviby the Handling Company.4.3The Handling Company shall assist the Carrier in solving office and ne equipment. Specific arrangement shall be negotiated further.sary office4.4The Carrier may, by prior notice in writing to the Handling Company, engag
43、e an anization (hereinafter referred to as “the Supervisor”) to supervise the serviof the Handling Company pursuant to this Agreement. The Supervisor has the samerights and liabilities with the Carriers Represenive as specified in Carriers Represenive shall abide by CAACs proviserning the
44、 s, and shall Company inCarriers offiand the Handling Companys management proviarrive at the site on time when there is flight to assist Handlingproviding flight and passenger service, and sigthe work sheet as appropriate.4.6Such assistance, when performed by the Carriers represenive(s) will be the
45、sole responsibility of the Carrier.5Standard of Work5.1The Carrier shall provide the Handling Company with the technicalsincluding General Conditions of Domestic Passenger Transporion, GeneralConditions of Domestic Cargo Transporion, Sion Operations Manual, AircraftWeight and Balance Manual, Passeng
46、er Transporion Manual and OperationsManual. The Handling Company shall carry out all technical and flight operationsservias well as other serviin accordance with the Carriers instructions,receipt of which must be confirmed in writing to the Carrier by the HandlingCompany. In the case of absence of i
47、nstructions by the Carrier, the HandlingCompany shall follow its own standard practiand procedures. The servihaving a safety aspect, for exle, load control, loading of aircraft and handling ofdangerous goods shall be provided in compliance with applicable regulations andprocedures specified by CAAC.
48、 The Carrier shall train related operatingnel nel, andof the Handling Company, espelly train and certify the loadingauthorize the Handling Company to load the aircraft.5.2The Handling Company agrees to take allsible steps to ensuret, the CarriersAircraft, crews, passengers and load receive treatment
49、 not less favorablentgiven by the Handling Company to other Carriers or its own comparable operation at the same location.5.3The Handling Company agrees to ensuret authorization of spelizednelTerminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.2-4per
50、forming servifor the Carrier are kept up-to-date. If at any time the HandlingCompany is unable to provide authorizednel as requested by the Carrier, theHandling Company shall inform the Carrier immediay.5.4In the proviof the servias a whole, due regard shall be paid to safety,punctuality and advance
51、d quality, applicable CCARs and the aforementionedrequest(s) of the Carrier in such a mannert the passengers, consignor andconsignee can be given the best impresof air transport.5.5In the case of the delay or alternate of the Carriers flight, the Handling Companyshall take any reasonable andsible me
52、asures toensure the flight, and then ally reduce all loss of or the Carrier shall dispatchensure the arrangement of passengers and cargo and damage. In case of the Carriers flight cancellation,nel to the airport of the city where business department or office were set upto assist the Handling Compan
53、y in serving the passengers and sign on the worksheet when nesary.5.6The Handling Company shall reach GB/T16177-2007 of “Quality Standards of PublicAir Transporion Service” of National Standard of the Peoplesor its latest substitution. Both parties shall further negotiate for the quality standardsof
54、 the serviService Charges.66.1All serviincluded in this Agreement will be charged by the Handling Companyaccording to the standard price list of2007159 ied by CAAC.6.2The extra servinot included in this Agreement will be charged according to thenational and industry standard price list. In case of t
55、he absence of the standard, bothparties shall negotiate to decide it and sign a supplementary agreement by reference of related standards.The Handling Companys favorable measures to the Carrier shall be given a supplementary agreement signed by both parties.The charges set out in Annex 2 do not incl
56、ude:Expenses incurred in connection with stopover and transfassengers and withthe handling of passengers forerrupted, delayed or canceled flights.Any charges, fees or taxes imed or levied by the Airport, Customs or other authorities against the Carrier or the Handling Company in connection with thep
57、roviof serviherein by the Handling Company or in connection with theCarriers flights.7Accounting and Settlement7.1The Agreement stipulates for the settlement in RMB.7.2nt shall provide the Carrier with the bill covering the service items and rates which shall be charged. The original voucher shall b
58、e signed by the carriersrepresenive or designatednel. The Carrier shall cable such chargeshirtydays upon receiving the bill (including the time for bill adjustment), failing whichthe overdue payment charge of 0.3 daily is appd.Terminal Operations ManualRevi/Edition: 00/01Rev. Date: 2013.02.08Chapter
59、 10 AppendixCQH-TOM Page: 10.2-57.3Any disagreement to the Agents bill, the carrier shall send a written notificationwithhirty days after the receipt. Provided the bill is madeistake due to theAgents negligence, the Carrier shall contact with the Agent in fifteen days after receiving the bill and pr
60、esent a letter of refusal of payment. Provided such refusal of payment is mistaken by Carrier, the Carrier make up such payment in fifteen daysafter the verification withnt, and nois provided for such part. Anydisagreement of the payment, both parties shall presentitive cooperation andmake verificat
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