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1、第 PAGE6 頁 共 NUMPAGES6 頁2023年最新的英語stuff的中文是什么意思英語stuff是一個多詞性的單詞,我們要知道它每一種詞性的中文意思。以下是百分網(wǎng)小編為大家整理了英文單詞stuff的幾種中文意思,一起來看看吧! stuff的中文意思 英 st f 美 st f 第三人稱單數(shù):stuffs現(xiàn)在分詞:stuffing過去分詞:stuffed過去式:stuffed 名詞 材料,原料,資料; 俚錢,現(xiàn)金; 填充物; 素材資料 及物動詞 塞滿; 填塞; 讓吃飽 不及物動詞 吃得過多 相關(guān)例句 及物動詞 1. The shops are stuffed full of goods

2、. 商店里備貨充足。 2. He stuffed the suitcase with his clothes. 他把衣服塞滿手提箱。 名詞 1. All stuff! 完全是胡說! 2. There s some white stuff on this plate. 這個盤子上有些白色的東西。 3. The young man has good stuff in him. 那個年輕人素質(zhì)很好。 stuff的詞典解釋 1. 基本特征;特質(zhì);根本;基礎 If you say that one thing is the stuff of another, you mean that the firs

3、t thing is a very important feature or characteristic of the second thing, or that the second thing can be based or built on the first thing. e.g. The idea that we can be whatever we want has become the stuff of television commercials. 每個人皆無所不能,這一理念已經(jīng)成為電視廣告的精髓。 2. 滾開;去你的;別煩我 If you are angry with so

4、meone for something that they have said or done, you might say Get stuffed! to them. 3. (用在名詞前表示強調(diào))不稀罕,不在乎 Stuff is used in front of nouns to emphasize that you do not care about something, or do not want it. e.g. Ultimately my attitude was: stuff them. 我最終的態(tài)度是:去他們的。 e.g. Stuff your money. We don t

5、want a handout. 收起你的錢,我們不需要施舍。 4. 露一手;施展自己的本事 If you do your stuff, you perform an activity in the way that people expect. e.g. Once I get on the pitch I know I can do my stuff. 我一上場就知道是我大顯身手的時候了。 e.g. All that was left was to plant the roses and wait for nature to do her stuff. 剩下的就只是栽上玫瑰,然后等大自然施展她

6、的神奇魔力。 5. 很內(nèi)行;精通;懂行 If you say that someone knows their stuff, you mean that they are good at doing something because they know a lot about it. e.g. These chaps know their stuff after seven years of war. 7年的戰(zhàn)爭過后,這些家伙都成了作戰(zhàn)行家。 stuff的情景對話 租房 A:You can move your stuff in (tomorrow/ this weekend/ whenever you want). 你(明天/這個周末/隨時)可以把你的東西搬進來。 B:Wonderful. 太好了。 鄰里 A:Just leave the stuff (by the curb/ on the sidewalk/ in the gutter). 把它仍在(路邊/人行道邊/水槽)就好了。 B:O.K. 好的。 鄰里 A:Who do I call for (trash/ garbage/ refuse) collection (垃圾/廢物/廢品)收集可以找誰 B:Just leave the stuff on the cu


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