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1、第 PAGE27 頁 共 NUMPAGES27 頁范文集錦2022pep小學英語六年級上冊教案2022pep小學英語六年級上冊教案1Lesson 30一. Teaching Time:Date:Lesson Time:二.Teaching aims and demands:(一)1. Four skills: ninth, September, October, November, December.2. Three skills: September is the ninth month of the year.3. Lets make.分組制作圣誕卡片,然后模擬圣誕節(jié)情景互相贈送卡片祝福。

2、通過有情景的語言理論活動,鍛煉學生的動手才能,提升他們的語言運用才能。4. Lets read and chant.(二)Teaching Affection1. To promote Ss interest and confidence.2. To teach the Ss how to say the ninth month to last month of the year.三.Teaching important points and difficult points:1. Words: ninth, September, October, November, December.2.

3、Sentence: September is the ninth month of the year.四.Teaching methods:1. munication Teaching Method.2. Direct Teaching Method.3. Reading and writing.4. TPR.五.Teaching aids:1.準備教師卡片。2.教師和學生準備硬紙片和彩筆。3.教師準備拼寫月份單詞用的字母卡假設干張。4.教師準備錄音機和磁帶。六.Lesson type: New Lesson七.Teaching Steps:1. Warming-up / Revision (

4、5 )1. 學生展示自己小組制作的日歷。2. Review the song: Wish You a Merry Christmas.2. Presentation (20 )1)Go over the words: 18月的拼寫.2)教師提問:How many month names have we learnt? Yes, we have learnt eight.They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, and August.Today we are going to learn the last four mo

5、nths of the year.3)展示教學卡片:This is the ninth month of the year.Its September.領學生讀單詞,然后讀句子:September is the ninth month of the year.4)用同樣的方法學習10月至12月。5)Play games:try! 讓學生自由說月份名稱。2. 出示912月的第一個英語字母,讓學生猜是哪一個月份。3. 教師說中文時,讓學生說出英語,教師說英語時,讓學生說中文,反復練習幾次。6)教師準備放錄音:Dont worry.Lets listen to the tapes.Listen ca

6、refully and try to remember the names of the last four months of the year.7)Listen to the tape and repeat.8)Just write.3. Practice (10 )1)組織學生完成課本第56頁的制作活動。可以分為34人一組,按照課本中提示的步驟制作。制作完成后,拿著卡片自由會話,除了使用新學的內容,鼓勵學生聯想使用以前學過的內容。2)Lets read and chant.4. AssessmentFinish the activity book about the lesson.5.

7、Additional activities/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)調查四個同學的生日和最喜歡的月份,整理成表格。NAME BIRTHDAY BEST MONTH八. Blackboard design:九. Back counting:Revision一. Teaching Time:Date:Lesson Time:二.Teaching aims and demands:(一) Fun story以有趣的故事形式,通過Mimi, Micky的故事,綜合再現本單元的核心學習內容,讓學生在新的語境中再次強化所學內容,讓學生體會到語言學

8、習的樂趣,進步學習自信心,促成語言知識向言語技能的轉化。(二)Teaching Affection1. To promote Ss interest and confidence.2. To develop Ss ability of listening and reading.3. To develop Ss ability of munication.三.Teaching important points and difficult points:1. The ability of Ss speaking and reading.2. Ss can use them in the dail

9、y life.四.Teaching methods:1. Situational Teaching Method.2. Direct Teaching Method.3. Listening and reading.4. TPR.五.Teaching aids:1.準備本課的教學掛圖和錄音磁帶。2.準備Mimi, Micky兩個動物的頭飾。六.Lesson type: 復習課/穩(wěn)固課七.Teaching Steps:1. Warming-up / Revision (10)1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.2)Review the words and sent

10、ences about this unit.2. Presentation (10 )1)教師把掛圖上的日歷用紙片擋住,把掛圖展示在黑板上。首先讓學生猜時間,每次猜一幅圖。What month is this? 提醒學生根據圖畫的背景來猜。假設有學生猜對,教師就及時表揚,同時把遮擋的小紙片拿下來。Its You are a clever boy / girl! How do you know it? 讓學生說出理由。2)猜測完時間后,教師接著問學生:What is Mimi doing in this picture? What is Micky doing in this picture?

11、每幅小圖都問同樣的問題,最后引導學生得出結論:Mimi likes reading. She reads many books. Micky likes playing. He never reads books.3)教師準備放錄音:There is an interesting story about Mimi and Micky.Do you want to know it? Lets listen! 放錄音讓學生聽。4)找一個學生來說說故事的大概內容。教師給以鼓勵。5)Listen to the tape and repeat.3. Practice (15 )1)讓學生三人一組,一人做

12、講解,分角色練習。最后戴上面具到前面表演,12組。師生共同評價。2)Play games.1.組詞大賽:教師為學生提供本課單詞所涉及到的字母,然后讓學生在限定時間內開展組詞大賽,組詞最多者獲勝。字母可以重復使用,但是不可以用沒有提供的字母。2.看日歷填空4. Assessment1.在分角色扮演Fun story 時,適時給予獎勵。2. Finish the activity book about the lesson.3. 進展第五單元測試后,給予評價。5. Additional activities/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)聽寫第

13、五單元的四會詞和句子。3)安排兩個課時進展第五單元測試。八. Blackboard design:九. Back counting:Uint 6 Winter is the white season.Lesson 31一.Teaching aims and demands :1.Four skills:Spring is the first season.There is four seasons in a year .Spring is the green season .2.Three skills:The days get longer and longer .It gets warme

14、r and warmer .3.Two skills:In China ,spring begins around February.One skills :There are lots of new flowers on the trees.The trees have new green leaves.二.情感目的:學習有關春天的特點和活動的表達.三.Teaching important points:Spring is the first season .四.Teaching methods ;1.Direct2.Listening and speaking3.TPR五.Teaching

15、 steps :1.Warming _ up1).放歌曲 The Four Seasons ,師生一起欣賞.2).師生共同學唱歌曲Spring.3).Free talks:2.Presentations1).Teacher says :We have learnt about months of the year .Who can tell me how many months are there in a year ?What are they ?Good!Today we will learn something about SEASONS.There are four SEASONS i

16、n a year .Usually ,three months makes a SEASONS.Now, who can tell me what a SEASONS is in Chinese?2).展示本課教學掛圖,讓學生觀察,教師介紹:The first season in a year is SPRING.In China ,SPRING is February,March and April.We have just learnt a song. Do you like it ?Do you know what it is about ?Yes, its about SPRING!L

17、ook! This is sping .3).教師指著掛圖,讓學生聽錄音,理解課文內容.4).再播放錄音,讓學生聽后模擬,根據學生實際情況多播放幾遍.3.Practice1).讓學生合上書看掛圖,播放錄音,讓學生聽錄音模擬.2).讓學生兩人一組,以pair work 的形式練習本課58頁下面的小對話.4.Additional activities用學過的句型和單詞作交換練習.用學過的詞語,結合實際情況說出更多的句子,比一比誰說出的句子多.e.gThere are four seasons in a year .There are thirty students in our class.The

18、re are sixty minutes in an hour .There are seven days in a week .There are thirty or thirty_one days in a months .There are twelve months in a year .There are sixty seconds in a minute .There are 365 days in a year .六.Blackboard designLesson 31There are four seasons in a yea.Spring is the first seas

19、on.七.Backcourting2022pep小學英語六年級上冊教案2Lesson 29一. Teaching Time:Date:Lesson Time:二.Teaching aims and demands:學習如何用英語說出912月,簡單議論相關的介紹。(二)Teaching Affection1. To promote Ss interest and confidence.2. To develop Ss ability of listening and reading.三.Teaching important points and difficult points:(一) 學習如何

20、用英語說出912月。(二)September is the ninth month of the year.October is the tenth month of the year.November is the eleventh month of the year.December is the twelfth and last month of the year.四.Teaching methods:1. Situational Teaching Method.2. Direct Teaching Method.3. Listening and reading.五.Teaching a

21、ids:1.準備本課的教學掛圖、錄音磁帶和投影片。2.準備一個日歷冊。3.準備教師節(jié)、國慶節(jié)的照片或者宣傳畫。六.Lesson type: New Lesson七.Teaching Steps:1. Warming-up / Revision (5 )1)Sing a song: Months of the Year.2)Review the words and sentences about May, June, July, August, year.2. Presentation (20 )1)True or False. 正確的句子要求學生重復一遍,錯誤的句子讓學生改正。T: Janua

22、ry is the first month of the year.Ss: January is the first month of the year.T: March is the second month of the year.Ss: February is the second month of the year.Ss: March is the third month of the year.T: September is the ninth month of the year.S: ?T: Oh, sorry.You have not learnt it.Now look at

23、the pictures!2)教師展示教學掛圖,通過一步一步的提問抓住學生的注意力,滾動復習舊知識,同時自然引入第一段學習目的。T: Oh, a pretty girl! What is she doing? She is playing the piano.Do you know why? Just guess!.Now, let me tell you.She is playing the piano for her teachers.She loves them and its Teachers Day.Do you know Teachers Day ? Yes, of course

24、you know.When is Teachers Day ? Who can tell me?.Oh, good boy / girl.You are right.But do you know how to say it in English?Ok.Lets listen to the tape and find the answer.3)教師播放第一段錄音,讓學生仔細聽,聽后答復兩個問題:9月用英語是怎么說的;教師節(jié)的日期用英語怎么說。錄音放2遍。4)按照這樣的步驟學習其他三段的教學內容,借助圖片、簡筆畫和手勢動作幫助學生理解文中生詞的意思,必要的地方可以用漢語適當解釋。5)Listen

25、 to the tape again and repeat.3. Practice (10 )1)把月份名稱寫在卡片上,讓S1抽取一張,不讓其他學生看見卡片內容。S1不能出聲,可以用動作,也可以用口形向大家提供信息,大家猜是幾月份。2)教師課前先制作好一個標有12月份縮寫的圓盤,中間是一個可以挪動的指示箭頭,如鐘表狀,讓學生分組來轉,指到哪一個月,要先用英語讀出來,并且再造一個句子,例: May is the fifth month of the year.說對的學生為本組贏得小旗子,哪組旗子多,哪組是冠軍。4. AssessmentFinish the activity book about

26、 the lesson.5. Additional activities/Homework (5 )1)Finish the activity book.2)學生分組制作一年12個月的英語月歷,要求把星期和月份都用英語縮寫表示出來,并加上一些自己喜歡的裝飾。下次課展示評比。八. Blackboard design:2022pep小學英語六年級上冊教案3my home 教材分析p :本課時主要是通過展示家庭居室構造,讓學生學習各個房間的英文名稱study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen. 家是每個學生最熟悉的地方,學生要學會運用本課所學知識來簡單

27、描繪自己的家,結合學過的語言描繪各個房間?!癓ets do”部分的教學是結合“Lets learn”中所學過的單詞進展擴展,讓學生知道一些相關單詞的指示用語。讓學生在聽懂這些用語的根底上,進展模擬和聽、做活動。還可設計多種課堂活動,使學生掌握這一部分的內容,同時激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣。教學目的:1.能簡單描繪自己的房間。2.能聽、說、認讀本課主要單詞:study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen,并能在日常生活中運用。3.能聽懂Lets do中的指示語,并按照指令作出相應的動作。教學重點:1、聽、說、認讀單詞:study, bathroom, l

28、iving room, bedroom, kitchen。2、學習表示指令的詞組。教學難點:單詞study, bathroom, bedroom的發(fā)音。教學方法:引導法 啟發(fā)法 直觀教學法學法分析p :小組合作學習法 討論學習法 自主學習法教學過程:1 Warm-up/Revision教師引導1、集體唱英文兒歌。2、復習上節(jié)課所學單詞2 Presentation1、出示study 的圖片,手指著書房里的書問學生:What are they? 教讀單詞 study, 并板書。教師用動作幫助學生理解詞義:We read the books in the study.2、按照一樣方法,教授單詞 ba

29、throom, living room, bedroom.3、師把第46頁Lets learn部分的掛圖貼到黑板上說:This is my home. How many rooms can you see? What are they?4、教師說指令。學生答復提問:They are books 并跟教師認讀study。學生依次答復以下問題并跟教師認讀單詞bathroom, living room, bedroom.學生用動作和語言表達句子,并說出相應的房間。聽錄音,跟讀Lets do部分。3 Practice出示練習題 習題練習并拓展教學內容與教師的活動 媒體的運用學生的活動 教師進展邏輯選擇

30、教學評價:1、 學生評價:以小組為單位完成教師所提出的問題,然后進展小組交流,組內進展互評。2、 教師評價:教師對完成情況進展適當正確的評價,并給與鼓勵性 的語言,手勢。教學反思:通過本節(jié)課的學習,學生根本掌握了所學到的新詞,熟讀且能理解課文內容,并可以運用到實際情景當中,教者可以利用多種教學方法,進步了學生學習的興趣,到達了預期的效果2022pep小學英語六年級上冊教案4Lets goLanguage focus:Using want to to express intentionse.g. I want to have a picnic.Using going to to describe

31、 events that will occur quite soone.g. Im going to visit City Park!Pre-task preparation1 Ask: What do you usually do at weekends? Do you usually have a picnic? to review: picnic, fountain and pond. Introduce: football pitch. Draw a football pitch on the board. Ask: Where can you find a football pitc

32、h? Do you usually play football there? Write: Zhongshan Park, City Park, Moon Park on the board. Ask the students to name a few more places where people usually go on holidays.2 Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books.3 Play the recording again. Students listen a

33、nd repeat.While-task procedure1 Ask the students to read the information boards in Read and choose. Students work in groups to discuss where all the characters want to go. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 17 to help the students make a choice. Invite the more able students to tell the reasons

34、.2 Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 18 to each student. Students work in groups of five. They are required to discuss what their group are going to do on a holiday. Then each group member has to choose a place which suits most of the group members. Finally, the group can vote and choose the m

35、ost suitable place to go.3 Play the recording: Read a poem. Students listen first. Then the whole class follow and read together.4 Encourage the students to rewrite the verses. Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 19 to each group. Ask them to replace City Park with the place which they would lik

36、e to visit. Groups take turns to read their poem. The whole class vote for the best reader.Post-task activities1 Workbook page 62 A poemWrite the beginning of the poem on the board: Its (a day) tomorrow. What do you want to do? to elicit: I want to go to . Continue with: What are you going to do? Wh

37、at are you going to see? Where are you going to eat?2022pep小學英語六年級上冊教案5一、教學目的1. 可以聽、說、認讀單詞或詞組:dictionary, post card, newspaper, magazine, ic book,并可以書寫post card, newspaper和ic book.2. 可以聽、說、認讀句子:What are you going to do? Im going to buy an English book in the bookstore. When are you going? This after

38、noon.并能進展【關鍵詞】:p 】:的交換練習。3. 可以用所學句型What are you going to do? Im going to buy進展Lets play部分的購物活動。4. 可以吟唱教師所編歌曲,培養(yǎng)學生自創(chuàng)精神。二、教學重難點1. 教學重點:聽、說、讀、寫有關書籍的四會單詞和短語。2. 教學難點:三會單詞dictionary的發(fā)音及四會單詞的拼寫。三、課前準備1. 教師準備本課時有關于歌曲、故事、游戲的課件。2. 教師準備單詞卡片及有關書籍。3. 學生準備本節(jié)課有關書籍。四、教學過程1. Warm-up(1)師生會話,引導學生用第三冊的歌曲“How many books

39、 do you have?”來提問。(通過對話復習學過的知識,為授新課做準備。)(2)學生齊唱歌曲:How many books do you have? 教師自編歌詞給予答復。學生:How many books do you have? Do you have, do you have? How many books do you have? Big or small?教師:I dont have any books, any books, any books. I dont have any books, and Im going to buy.(歌曲用來調動學生的熱情,從而很好地引導學生進入教學活動。同時教師用歌聲來答復,激發(fā)學生的創(chuàng)新意識。)(3)就歌曲提問學生:How many books do I have? What am I going to do?2. Presentation(1)教學單詞教師:I am going to buy some books, some of the animals are going to buy some books, too. Now lets listen to the story, and fi


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