1、Orderr of the Pressidennt off thee Peooples Reepubllic oof Chhina (No. 65)The Laboor Coontraact LLaw oof thhe Peeoplees RRepubblic of CChinaa, whhich was adoppted at tthe 228th Sesssion of tthe SStandding Commmitteee off thee Tennth NNatioonal Peoppless Conngresss off thee Peooples Reepubllic oof Ch
2、hina on JJune 29, 20077, iss herreby prommulgaated and shalll coome iinto forcce ass of Januuary 1, 22008. Preesideent oof thhe Peeoplees RRepubblic of CChinaa Hu Jinttao JJune 29, 20077Laboor Coontraact LLaw oof thhe Peeoplees RRepubblic of CChinaa(Adooptedd at the 28thh Sesssionn of Stanndingg Com
3、mmitttee oof thhe Teenth Natiionall Peooples Coongreess oof thhe Peeoplees RRepubblic of CChinaa on Junee 29, 20007)Coontennts CChaptter II Gennerall ProovisiionsCChaptter III Foormattion of LLaborr Conntraccts CChaptter IIII FFulfiillmeent aand CChangge off Labbor CContrractssChappter IV DDissoolut
4、iion aand TTermiinatiion oof Laabor ConttracttsChaapterr V SSpeciial PProviisionns Seectioon 1 Colllectiive CContrractSSectiion 22 Worrker DisppatchhSecttion 3 Paart-ttime EmplloymeentChhapteer VII Supperviisionn andd InsspecttionCChaptter VVII LLegall Liaabiliitiess Chaapterr VIIII Suuppleementtary
5、 Provvisioons 中華人民共共和國(guó)主席席令(第六六十五號(hào))中華華人民共和和國(guó)勞動(dòng)合合同法已已由中華人人民共和國(guó)國(guó)第十屆全全國(guó)人民代代表大會(huì)常常務(wù)委員會(huì)會(huì)第二十八八次會(huì)議于于20077年6月229日通過過,現(xiàn)予公公布,自22008年年1月1日日起施行。中華人民共共和國(guó)主席席胡錦濤濤20077年6月229日中華人民共共和國(guó)勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同法(22007年年6月299日第十屆屆全國(guó)人民民代表大會(huì)會(huì)常務(wù)委員員會(huì)第二十十八次會(huì)議議通過)目錄第一章章總則第二章章勞動(dòng)合合同的訂立立第三三章勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同的履履行和變更更第四四章勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同的解解除和終止止第五五章特別別規(guī)定第一節(jié)集體合同同第二二節(jié)勞務(wù)務(wù)派遣第三
6、節(jié)非全日制制用工第六章監(jiān)督檢查查第七七章法律律責(zé)任第八章附則Chaptter II Gennerall Proovisiions 第一章總總則Articcle 11 Thiis Laaw iss forrmulaated for the purpposess of imprrovinng thhe laabor conttracttual systtem, clarrifyiing tthe rrightts annd obbligaationns off botth paartiees off labbor ccontrractss, prrotecctingg thee leggitimm
7、ate righhts aand iinterrestss of emplloyeees, aand eestabblishhing and deveelopiing aa harrmoniious and stabble eemplooymennt reelatiionshhip. 第一條條【立法法宗旨】為為了完善勞勞動(dòng)合同制制度,明確確勞動(dòng)合同同雙方當(dāng)事事人的權(quán)利利和義務(wù),保保護(hù)勞動(dòng)者者的合法權(quán)權(quán)益,構(gòu)建建和發(fā)展和和諧穩(wěn)定的的勞動(dòng)關(guān)系系,制定本本法。Articcle 22 Thiis Laaw shhall applly too thee esttabliishmeent oof emmp
8、loyymentt rellatioonshiip beetweeen emmployyees and enteerpriises, inddividdual econnomicc orgganizzatioons, privvate non-enteerpriise eentitties, or otheer orrganiizatiions (herreaftter rreferrred to aas emmployyers), annd too thee forrmatiion, fulffillmment, chaange, disssoluutionn, orr terrminaat
9、ionn of laboor coontraacts. Thee staate oorganns, ppubliic innstittutioons, sociial oorgannizattionss, annd thheir emplloyeees ammong themm theere iis ann empploymment relaationnshipp shaall oobserrve tthis Law in tthe fformaationn, fuulfilllmennt, cchangge, ddissoolutiion, or ttermiinatiion oof thh
10、eir laboor coontraacts. 第二條條【適用用范圍】中中華人民共共和國(guó)境內(nèi)內(nèi)的企業(yè)、個(gè)體經(jīng)濟(jì)濟(jì)組織、民民辦非企業(yè)業(yè)單位等組組織(以下下稱用人單單位)與勞勞動(dòng)者建立立勞動(dòng)關(guān)系系,訂立、履行、變變更、解除除或者終止止勞動(dòng)合同同,適用本本法。國(guó)家機(jī)關(guān)關(guān)、事業(yè)單單位、社會(huì)會(huì)團(tuán)體和與與其建立勞勞動(dòng)關(guān)系的的勞動(dòng)者,訂訂立、履行行、變更、解除或者者終止勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同,依依照本法執(zhí)執(zhí)行。Articcle 33 Thee priincipple oof laawfullnesss, faairneess, equaalityy, frree wwill, neggotiaationn forr a
11、grreemeent aand ggood faitth shhall be oobserrved in tthe fformaationn of a laabor conttractt. A laboor coontraact cconclludedd acccordiing tto thhe laaw shhall havee a bbindiing fforcee. Thhe emmployyer aand tthe eemplooyee shalll peerforrm thhe obbligaationns ass stiipulaated in tthe llaborr connt
12、racct. 第三條條【基本本原則】訂訂立勞動(dòng)合合同,應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)遵循合法法、公平、平等自愿愿、協(xié)商一一致、誠(chéng)實(shí)實(shí)信用的原原則。依法訂立立的勞動(dòng)合合同具有約約束力,用用人單位與與勞動(dòng)者應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)履行勞勞動(dòng)合同約約定的義務(wù)務(wù)。Articcle 44 An emplloyerr shaall eestabblishh a ssoundd sysstem of eemplooymennt ruules so aas too enssure thatt itss empployeees eenjoyy thee labbor rrightts annd peerforrm thhe emmployymentt
13、oblligattionss. Whhere an eemplooyer formmulattes, amennds oor deecidees ruules or iimporrtantt eveents conccerniing tthe rremunnerattion, worrkingg timme, bbreakk, vaacatiion, workk saffety and saniitatiion, insuurancce annd weelfarre, ttrainning of eemplooyeess, laabor disccipliine, or mmanaggemen
14、nt off prooducttion quotta, wwhichh aree dirrectlly reelateed too thee intteressts oof thhe emmployyees, succh ruules or iimporrtantt eveents shalll bee disscusssed aat thhe meeetinng off empployeees reprresenntatiives or tthe ggenerral mmeetiing oof alll emmployyees, andd thee empployeer shhall als
15、oo putt forrwardd prooposaals aand oopiniions to tthe eemplooyeess andd neggotiaate wwith the laboor unnion or tthe eemplooyeess reepressentaativees onn a eequall bassis tto reeach agreeemennts oon thhese rulees orr eveents. Durring the proccess of eexecuutionn of a ruule oor deecisiion aaboutt an i
16、mpoortannt evvent, if the laboor unnion or tthe eemplooyeess deeems iit immpropper, theyy mayy reqquiree thee empployeer too ameend oor immprovve itt thrroughh neggotiaationns. TThe eemplooyer shalll maake aan annnounncemeent oof thhe ruules and impoortannt evventss whiich aare ddirecctly relaated t
17、o tthe iinterrestss of the emplloyeees orr infform the emplloyeees off theese rruless or evennts. 第四條條【規(guī)章章制度】用用人單位應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)依法建建立和完善善勞動(dòng)規(guī)章章制度,保保障勞動(dòng)者者享有勞動(dòng)動(dòng)權(quán)利、履履行勞動(dòng)義義務(wù)。用人單位位在制定、修改或者者決定有關(guān)關(guān)勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬酬、工作時(shí)時(shí)間、休息息休假、勞勞動(dòng)安全衛(wèi)衛(wèi)生、保險(xiǎn)險(xiǎn)福利、職職工培訓(xùn)、勞動(dòng)紀(jì)律律以及勞動(dòng)動(dòng)定額管理理等直接涉涉及勞動(dòng)者者切身利益益的規(guī)章制制度或者重重大事項(xiàng)時(shí)時(shí),應(yīng)當(dāng)經(jīng)經(jīng)職工代表表大會(huì)或者者全體職工工討論,提提出方案和和意見,與與工會(huì)或者
18、者職工代表表平等協(xié)商商確定。在規(guī)章章制度和重重大事項(xiàng)決決定實(shí)施過過程中,工工會(huì)或者職職工認(rèn)為不不適當(dāng)?shù)?,有有?quán)向用人人單位提出出,通過協(xié)協(xié)商予以修修改完善。用人人單位應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)將直接涉涉及勞動(dòng)者者切身利益益的規(guī)章制制度和重大大事項(xiàng)決定定公示,或或者告知?jiǎng)趧趧?dòng)者。Articcle 55 Thee labbor aadminnistrrativve deeparttmentt of the peoppless govvernmment at tthe ccountty leevel or aabovee shaall, togeetherr witth thhe laabor unioon annd
19、thhe reepressentaativees off thee entterprrise, esttabliish aa souund tthreee-parrty mmechaanismm to coorrdinaate eemplooymennt reelatiionshhip aand sshalll joiintlyy seeek too sollve tthe mmajorr prooblemms reelateed too empploymment relaationns. 第五條條【協(xié)調(diào)調(diào)勞動(dòng)關(guān)系系三方機(jī)制制】縣級(jí)以以上人民政政府勞動(dòng)行行政部門會(huì)會(huì)同工會(huì)和和企業(yè)方面面代表,建
20、建立健全協(xié)協(xié)調(diào)勞動(dòng)關(guān)關(guān)系三方機(jī)機(jī)制,共同同研究解決決有關(guān)勞動(dòng)動(dòng)關(guān)系的重重大問題。Articcle 66 Thee labbor uunionn shaall aassisst annd diirectt thee empployeees wwhen theyy conncludde wiith tthe eemplooyerss andd fullfilll labbor ccontrractss andd esttabliish aa colllecttive negootiattion mechhanissm wiith tthe eemplooyerss so as tto maaint
21、aain tthe llawfuul riightss andd intteressts oof thhe emmployyees. 第六條條【集體體協(xié)商機(jī)制制】工會(huì)應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)幫助、指導(dǎo)勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者與用人人單位依法法訂立和履履行勞動(dòng)合合同,并與與用人單位位建立集體體協(xié)商機(jī)制制,維護(hù)勞勞動(dòng)者的合合法權(quán)益。Chaptter III Foormattion of LLaborr Conntraccts 第二章勞勞動(dòng)合同的的訂立Articcle 77 An emplloyerr esttabliishess an emplloymeent rrelattionsship withh an emplloyeee
22、 froom thhe daate wwhen the emplloyerr putts thhe emmployyee tto woork. The emplloyerr shaall pprepaare aa rosster of eemplooyeess forr insspecttion. 第七條條【勞動(dòng)動(dòng)關(guān)系的建建立】用人人單位自用用工之日起起即與勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者建立勞勞動(dòng)關(guān)系。用人單位位應(yīng)當(dāng)建立立職工名冊(cè)冊(cè)備查。Articcle 88 Wheen ann empployeer hiires an eemplooyee, it shalll faaithffullyy infform him
23、 of tthe wwork conttentss, coondittionss andd loccatioon, ooccuppatioonal harmm, woork ssafetty sttate, remmunerratioon, aand ootherr infformaationn whiich tthe eemplooyee requuiress to be iinforrmed. Thee empployeer haas thhe riight to kknow the basiic innformmatioon off thee empployeer whhich is d
24、direcctly relaated to tthe llaborr conntracct annd thhe emmployyee sshalll faiithfuully provvide suchh infformaationn. 第八條條【用人人單位的告告知義務(wù)和和勞動(dòng)者的的說明義務(wù)務(wù)】用人單單位招用勞勞動(dòng)者時(shí),應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)如實(shí)告告知?jiǎng)趧?dòng)者者工作內(nèi)容容、工作條條件、工作作地點(diǎn)、職職業(yè)危害、安全生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)狀況、勞勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬,以以及勞動(dòng)者者要求了解解的其他情情況;用人人單位有權(quán)權(quán)了解勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者與勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同直接接相關(guān)的基基本情況,勞勞動(dòng)者應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)如實(shí)說明明。Articcle 99 Wheen ann emp
25、ployeer hiires an eemplooyee, it shalll noot deetainn hiss ideentitty caard oor otther certtificcatess, noor reequirre hiim too proovidee a gguaraanty or ccolleect mmoneyy or proppertyy froom hiim unnder any otheer exxcusee. 第九條條【用人人單位不得得扣押勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者證件和和要求提供供擔(dān)?!坑糜萌藛挝徽姓杏脛趧?dòng)者者,不得扣扣押勞動(dòng)者者的居民身身份證和其其他證件,不不得要求勞勞動(dòng)
26、者提供供擔(dān)?;蛘哒咭云渌x向勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者收取財(cái)財(cái)物。Articcle 110 A writtten laboor coontraact sshalll be conccludeed inn thee esttabliishmeent oof ann empploymment relaationnshipp. Whhere an eemplooymennt reelatiionshhip hhas aalreaady bbeen estaablisshed withh an emplloyeee butt no writtten laboor coontraact hhas bbeen ente
27、ered simuultanneoussly, a wrritteen laabor conttractt shaall bbe cooncluuded withhin oone mmonthh froom thhe daate wwhen the emplloyeee beggins to wwork. Wheere aan emmployyer aand aan emmployyee cconcllude a laabor conttractt priior tto thhe emmployymentt, thhe emmployymentt rellatioonshiip iss est
28、tabliishedd froom thhe daate wwhen the emplloyeee beggins to wwork. 第十條條【訂立立書面勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同】建建立勞動(dòng)關(guān)關(guān)系,應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)訂立書面面勞動(dòng)合同同。已已建立勞動(dòng)動(dòng)關(guān)系,未未同時(shí)訂立立書面勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同的,應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)自用工工之日起一一個(gè)月內(nèi)訂訂立書面勞勞動(dòng)合同。用人人單位與勞勞動(dòng)者在用用工前訂立立勞動(dòng)合同同的,勞動(dòng)動(dòng)關(guān)系自用用工之日起起建立。Articcle 111 Whhere an eemplooyer faills too conncludde a writtten laboor coontraact wwhen the empll
29、oyerr putt hiss empployeee too worrk, iif thhe reemuneeratiion sstipuulateed beetweeen thhe emmployyer aand tthe eemplooyee is nnot cclearr, thhe reemuneeratiion tto thhe neew emmployyee sshalll connformm to the provvisioons oof thhe coollecctivee conntracct. IIf thhere is nno coollecctivee conntrac
30、ct orr if therre iss no suchh stiipulaationn in the colllectiive ccontrract, thee priincipple oof eqqual pay for equaal woork sshalll be obseervedd. 第十一一條【未未訂立書面面勞動(dòng)合同同時(shí)勞動(dòng)報(bào)報(bào)酬不明確確的解決】用用人單位未未在用工的的同時(shí)訂立立書面勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同,與與勞動(dòng)者約約定的勞動(dòng)動(dòng)報(bào)酬不明明確的,新新招用的勞勞動(dòng)者的勞勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬按按照集體合合同規(guī)定的的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)執(zhí)行行;沒有集集體合同或或者集體合合同未規(guī)定定的,實(shí)行行同工同酬酬。Articcle 11
31、2 Laabor conttractts arre cllassiifiedd intto fiix-teerm llaborr conntraccts, laboor coontraacts withhout a fiixed termm, annd thhe laabor conttractts thhat sset tthe ccomplletioon off speecifiic taasks as tthe tterm to eend ccontrractss.第十二二條【勞勞動(dòng)合同的的種類】勞勞動(dòng)合同分分為固定期期限勞動(dòng)合合同、無固固定期限勞勞動(dòng)合同和和以完成一一定工作任任務(wù)為期限
32、限的勞動(dòng)合合同。Articcle 113 A fixeed-teerm llaborr conntracct reeferss to a laabor conttractt in whicch thhe emmployyer aand tthe eemplooyee stippulatte thhe tiime oof teerminnatioon off thee conntracct. TThe eemplooyer and the emplloyeee mayy conncludde a fixeed-teerm llaborr conntracct uppon nnegottiatii
33、on. 第十三三條【固固定期限勞勞動(dòng)合同】固固定期限勞勞動(dòng)合同,是是指用人單單位與勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者約定合合同終止時(shí)時(shí)間的勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同。用人單單位與勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者協(xié)商一一致,可以以訂立固定定期限勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同。Articcle 114 A laboor coontraact wwithoout aa fixxed tterm refeers tto a laboor coontraact iin whhich the emplloyerr andd thee empployeee sttipullate no ccertaain ttime to eend tthe ccontrract. An emplloyer
34、r andd an emplloyeee mayy, thhrouggh neegotiiatioons, conccludee a llaborr conntracct wiithouut a fixeed teerm. Undeer anny off thee folllowiing ccircuumstaancess, iff thee empployeee prroposses oor aggreess to reneew orr conncludde a laboor coontraact, a laabor conttractt witthoutt a ffixedd terrm
35、shhall be cconclludedd unlless the emplloyeee prooposees too conncludde a fixeed-teerm llaborr conntracct:1. Thee empployeee haas allreaddy woorkedd forr thee empployeer foor 100 fulll yeears conssecuttivelly;2. Wheen thhe emmployyer iinitiiallyy adoopts the laboor coontraact ssysteem orr wheen a st
36、atte-owwned enteerpriise rre-cooncluudes the laboor coontraact ddue tto reestruucturring, thee empployeee haas allreaddy woorkedd forr thiis emmployyer ffor 110 fuull yyearss connsecuutiveely aand hhe atttainns too thee agee whiich iis leess tthan 10 yyearss up to tthe sstatuutoryy rettiremment age;
37、 or33. Thhe laabor conttractt is to bbe reeneweed affter two fixeed-teerm llaborr conntraccts hhave beenn conncludded cconseecutiivelyy, annd thhe emmployyee iis noot unnder any of tthe ccircuumstaancess as menttioneed inn Artticlee 39 and Paraagrapphs (1) aand (2) oof Arrticlle 400 of thiss Laww. I
38、ff thee empployeer faails to ssign a wrritteen laabor conttractt witth ann empployeee affter the lapsse off onee fulll yeear ffrom the datee wheen thhe emmployyee bbeginns too worrk, iit shhall be ddeemeed thhat tthe eemplooyer and the emplloyeee havve cooncluuded a laabor conttractt witthoutt a ffi
39、xedd terrm. 第十四四條【無無固定期限限勞動(dòng)合同同】無固定定期限勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同,是是指用人單單位與勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者約定無無確定終止止時(shí)間的勞勞動(dòng)合同。用人人單位與勞勞動(dòng)者協(xié)商商一致,可可以訂立無無固定期限限勞動(dòng)合同同。有下列列情形之一一,勞動(dòng)者者提出或者者同意續(xù)訂訂、訂立勞勞動(dòng)合同的的,除勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者提出訂訂立固定期期限勞動(dòng)合合同外,應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)訂立無無固定期限限勞動(dòng)合同同:(一一)勞動(dòng)者者在該用人人單位連續(xù)續(xù)工作滿十十年的;(二)用用人單位初初次實(shí)行勞勞動(dòng)合同制制度或者國(guó)國(guó)有企業(yè)改改制重新訂訂立勞動(dòng)合合同時(shí),勞勞動(dòng)者在該該用人單位位連續(xù)工作作滿十年且且距法定退退休年齡不不足十年的的;(三三)連續(xù)訂訂立二
40、次固固定期限勞勞動(dòng)合同,且且勞動(dòng)者沒沒有本法第第三十九條條和第四十十條第一項(xiàng)項(xiàng)、第二項(xiàng)項(xiàng)規(guī)定的情情形,續(xù)訂訂勞動(dòng)合同同的。用人單位位自用工之之日起滿一一年不與勞勞動(dòng)者訂立立書面勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同的,視視為用人單單位與勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者已訂立立無固定期期限勞動(dòng)合合同。Articcle 115 A laboor coontraact tthat setss thee commplettion of aa speecifiic taask aas thhe teerm tto ennd thhe coontraact rreferrs too thee labbor ccontrract in wwhichh the
41、e empployeer annd thhe emmployyee sstipuulatee thaat thhe tiime pperiood off thee conntracct shhall be bbasedd on the comppletiion oof a speccificc tassk. AAn emmployyer aand aan emmployyee mmay, uponn neggotiaationn, cooncluude aa labbor ccontrract thatt setts thhe coompleetionn of a sppeciffic tta
42、sk to eend tthe ccontrract.第十五五條【以以完成一定定工作任務(wù)務(wù)為期限的的勞動(dòng)合同同】以完成成一定工作作任務(wù)為期期限的勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同,是是指用人單單位與勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者約定以以某項(xiàng)工作作的完成為為合同期限限的勞動(dòng)合合同。用人單位位與勞動(dòng)者者協(xié)商一致致,可以訂訂立以完成成一定工作作任務(wù)為期期限的勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同。Articcle 116 A laboor coontraact sshalll be agreeed wwith by tthe eemplooyer and the emplloyeee andd shaall ccome intoo efffect afteer thhe
43、emmployyer aand tthe eemplooyee affiix thheir signnaturres oor seeals to tthe llaborr conntracct. TThe eemplooyer and the emplloyeee shaall eeach holdd onee coppy off thee labbor ccontrract. 第十六六條【勞勞動(dòng)合同的的生效】勞勞動(dòng)合同由由用人單位位與勞動(dòng)者者協(xié)商一致致,并經(jīng)用用人單位與與勞動(dòng)者在在勞動(dòng)合同同文本上簽簽字或者蓋蓋章生效。勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同文本本由用人單單位和勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者各執(zhí)一一份。Articcle 117
44、 A laboor coontraact sshalll inccludee thee folllowiing cclausses:11. Thhe emmployyerss namme, ddomiccile, leggal rrepreesenttativve, oor maajor persson-iin-chhargee;2. The emplloyeees nname, dommicille, iidenttity cardd nummber, or otheer vaalid idenntityy cerrtifiicatee nummber;3. TThe ttime limii
45、t foor thhe laabor conttractt;4. The job desccripttionss andd worrk loocatiions;5. TThe wwork hourrs, bbreakk timme, aand vvocattionss;6. The remuuneraationns;7. Thee soccial secuurityy;8. The emplloymeent pproteectioon, wwork condditioons, and prottectiion aagainnst aand ppreveentioon off occcupatt
46、ionaal haarm; and99. Otther itemms thhat sshalll be inclludedd in the laboor coontraact uunderr anyy lawws orr reggulattionss. Appart fromm thee esssentiial cclausses aas prrescrribedd in the preccedinng paaragrraph, thee empployeer annd thhe emmployyee mmay, in tthe llaborr conntracct, sstipuulatee
47、 thee proobatiion ttime periiod, traiiningg, coonfiddentiialitty, ssuppllemenntaryy inssurannces, wellfarees annd beenefiits, and otheer ittems. 第十七七條【勞勞動(dòng)合同的的內(nèi)容】勞勞動(dòng)合同應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)具備以以下條款:(一一)用人單單位的名稱稱、住所和和法定代表表人或者主主要負(fù)責(zé)人人;(二二)勞動(dòng)者者的姓名、住址和居居民身份證證或者其他他有效身份份證件號(hào)碼碼;(三三)勞動(dòng)合合同期限;(四四)工作內(nèi)內(nèi)容和工作作地點(diǎn);(五)工工作時(shí)間和和休息休假假;(六六)勞動(dòng)報(bào)
48、報(bào)酬;(七)社社會(huì)保險(xiǎn);(八八)勞動(dòng)保保護(hù)、勞動(dòng)動(dòng)條件和職職業(yè)危害防防護(hù);(九)法法律、法規(guī)規(guī)規(guī)定應(yīng)當(dāng)當(dāng)納入勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同的其其他事項(xiàng)。勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同除前前款規(guī)定的的必備條款款外,用人人單位與勞勞動(dòng)者可以以約定試用用期、培訓(xùn)訓(xùn)、保守秘秘密、補(bǔ)充充保險(xiǎn)和福福利待遇等等其他事項(xiàng)項(xiàng)。Articcle 118 Iff remmunerratioons, workk connditiions, andd othher ccriteerionns arre noot exxpresssly stippulatted iin a laboor coontraact aand aa dissputee is trig
49、ggereed, tthe eemplooyer and the emplloyeee mayy re-negootiatte thhe coontraact. If nno aggreemment is rreachhed tthrouugh nnegottiatiions, thee proovisiions of tthe ccolleectivve coontraact sshalll be folllowedd. Iff theere iis noo colllecttive conttractt or if ttheree is no ssuch stippulattion abo
50、uut thhe reemuneeratiion, the prinnciplle off equual ppay ffor eequall worrk shhall be oobserrved. If therre iss no colllectiive ccontrract or iif thhere is nno suuch sstipuulatiion aaboutt thee worrk coondittionss andd othher ccriteerionns inn thee colllecttive conttractt, thhe reelevaant pproviisi
51、onns off thee staate sshalll be folllowedd. 第十八八條【勞勞動(dòng)合同對(duì)對(duì)勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬酬和勞動(dòng)條條件約定不不明確的解解決】勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同對(duì)勞勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬和和勞動(dòng)條件件等標(biāo)準(zhǔn)約約定不明確確,引發(fā)爭(zhēng)爭(zhēng)議的,用用人單位與與勞動(dòng)者可可以重新協(xié)協(xié)商;協(xié)商商不成的,適適用集體合合同規(guī)定;沒有集體體合同或者者集體合同同未規(guī)定勞勞動(dòng)報(bào)酬的的,實(shí)行同同工同酬;沒有集體體合同或者者集體合同同未規(guī)定勞勞動(dòng)條件等等標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的,適適用國(guó)家有有關(guān)規(guī)定。Articcle 119 Iff thee terrm off a llaborr conntracct iss nott lesss thhan
52、33 monnths but lesss thaan 1 yearr, thhe prrobattion periiod sshalll nott excceed one montth. IIf thhe teerm oof a laboor coontraact iis noot leess tthan one yearr butt lesss thhan 33 yeaars, the probbatioon peeriodd shaall nnot eexceeed 2 montths. For a laabor conttractt witth a fixeed teerm oof 3
53、yearrs orr morre orr witthoutt a ffixedd terrm, tthe pprobaationn terrm shhall not exceeed 66 monnths. An emplloyerr cann onlly immposee onee proobatiion ttime periiod oon ann empployeee. FFor aa labbor ccontrract thatt setts thhe coompleetionn of a sppeciffic ttask as tthe tterm to eend tthe ccontr
54、ract or wwith a fiixed termm of lesss thaan 3 montths, no pprobaationn perriod may be sstipuulateed. TThe pprobaationn perriod shalll bee inccludeed inn thee terrm off a llaborr conntracct. IIf a laboor coontraact oonly provvidess thee terrm off proobatiion, the probbatioon shhall be nnull and voidd
55、 andd thee terrm off thee proobatiion sshalll be treaated as tthe tterm of tthe llaborr conntracct. 第十九九條【試試用期】勞勞動(dòng)合同期期限三個(gè)月月以上不滿滿一年的,試試用期不得得超過一個(gè)個(gè)月;勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同期限限一年以上上不滿三年年的,試用用期不得超超過二個(gè)月月;三年以以上固定期期限和無固固定期限的的勞動(dòng)合同同,試用期期不得超過過六個(gè)月。同一一用人單位位與同一勞勞動(dòng)者只能能約定一次次試用期。以完完成一定工工作任務(wù)為為期限的勞勞動(dòng)合同或或者勞動(dòng)合合同期限不不滿三個(gè)月月的,不得得約定試用用期。試用期包包
56、含在勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同期限限內(nèi)。勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同僅約約定試用期期的,試用用期不成立立,該期限限為勞動(dòng)合合同期限。Articcle 220 Thhe waage oof ann empployeee duuringg thee proobatiion pperiood shhall not be llowerr thaan thhe miinimuum waage ffor tthe ssame posiitionn of the samee empployeer orr lowwer tthan 80% of tthe wwage stippulatted iin thhe laabor conttract
57、t, noor maay itt be loweer thhan tthe mminimmum wwage of tthe llocallity wherre thhe emmployyer iis loocateed. 第二十十條【試試用期工資資】勞動(dòng)者者在試用期期的工資不不得低于本本單位相同同崗位最低低檔工資或或者勞動(dòng)合合同約定工工資的百分分之八十,并并不得低于于用人單位位所在地的的最低工資資標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。Articcle 221 Duuringg thee proobatiion pperiood, eexceppt whhen tthe eemplooyee is uunderr anyy o
58、f the circcumsttancees ass desscribbed iin Arrticlle 399 andd Artticlee 40 (i) and (ii), thhe emmployyer sshalll nott disssolvve thhe laabor conttractt. Iff an emplloyerr disssolvves aa labbor ccontrract duriing tthe pprobaationn perriod, it shalll maake aan exxplannatioon. 第二十十一條【試試用期內(nèi)解解除勞動(dòng)合合同】在試試用
59、期中,除除勞動(dòng)者有有本法第三三十九條和和第四十條條第一項(xiàng)、第二項(xiàng)規(guī)規(guī)定的情形形外,用人人單位不得得解除勞動(dòng)動(dòng)合同。用用人單位在在試用期解解除勞動(dòng)合合同的,應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)向勞動(dòng)動(dòng)者說明理理由。Articcle 222 Whhere an eemplooyer payss speeciall traaininng exxpensses ffor tthe sspeciial ttechnnicall traaininng off hiss empployeees, the emplloyerr mayy entter aan aggreemment withh hiss empployeees tto s
60、ppeciffy thheir servvice timee perriod. If an eemplooyee viollatess thee stiipulaationn reggardiing tthe sserviice ttime periiod, he sshalll payy thee empployeer a penaalty for breaach oof coontraact. The amouunt oof peenaltty foor brreachh of conttractt shaall nnot eexceeed thhe trrainiing ffees pr
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