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1、第 PAGE9 頁 共 NUMPAGES9 頁六年級英語同步練習(xí)下冊整理小學(xué)英語六年級下冊同步練習(xí)一.根據(jù)漢語提示。1. dr_m 鼓2.t_lent show新秀選拔賽3._and 樂隊4.parti_ _ pate參加5. int_resting有趣的6._dea 主意7. s_ddenly 突然地8. pa_nter畫家9. best sing_r的歌手10.d_ncer舞者二.按要求完成以下各詞。1.sing(名詞)2.good(級)3. take(現(xiàn)分)5. right(反義)6.buy(同音詞)7. dance(名詞)8. I(反身代詞)9. give(單三)10.make(過去式

2、)11.happen(過去式)12.win(過去式)三.單項選擇題。1.You good at playing the guitar.A .is B . be C. are2.The talent show is soon.3.I want to do somethingA interesting B.interests C .interest4.I dont want to participate the show by myself.5.How about a band?A. making B.make C to make.6.Whos the singer?A. good B. bett

3、er C.best.7.I dont want to do it by .A. me B. myself C.my8.Why you play the violin?A.dont B doesnt C not9.That like fun.A sound B. sounds C.sounding.10.You are a good小學(xué)六年級下冊英語練習(xí)題一、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。1.Music can make people_ (happy)2. He wants to be a football _(play)3. You are so weak, you should do _(man

4、y) sport.4. How about _ (go) for a picnic next week?5. I (eat) some bread for breakfast yesterday.二、單項選擇。( )1. Is it a picture_ your school?A. of B. to C. and( )2. Look at _picture.A. one B. first C. the first( )3._ any food in the fridge?A. Are there B. Is there C. Have( )4. I often get up late, bu

5、t I _ go to school late.A. usually B. often C. never( )5. You must _ your homework first.A. doing B. do C. did三、閱讀理解。(A)There are forty-two students in our class. There are two American boys. They are Jack and Mike. They are our good friends. They like watching TV, but they dont like playing basketb

6、all. They often go to school by bike. And I often go to school on foot. There is one English girl in our class. Her name is Lucy. She likes playing basketball and swimming. She usually does her homework in the evening. She often watches TVon Saturday afternoons. She is my good friend.閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正誤

7、,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F”。( )1.There are thirty-nine Chinese students in our class.( )2.There are two American girls and one English boy in our class.( )3.Jack and Mike are our good friends.( )4.Jack and Mike like playing basketball.( )5.Lucy often does her homework on Saturday afternoons.六年級下冊英語練習(xí)題一、寫出以下單詞的

8、過去式。learn _ sing _ dance _ eat _am/is_ fly_take _ climb _ have _ buy _play_ visit _row _ see _ get _ read _wash _ clean_do _ go _ leave _watch_二、寫出以下單詞或詞組(動詞寫過去式)。唱歌和跳舞_ 照相_爬山_買禮物_游泳_ 看大象_去滑雪_ 去滑冰_吃好吃的_學(xué)漢語_三、選擇。( ) 1. _ did you do on your holiday ?A.How B.Where C.What( ) 2. Where _ you _ on your hol

9、iday ?A. did, go B. did, do C. did, went( ) 3. She _ last weekend .A. went skiB. went sking C. went skiing( ) 4. He bought some books _ me .A.to B.for C.at( ) 5. I _ and _ yesterday .A. sang, dance B. sang, danced C. sing, danced四、給問句選擇正確的答句。A( )1.Where did you go ? A. Last weekend.( )2.How did you

10、go there? B.We went skiing.( )3.When did you take the photos? C.I went to Beijing.( )4.What did you do yesterday? D. Yes, I did.( )5.Did you have a good time? E. We went there by plane.B( ) 1. What did he do yesterday ? A. Yes, she did.( ) 2. Did she wash the clothes yesterday ? B. I went fishing .(

11、 ) 3. What did you do last weekend ? C. No, I didnt .( ) 4. Did you went to the park ? D. He read a book yesterday.( ) 5. What was the weather yesterday ? E. It was sunny .小學(xué)六年級英語練習(xí)題一、中譯英。1.改變 2.暗的,黑暗的 3.試4.安康的 5.遇到費事 6.成為,變成7.填 8.發(fā)生 9.記日記10.繼續(xù) 11.失去,喪失 12.英勇的13.有錢人 14.充滿 15.田地16.整天 17.及時,按時 18.大笑19

12、.最后 20.假設(shè)二、找出不同類的詞。( )1.A .earth B. sun C. light( )2.A .save B. sad C. bad( )3.A. change B. dark C. bright( )4.A. dig B. seed C. fill( )5.A. premier B. presidentC. thick三、選擇填空。( )1.What are they doing there? We are some story books.A .reading B. read C. reads( )2.He took from the and gave to the .A.

13、poor,rich B .rich,poor C .poor,poorA .inventor B. painter C. film star( )4.Whats the change old Guangzhou and New Guangzhou?A. betweenB .and C. behind( )5.The bus stop is from the train station.A.far near B .next C. far away( )6.Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou in .A .2022 B. 2022 C. 2( )7. was the Chinese Tree Planting Day.A .March 20th B .March 12th C. May 22nd( )8.The farmer filled the ho


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