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1、Section C Section C needs 1 period. Section C 需用 1 課時; 1a 和 3; The main activities are 1a and 3. 本課重點活動是 .Aims and demands 目標要求 1. Learn some new words and phrases: table manners, eat up, drink to sb./sth., somebody 2. Go on learning object clauses: I want to know whether/if it is polite to point wi

2、th chopsticks at people in China. 3. Talk about table manners for a formal western dinner party: Take your napkin and put it on your lap. When you start eating, you should keep the fork in your right hand. If you use your knife, then put the fork in your left hand. It s polite to eat up the food on

3、your plate, so don t take more food than you need. You should speak quietly and smile a lot. When you drink to somebody, you sip. Remember not to drink too much. .Teaching aids 教具 d better raise your glass and take only a 錄像 / 幻燈片 / 小黑板 / 圖片 / 錄音機 .Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教學方案 Step 1 Review 第一步

4、復習 時間 : 6 分鐘 通過對 Section B 的復習,導入本課目標語言; 1. 結合 whether 和 if 引導的賓語從句,復習 Section B 所學的就餐習俗,用師生問答的 形式導入本課目標語言:就餐文化; T: Wehave learnt the eating customs in different countries in the last lesson. Let s review them. I ask, and you answer, OK. 讓同學回答或爭辯; T: Do you know if it is polite to eat soup noisily a

5、nd finish all the rice in Japan. S1: I think it s polite to T: Could you tell mewhether it is impolite or not to smoke during a meal in France. S2: I think it s not impolite to T: I wonder if it is polite to eat with your arms or elbows on the table in America. 第 1 頁,共 6 頁S3: I don t think it s poli

6、te to 讓同學暢談學習過的就餐習俗以及他們知道的就餐習俗學問,互幫互學,開闊視野, 既檢查同學學習情形,又激發(fā)同學探究學習,自主學習的熱忱; T: What else do you know about the eating customs in different countries. S4: I think it is polite to S5: I think it s impolite to 2. 導入本課目標語言; 通過以上語言點的復習,老師準時給同學指出在以上練習的賓語從句中, it 是形式主 語,真正的主語是動詞不定式; T: Just now we reviewed som

7、ething about table manners. Do you want to know what is polite for a formal western dinner party. Let 導入下一步; s come to Section C. Step 2 Presentation 其次步 顯現 時間 :11 分鐘 顯現本課 1a;明白西餐禮儀; 1. 導入 1a; T: Suppose you would go to a formal western dinner party for the first time, but you don t know their table

8、 manners. Do you want to get some advice. Ss: Of course. 2. 老師呈現有關吃西餐的錄像 / 幻燈片 / 圖片等; T: OK. I ll show you some pictures about eating customs in western countries. 3. 老師用手勢,動作來演示西餐禮儀習俗;出示 napkin, sip ; napkin n. 餐巾 sip n. 一小口 1a 中的圖片,導入并讓同學明白生詞: T: Please look at me carefully. I ll show you some tab

9、le manners. 4. 快速閱讀 1a,然后完成 1b,并核對答案; T: Do you want to know more about western table manners. Ss: Yes. T: OK. Please read the passage quickly and then finish 1b. 5. 讓同學仔細閱讀 1a,找產生詞,結合上下文估計詞義; T: Read 1a carefully. Find out the new words and guess the meanings according to the passage. 板書,領讀并讓同學把握:

10、table manners, eat up, drink to sb./sth., somebody lap ; 懂得 manner 和 lap ;明白 formal ; n. formal adj. 正式的 manner n. 方式;舉止;態(tài)度 table manner 餐桌禮儀 膝部 eat up 吃光,吃完 drink to sb./sth. 為 干杯(或祝酒) somebody pron. 某 第 2 頁,共 6 頁人;有人 6. 完成 1a 右圖餐具的名稱; T: Now, please choose the names in the passage to label the thi

11、ngs in the picture. 讓同學預備 2 分鐘,然后核對答案; questions and find 7. 讓同學聽短文 1a,爭辯以下問題,并找出正確答案; T: Please listen to 1a carefully, then discuss the following out the answers. 用小黑板出示問題; Is it polite to eat up everything on your plate. Is it polite to take more food than you need. Is it polite to speak loudly a

12、t the table. Is it polite to drink too much during the dinner. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 鞏固 時間 : 10 分鐘 鞏固 1a,完成 2; 1. 讓同學再讀 1a,留意其中的餐桌禮儀,并復述課文; ask some T: Read 1a again, and pay attention to the table manners. Later on I ll of you to retell the passage. 在同學讀 1a 的時候,出示小黑板上的問題; What should you do when

13、 you sit down at the table. What does the dinner start with. How should you keep the fork and knife when you start eating. Why cant you take more food than you need .Can you speak loudly at the table. What should you do when you drink to somebody.Can you drink too much during the dinner. 讓同學預備 2 分鐘,

14、以黑板上的問題為線索理清思路;復述 1a; T: Now, who can try. The questions on the small blackboard may help you. S1 : S2 : 老師對復述好的同學加以鼓勵; T: Well done. / Good job. 2. 讓同學依據 1a 中的圖片和同伴談論西餐禮儀; T: Well, talk to your partner about how to start a formal western dinner with the things in the picture in 1a. You may begin li

15、ke this: When you sit down at the table 讓同學預備 2 分鐘; 第 3 頁,共 6 頁T: Well, any volunteers. Be brave. Come to the front, please. S 3: S 4: 賜予同學鼓勵; T: Excellent. / Well done. 3. 完成 2; T: Now, read the sentences in 2 carefully, and try to get the main idea. 在聽錄音之前,讓同學熟識一下題目,以降低難度; T: Listen to the passage

16、 and mark True T or False F. 依據需要,可以播放錄音 12 遍;最終核對答案; T : OK. Let s check the answers. Step 4 Practice 第四步 練習 時間 : 8 分鐘 練習 3,完成 4; 1. 用賓語從句爭辯飲食習慣,練習 3; Please discuss eating customs in pairs, T: Wehave learned many eating customs. using object clauses. 選一名同學上來協作,給全班同學做個示范; Example: T: I want to know

17、 whether/if it is impolite to smoke during a meal in France. S 1: I think that it is not impolite to smoke during a meal in France. 讓同學兩人一組練習 3,進一步懂得并把握 whether 和 if 引導的賓語從句的用法; S 2: S 3: 2. 用小黑板出示問題; T: Now, please read the questions on the small blackboard. Write downthe sentences according to the

18、 example above, using “whether ” or “if ” . Is it right to use the knife in the right hand, the fork in the left. Is it right to keep your knife and fork in hand until you finish eating.Is it right to drink from your soup bowl. Is it polite to leave the table during a meal. Is it polite to take ever

19、ything that is passed to you. 讓同學預備 3 分鐘; 讓兩名同學在黑板上寫句子,并對錯誤的句子賜予更正; T: Well, who would like to come to the front to write down the sentences. S 4: 第 4 頁,共 6 頁S 5: T: OK, read the sentences together, please. 3. 全班學唱 Pat a Cake ;完成 4; Step 5 Project 第五步 綜合探究活動 時間 : 10 分鐘 進一步把握西餐禮儀; 1. 方案一 找兩名同學到前面來,一名

20、同學用英語講解餐桌禮儀,另一人表演餐桌禮儀的動作; T: I d like two of you to come to the front. One student tells us about the table manners while the other acts them out. 小黑板出示參考內容; Tools: knife, fork, spoon, glass, plate, bowl, napkin How to start a formal western dinner: When you sit down at the table, take your napkin a

21、nd put it on your lap. You should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left. It s polite to eat up everything on your plate. Dont take more food than you need. Try to speak quietly and smile a lot. Never drink too much during a dinner. When you drink to someone, 請 23 對同學表演; 老師賜予鼓勵; T: Good job. / Well done. 方案二 youd better raise your glass and take only a sip. 競賽活動; 老師先從班上挑出八名同學


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