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1、第 PAGE31 頁 共 NUMPAGES31 頁八年級下英語教案目的5篇2022八年級下英語教案目的1一、指導思想以“英語課程標準”為宗旨,適應新課程改革的需要,面向全體學生,進步學生的人文素養(yǎng),增強理論才能和創(chuàng)新精神。正確把握英語學科特點,積極倡導合作探究的學習方式。培養(yǎng)學生積極地情感態(tài)度和正確的人生價值觀,進步學生綜合素質為學生全面開展和終身開展奠定根底。二、全期教學總目的學生應有較明確的英語學習動機和積極主動的學習態(tài)度。能聽懂教師對有關熟悉話題的陳述并能參與討論。能讀供七至八年級學生閱讀的簡單讀物和報紙雜志,抑制生詞障礙,理解大意。能根據閱讀目的運用適當的閱讀策略。能與別人合作,解決問

2、題并報告結果,共同完成學習任務。能在學習中互相幫助,抑制困難。能合理方案和安排學習任務,積極探究適宜自己的學習方法。在學習和日常交際中能注意到中外文化的差異。三.教材簡要分析p 新目的英語八年級(下冊),全書共有十個單元,另兩個復習單元。本教材各單元話題靈敏,貼近生活實際。本冊書將學習的一些語法知識點有:一般將來時、過去進展時、如今完成時、間接引語、時間狀語從句、條件狀語從句、反意疑問句等。同時每個單元后都提供了一篇閱讀文章,用以訓練學生的閱讀才能,擴大學生的閱讀量。 四、學情簡要分析p 八年級三個教學班,共有學生人數115 人,其中男生 60人,女生 55人。通過初一年半的英語學習,大多數學


4、步課堂效率。3.多與學生溝通,理解學生學習狀況和需求,及時改進教學中存在的問題和缺乏。4.積極開展豐富多彩的英語活動,進步學生興趣。如英語演講比賽、單詞聽寫比賽、朗讀比賽、英語手抄報比賽、學唱英文歌曲,課前五分鐘活動等。5.注重個別輔導,在面向全體學生的根底上,培優(yōu)補差。6.不斷學習,加強自身素質和業(yè)務才能的進步。六.教學進度安排Unit 1 第一大周Unit 2 第二大周Unit 3 第三大周Unit 4 第四大周Unit 5 第五大周Review and Mid-Test 第六大周Unit 6 第七大周Unit 7 第八大周Unit 8 第九大周Unit 9 第十大周Unit10 第十一大

5、周Review and Final-Test 第十二大周八年級下英語教案目的2一、教學目的培養(yǎng)學生優(yōu)良的英語學習興趣、習慣,幫助學生樹立自信心,養(yǎng)成良好的英語學習習慣,進步、開展自主學習的才能,形成有效的學習策略;使學生掌握一定的語言根本知識和技能,有較好的語感,獲得初步運用英語的才能,為實際應運打下扎實的根底。同時注重綜合才能的開發(fā)、進步,培養(yǎng)他們的觀察、思維、記憶、想象和創(chuàng)造等方面的才能;讓學生理解中西方文化的差異,培養(yǎng)愛國精神,增強世界觀意識,并結合課外學習,到達教學的最優(yōu)秀性,培養(yǎng)學生良好的自學才能和習慣,并做到持之以恒,使本年段的英語教學能進一步開展、進步。二、教材分析p 八年級英語

6、是河北教育出版社出版的冀教版英語,教材編排有以下目的:1.要使學生受到聽、說、讀、寫、英語的訓練,掌握最根底的語言知識和語言技能以及培養(yǎng)初步援用英語交際的才能;養(yǎng)成良好的外語學習習慣,掌握學習外語的根本方法;為進一步學習和運用英語打下扎實的根底。2.使學生明確學習英語的目的性,3.培養(yǎng)初步運用英語交際的才能和自學才能。三、教材重點、難點本冊教材從語音、詞匯、語法、閱讀等方面著手1、語音教學 本冊課本在上冊的根底上進一步學習和運用音標和單詞的發(fā)音規(guī)那么,著重抓好學生的預習,自學才能。2、詞匯教學本冊課本所要學習、掌握的單詞約400個,另有固定搭配和習慣用語假設干條,任務較重。3、語法教學本冊課本

7、的語法教學工程有:動詞過去完成時、過去進展時、情態(tài)動詞、五種簡單句的構造等。4、閱讀教學是重中之重,本冊課本中的閱讀課文比上學期難了很多,仍以對話為主,還有一些簡單的短文。因此,進步學生的聽說、表演對話的才能仍是本學期的一個教學重點,還應有一定的語法根底,具備相當的句子表達才能,能運用一定的詞組和句型。四、學情分析p 從整體情況來看,學生英語根底較差,興趣不高,甚至有部分學生的聽說讀寫才能還不夠一年級程度,所以在課堂教學時,出現(xiàn)有學生不守課堂規(guī)那么,不愿聽課、睡覺或是做與課堂無關事情的現(xiàn)象,這使得課堂難以調控,難以形成英語學習氣氛。有少部分學生根底較好,自制才能較強,能認真聽課,按教師要求完成


9、層次教學。對于好的學生要加大知識的容量,拓展知識的層面,使好學生成績更上一層樓;對于差生要因勢利導,因材施教,使差生在原有的根底上有所進步。六、教學進度本書為初二年級下冊用書,共8單元,每天一課,剩余時間用來復習。第3篇:八級英語下學期教學方案八年級下學期英語教學方案錐子何中學 黃永中一、指導思想以“英語課程標準”為宗旨,適應新課程改革的需要,面向全體學生,進步學生的人文素養(yǎng),增強理論才能和創(chuàng)新精神。正確把握英語學科特點,積極倡導合作探究的學習方式。培養(yǎng)學生積極地情感態(tài)度和正確的人生價值觀,進步學生綜合素質為學生全面開展和終身開展奠定根底。二、教材分析p 新目的英語八年級(下冊),全書共有十個

10、單元,另兩個復習單元,每個單元都列出了明確的語言目的,主要的功能工程與語法構造,需要掌握的根本詞匯,并分為A和B兩部分。A部分是根本的語言內容,B部分是知識的擴展和綜合的語言運用。每個單元還附有SELF CHECK部分,學生可用來自我檢測本單元所學的語言知識。本教材各單元話題靈敏,貼近生活實際。在本冊書里要學習的一些語法知識點有:一般將來時、過去進展時、如今完成時、間接引語、時間狀語從句、條件狀語從句、反意疑問句等。同時每個單元后都提供了一篇閱讀文章,用以訓練學生的閱讀才能,擴大學生的閱讀量。三、詳細目的1、要使學生受到聽、說、讀、寫英語的訓練,掌握最根底的語言知識和語言技能以及培養(yǎng)初步援用英

11、語交際的才能;養(yǎng)成良好的外語學習習慣,掌握學習外語的根本方法;為進一步學習和運用英語打下扎實的根底。2、使學生明確學習英語的目的性并且樹立學習英語的自信心。 3、培養(yǎng)初步運用英語交際的才能和自學才能。4、抓根底教育,培養(yǎng)興趣,調動學習積極性,以進步整體成績,減少低分率。四、所教班級學生根本情況分析p 通過初中一年半的英語學習,少數學生已能聽懂有關熟悉話題的語段和簡短的故事,能與教師或同學就熟悉的話題交換信息。但由于各種因素的影響,學生開展參差不齊。大多數學生因為根底不夠好,學習很吃力而自暴自棄。另外,所教班的學生在情感態(tài)度學習策略方面還存在諸多需要進一步解決的問題。例如:很多學生不能明確學習英

12、語的目的,沒有真正認識到學習英語的目的在于交流;有些同學在學習中缺乏小組合作意識;不能做好課前預習課后復習,學習沒有方案性和策略性;不擅長發(fā)現(xiàn)和總結語言規(guī)律,不注意知識的穩(wěn)固和積累。五、詳細措施:1、認真鉆研教材和課標,精心備課,認真上好每一堂課。確定每堂課的根底內容,預備內容和拓展內容,滿足不同層次學生的不同需求。2、充分利用現(xiàn)有的現(xiàn)代化教學設備,加強直觀教學,進步課堂效率。3、在教學中根據目的并結合教學內容,創(chuàng)造性地設計貼近學生實際的教學活動,吸引和組織他們積極參與。學生通過考慮、調查、討論、交流和合作等方式,學習和使用英語,完成學習任務。 4、關注學生的情感,營造寬松、民主、和諧的教學氣

13、氛。多與學生溝通,理解學生學習狀況和需求,及時改進教學中存在的問題和缺乏。5、加強對學生學習策略的指導,為他們終身學習奠定根底。6、積極開展豐富多彩的英語活動,進步學生興趣。如英語單詞聽寫比賽、朗讀比賽、英語手抄報比賽、學唱英文歌曲,課前五分鐘活動等。7、根據教學內容不同對不同層次的學生進展分層教學。注重個別輔導,在面向全體學生的根底上,培優(yōu)補差。8、每天背誦課文中的對話,每天記當日學過的單詞或對話,每日進展檢查。9、每天進展聽寫,每月進展階段性檢測并且進展檢測分析p 。10、針對學生閱讀才能差的問題,本學期進展閱讀才能訓練,每周閱讀兩篇英語短文,并準備專門的閱讀摘抄本,定期檢查。六、教學進度

14、安排 3月份Unit 1 Will people have robots? 6課時 Unit 2 What should I do? 6課時 4月份 階段檢測Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 6課時 Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.6課時Unit 5 If you go to the party youll have a great time.5課時 Review of units 1-5 2課時 迎接期中考試 5月份Unit 6 How long have you been collectin

15、g shells? 6課時 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 6課時 階段檢測Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf? 6課時Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 6課時 階段檢測6月份 Unit 10 Its a nice day isnt it? 5課時 Review of units 6-10 2課時 階段檢測 期末考試八年級下英語教案目的3unit 1where did you go on vacation?new york city; c

16、entral park,exam,were,rainy, kite,later,felt,little, corner, discu,etc where did you go on vacation? i went to the mountains.did she go to central park?yes,she did.no, she didnt語法:一般過去時特殊疑問句、一般疑問句及肯、否認答復。根據初中英語新課程標準和本科教材內容,我確定了以下目的: 1. master the vocabulary 2.master the key patterns:where did you go

17、 on vacation? i went to the mountains ? did she go to central park?yes,she did.no, she didnt單元教學重難點1.vocabulary and expreions2.grammar focus:where did you go onvacation?i went to the mountains.did she go on central park?yes, she did.no, she didnt use the past tense to talk about activities that happ

18、ened in the past in english with the following sentences:where did you go on vacation? did you go to-yes.? /no,?such as; go abroad, go hiking, go climbing, summer cs, and so on接近學生的生活,they are all interested in talking about it.section a中1a.1b.1c.2a.2b.2c.grammar focus教學目的知識與才能1.match the vocabulary

19、:new york city,central park,exam. 2.master and use:where did you/ they /he / she go,vacation? i / they /he /she went to the mountainsnew york citybeachsummer c. did you go to the beach? yes,i did.no, i didnt.過程與方法通過例子who went to the movies last saturday?引出動詞go的過去式went,從而引出一般過去時態(tài)。教學重、難點及教學打破 重點l.the

20、vocabulary:new york city, central pads,exam. 2.language:where did you/they/he/she go on vacation? i/they/he/she went to the mountains/ new york cit y/ beach /summer cdid you go to the beach? yes,i did.no, i didnt.難點use the language to talk about past events.language: where did you go on vacation?及答語

21、的學習 step 1 greetingsgood morning/afternoon, everybody step 2 free talkask the students to talkabout what they did last weekends step 3 presentation 1 finish 1a.ask questions about what students did last saturday(1)who went to the movies last saturday?(point to one student who raises his or her hand.

22、) sara went to the movies last saturday.(repeat.write this sentence on the board.underline the word went.)(2) ask:who visited a friend last saturday?(point to one student who raises his or her hand.) carlos visited a friend last saturday.(repeat.write this sentence on the board.underline the word vi

23、sited.)2.point to the words went and visited in the sentences on the board.say,we use these words to talk about things that happened in the past. (write these pairs of words on the board:go-went, visit -visited)ask: can you point out the words that talk about the past? this activity introduces the k

24、ey vocabulary. students raise their hands.and give the right answer: i did.students raise their hands to answer. read.強化記憶point to went and visited. step 4 practice 1a1.focus attention on the picture.ask: what at can you see?say, each picture shows something a person did in the each activity and ask

25、 students to repeat;went to the mountains,went to new york city, went to summer c,visited my uncle,stayed at home,went to the beach,visited museums.2.point to the numbered list of activities.say each one again and ask the students to repeat.3.now, please match each phrase with one of the pictures.sa

26、y,the answers. answers:phrases. read after the teacher。 do it and then discu the keys in pairs. step 5 listening1b1.point to the picture. on the screensay, look at picture a,where did tia go on vacation? yes,she went to the mountains.ask,what did the person do in each scene? 2.play the recording the

27、 first time. 3.play the recording a second time. say,there are three conversations.the people talk about what they did on vacation.listen to the recording and write numbers of the names in the right boxes in the picture.please write only 5 numbers.point out thesle answer next to the picture showing

28、went to the mountain.(1) went to the mountains (2)visited my uncle (3)stayed at home(4) went to new york city(5)went to summer c practice the dialogue in pairs.eg. where did the boy go on vacation? he went to new york city. only listen.listen and number the pictures(1-5).and then discu in pairs. at

29、last raise their hands to tell the result read it loudly. play the tape.write playplayed, visit visited on the board.say,we studied the pronunciation of these ed endings in unit 5. they are both spelled ed,but we pronounce one /d/ and the other /id/.ask students to repeat these pairs:play-played,vis

30、it一visited. listen carefully and learn the pronunciation of-ed. step6 summary1.ask the to summarize all the key words and sentences in this period2.get the to ask any questions they feel puzzled step7 homework1.learn the target languages by heart 2.preview section b教后反思unit 2how often do you exercis

31、e? i.teaching article: unit one ii.teaching aims and demands(教學目的和要求): what do you usually do on weekends? i sometimes go to the beach.how often do you eat vegetables? every day.most of the students do homework every day.iii.teaching importance and diffcult(教學重難點): talk about how often you do things

32、. the first periodi.teaching aims and demands 1.knowledge objects name of activities. aderbs of frequency.what do you usually do on weekends? i often go to the movies. 2.ability objects writing skill. listening skill.municative petence 3.moral objectkeep a diary every day in english. ii.teaching key

33、 pointswatching tv, reading, shoping skateboarding, exercising iii.teaching difficultiesalways, usually, often, sometimes hardly, ever, neverwhat does she do on weekends? she often goes to the movies. iv.teaching methodsdiscover method.listening and writing methods;pairwork. v.teaching aidsa tape re

34、corder.large monthly calendar showing the days of the week. a projectorvi.teaching procedures step 1 greet the clat: ill introduce myself first.ill be your english teacher this term.do you like english? i hope well get along very well.im not only your teacher, but can be your friends.well be happy t

35、ogether.now lets begin.this cla well learn unit1.how often do you exercise? please open books at page1. step 2 section a 1afirst look at the picture.ask a few students to say what they see in the thought bubbles.each though bubble shows something a person does on weekends.then mae each activity.ask

36、students to repeat each one. one girl is shopping. another girl is reading. this boy is watching tv.these girls are skateboarding.point out the sle answer.then ask students to list all the activities in the thought bubbles if they dont know to write the activities, use bilingual dictionaries.then as

37、k the students who finishes first to write the answers on the board.check the answers on the board and ask students to correct their own activities. step 3display a large calendar that shows the days of the week.tell students saturday and sunday are the weekend.ask students to repeat weekend.then sh

38、ow three new words.how often 多久一次hardly adv.幾乎不;幾乎沒有 ever adv 曾;曾經step 4 1c pairworkfirst ask two students to read the sle in speech bubbles. what do you usually do on weekends? i often go to the movies.now work with a partner.make your own conversations about the people in the picture.for exle.step

39、 5 summarythis cla weve learnt some names of activities: watching tv, reading, skateboarding, exercising, shopping.and we also leant some adverbs of frequency: always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly, ever, never. step 6 homeworknow homework: keep a weekend dairy showing what you do on weekend.you

40、 can write down they do from the time you get up until you go to sleep. step 7 blackboard design unit 1 how often do you exercise?watching tv reading skateboarding exercisingshopping what does she usually do on weekends? she often goes shopping. the second periodi.teaching aims and demands 1.knowled

41、ge objects adverbs of frequency. name of activities.wh-question and answers. 2.ability objects 3.moral objectsdo more exercise and keep healthy. ii.teaching key pointsevey day , once a week, twice a week, three times a week,once a month, twice a monthwatch tv, surf the inter, read english books, go

42、to the moviesiii.teaching difficultieshow often do you watch tv? twice a week.what does he do on weekends? he sometimes watched tv. how often does chung watch tv? he watches tv twice a week.iv.teaching methodsv.teaching aidsa tape recorder.some color paper for an activity. vi.teaching procedures ste

43、p 1 greet the cla.step 2 learn some new words八年級下英語教案目的4unit.1where did you go on vacation?(一)目確實定的根據. 1.課程標準相關要求.掌握本單元至少42個生詞。4個短語,豐富詞語的積累。不懂的詞語借助英漢詞典或聯(lián)絡上下文來理解。 (2)可以正確書寫規(guī)那么和不規(guī)那么動詞過去式,會使用這些過去式議論過去的事情。(3) 通過大量練習,能正確使用不定代詞。 2.教材分析p 作為本冊第一單元學習內容,本單元學習是訓練學生的聽讀技能,使其學會一般過去時的疑問句及答語,并可以在各種句式中準確純熟地使用不定代詞。 3

44、.學情分析p 學生在七年級的詞匯、語句學習中已建立一定的過去時和不定代詞的根底,對于過去式的理解及使用難度不大。但學習如何在特定語境中準確地純熟使用不定代詞,正確書寫不規(guī)那么動詞過去式,對學生有難度。教學時應反復訓練,引導學生對文中反身代詞的選擇,反身代詞與形容詞的搭配,反復揣摩、體味,以打破學習難點。第一課時總第一課時備課8月20日上課8月26日 (一)學習目的1.通過認讀生詞表和書寫練習,正確認讀、書寫6個生詞。正確讀寫并積累運用。2.通過聽錄音,正確填寫表格中所缺失的語言信息。3.通過個別讀、分組讀、齊讀等多種讀書形式,練習正確、流利地朗讀對話。背誦涉及重要短語的句子。(二)評價任務1.

45、正確書寫anyone, anywhere, wonderful, few, quite a few, most 共6個詞語。2.聽力訓練,通過預測、推理以及選擇注意力,使學生理解聽力材料文章大意和細節(jié),從而進步聽力程度。3.能利用過去式,簡單問答過去發(fā)生的事情。(三)教學過程教學環(huán)節(jié)一:檢查預習,導入新課。目的1.活動一:讀1a,將活動與相關圖片搭配?;顒佣豪?a活動,1c句式,兩人結對形式練習一般過去時問答過去的事情。教學活動二:聽力訓練?;顒右唬郝犱浺?,將人物與活動、地點匹配,完成1b,2a。 活動二:聽錄音,判斷信息正誤,完成2b圖表。 教學環(huán)節(jié)三:閱讀2c2d對話,說出一般過去時問

46、答構造和不定代詞的用法?;顒右唬鹤x對話,學會利用一般過去時問答。活動二:讀對話,說出不定代詞和形容詞的怎么正確搭配。 活動三:會背對話中重要短語。(四) 當堂訓練測試exercises in cla單項選擇或根據漢語提示完成句子。1.did you go_(有趣的地方)?2.did you do_ last month? (特殊的事情) 3.there is _ with the watch.it works very well. a.anything wellb.nothing wrongc.something wrongd.wrong something4.peter has _ to d

47、o at the moment.lets give him _ to read.(something, anything, nothing, everything)5.i cant find _ sit on the bus.a.somewhereb.nowherec.anywhere d.everywhere6.youre sad all the afternoon.maybe you need _ like me 讓你振作起來).a.everyone b.someone c.anyone d.no one7.these books are nice.you can take _ of them. a.someone b.everyone c.anyone d.any one8.theres _ in todays newspaper.(沒有新東西)9.these questions are very difficult.i think _ can answer them.a.someone b.everyone c.anyone d.no one10.i want to do _ (不同的事情) today.根據上下文完成對話。a._ _ you go on


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