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1、網絡課程講義從句和動詞在篇章中的應用 3教 師:宋煥然愛護環(huán)境,從我做起,提倡使用“名師” 資料室 免費資料任你從句和動詞在篇章中的應用 3Translate1網絡可以幫助廣交朋友。可以和這些朋友自在地交流和情感。2有些學生在網絡上浪費了大量的時間,這無疑會對他們在學校的學習帶來不利影響。3他們認為動物園應該遷往郊區(qū),在那兒動物可以擁有的空間,更清潔的水和空氣。4我認為動物園在征集到更適宜的方案之前不應搬遷。5有人認為應該給老師送影集(album),里邊有每個學生的。6有人認為應該送磁帶,錄有每個同學對老師的祝福。7隨著越來越多的人汽車,汽車工業(yè)得到迅猛發(fā)展,這無疑經濟的發(fā)展十分有利。8另一方

2、面,汽車也帶來許多問題。每年的交通事故都在增加,致使成千上萬的人喪生。9網絡給展示了一個全新的世界,可以從中得到各種各樣所需的信息和知識。10有些人對此持相反的觀點。他們說在校生打工有害而無益.11我建議你在 Disney Land 附近的飯店就餐, 這些飯店可以提供可口的飯菜和優(yōu)質服務. 第 1 頁 “名師” 答疑室隨時隨地提問互動根據(jù)下面四幅圖畫,寫一篇短文,記述前兩天發(fā)生在你叔叔身上的事。附:寫作詞組 (160)- 多記動詞詞組校園生活1.喜歡/ 對感l(wèi)ike (better, best)be fond of beenjoyerested in ng2.3.一心撲在擅長于put ones

3、 heart be good atdo well ino上在 方面取得好 成績4.5.在方面取得進步通過不及格 學習(課程)選修 (課程)努力學習在方面獲得成功在 (課堂、工作)上表現(xiàn)積極積極參加開會make (ra) progress inpass the examination fail inhave English, Ch6.take Chemistry, Physics work hard atsucceed in be active in class / work take an active part in have / hold a meeting7. 第 2

4、 頁 “名師” 資料室免費資料任你開運動會進行. sports meeta heated discuon12.在 競賽中獲獎忙于充分利用(時間、精力.)畢業(yè)wheprize in competitionng / with sth.be busymake full use of ones time / energy gradute fromget on well with與在相處融洽方面有/沒有have some / no difficulty inng sth.就給表揚批評提出建議give sb. ome advice on how to do sth

5、. praise sb. forblame sb. for 20. 花時間做spend timeng sth.on sth課外生活21.游泳劃船爬山野營/野餐參觀出游家庭旅游度假觀光 散步 聚會 下棋 彈奏打籃球進行體育鍛煉看電視看(劇、音樂會)打工做家庭作業(yè)熬夜幫 做家務請家教參加go swimming/ go for a swim go boatinggo climbing the mountaingo cing / go for aichave a visi

6、t to / pay a visit to / visit have/ go for an outinghave/ go for a family trip have / go for a holiday go sightseeinghave / go for a walk have a partyplay chessplay tano/ the violin play basketball / football / volleyball have sportswatch TVgo to a movie / a play / a concert have / take a part-time

7、jobdo ones stay up latehelpt sb. do housework have a tutorjoin sb. in sth.take (an active) part in sth. 第 3 頁 “名師” 答疑室隨時隨地提問互動attend kend school / take courses in a ernet44. to asurf the上周末班上網網上聊天 發(fā)電子郵件網上交友玩網上chat on the websends tomake online friendsplay computer games放松自己/過的愉快r

8、elax olf / get relaxedhave a good time / enjoy olf a lot交通、環(huán)保51.乘出行take a bus/bwaytravel by bus / subway go to by .visit / pay a visit to a scenic spot / plashow sb. aroud a place52.53.54.55.oferest游覽(風景區(qū)、名勝)帶 參觀鼓勵乘坐公共交通污染水、空氣、河流 () 被嚴重污染與污染做保護環(huán)境不受污染交通受阻encourage (more) people to take public transpo

9、rion pollute water/ air/ river( sth. ) be seriously pollutedstop pollution / fight against pollutionprotect sth. (the environment) from being polluted be caught / trapped in a traffic jammeet with traffic jamsobey (follow ) / break traffic lules make use of waste materialsmake full / good use of one

10、s time / money遵守/廢物利用充分利用交通情緒情感61.感到/ 看上去高興不高興be / feel / look happy / pleased with bad/ unhappy aboutdisappoed / angry with sb. / about sth. . surprised / shocked at excited about nervous about bored / lonelysorry for / ashamed of / guilty about proud ofan

11、xious / worried about失望/吃驚興奮/緊張無聊/生氣激動孤獨不好意思/ 慚愧/內疚驕傲焦慮的/ 擔心的 第 4 頁 “名師” 資料室 免費資料任你E其它常用動詞(介詞、副詞)詞組71.72.73.74.同意做/ 答應做agree to do sth. / promise to do expect (sb.) to dodecide to dobe willing to do want to do hope to do prefer to dobe eager to do have to do choose to dobegain / start to do期待(決定做愿意做

12、/)做想做75.76.77.78.不得不做選擇做 開始做讓做l /ask/ ask/ fo make sb. dofail to dob. to do79.80.沒做成 有能力做沒有能力做be able to do / afford to do can not affor to doadvise sb. (賓格)to do suggest sb.(主格)dopersuade sb.(賓格) to do81.建議做說服(了)避免做過去常常做做迫不及待想做做停止做 停下來做做.放棄做 不停地做看到(聽到)允許 做強迫 做執(zhí)意要做做82.83.avoidngused to dobe / get us

13、ed tong cant wait to do84.85.86.cant helpngstopngstop to dostop / prevent sb. from87. upkeepngng正在做see (hear) sb.ngallow sb. to do ( be allowed to do )fob. to do ( be forced to do)insist onng offer to dobe in danger / troublebe late for ( school, the meeting)(sth.)be worthng

14、catch up with sb.94.主動要求做95. 遇到96.(某事)趕上/ 麻煩值得做 第 5 頁 “名師” 答疑室隨時隨地提問互動趕上/ 錯過 (車)趕上(雨、堵車)99. 在與間保持很好的平衡保持膳食平衡節(jié)食catch a train / a bus (miss a train)be caught in a rain / a storm/ a traffic jamkeep a good balance bet keep a balanced dietgo on a dietchange ones mindn and 100.改變主意下定決心幫助make up ones mind

15、(to do )do sb. a favor101.give sb. a helhandhelp sb. / help sb. with sth. help sb. dotry ones best do domake a good effort to do102.盡力做全心奉獻于devote olf to sth.ng)*The doctors devoted themselves to finding a new cure for AIDS.103.be ready to help others help each otherask sb. / turn to sb. for help互相幫

16、助向求助養(yǎng)成做對有利/有害夢想做開闊視野求職面試104. / geto the habit ofng do good / bad (harm) to sb.dream ofng sth.broaden ones horizonapply for a jobhave / take a joberview對上癮在方面起重要作用照顧 be / get addicted to sthplay an important part / role in take care ofchange ones idea according to sth.112.隨著改變想法/調

17、整自己adjust olf to sth.和. 說句話、談話在方面有天賦 對有好/粗魯做好事死于have a word / a talk with sb. have a gift forbe friendly(kind) / rude to sb. do a good deeddie of / frombe different frombe famous for sth. / as sb.與不同以 著稱與 打招呼、告別把介紹給保持健康(體形)sayo / good-bye to sb.rodub./ sth. to sb.keep fit 第 6 頁 “

18、名師” 資料室 免費資料任你123. 因 向道歉say sorry to sb. for apologize to sb. for make sensetake on a new lookleave for a placengng124.有道理、說得通、有意義125.呈現(xiàn)新面貌動身去沖大叫、發(fā)脾氣shousb.減肥了/接

19、讓搭車突然哭/笑起來負責騎車去獲得知識、經歷導致、引起看不起盼望爭吵lose weight / put on weight answer a phone callgive sbl a lift長胖了bursto laughter/ tearsbe in charge of cycle to a placeget/ gain some knowledge / experience lead to sth. / cause / result inlook down uponlook forward to sth./ng sth.quarrel with sb. about sth. remind

20、sb. of sth.see sb. off suffer from die out(sth.) come truehave something / nothing in common with sb. be considered asget to / arrive at / in / reachin other words使想起為送行受折磨實現(xiàn)與有/無共同之處被認為是到達 換句話說在 歲時 因為、由于在開始時 不僅而且使吃驚/高興/失望的是時不時地向往常一樣在去的 那樣的話 一般來講 說實話正如經常發(fā)生的那樣幸運的是/ 不幸的是atofbecause of/ due to/ at the b

21、eginning ofnot only but alsonks toto onerprise / joy/ disappomentfrom time to time as usualon ones way to a place hat casegenerally speaking. to be honestas is often the casefortunay/unfortunay 第 7 頁 “名師” 答疑室 隨時隨地提問互動參考1The web can help us make all kinds of friends, with whom we can easily share our

22、 ideas and feelings. 2Some students waste a lot of time on the web, which, of course, will do harm to / have a bad effect on their study at school.3They think /heir opinion the zoo should be moved to the suburb, where the animals can enjoy morespace , clean water and fresh air.4I dont think the zoo should be moved before we get a bettlan.( a bettlan is made.)Some students think pictures.while others insistwishes.t we should give each teacherbum , in which everyone of us puts one of hist its


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