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1、中國(guó)礦業(yè)大學(xué)成人學(xué)士學(xué)位英語(yǔ)水平考試模擬試卷Part I. Word SpellingDirections: Complete the following sentnences with the proper form of the word given the brackets.1. (desire) Those professors believe that in teaching it is highly _to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve.2.(fairly )Taxing you both where you work and

2、 where you live seems, I think, to be _.6. (subsequent)We had made plans for a visit, but _ difficulties with the car prevented it.7. (nourish) The centre is open throughout the year, to ensure that homeless people can get at least one hot,_meal a day.8. (reluctant) Lucy was not happy as she sensed

3、her husbands great_ to give reasons for what he had done and where he had been to.9. (use)We tried all sorts of medicine and found not all of them_.10.(poison)Some plants have _roots or fruit, so you must be careful before you eat the fruit in the forest.11.(approve) Although they said nothing about

4、 their negative feelings, she could sense their_ of her suggestion.12. (applied) Have you filled in the _form for your passport yet?13.(depend)Now that Joe has got a steady job, he can be financially _.14. (argue) Jack returned from school only to see his parents in the middle of a terrible _ about

5、money.15.(formal) This is an _party. Please feel relaxed and enjoy yourself.16. (vary)Love is eternal and all human beings feel the same whatever cultural _.Part II. Prepostions and AdverbsDirections: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable preposition or adver.2. He has been a complete slave_ dr

6、ink, and can not go without wine even for one day.4. Because the young man never thinks of other people, he is always indifferent _ others feelings.6. Such violent attacks are not compatible _a civilized society.7. I can not get any of the children to volunteer_ work in the school garden.8. I can no

7、t get any of the children to volunteer_ work in the school garden.9.Three years after his successful interview, he took charge_ the marketing section of the company.10.Last summer holiday, many relative rushed to Shanghai for the sights. We were stuck_the unexpected visitors.13. At the meeting, the

8、general manager put much emphasis_ the importance of beginning new markets.14.The young woman impulsively substituted her middle name, Lynne, _her first name,Debbie.15. His past record is surely something he takes pride_.16.After rounds of hard talks, the both parties finally arrived_mutually compro

9、mising solution to the border tensions.Part III. Vocabulary and Structure Directions: Find the right one from among the four choices in A,B,C,and D to complete the sentence.4.The tall man _his head so that he could enter the room.A.sworeB.loweredC.frownedD.ranked5.I firmly believe that this agreemen

10、t will be for _benefitA.realisticB. mutual C.illusiveD.resolved11.The discovery seems to _that people lived here over 10,000years ago.A.confirm.B. suspectC.work outD.overlook12.The management _their workers from accepting tips from customersA.overseesB.compressesC.forbidsD.declines13.If you have no

11、_.I would like to ask your daughter to marry me.A.connectionB.fancyC.objectionD.warmth14.In order to welcome foreign friends to their school, the students spent the morning getting the whole campus clean and_.A.tidyB.internalizedC.exclusiveD.wanderful15.The financial crisis had a _effect on the nati

12、ons economy.A.constructiveB.destructiveC.instructiveD.obstructive16.The _ was to be laid mainly on the traffic in inner city areas.A.importanceB.emphasisC.priorityD.viewpoint17.We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly faxes, phone calls or emails _ through personal co

13、ntacts.A.insteadB.ratherC.to replaceD.instead of18.In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact,_ face-to face conversation.A.required,B.and requirementC.requiringD.to require2o.The decided to carry out the plan _so much opposition.A.despiteB.despiseC.spikeD.desperate21.it is

14、 necessary _ us to finish the whole work before leaving for a holiday.A.toB.forC.ofDon.22._you set a goal for yourself, you will get somewhere some day.A.ThoughB.WhileC.As long asD.Unless23.It was raining hard,_the team stayed indoors and gave up the match.A.on whichB.of whichC.by whichD.for which24

15、.The lecture was_ boring that many listeners fell asleep.A.much tooB.ratherC.soD.such25._ a stone in front of the car, the driver stopped the engine.A.Saw B.See C.SeeingD. Seen Part IV. Reading ComprehensionDirections: Reading the following three passages and complete or answer the questions after e

16、ach passage by choosing the right one from among the four choices in A,B,C,and D.Questions 610 are based on the following passageMinh Pham was born in Vietnam. He left when he was 21 years old. Minh has been in America for almost two years. There is still much he does not understand about America. O

17、nce Minh was in a grocery store. He saw an old man and an old woman. They wanted a box of cereal. The box was on a high shelf. The man and woman couldnt reach it. Minh saw a stepladder. He got on the ladder and got the box. He handed it to the elderly couple. They thanked him. “Where are your childr

18、en ?”asked Minh . “Why dont they help you buy food ?” “Our children have their own lives , ” said the man and woman . “ We like to be independent . ”Minh doesnt think it is right . In his country ,children help their parents . Minh gave the elderly couple his phone number . He told them to call him

19、if they needed help . One night they invited Minh to dinner , but they never asked him for help . One day , Minh was walking with a Vietnamese friend . Two men were going to a movie . Minh wanted to go to a restaurant first . Minh took his friend s hand . He pulled him toward the restaurant. People

20、on the street stared at Minh. In Vietnam ,friends often hold hands. Minh found out that people in America are not used to men holding hands. Minh Pham is going through a process known as resocialization. Socialization is the process in which a person learns to live in a society. Everyone goes throug

21、h this process. Minh went through it when he lived in Vietnam. But it is only the Vietnamese way of life. When Minh came to America, he had to learn a new way of life. He had to learn how to live in a new society. Minh has learned a lot about American life in two years. He still has a lot to learn ,

22、The process of resocialization can take many years.6. The main idea of the passage is that it is difficult to_.A. ignore cultural differences B. learn to live in a new countryC. travel all over the world D. learn to act on ones own7. According to the passage, Minh thought the old couple should_.A. a

23、sk their children to help them B. encourage each other to helpC. rely on themsleves in life D. live a quiet and comfortable life8. What does the word“resocialization” means in Paragraph 6?A. Bringing into public ownership. B. Spending time with others.C. Fitting into a new society. D. Holding hands

24、together.9. It seemed that people felt surprised when they saw Minh and his friends were_.A. Vietnamese. B. overseas students C. holding hands D. quarrelling10. It is hard to _when one comes to a new country.A. learn as many foreign languages as possible,B. get used to the local weather and the clim

25、ateC. communicate with foreign people thereD. avoid culture shock and get used to a new lifeKey: BACCDQuestions 1620 are based on the following passageOne of the strongest arguments for the raising of the school leaving age(ROSLA)has been that it will bring us some way nearer to“equality of opportun

26、ity”. Many people like to think of our present system of schooling as providing plenty of steps up the ladder of success for clever children. It would be good to think that no one who is really bright can be missed out when the state system is obviously so complete. It is obvious, for instance, that

27、 many children from less wealthy homes reach university or do well in other ways. Unfortunately we now have plenty of proofs that many children of every level of ability do much less well than they could. For instance, during the years of national military service it was possible to test the intelli

28、gence of all male 18 to 20 year olds. Half of those soldiers who were placed in the two highest ability groups had left school at 15. It has also been shown that the percentage of working class children going to univer Omsity is almost the same now as it was in 1939. One study of 5,000 children from

29、 birth to 21 years old shows that up to half the bright pupils from working class homes left school when they reached 16 years old. Moreover, there is no difference in intelligence between the sexes, but far more boys than girls stay in education after 16. It is clear from this and many other proofs

30、 that many children are still leaving school too early to benefit from the prizesmoney, social respectability, and interesting jobswhich higher education gives. It is clear too that the reasons why such children leave have much to do with their social background. Their parents often need the extra m

31、oney another money-earner would bring in; they dont value education for itself because their own was probably dull and unhappy. It is not so much that they force their sons and daughters to leave school, rather that they tend to say, “its up to you”.16It is hoped that ROSLA will give all children .

32、Aa more enjoyable time at school Bthe same chances in society Cthe right to a better school Dhigher scores in intelligence tests17People would like to think that . Aequal numbers of poor and wealthy children reach university Bthose with the least money get the best education Cintelligent children ar

33、e always selected by the system Donly really clever children do well18Working class children are thought to be at a disadvantage because . Amany of the clever ones leave school early Bfewer go to university than ever before C.more than half leave school when they are 16 Dfewer boys than girls stay a

34、t school after 1619Many children leave school early because . Atheir social background makes them unhappy Bthey have to give something to their familys income Ctheir school is a dull and unhappy place Dtheir parents dont allow them to make their own decisions20This article shows that equal opportuni

35、ty in education . Ais a thing of the past Bhas not yet been achieved Cis there for those who deserve it Dhas greatly improved our societyKey: BCABBQuestions 2630 are based on the following passageYou Are What You GiveWhat you give your relatives and friends can help you know yourself better. Also, w

36、hat they give you can tell you something about their personality. Most gift-giving (and getting) shows nothing more than the spirit of love and friendship. But it is possible to form some associations between the kinds of things brought and the people who buy them. Here is a guide to who gives what

37、and why.The clothes you wear tell something about your personality. They tell the world not only how you want to be seen but how you see yourself as well. When someone gives you something to wear that agrees with your self-image, theyre saying, “I agree with you. I like you the way you are.” Such a

38、gift should be taken as a form of compliment (贊美). On the other hand, a gift of clothing that doesnt match your personality could be an insult (侮辱) to your character.Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today. If you receive a homemade gift, youre lucky. It may not be

39、made perfectly, but it will show a certain quality of love. Theyve given time and emotion, two important characteristics of being creative.A person who thinks of food when thinking of gift is good example of what human warmth means. Whether you give a box of chocolate, a bag of oranges, or a ball of

40、 cheese, all carry the same message of comfort and support.People who give books as gifts either like reading or would like everyone to think they do. If you happen to receive a large, heavy book, its giver may be much more interested in the way things appear than in the way they actually are. Of co

41、urse, reading is a way of feeling the emotions of another person and of learning new things. Giving a book can be a way of sharing a feeling or newly learn meaning. The giver is probably trying to say to you what the book said to him.26.The first paragraph is written mainly to tell readers that _. A

42、. the gifts you give can help you understand yourself better than any other ways B. there is a certain relationship between the gifts and the people who give them C. the gifts you receive help you learn the personality of the givers D.between relatives and friends a gift may show friendship and love

43、27.A person who likes the self-image of another person will give the latter a gift _. A. fashionable and expensiveB. made at home by himself C. that agrees with the personality of the receiverD. that matches the character of the giver28. If you give a large book as a gift, it may show that _. A. you

44、 enjoy reading and will be successful in writing B. the receiver is interested in reading and hopes to be a writer C. you want to share with others a certain feeling D. you are more interested in the appearance than in its contents29. People who want to show their love toward others often give _. A.

45、 homemade gifts B. delicious food C. expensive clothes D. interesting book30. What kind of message is communicated by a gift of food? A. A supportive one. B. A generous one. C. A creative one. D. An unusual one.Key: CDDAAWe have saved as a final set of emotions, the two most important emotions conne

46、cted with other people: love and its opposite, hate. Love can be seen everywhere. Yet surprisingly, love has been the subject of less scientific research than other emotions, such as anger and fear. The reason for this may be twofold. First, love is a very complex emotion, difficult to describe and

47、measure. Secondly, unlike many radical emotions, radical love is generally not a problem; thus less medical attention has been paid to it.What is love? This is a complex question and requires a complex answer. Love is a strong, positive attraction and feeling for another person or thing. But it is m

48、ore than this. It also involves feelings of caring, protection, excitement, and tenderness. When two people are in love they feel drawn to one another, they greatly enjoy each others company, and they may be sexually attracted to one another.Sometimes it is easier to think in terms of different kind

49、s of love: romantic love, brotherly love, and so forth. Though they are different in some respects, they share one important characteristic: a strong positive feeling toward another.Our feelings toward other people are often complex. We may love someone and, at the same time, be angry with him. Or w

50、e may love someone, even though we are jealous of him. We might even love someone and, at the same time, hate him for the same precise reason.Hate is a strong negative emotion toward someone, and is due to anger, jealousy, or some other factors. Like love, hate can be a very strong emotion. It can a

51、lso be very dangerous. The question is often asked, Is it bad to hate? The best answer is probably Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Usually hate does not help us; it makes us feel unhappy and makes us do things that may hurt others. However, sometimes it may be necessary to hate and hurt someone in o

52、rder to protect loved ones.36. We might need hate, because it can help us _.A. be strong B. protect ourselves C. defend others D. understand love for others 37. Which characteristic is shared by different kinds of love?A strong respectful feeling toward another. A strong negative emotion toward some

53、one. A strong jealous feeling toward someone. A strong positive feeling toward another. 38. Why doesnt scientific research pay attention to love?A. Because love is very rare. B. Because love is very complex. C. Because radical love is dangerous. D. Because love is not important. 39. According to the

54、 passage, hate is caused by _.A. fear, danger and hurt B. caring, protection, excitement and tenderness C. anger, jealousy or some other factors D. complex, strong positive emotions 40. Love is a feeling that is the opposite of _.A. anger B. hate C. fear D. jealousy Key: CABCBPart V. Cloze TestDirec

55、tions: Read the following passage and fill the blanks with right one from among the four choices of A,B,C and D.Cloze Test IChoosing your life partner is a decision that requires very careful thought.Getting married is something you do not want to take(1).Divorce(2)around the world are increasing ev

56、ery year. And in some countries they are now as high as 50(3)! If you dont want to (4) heart-broken, take the advice and follow these rules to help you choose your perfect partner.First of all,you and your partner should be (5).You need to know that you (6) a common purpose in life.You and your part

57、ner should have similiar goals and ambitions that you can work toward achieving throughout your married life.It will be difficult to (7)your marriage together if your partner wants to travel the world (8) having children,but you want to stay at home and raise a large family.Find out what your intend

58、ed spouses life goals are long befoer you tie the knot. Next, ask yourself this questions: Is my partner a person (9)whom I can share my innermost thoughts and feelings? In other words,can you be (10) honest and open with this preson,or you sometimes feel shy and(11) telling her how you feel? If you

59、r situation is (12), then you have probably found your true love. If, however,it is (13), take your time before you make plans to walk down the aisle with this person. Third, only marry someone who has qualities you admire. If you respect people who work hard , you should marry someone who is hardwo

60、rking , not someone who is lazy or easygoing . Fourth, marry a person who is polite and kind to others; they (14) polite and kind to you. In my experience, you can learn a lot about the true nature of a person by watching (15) he or she treats other people. A person who is kind and (16) to family an


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