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1、lenary sessi on, eachsessionoftheCentral Committee of nati onal i nstituti ons and personnelprobl ems havebee narranged,you can conce ntrateon nationaldevelopment and reforms.Previousplenary se ssi on is often brandedwith acentralleadi ngcollective, oftenbyl ooki ng atthe t hird plenum ofthe init ia

2、tive to found the current centrallea dership collectivegover nance characteri stics.From theanalysis oftheprocessofeconomicreform inChina, plenarysessi on, 12session,14,16 plenary session have programmaticmeani ng,respective ly,markingt hefour stages ofChinas economi c reform,and thatthe start-up ph

3、aseof reform,reform, construction phaseand perfectingthe Socialistmarket economyframeworkstage of socialistmarketeconomy.Previous pl enaryse ssi ontopics pr oposedtothe t hirdplenarysessoin oftaking classstruggleas thekeyli nk,shiftedto sociali st modernizati on;12sessionmarke d the changefrom rural

4、to urba n,esta blishedwit h publi cow nershipas theFoundation ofaplanned commodityeconomy;13session at atime w he n bot hthe old a nd the newsystem change, governa ncea nd re ctifythe economic order;14 .Fairandefficie ntand authoritative Socialistjudicial system,safeguard the peoples i nterests.Lega

5、l authorityto upholdt he Constituti on, deepeni ngthe reformofadministrative law enforcement, e nsurethatthe rig htto exercisejudicial pow erindepe ndently andimpartiallyaccordingt o lawthe prosecution,perfectingthe running mechanismofjudicialpow er,impr ovethesy stem ofjudi cialpr otecti on of huma

6、n rig hts.Pl enaryse ssion,Affairsthe righttoadheret othe system,a nd lett hepe opl eaut horitytoletthe powerrun in theSun, isshutupinacageofthe systempower policy.Decisi onScience, impl ementation shoul dbe constructedstr ong, supervise t he running ofpowerfulsystem,improvethesy stem ofpunishingand

7、 preventing corr uption,pr omoting politi calintegrit y,and str ive toa chievecadre s honestand Governmentintegrity, clea npol itics.oform ascientificand effective coordinationofpower re striction and mechanismstostrengt hen a nti-corruptioninstitutionalinnovation and institutionalprote ction,sound

8、impr ovementstyle normal system.Plenaryse ssoin, buildinga soci alistculturein Chnia, e nhanci ng nationalculturalsoftpower,mustadhere tothe ori entationofadvanced Social istculture,a dhere to thedevelopmentofSocialist culturewith Chinesecharacteristi cs,adheret othe people-centre dwork -orie nted,f

9、urther dee peni ng reformofcult ure.o improve thecult ural manageme ntsystem,establi shand impr ovethe modern market systemand building moder n publi ccultural servi cesystem,improve thelevel ofcult ureopeni ng.Ple naryse ssion, achieving devel opment re sults more equitable benefitof allpeopl e,we

10、must spee d upreformofsocia l programs a nd solve thei ssuesofconcernto t he pe opl e themost directand reali nterest, andbettermeet theneeds ofthe people.o deepe neducation reform, improve instituti onal me chanismsfortherapiddeve lopme ntofthe marketeconomy environmenttoexplore public servants dut

11、yconsumpti on monetization reform hasprovided agood foundation. Thesocializationofrearservicework has been launche d, andrapi d progre ss in someplacesa nd departments, duty consumption monetiza tion ofcarriera nd a pproachto management has beenresolve d.Thir d,inre centyears,explori ngthemonetizati

12、 onof dutyconsumption has made some progress,have gainedsomeexperi enceand can provi de reference to thecompre hensive reform ofthesystem ofpublicserva nts duty consumpt ionfurther.Impl ementinga n honestca nteen, sta ndar dizeofficiale ntertaini ng manageme nt;enhancingthe telecommunication expe ns

13、emanagement; eliminationofCounty travelandcountrysi desubsi dies;research village officialscapitalizati onma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng, a nd so on.Finally,gr oup .18sessionto beheld in Bei jingfrom November9,2013to 12th. 35years ago blewthethird plenary sessionofthe reformand opening up in thesp

14、ri ngbreeze,change d,affectthew orld;t oday,35yearslate r,int heeyesofthe nation andtheworldex pect,again to reformmarkChina, usheredinthe 18sessi on.XI GeneralSe cretary pointedout t hatChinas reformha s entere d acrucial period and theSham ShuiPo Di strict,must beba sed ongreater political courage

15、 andwisdom,l ose notimein deepeni ng reform in importantfields. Darestocrack a hard nut,darestoquesti ontheRapids,whichdarestobreakthe barrier ofideas, a nd dare to benefit cure barri ers. De epening reformand openingup ison sche dul etoachieve institutionalsafeguardsofthemoderately well-off. Undert

16、hefive inonethe General layout ofsoci alist modernizati on re quireme nts,18sessi on ofthe decisi on was afive inoneand theim provement ofoverallschemeofreform,willpromotea nintegrateda nd coordi natedeconomic, politi cal,cultural, socialand e col ogical civilizati on constructionofthe fivereforms a

17、nd thepartysconstruction inthearea ofinstitutionalreform.The fivein one programme istoachi eve acompre hensive reformofinstitutional guaranteesforobje ctives ofbuild awell -offsociety, t hesmooth progress ofthe construction ofawe ll-offsociety and reform theobjectivesofthe programme.One, holdi ngtim

18、eand pla ce importanceon November9,2013tothe18 se ssion of the12thBeijing si nce1978,35,have been 7plenarysessi on, each time on majorissuesof politicala nd economi clifeofthe count ryhasmadeim portant depl oyment. In accordancewit h PRC politi calpra ctice, often at everysessi on ofthe CPC Central

19、Committeeinaplenary sessi on was held immediately afterthepartysCongress, onthetheme personnel,discussingel ectionCentralstop lea ders,suchas t he ele ction ofthe Standing Committee of the polit cal Burea u,thr oughthe CentralCommitteemembers,decisions,such as membersofthe CentralMilitary Commissi o

20、n.These cond pl enary sessi on,i s hel d intwo sessi ons before thegeneralelection, mainlyt odiscussa ne w Statepersonnelissues.But bythe thir d安全生產(chǎn)管理規(guī)章制度和操作規(guī)程清單一、 各崗位制度安全教育制度為貫徹安全第一、預(yù)防為主的方針,加強公司職工安全培訓(xùn)教育工作,增強職工的安全意識和安全防護能力,減少傷亡事故的發(fā)生,制定本制度。公司所有職工必須定期接受安全培訓(xùn)教育,堅持先培訓(xùn)、后上崗的制度。公司職工每年必須接受一次專門的安全培訓(xùn)。安全培訓(xùn)制度公司新

21、進場的職工,必須接受公司安全培訓(xùn)教育,方能上崗。公司安全培訓(xùn)教育的主要內(nèi)容是:( 1)國家和地方有關(guān)安全生產(chǎn)的方針、政策、法規(guī)、標準、規(guī)范、規(guī)程和企業(yè)的安全規(guī)章制度等。培訓(xùn)教育的時間不得少于15 學(xué)時。(2)公司安全制度、施工現(xiàn)場環(huán)境、生產(chǎn)工藝特點及可能存在的不安全因素等。培訓(xùn)教育的時間不得少于15 學(xué)時。(3)本崗位的安全操作規(guī)程、事故案例剖析、勞動紀律和崗位講評等。培訓(xùn)教育的時間不得少于20 學(xué)時。勞動用品發(fā)放管理制度為保障員工安全生產(chǎn),加強勞動保護,合理使用勞動護品,特制定本制度:( 1 )各類勞動護品由公司統(tǒng)一購買并進行管理,發(fā)放部門要建立個人領(lǐng)用卡(或檔案),領(lǐng)用者要在卡在簽名。(

22、2)購買勞動護品要本著實用、耐用的原則,切實起到保護職工健康rapiddeve lopme ntofthe marketeconomy environmenttoexpl ore publi c servants dutyconsumpti on monetizati on reformhas provided agood foundation. Thesocializationofrearservicework has been la unche d, andrapi d progre ss in somepl aces and departme nts, duty consumption

23、monetization ofcarriera nd a pproachto manageme nt has beenresolve d.Thir d,inre centyears,explori ngthemonetizati on of duty consumption ha s made some progress,have gainedsomeexperi enceand ca n provi de reference to the compre hensive reform ofthesystem ofpublicserva nts duty consumpt ionfurther.

24、Impl ementinga n honestca nteen ,sta ndar dizeofficiale ntertaini ng manageme nt;enhancingt he telecommuni cation expe nsemanag ement; elimi nation ofCounty travelandcountrysi desubsi dies;research village officialscapitalizati onma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng, a nd so on.Finally,gr oup .18session

25、to beheld i n Bei jingfrom November9, 2013to 12th. 35years ago blewthethird plenary sessionofthe reformand openi ng up in thespri ngbreeze,change d,affectthew orld;t oday,35yearslate r,int he eyesofthe nationand theworldex pect,agai n to reformmarkChi na, usheredinthe 18 sessi on.XI GeneralSe cretar

26、y pointed out t hatChi nas reformha s ent ere d acrucial period and theS ham Shui Po Di strict,must beba sed ongreater political courage andwisdom,l ose notimein deepeni ng reform in importantfields. Darestocrack a hard nut,darestoquesti ontheRapids,whichdarestobreakthe barrier ofideas,a nd dare to

27、benefit cure barri ers. De epening reformand openingup ison sche dul etoachieve institutionalsafeguardsofthemoderately well-off. Underthefive inonethe General layout ofsoci alist modernizati on re quireme nts,18 sessi on ofthe de cisi on was afive in oneand theim provement ofoverallschemeofreform,wi

28、llpromotea nintegrateda nd coordi natedeconomic, politi cal,cultural, socialand e col ogical civilizati on constructionofthe fivereforms and thepartys construction inthearea ofnstitutionalreform.The fivein one programme istoachi eve acompre hensive reformofinstitutional guarantee sforobje ctives ofb

29、uild awell -offsociety, t hesmooth progress ofthe construction ofawe ll-offsociety a nd reform theobjectivesofthe programme.One, holdi ngtimeand pla ce importanceon November9,2013tothe18 se ssion of the12th Beijing si nce 1978,35,have been 7plenary sessi on, each time on majorissuesof politicala nd

30、economi clifeofthe count ryhasmadeim portant depl oym ent. In accordancewit h PRC politi calpra ctice, often at everysessi on ofthe CPC Central Committeeinaplenary sessi on was held immediately afterthepartysCongress, onthetheme personnel,discussingel ectionCentralstop lea ders,suchas t he ele ction

31、 ofthe Standing Committee of the politi cal Burea u,thr oughthe CentralCommitteemembers,deci sions,such as mem bersofthe Ce ntralMilitary Commissi on.These cond pl enary sessi on,i s hel d intwo sessi ons before thegeneralel ection, mainlyt odiscu ssa ne w Statepersonnelissues.But bythe thir d的作用。(3

32、)嚴格按照公司制定的勞動護品配備標準和時間發(fā)放。(4)勞動護品是保障員工健康安全的維護品,生產(chǎn)崗位必須嚴格按要求合理使用勞動護品,不得將勞動護品變?yōu)榧彝ジ@?。?)如遇特殊情況,需用特殊勞動護品時,使用單位要提出申請,經(jīng)總經(jīng)理審批后配置。(6)生產(chǎn)部根據(jù)崗位不同或崗位調(diào)整情況,在規(guī)定的范圍內(nèi),靈活掌握發(fā)放崗位及標準。(7)新入廠員工試用期滿后可享受勞動護品,離職或被辭退員工要將崗位固用勞動護品上交,辦好各項交接手續(xù)后方可離廠。設(shè)備安全管理制度為保證各種施工機械設(shè)備的安全使用,必須達到安全生產(chǎn),防止各類事故發(fā)生,特定本安全制度:( 1 ) 各種機械設(shè)備,必須設(shè)置有專業(yè)技術(shù)的人員專人操作,專人看管

33、,實行掛牌制度并有明確的安全操作規(guī)程,同時設(shè)備四周必須設(shè)置可靠安全 防護 裝置。各種機械設(shè)備要實行定期進行檢測、維修、 保養(yǎng)。設(shè)備使用完后要及時切斷電源,同時進行設(shè)備的衛(wèi)生清理,保持設(shè)備的整潔。購進的設(shè)備要進行驗收檢測,要按設(shè)備的說明書要求掌握操作要領(lǐng), 設(shè)備驗收時要有生產(chǎn)廠家的生產(chǎn)許可證書和產(chǎn)品合證書,通過驗收,要保證設(shè)備完好無損、資料齊全。并檢驗合格后方可投人使用。要按規(guī)定不超齡使用設(shè)備,設(shè)備到期后立即報廢。不向不具備相應(yīng)資質(zhì)的企業(yè)和生產(chǎn)廠家購買和出租各種機械設(shè)備。設(shè)備的拆卸和安裝必須由具有相應(yīng)專業(yè)資質(zhì)的企業(yè)和單位進行拆rapiddeve lopme ntofthe marketecono

34、my environmenttoexpl ore publi c servants dutyconsumpti on monetizati on reformhas provided agood foundation. Thesocializationofrearservicework has been la unche d, andrapi d progre ss in somepl aces and departme nts, duty consumption monetization ofcarriera nd a pproachto manageme nt has beenresolv

35、e d.Thir d,inre centyears,explori ngthemonetizati on of duty consumption ha s made some progress,have gainedsom eexperi enceand ca n provi de reference to the compre hensive reform ofthesystem ofpublicserva nts duty consumpt ionfurther.Im pl ementinga n honestca nteen, sta ndar dizeofficiale ntertai

36、ni ng manageme nt;enhancingt he telecommuni cation expe nsemanag em ent;elimi nation ofCounty travelandcountrysi desubsi dies;research village officialscapitalizati onma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng, a nd so on.Finally,gr oup .18sessionto beheld i n Bei jingfrom November9, 2013to 12th. 35years ago

37、blewthethird plenary sessionofthe reformand opening up in thespri ngbreeze,change d,affectthew orld;t oday,35yearslate r,int he eyesofthe nationand theworldex pect,agai n to reformmarkChi na, usheredinthe 18 sessi on.XI GeneralSe cretary pointed out t hatChi nas reformha s entere d acrucial period a

38、nd theS ham Shui Po Di strict,must beba sed ongreater political courage andwisdom,l ose notimein deepeni ng reform in importantfields. Darestocrack a hard nut,darestoquesti ontheRapids,which dares t obreakthe barrier ofideas, a nd dare to benefit cure barri ers. De epening reformand openingup ison s

39、che dul etoachieve institutionalsafeguardsofthemoderately well-off. Underthefive inonethe General layout ofsoci alist modernizati on re quireme nts,18 sessi on ofthe de cisi on was afive in oneand theim provement ofoverallschemeofreform,willpromotea nintegrat ed a nd coordi natedeconomic, politi cal

40、,cultural, socialand e col ogical civilizati on constructionofthe fivereforms and thepartys construction inthearea ofinstitutionalreform.The fivein one programme istoachi eve acomprehens sive reformofinstitutional guarantee sforobje ctives ofbuild awell -offsociety, t hesmooth progress ofthe constru

41、ction ofawe ll-offsociety a nd reform theobjectivesofthe programme.One, holdi ngtimeand pla ce importanceon November9,2013tothe18 se ssion of the12th Beijing si nce 1978,35,have been 7plenary sessi on, each time on majorissuesof politicala nd economi clifeofthe count ryhasmadeim portant depl oyment.

42、 In accordancewit h PRC politi calpra ctice, often at everysessi on ofthe CPC Central Committeeinaplenary sessi on was held immediately afterthepartysCongress, onthetheme personnel,discussingel ectionCentralstop lea ders,suchas t he ele ction ofthe Standing Committee of the politi cal Burea u,thr ou

43、ghthe CentralCommitteemembers,deci sions,such as mem bersofthe Ce ntralMilitary Commissi on.These cond pl enary sessi on,i s hel d intwo sessi ons before thegeneralel ection, mainlyt odiscussa ne w Statepersonnelissues.But bythe thir卸和安裝,并由具有相應(yīng)專業(yè)資質(zhì)的企業(yè)和單位進行檢測合格后方可使用。防火、防爆管理制度為確保本公司安全生產(chǎn),加強本公司作業(yè)場所防火、防爆

44、、安全管理,杜絕相關(guān)事故的發(fā)生,特制定本制度:( 1 )嚴格遵守安全條例中關(guān)于易燃易爆和有毒有害物品保管和使用方面的有關(guān)規(guī)定;( 2)生產(chǎn)車間、庫房配置消防器材,擺放位置合理,有明顯標志,相關(guān)人員應(yīng)熟練掌握使用方法;(3)消防器材、壓力容器由安全經(jīng)理負責監(jiān)控使用狀態(tài)和使用周期,不合格者或超出檢驗周期的消防器材和壓力容器嚴禁使用;(4)所有作業(yè)場所堅決杜絕明火,嚴禁吸煙;防塵、防毒管理制度( 1 )要認真做好防塵、防毒工作,采取綜合措施,消除塵毒危害,不斷改善開動條件,保障職工安全健康,實現(xiàn)安全文明生產(chǎn)。( 2)要限制有毒、有害物料的使用,防止粉塵、毒物的泄漏和擴散,保持作業(yè)場所符合國家規(guī)定的衛(wèi)

45、生標準,應(yīng)采取有效防護措施,減少人員與塵毒物料的接觸。( 3)對有毒、有害物質(zhì)的生產(chǎn)過程,應(yīng)采用密閉的設(shè)備和隔離操作,以無毒或低毒物代替毒害大的物料,革新工藝實現(xiàn)機械化、連續(xù)化。(4)在生產(chǎn)過程中,對散發(fā)出的有毒、有害物質(zhì),要采取回收綜合利用和凈化處理措施。(5)對于容易泄漏或散發(fā)有毒氣體、液體的工藝設(shè)備,要加強計劃檢修,提高檢修質(zhì)量,嚴格控制跑、冒、滴、漏,對排毒防塵,通、排風rapiddeve lopme ntofthe marketeconomy environmenttoexpl ore publi c servants dutyconsumpti on monetizati on r

46、eformhas provided agood foundation. Thesocializationofrearservicework has been la unche d, andrapi d progre ss in somepl aces and departme nts, duty consumption monetization ofcarriera nd a pproachto manageme nt has beenresolve d.Thir d,inre centyears,explori ngthemonetizati on of duty consumption h

47、a s made some progress,have gainedsomeexperi enceand ca n provi de reference to the compre hensive reform ofthesystem ofpublicserva nts duty consumpt ionfurther.Impl ementinga n honestca nteen ,sta ndar dizeofficiale ntertaini ng manageme nt;enhancingt he telecommuni cation expe nsemanag ement; elim

48、i nation ofCounty travelandcountrysi desubsi dies;research village officialscapitalizati onma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng, a nd so on.Finally,gr oup .18sessionto beheld i n Bei jingfrom November9, 2013to 12th. 35years ago blewthethird plenary sessionofthe reformand openi ng up in thespri ngbreeze,

49、change d,affectthew orld;t oday,35yearslate r,int he eyesofthe nationand theworldex pect,agai n to reformmarkChi na, usheredinthe 18 sessi on.XI GeneralSe cretary pointed out t hatChi nas reformha s ent ere d acrucial period and theS ham Shui Po Di strict,must beba sed ongreater political courage an

50、dwisdom,l ose notimein deepeni ng reform in importantfields. Darestocrack a hard nut,darestoquesti ontheRapids,whichdarestobreakthe barrier ofideas,a nd dare to benefit cure barri ers. De epening reformand openingup ison sche dul etoachieve institutionalsafeguardsofthemoderately well-off. Underthefi

51、ve inonethe General layout ofsoci alist modernizati on re quireme nts,18 sessi on ofthe de cisi on was afive in oneand theim provement ofoverallschemeofreform,willpromotea nintegrateda nd coordi natedeconomic, politi cal,cultural, socialand e col ogical civilizati on constructionofthe fivereforms an

52、d thepartys construction inthearea ofnstitutionalreform.The fivein one programme istoachi eve acompre hensive reformofinstitutional guarantee sforobje ctives ofbuild awell -offsociety, t hesmooth progress ofthe construction ofawe ll-offsociety a nd reform theobjectivesofthe programme.One, holdi ngti

53、meand pla ce importanceon November9,2013tothe18 se ssion of the12th Beijing si nce 1978,35,have been 7plenary sessi on, each time on majorissuesof politicala nd economi clifeofthe count ryhasmadeim portant depl oym ent. In accordancewit h PRC politi calpra ctice, often at everysessi on ofthe CPC Cen

54、tral Committeeinaplenary sessi on was held immediately afterthepartysCongress, onthetheme personnel,discussingel ectionCentralstop lea ders,suchas t he ele ction ofthe Standing Committee of the politi cal Burea u,thr oughthe CentralCommitteemembers,deci sions,such as mem bersofthe Ce ntralMilitary C

55、ommissi on.These cond pl enary sessi on,i s hel d intwo sessi ons before thegeneralel ection, mainlyt odiscu ssa ne w Statepersonnelissues.But bythe thir d裝置要加強管理,搞好維護保養(yǎng),不得擅自移置他用和拆除。( 6)保證防塵、防毒管理制度的執(zhí)行,教育員工嚴格遵守規(guī)章制度,對防塵、防毒工作有突出貢獻者要予以表彰和獎勵。作業(yè)場所職業(yè)衛(wèi)生管理制度( 1 )建立健全的個人防護用品發(fā)放制度,嚴格把好個人防護用品的購置關(guān),根據(jù)各工序職業(yè)病危害因素的種類

56、,制定個人防護用品的發(fā)放標準表,合理發(fā)放個人防護用品,做好發(fā)放個人防護用品的登記和管理。(2)必須做好職業(yè)病防治法律、法規(guī)及其相關(guān)衛(wèi)生知識的培訓(xùn)工作,并形成制度長抓不懈。(3)車間工人必須參加結(jié)合本單位職業(yè)病危害的特點而設(shè)的上崗前職業(yè)衛(wèi)生培訓(xùn)和在崗期間的定期職業(yè)衛(wèi)生培訓(xùn),用人單位應(yīng)設(shè)立考核管理和文字培訓(xùn)資料。(4)產(chǎn)生有毒有害及其它有害因素的生產(chǎn)場所應(yīng)采用密封、通風、吸塵、凈化等防護措施,并與生產(chǎn)設(shè)備同步運行。(5)建立健全的有毒有害原材料的選購、運輸、貯存、使用及銷售管理制度 ,選購原材料應(yīng)以無毒無害或者低毒低害為原則。安全檢查和隱患整改管理制度安全檢查制度:( 1 )工作區(qū)域的安全性:注意

57、周圍環(huán)境衛(wèi)生,工序通道暢通,地面平整。(2)使用材料的安全性:注意堆放或儲藏方式,材料有無毒性、污染或特殊要求,運輸、搬運手段等情況。(3)工具的安全性:注意是否齊全、清潔、有無損壞,有何特殊使用規(guī)定、操作方法等。rapiddeve lopme ntofthe marketeconomy environmenttoexpl ore publi c servants dutyconsumpti on monetizati on reformhas provided agood foundation. Thesocializationofrearservicework has been la un

58、che d, andrapi d progre ss in somepl aces and departme nts, duty consumption monetization ofcarriera nd a pproachto manageme nt has beenresolve d.Thir d,inre centyears,explori ngthemonetizati on of duty consumption ha s made some progress,have gainedsom eexperi enceand ca n provi de reference to the

59、 compre hensive reform ofthesystem ofpublicserva nts duty consumpt ionfurther.Im pl ementinga n honestca nteen, sta ndar dizeofficiale ntertaini ng manageme nt;enhancingt he telecommuni cation expe nsemanag em ent;elimi nation ofCounty travelandcountrysi desubsi dies;research village officialscapita

60、lizati onma nagement ofcorporatespendi ng, a nd so on.Finally,gr oup .18sessionto beheld i n Bei jingfrom November9, 2013to 12th. 35years ago blewthethird plenary sessionofthe reformand opening up in thespri ngbreeze,change d,affectthew orld;t oday,35yearslate r,int he eyesofthe nationand theworldex


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