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1、閱讀理解細(xì)節(jié)理解題解題技巧盡管近幾年高考英語閱讀試題中推斷題呈不斷上升的趨勢(shì),但細(xì)節(jié)題仍然占有較大比例,而且已由過去簡單的對(duì)號(hào)入座直接答題轉(zhuǎn)向通過語句的同義或反義轉(zhuǎn)換來考查同學(xué)們 對(duì)英語語言的理解能力,因此難度比往年有所增加。一、題型特點(diǎn)與命題方式所謂細(xì)節(jié)題,是指原文提到了某事物、現(xiàn)象或理論,題干針對(duì)原文具體敘述本身發(fā)問。一般包括直接理解題 (在原文中可直接找到答案,常用who, what, when, where, why和how等提問。)語義轉(zhuǎn)化題(需要將題目信息與原文相關(guān)信息進(jìn)行語義上的轉(zhuǎn)換,兩者存在表達(dá)上的差異,有時(shí)需要進(jìn)行加工或整理后方能得出結(jié)論) 、數(shù)字計(jì)算題、排列順序題、圖 表圖

2、畫題等。抓住文段中的事實(shí)和細(xì)節(jié)是做好該題型的關(guān)鍵,也是做好其它類型問題的基 礎(chǔ)。這類題型的題干常為:When / Where did the story happen?Which of the following statements is (not) correct?Which of the following statements is (not) mentioned in the passage?Which is the right order of the events given in the passage?All the statements are true except該題型

3、幾乎都可以在文章中直接找到與答案有關(guān)的信息,或是其變體。所以,搜查信息在閱讀中非常重要,它包括理解作者在敘述某事時(shí)使用的具體事實(shí)、數(shù)據(jù)、圖表等細(xì)節(jié)信息。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都屬于這類圍繞主體展開的細(xì)節(jié)。做這類題一般采用尋讀法,即先讀題,然后帶著問題快速閱讀短文,找出與問題有關(guān)的詞語或句子,再對(duì)相關(guān)部分進(jìn)行分析對(duì)比,找出答案。二、解題思路與應(yīng)試技巧細(xì)節(jié)題是針對(duì)文中某個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)、某句話或某部分具體內(nèi)容設(shè)置問題,正確答案的根據(jù)一定可以在原文中找到,即原文的改寫往往成為正確選項(xiàng)。通常細(xì)節(jié)題的正確選項(xiàng)有以下特征:1、對(duì)原文句子中的關(guān)鍵詞進(jìn)行替換。把原文中的一些詞換成意義相近的詞,成為正確 選項(xiàng)。2、詞性或

4、者語態(tài)的變化。把原文中的一些詞變換一下詞性,或者改變?cè)木渥拥恼Z態(tài),給考生制造障礙。3、語言簡化。把原文中的復(fù)雜語言現(xiàn)象進(jìn)行簡化,成為正確答案。4、正話反說。把原文中的意思反過來表達(dá)而成為正確選項(xiàng)(適用于尋找錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)的題 目)。干擾項(xiàng)也是以文章中的某個(gè)細(xì)節(jié)設(shè)題,若不仔細(xì)辨別,很容易把它當(dāng)成正確選項(xiàng)。 干擾項(xiàng)有以下特征:1、將原文內(nèi)容擴(kuò)大或縮小。把原文中的限定詞去掉或替換,使該選項(xiàng)看似正確,實(shí)際 上卻是錯(cuò)誤選項(xiàng)。2、把未然當(dāng)已然。改變文中某句話的時(shí)態(tài),如把將來時(shí)變成現(xiàn)在時(shí),把未發(fā)生的事情 當(dāng)成已發(fā)生的事情。3、無中生有。即選項(xiàng)內(nèi)容是根據(jù)主觀想象或推測(cè)得出的結(jié)論,而文中并未涉及。4、偷換概念。把原

5、來做該事的 張三”換成李四”,所述細(xì)節(jié)確實(shí)與原文一致,一不小心就會(huì)誤選。5、文不對(duì)題。這類題最不容易辨別,選項(xiàng)中的描述與原文完全一致,確屬原文中的一 個(gè)細(xì)節(jié),這時(shí)要回到題干,看該選項(xiàng)是否能回答題干所提的問題。下面結(jié)合最新高考試題,對(duì)細(xì)節(jié)題的不同類型加以解讀。這類題型主要有三種形式:問句式,不完整的陳述句和排除法。1.問句式A.其發(fā)問形式主要有以下幾種:How did something happen?Which of the following people should(not) do it?Which of the following did somebody have to deal w

6、ith. ?Where should somebody do something?B.解題技巧在解這類題時(shí),可采用對(duì)號(hào)入座”的辦法,即帶著問題找句子,先看文章后面的問題(這常常被認(rèn)為是非常有效的方法),注意記憶關(guān)鍵的詞語,如。人物、時(shí)間、事件等,確定每道題目的發(fā)問中心, 也,就是說,某個(gè)問題是針對(duì)什么提問的。這樣我們就可以帶著問題去 閱讀文章,做到有的放矢。把每個(gè)問題的發(fā)問中心反饋到原文中去。當(dāng)讀到有關(guān)解答發(fā)問中心的信息時(shí),可在有關(guān) 信息下面畫一直線以示突出。如果問題的順序沒有按順序給出,可以在原文信息下畫線的同時(shí),把問題的題號(hào)也標(biāo)出來,便于最后檢查,并節(jié)約時(shí)間。在原文中找出對(duì)發(fā)問中心的解答信

7、息后,可把原文信息放到問題中去,與每一選項(xiàng)進(jìn)行對(duì)照,與原文信息相符的那項(xiàng),即是正確的答案。Cattle have served humanity since prehistoric( 史前)days as beasts of burden and as supplier of leather, meat, and milk. Some of the earliest written records concern the sale of cattle. These valuable animals are unusual in that they do not have front teeth

8、 in their upper jaw. Instead they chew with their back teeth and gums ( 齒昔艮).Cows swallow their food quickly and store it in the fat stomach or rumen, the first of the four compartments stomachs in their.Questions: According to the passage, what is the rumen?The first stomach compartment.The name of

9、 the upper jaw.The stomach where digestion (消化)takes place.The name of the bacteria(細(xì)菌)in the cows stomach.帶著發(fā)問中心及選擇項(xiàng)目閱讀原文。當(dāng)我們讀到rumen這個(gè)詞時(shí),可在它下面畫一橫線,緊接此詞下面句 first of the four compartments in their stomachs ,正是解釋 rumen 的, 可在 它的下面畫一虛線并可標(biāo)出題號(hào)和選擇項(xiàng)。.不完整的陳述句式A.常見形式有:Something can be best classified as .A ce

10、rtain kind of person is someone who .People are looking for better ways to .According to the author, “it was caused by.B.解題技巧:這類題的答案與原文在字面上的差異很大,有時(shí)還要找出與前句的內(nèi)容在邏輯上的聯(lián)系,因此答這類題時(shí)準(zhǔn)確理解是關(guān)鍵,一定要冷靜,仔細(xì)分析。在做不完整的陳述式題目時(shí)候, 仍可參考上面列舉的解題步驟。第一步,閱讀題目,找出問題的發(fā)問中心。第二步,帶著這 些問題來閱讀文章。第三步,根據(jù)前兩步的分析和判斷,選擇出最符合題意的答案。.排除式A.常見形式有:Whic

11、h of the following are NOT mentioned in the passage?Which of the following is TRUE?Which of the following is NOT listed in . ?Which of the following is NOT included in the passage?B.解題技巧:做這類題時(shí),首先要仔細(xì)閱讀題后的選項(xiàng),牢記各個(gè)選項(xiàng)所闡述的不同內(nèi)容,然后閱讀原文。凡是原文中的信息與選擇項(xiàng)內(nèi)容相同的,我們可以在這些信息下面劃線,以作為排除的內(nèi)容。如果基本選項(xiàng)的內(nèi)容在原文找不到相應(yīng)的信息,那么該選項(xiàng)即為該題的

12、答案。這類題與前兩種題型不同, 后者答案應(yīng)包括在原文內(nèi)容中, 即與所述的事實(shí)具有直接或間接的聯(lián) 系,而前者的答案是被排除在原文內(nèi)容之外的,因此在答題時(shí)要將與原文內(nèi)容有關(guān)的三個(gè)選項(xiàng)排除,剩下的一個(gè)才是答案。Life on LandLife on land probably began about 430 million years ago, though it has existed in the water for perhaps as long as 3000 million years. When we think of the first life on land, we probabl

13、y think of strange animals coming out of the oceans, but, in fact ,no animals could have been living if plants had not been on land first. Plants had to be on land before animals arrived. They supplied the first land animals with the surrounding and food necessary, since they-the plants are the only

14、 form of life that is able to get and store energy.The first plants to exist out of the water were probably certain kinds of algae ( 海藻)which were followed by other plants that grew close to the ground and needed water in which to reproduce.Which of the following is TRUE?Algae have existed for more

15、than 430 million years.It is impossible that algae might be the earliest plant on land.Plants get food from animals in the oceans.Evolution began after animals appeared on land.這是一道事實(shí)詢問題。需要把短文第一段首句“Life on land probably began about 430 million years ago 和短文第二段首句 The first plants o exist out of the w

16、ater were probably certain kinds of algae 聯(lián)系起來考慮, 正確答案為 A。B、C、 D三項(xiàng)與短文內(nèi)容均不符,應(yīng)排除。【考例分析 1 For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is t

17、he line between what I control and what you do? (2010 湖北 卷B篇)Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?A. Both can continue for generations B. Both are about where to draw the lineC. Neither has any clear winnerD. Neither can be put to an end【考例分析2 The researchers studied

18、cultural differences in the recognition of facialexpressions by recording the eye movements of 13 Western Caucasian and 13 East Asian people while they observed pictures of expressive faces and put them into categories: happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, or neutral. They compared how

19、accurately participants read those facial expressions using their particular eye movement strategies. (2010 湖南卷 C) What were the people asked to do in the study?A. To make a face at each other.B. To get their faces impressive.C. To classify some face pictures.D. To observe the researchers faces.【考例分

20、析 3 Confucius suggested Rule as a principle for the conduct of “Do not do to others what you would not want others to you. Heassumed that all men were equal at birth, though some potential than others, and that it was knowledge that set men apart. Socrates focused on individual, and thought that the

21、 greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom. He believed that some had more potential to develop their reason than others did. Like Confucius, he believed that the superior class should rule the inferior(下層的)classes. ( 2010 江西卷 C) Socrates shared with Confucius the idea that .all men were equal when

22、 they were bornthe lower classes should be ruled by the upper class C. the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom D. people should not ask others to do what they did not want to 【考例分析 4】Since Beijings first ski resort was opened ten years ago, the sport has enjoyed astonishing increase. There

23、 are now more than a dozen resorts. Clothes markets in the city have added bright colored ski suits to their winter collections. Mr. Wei, a manager of a newly-opened ski resort in Beijing, sees the growth of an industry that could soon lead Chinese to head for the ski resorts of Europe. In recent ye

24、ars ski resorts offering natural snow have opened in China. But many are in faraway areas of the country and cant really match the equipment and services of some ski resorts in Europe. (2010 全國卷 II C) Why are some Chinese likely to go skiing in Europe?A. To visit more ski areas.B. To ski on natural

25、snow.For a large collection of ski suits. D. For better services and equipment.【考例分析 5】 He longs for conversations with an editor who will help him turn his good ideas into great ones. He wants someone to get excited about what hes doing and to help him turn his story idea upside down and inside out

26、, exploring the best ways to report it. He wants to be more valuable for your paper. Thats what you want for him, too, isnt it? (2010 d匕京卷 B) What does the reporter want most from his editors in their talks?A. Finding the news value of his stories. B. Giving him financial support.C. Helping him to f

27、ind issues.D. Improving his good ideas【考例分析 6】But Parbati doesn t catch elephants just for fun.My work,“ she says, “is to rescueman from the elephants, and to keep the elephants safe from man. And this is exactly what Parbati has been doing for many years. Increasingly, the Indian elephant is angry:

28、 for many years, illegal hunters have attacked it and its home in the jungle has been reduced to small pieces of land.It is now fighting back. Whenever wild elephants enter a tea garden or a village, Parbati is called to guide the animals back to the jungle before they can kill. (2010 上海卷 A) For Par

29、bati, catching elephants is mainly to .A. get long lasting excitementB. keep both man and elephants safeC. send them back to the jungleD. make the angry elephants tame【考例分析 7】Parbati hasn t always lived in the jungle. After a happy childhood hunting with her father, she was sent to boarding school i

30、n the city. But Parbati never got used to being there and many years later she went back to her old life. Life in the city is too dull. Catching elephants is anadventure and the excitement lasts for days after the chase,(2010 上海都eAsays.Before Parbati studied in a boarding school,.A. she spent her ti

31、me hunting with her father B. she learned how to sing love songsC. she had already been called an elephant princess D. she was taught how to hunt tigers【考例分析 8】It is hardly surprising that clothing manufacturers(生產(chǎn)商)follow certain uniformstandards for various features (特征)of clothes. What seems stra

32、nge , however, is that the standard adopted for women is the opposite of the one for men. Take a look at the way your clothes button. Men s clothes tend to button from the right, and women s form the left. Considering most of theworld s populatiomen and women-are right- handed, the men s standard wo

33、uld appear to make more sense for women. So why do women s clothes butthe feot? (2010 重慶卷 C)What is surprising about the standard of the clothing industry?It has been followed by the industry for over 400 years.It is different for men s clothing and women s.It works better with men than with women.I

34、t fails to consider right-handed people.【考例分析 9】 The engineer Camillo Olivetti was 40 years old when he started the company in1908. At his factory in Ivera, he designed and produced the first Italian typewriter. Today the company s head office is still in Ivrea, near Turin, but the company is much l

35、arger than it was in those days and there are offices all around the world.By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13,000 machines a year. Some went to customers in Italy, but Olivetti exported more typewriters to other countries. (2010 安徽卷 A) From the text we learn that.by 1930

36、Olivetti produced 13,000 typewriters a yearOlivetti earned more in the 1960s than in the 1950ssome of Olivetti s 700 staff regularly visited customers in ItalyOlivetti set up offices in other countries from the very beginning【考例分析 10】After World War n , the population of most large American cities d

37、ecreased; however, the population in many Sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Houston are cities where population shifts (轉(zhuǎn)移)to and from the city reflect the changing values of American society. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, city residents (居民)became wealthier. They had more children so

38、they needed more space. They moved out of their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs (郊區(qū)).(2010 安徽卷 C)Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War n ?Because older American cities were dying.Because they were richer and neede

39、d more space.Because cities contained the worst pare of society.Because they could hardly afford a live in the city.答案解析:.選B。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第一段最后兩句可直接判斷答案為B項(xiàng)。.選 Co 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。由第五段的第一句 they observed pictures of. expressive faces and put them into categories: happy, sad, surprised, fearful, disgusted, angry, or ne

40、utral 可知, 參與者被要 求把面部表情的圖片進(jìn)行分類。所以 C項(xiàng)正確。.選Bo細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第三自然段最后一句,跟孔子一樣,蘇格拉底認(rèn)為,上層階級(jí) 應(yīng)該統(tǒng)治下層階級(jí)。故選Bo.選 D。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的 Mr. Wei, a manager of a newly-opened ski resort in Beijing, sees the growth of an industry that could soon lead Chinese to head for the ski resorts of Europe 以 及此段的最后句But many are in faraway

41、areas of the country and cant really match (敵得過)the equipment and services of some ski resorts in Europe.可知。.選D.由倒數(shù)第三段的第一句話可知這名記者希望他的編輯能幫他把好的想法變成更好的 想法,與D項(xiàng)最接近。其他三項(xiàng)文中均未提到。.選 B。根據(jù)第四段 “My work, “ she says, “is to rescue man from the elephants, and to keep the elephants safe from man.可以得由答案 B。. 選 Ao 由第三

42、段 “After a happy childhood hunting with her father, she was sent to boarding school in the city. 一句可知選 A 合適。.選 B。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。從第一段第二句話What seems strange , however, is that the standardadopted for women is the opposite of the one for men.彳導(dǎo)出的。句意:然而令人奇怪的是適應(yīng) 于女性的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和適應(yīng)于男性脩標(biāo)準(zhǔn)正好相反。所以是B項(xiàng)男性的服裝和女性的不同.選 A。細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一

43、段的 By 1930 there was a staff of 700 and the company turned out 13,000 machines a year.可知 到1930年,該公司已有員工 700人,每年生產(chǎn)打字機(jī) 13, 000 臺(tái)。”.選 Bo 細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段的 “In the late 1940s and early 1950s, city residents(居民) became wealthier. They had more children so they needed more space.可知他們更富有而且需要更多的空間。鞏固練習(xí):(1)Most p

44、eople who enjoy movies do not really care how they are made. They just want to enjoy a good story. Movie producer and director George Lucas wants people to see the best made movies. So, his latest movie Star Wars was made without using film.Star Wars was made using digital cameras. A digital camera

45、does not use traditional film. It captures images on videotape. The images recorded on videotape are the placed in a computer.George Lucas says that using digital cameras permits him to have much more control over the final product. For example, the image can be changed after it is placed in a compu

46、ter. An expert can change color, add or take out objects, add people or beings who are not real. Much of what is seen in the new movie Star Wars is not real. Huge buildings, spacecraft and alien beings from other worlds were produced in a computer.Movie experts say digital technology is the real fut

47、ure of the motion picture industry. A theater will no longer have to wait days or weeks to show a new movie. Theaters will be able to receive copies of new movies by linking computers. Or they will use small computer disks to get a copy of the movie.ny produce d abomp 版000 copiesWhen the new movie S

48、tar Wars was released last month, only 94 theaters around the world had the digital equipment needed to show it. So Mr. Lucas of the new digital movie on traditional film for release in most theaters. However, most people who have seen the movie say these film copies are of much better quality than

49、other filmed movies.Critics say the new digital technology is very costly. Many theater owners will not buy the new technology, yet many of the people who worked on the new movie Star Wars say they would not like to work with film again. They said using digital equipment was faster, and videotape is

50、 much less costly than film. One cameraman said the director of a movie can immediately see what was just recorded, something impossible to do with film.According to George Lucas, what makes the best made movies possible?A. A good story. B. Film. C. Digital cameras. D. Videotape.Which is NOT true fo

51、r the real future of the motion picture industry, according to movie experts?Linking computers for copies of new movies.Showing filmed movies in theaters.Using small computer disks to get a copy of the movie.Having the digital equipment needed to show the movie.According to the passage, which is tru

52、e about the new movie Star Wars?There are about 6,000 copies of the new digital movie.It has been shown in only 94 theaters around the world.It is the best among filmed movies.It is the product of the new digital technology.Which of the following is NOT the advantages of the new digital movie?The di

53、rector can have the objects and people added or taken out.It will be more convenient for theaters to get such kind of new movies.People all agree that the new digital movies are less costly than the filmed movies.The director can monitor the recording and check what was recorded just now.As the US w

54、akes up to China rising status as an economic and strategic competitor, US parents are urging their children to learn Chinese, reports Julian Borger.The US is being swept by a rush to learn Mandarin from wealthy New York mothers hiring Chinese nannies (保姆)for their small children to a defence depart

55、ment education project in Oregon.The forces driving Mandarin s mmfentumare parental ambition for children facing a future in which China is almost certain to be a major player, and the government is worried about that America may get left behind in that new world.The bottleneck is the supply of teac

56、hers. Mandarin instructors are difficult to import and difficult to train. There are visa problems in bringing over teachers from China but the biggest barrier is cultural. Teaching in Asia is generally done by rote and the change to western, interactive styles of instruction can be a large leap.On

57、the other hand, it requires enormous firmness for westerners to learn a language like Chinese, with its thousands of written characters. According to the Asia Society in New York, all of America s teachrarning institutions turn out only a couple of dozen homegrown Mandarinteachers.One way to ease th

58、e shortage is to find native Mandarin speakers and use fast-track methods to train them. However, the majority of Chinese-Americans grew up speaking Cantonese, the dialect spoken in Hong Kong, where their parents came from. Many are themselves signing on as Mandarin students at the private language

59、schools springing up on the west coast.Why are US parents so eager to make their children learn Mandarin?They are urged by the government to do so.They are afraid to be left behind by other parents.They believe China will play a major role in the future world.They are just carried away by Mandarin s

60、 momentum.The underlined word “ rote in the 4th paragraph probably refers to a teaching pattern which.focuses on memory workallows the students to think independentlyis centered on interactive skillsputs much emphasis on examinationsWhat is the main problem in the Mandarin s momentum in the US?The l


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