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1、2022版高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)層級2高級優(yōu)美地表達(dá)第2講使用非謂語動詞學(xué)案含解析外研版2022版高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)層級2高級優(yōu)美地表達(dá)第2講使用非謂語動詞學(xué)案含解析外研版PAGE 2022版高考英語一輪復(fù)習(xí)層級2高級優(yōu)美地表達(dá)第2講使用非謂語動詞學(xué)案含解析外研版第2講使用非謂語動詞 運(yùn)用非謂語動詞轉(zhuǎn)換下列句子.1All the people here like the novel.It is written by Tom。All the people here like the novel written by Tom2I feel quite sorry for that。I begin to t

2、hink about what to do to help。Feeling quite sorry for that, I begin to think about what to do to help。3When we are faced with difficulties, we need friends to give us comfort and help.Faced with difficulties, we need friends to give us comfort and help.4After we had practiced playing basketball for

3、almost two months, we strongly desired to be the winner.Having practiced playing basketball for almost two months, we strongly desired to be the winner。5As the society develops rapidly, its necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer。With the society developing rapidly, its nec

4、essary for us to have a good knowledge of English and computer。眾所周知,作文中出現(xiàn)過多的簡單句會讓人覺得單調(diào)乏味,句子與句子之間的關(guān)系顯得松散;而文章中過多地出現(xiàn)復(fù)合句又顯得累贅,讀起來費(fèi)勁。恰當(dāng)?shù)剡\(yùn)用非謂語動詞對簡單句和復(fù)合句進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換,不僅使句型多樣,句子活潑,而且讀起來結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊,言簡意賅。一、運(yùn)用非謂語動詞轉(zhuǎn)換簡單句寫作時(shí),我們可以利用非謂語動詞對兩個(gè)簡單句進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換,使其成為較高級的表達(dá)方式。轉(zhuǎn)換時(shí)可采用兩步。第一步:寫出兩個(gè)簡單句。The boys were making the most of time。They want

5、ed to finish the work earlier.第二步:保留句,用非謂語動詞改寫句。The boys were making the most of time so as to finish the work earlier。例1I hear that you are recruiting some volunteers to welcome the coming foreign students.I am gladly writing to apply for this job。Hearing that you are recruiting some volunteers to

6、welcome the coming foreign students, I am gladly writing to apply for this job.例2I am writing to invite you to attend the Chinese paper。cutting art exhibition。It will be held in the art gallery from 8:00 am. to 5: 00 pm. next Sunday in our city center。I am writing to invite you to attend the Chinese

7、 paper。cutting art exhibition to be held in the art gallery from 8:00 am。 to 5: 00 pm。 next Sunday in our city center.二、運(yùn)用非謂語動詞轉(zhuǎn)換復(fù)合句用非謂語動詞轉(zhuǎn)換復(fù)合句比轉(zhuǎn)換簡單句要容易一些,因?yàn)樾柁D(zhuǎn)換的一般是從句部分,這時(shí)只需要判斷用哪種非謂語動詞,再把握好時(shí)態(tài)和語態(tài)即可,所以只需兩步。8888第一步:寫出一個(gè)復(fù)合句。Since you have realized that your time is limited, youre supposed to make full u

8、se of it to work hard for your dream.第二步:把since引導(dǎo)的原因狀語從句轉(zhuǎn)換為非謂語動詞,realize與you之間為主謂關(guān)系,且表示完成,故用現(xiàn)在分詞的完成時(shí)作狀語。Having realized that your time is limited, youre supposed to make full use of it to work hard for your dream.例1Since I know that you are fond of classical music, Id like to invite you to join me i

9、n a performance.Knowing that you are fond of classical music, Id like to invite you to join me in a performance。例2If it is carried out continuously, it will benefit all of us greatly and we are sure to make remarkable progress.Carried out continuously, it will benefit all of us greatly and we are su

10、re to make remarkable progress.三、寫作中非謂語動詞的常用句型1remain to be done有待于被Many questions have to be settled and much remains to be done in our educational work。我們的教育工作中還有許多問題要解決,還有許多事情要去做。2連詞when/while/once/unless/although 。.doing/doneDont reach sideways while standing on a ladder。站在梯子上(的時(shí)候),不要側(cè)著身子去夠東西。3c

11、ompared with/to .。與比較Compared with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did。與逃逸的司機(jī)相比,我為所做之事感到非常自豪。4be said/reported/considered .。to do 。據(jù)說/報(bào)道/認(rèn)為A bus full of passengers was reported to have gone out of control on a highway south of the city.據(jù)報(bào)道一輛滿載乘客的公共汽車在城南的一條公路上失去了控制.5with賓語補(bǔ)足語In the end, we h

12、ad a group photo taken, with cups of tea in our hands, to record the unforgettable experience。最后,我們手中端著茶水拍了合影,記錄下了這令人難忘的經(jīng)歷。利用非謂語動詞,結(jié)合漢語提示補(bǔ)全短文并背誦.Dear Shirley,Glad to receive your email。1The problem mentioned in your email(你郵件中提到的問題) is common among middle school students。Dont worry about it too much

13、.Take the following advice I give you, and you may 2get/have your problem settled(使你的問題得到解決)First of all, believe in yourself。The first thing you must do is 3(to) smile at your classmates(對你的同學(xué)微笑)A smile speaks louder about 4your wish to make friends(你交朋友的愿望) than any words.Your smile shows that you are friendly to them.Next 5try talking with a student(試著和學(xué)生交談) who is as shy as you or who


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