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1、精品資料 歡迎下載精品資料 歡迎下載103/103精品資料 歡迎下載You are not alone. Well back you .收藏A. onB. upC. inD. down回答錯誤!正確答案: B You remember how our first car was made? It was made hand.收藏A. byB. onC. withD. in回答錯誤!正確答案: A He loves singings, but he is always out of .收藏A. toneB. tune回答錯誤!正確答案: B Historians have reacted ver

2、y warmly psychologistss recent discoveries.收藏A. inB. toC. asD. against回答錯誤!正確答案: B When he saw how frightened she was at her mistake, his anger began to .收藏A. fall downB. die downC. die awayD. fade away回答錯誤!正確答案: C trunk翻譯收藏A. v. 努力B. adj.有效率的C. v. 投降D. n. 樹干回答錯誤!正確答案: D This problem is too complica

3、ted. Lets leave it _ ( A.aside, B.on, C.off) for the moment.收藏A. onB. asideC. off回答錯誤!正確答案: B Much of that construction project is only for show. One heavy rain, and everything will be washed .收藏A. alongB. apartC. outD. away回答錯誤!正確答案: D If we decide to build a dam here what will become the people wh

4、o live in the area?收藏A. toB. asC. ofD. in回答錯誤!正確答案: C These rare birds are illegally and exported for big profits.收藏A. capturedB. arrestedC. caught回答錯誤!正確答案: A Has he gone his mind? Why didnt he go over the contract more carefully before he signed it?收藏A. inB. out ofC. outD. off回答錯誤!正確答案: B all our

5、efforts, students are still not happy with the progress of our teaching reform.收藏A. ForB. Instead ofC. WithD. In spite回答錯誤!正確答案: A Although he cried _ (A.in, B.on, C.out) for help at the top of his lungs, he knew that nobody would hear him in this terrible stormy night.收藏A. inB. outC. on回答錯誤!正確答案: B

6、 We havent got much time. Lets get business.收藏A. back onB. over withC. down toD. on for回答錯誤!正確答案: C introduce翻譯收藏A. v. 驚奇, 震驚B. adv. 因此C. v. 引進D. n. 角度回答錯誤!正確答案: C This has never been tried before. So its natural that well run all kinds of difficulties.收藏A. uponB. intoC. acrossD. over回答錯誤!正確答案: B pr

7、ofit 翻譯收藏A. adj. 清醒的B. v. 剝皮、去皮C. n. 利潤D. v. 反感、討厭回答錯誤!正確答案: C It would be a disaster if a nuclear device should fall the hands of terrorists.收藏A. onB. intoC. inD. to回答錯誤!正確答案: BThe total expense added to about 5000 dollars.收藏A. togetherB. /C. upD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: C 題型描述: 單選題 frankly翻譯收藏A. v. 競爭B. n. 利

8、潤C. v. 繼承D. adv. 直率地回答錯誤!正確答案: D This problem is too complicated. lets leave it for the moment.收藏A. offB. asideC. behindD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: B You can always count your parents to give you timely help.收藏A. toB. uponC. inD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: D 題型描述: 單選題 We must see it that we have enough money left to see us t

9、hrough the rest of the month.收藏A. aboutB. onC. toD. in回答錯誤!正確答案: C I think we have to put this problem its historical context.收藏A. atB. onC. inD. up回答錯誤!正確答案: C The police _ ( A.captured, B.arrested, C.caught) half a dozen suspects. But they all turned out to be innocent.收藏A. caughtB. arrestedC. cap

10、tured回答錯誤!正確答案: A Everybody says that he takes _ ( A.after, B.to, C.from) his grandfather, with his big fleshy nose and fierce eyes.收藏A. afterB. toC. from回答錯誤!正確答案: A Our development plans should conform the local conditions.收藏A. toB. atC. intoD. with回答錯誤!正確答案: A The new radio had a pure .收藏A. tuneB

11、. tone回答錯誤!正確答案: B 題型描述: 單選題 They won the war the expense of their environment.收藏A. onB. inC. toD. at回答錯誤!正確答案: D We cant judge a country _ the basis of GDP only.收藏A. inB. outC. on回答錯誤!正確答案: C After you set your _ , you must decide on the concrete measures.收藏A. objectB. objective回答錯誤!正確答案: B It is g

12、enerally agreed that we have to grapple some tough problems in our education.收藏A. inB. withC. alongD. at回答錯誤!正確答案: B He was mortally wounded in the stomach. That night he died with a look on his face.收藏A. satisfactoryB. contentC. contentedD. satisfying回答錯誤!正確答案: C When he heard the news, he was infu

13、riated .收藏A. beyond wordsB. without wordsC. at a loss for wordsD. speechless回答錯誤!正確答案: A excitable 翻譯收藏A. v. 登廣告;宣傳B. n. 騙子C. adj.平常的、平庸的、平凡的D. adj.易激動的回答錯誤!正確答案: D A nuclear war will set the economic development of both countries for many years.收藏A. offB. backC. downD. aside回答錯誤!正確答案: B Although he

14、 cried for help at the top of his lungs, nobody heard him.收藏A. outB. inC. alongD. away回答錯誤!正確答案: A The railway will be further to link the trans-siberia railway in Russia.收藏A. expandedB. extended回答錯誤!正確答案: B Dont count me _ . I am really too busy at the moment.收藏A. inB. outC. along回答錯誤!正確答案: A Dont

15、count me _ . I am really too busy at the moment.收藏A. inB. outC. along回答錯誤!正確答案: A optional翻譯收藏A. v. 欺騙B. adj. 選擇的C. n. 零售D. adj. 習慣的回答錯誤!正確答案: B She was sick so she did not show that day.收藏A. inB. upC. outD. off回答錯誤!正確答案: B that time, the reform had begun to take effect.收藏A. AtB. ToC. ByD. During回答錯

16、誤!正確答案: C cheat翻譯收藏A. adj. 習慣的B. n. 零售C. adj. 選擇的D. v. 欺騙回答錯誤!正確答案: D They are still dependent _ ( A.from, B.on, C.in) imports for more than 90% of their oil needs.收藏A. inB. fromC. on回答錯誤!正確答案: C What I have done is not _ mentioning.收藏A. worthyB. worthwhileC. worth回答錯誤!正確答案: C momentary 翻譯收藏A. v. 反對

17、、反抗B. n. 綽號C. adj. 短暫的D. adj. 高雅的回答錯誤!正確答案: CThe important thing is not just to turn _ ( A.in, B.on, C.out) more products. What is more important is to improve the quality and reduce the cost.收藏A. outB. inC. on回答錯誤!正確答案: A This paragraph is a bit out of place. I would cut it .收藏A. onB. awayC. inD. o

18、ut回答錯誤!正確答案: D Astound翻譯收藏A. adv. 因此B. v. 引進C. v. 驚奇, 震驚D. n. 角度回答錯誤!正確答案: C Everybody says that he takes his grandfather, with his fleshy nose and fierce eyes.收藏A. fromB. toC. inD. after回答錯誤!正確答案: D Children like to take things because they are curious.收藏A. apartB. offC. awayyD. along回答錯誤!正確答案: A e

19、fficient翻譯收藏A. adj.有效率的B. v. 投降C. v. 努力D. n. 樹干回答錯誤!正確答案: A crisis翻譯收藏A. v. 警報B. adj.腐敗的C. adj.高雅的D. n. 危機回答錯誤!正確答案: D I have great confidence these talented young people.收藏A. forB. inC. aboutD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: B The first man who brings _a serious social problem is often considered dangerous or mad.收藏

20、A. upB. inC. off回答錯誤!正確答案: A I tried to draw her , but she refused to talk.收藏A. awayB. onC. inD. out回答錯誤!正確答案: DEverybody says that he takes _ his grandfather, with his big nose and fierce eyes.收藏A. fromB. toC. after回答錯誤!正確答案: C hence翻譯收藏A. n. 角度B. v. 引進C. adv. 因此D. v. 驚奇, 震驚回答錯誤!正確答案: C inherit翻譯收藏

21、A. v. 競爭B. adv. 直率地C. v. 繼承D. n. 利潤回答錯誤!正確答案: C Never in my life have I encountered _ ( A.so, B.such, C.that) challenging a task.收藏A. soB. thatC. such回答錯誤!正確答案: A retail翻譯收藏A. v. 欺騙B. adj. 選擇的C. n. 零售D. adj. 習慣的回答錯誤!正確答案: C I think we should their assistance in our foreword.收藏A. admitB. acknowledge回

22、答錯誤!正確答案: B sober 翻譯收藏A. n. 利潤B. v. 反感、討厭C. adj. 清醒的D. v. 剝皮、去皮回答錯誤!正確答案: C 題型描述: 單選題 He is the very person im waiting for. Show him .收藏A. offB. inC. awayD. up回答錯誤!正確答案: B Well leave them far in computer software in another 20 years.收藏A. outB. behindC. asideD. off回答錯誤!正確答案: B He was with first-degre

23、e murder.收藏A. chargedB. accused回答錯誤!正確答案: A practical翻譯收藏A. adj.短暫的B. v. 背叛C. adj.實際的、現(xiàn)實的D. n. 遺產(chǎn)回答錯誤!正確答案: C She was very when she was appointed head of the department.收藏A. excitableB. excitingC. excited回答錯誤!正確答案: C If we all set work, we can fulfil our plan ahead of schedule.收藏A. toB. downC. upD.

24、off回答錯誤!正確答案: A They burst into the door and found the room was .收藏A. hollowB. vacantC. emptyD. bare回答錯誤!正確答案: C He was run by a speeding car and died instantly.收藏A. intoB. downC. uponD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: B 題型描述: 單選題 The bomb went _ in front of the embassy, killing one child and injuring a dozen others.收

25、藏A. offB. outC. up回答錯誤!正確答案: C We dont have much time. Lets get _ to business.收藏A. downB. overC. on回答錯誤!正確答案: A Tough law _ cannot stop drug-taking.收藏A. aloneB. lonely回答錯誤!正確答案: A 題型描述: 單選題 He shared the apartment with five other young students. But he still felt very _ at times.收藏A. lonelyB. alone回

26、答錯誤!正確答案: A Im very grateful you for your help.收藏A. forB. inC. atD. to回答錯誤!正確答案: D The court has promosed to look this case.收藏A. upB. intoC. atD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: B He is a very person. He will be sorry for what he said just now when he calms down.收藏A. excitableB. excitedC. exciting回答錯誤!正確答案: ASince the

27、 operation he has become quite a different _ .收藏A. personalB. person回答錯誤!正確答案: BMore emphasis should be put creative thinking.收藏A. onB. inC. toD. at回答錯誤!正確答案: A Time is running _ ( A. out , B. away, C.along). The international community must take immediate action.收藏A. alongB. awayC. out回答錯誤!正確答案: C

28、alarm翻譯收藏A. n. 危機B. adj.腐敗的C. v. 警報D. adj.高雅的回答錯誤!正確答案: C As soon as she got home, she set preparing dinner.收藏A. forthB. toC. aboutD. out回答錯誤!正確答案: C The mountain air obviously agreed me. All my aches and pains were gone.收藏A. onB. withC. inD. to回答錯誤!正確答案: B the eyes of many people, they are unpracti

29、cal.收藏A. OnB. InC. ForD. With回答錯誤!正確答案: B He is much given boasting about his talents.收藏A. inB. toC. onD. up回答錯誤!正確答案: BI know why he gave me all the expensive gifts. He wanted me to hush it .收藏A. offB. downC. upD. away回答錯誤!正確答案: C cheat 翻譯收藏A. v. 登廣告;宣傳B. adj.易激動的C. n. 騙子D. adj.平常的、平庸的、平凡的回答錯誤!正確答案

30、: C angle翻譯收藏A. v. 驚奇, 震驚B. n. 角度C. adv. 因此D. v. 引進回答錯誤!正確答案: B all the money he had, he was still a very unhappy man.收藏A. WithB. ForC. OnD. As回答錯誤!正確答案: B Well set out an hour earlier to allow possible traffic jams.收藏A. forB. /C. withD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: AThe thief was red-handed.收藏A. caughtB. capturedC

31、. arrested回答錯誤!正確答案: A I heard people and singing upstairs until midnight.收藏A. smilingB. grinningC. laughingD. tittering回答錯誤!正確答案: C It was not the best result. But he was quite content _the improvement.收藏A. inB. withC. of回答錯誤!正確答案: B customary翻譯收藏A. adj. 習慣的B. n. 零售C. v. 欺騙D. adj. 選擇的回答錯誤!正確答案: A T

32、he president was of abstructing justice .收藏A. accusedB. charged回答錯誤!正確答案: A my opinion, we should leave the place as it is.收藏A. WithB. ForC. InD. On回答錯誤!正確答案: C You remember how our first car was made? It was made _ hand.收藏A. withB. byC. of回答錯誤!正確答案: B When Tom get very , his face would turn red.收藏A

33、. excitedB. excitableC. exciting回答錯誤!正確答案: A This is very boring. Its getting my nerves.收藏A. toB. inC. upD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: D She gave a brief accont of what happened. But she left quite a lot of important details.收藏A. offB. asideC. outD. behind回答錯誤!正確答案: C _ (A.On, B.In, C.At) my opinion, we should le

34、ave the place as it is instead of restoring to its original state收藏A. OnB. AtC. In回答錯誤!正確答案: C A nuclear war will set _ (A.aside, B.back, C.off) the economic development of both countries for many years.收藏A. backB. offC. aside回答錯誤!正確答案: A The boy picking up the purse.收藏A. acknowledgeB. admit回答錯誤!正確答

35、案: B I dont _ her. She cant be serious.收藏A. trustB. believe回答錯誤!正確答案: BMuch of that construction project is only for show. One heavy rain, and everything will be washed _ .收藏A. outB. awayC. on回答錯誤!正確答案: BCan you help me my paper?收藏A. atB. withC. forD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: BI her to me another chance.收藏A. be

36、ggedB. demandedC. pleadedD. insisted on回答錯誤!正確答案: A compete翻譯收藏A. adv. 直率地B. v. 繼承C. v. 競爭D. n. 利潤回答錯誤!正確答案: C No,I didnt mean that. You are too .收藏A. sensibleB. sensitive回答錯誤!正確答案: B transitory翻譯收藏A. adj.短暫的B. v. 背叛C. adj.實際的、現(xiàn)實的D. n. 遺產(chǎn)回答錯誤!正確答案: A We cant judge a country the basis of GDP only.收藏A

37、. inB. toC. onD. with回答錯誤!正確答案: C surrender翻譯收藏A. v. 努力B. adj.有效率的C. v. 投降D. n. 樹干回答錯誤!正確答案: C The first man who brings a serious social problem is often considered dangerous or mad.收藏A. inB. onC. outD. up回答錯誤!正確答案: D When Ann gets very _ , her face would turn red.收藏A. excitableB. excitingC. xcited回

38、答錯誤!正確答案: C She arrives at the airport late with only 10 minutes left to check .收藏A. awayB. upC. inD. out回答錯誤!正確答案: C betray翻譯收藏A. adj.短暫的B. adj.實際的、現(xiàn)實的C. v. 背叛D. n. 遺產(chǎn)回答錯誤!正確答案: C advertise 翻譯收藏A. adj.平常的、平庸的、平凡的B. adj.易激動的C. n. 騙子D. v. 登廣告;宣傳回答錯誤!正確答案: D Lets get a smaller table. This one takes to

39、o much room.收藏A. offB. upC. awayD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: B They are still dependent imports from more than 90 of their oil needs.收藏A. inB. fromC. toD. on回答錯誤!正確答案: D Nowadays they try to their market rather than their territory.收藏A. extendB. expand回答錯誤!正確答案: B commonplace 翻譯收藏A. adj.平常的、平庸的、平凡的B. adj.易激動的C.

40、v. 登廣告;宣傳D. n. 騙子回答錯誤!正確答案: A She never showed _ that night. We all wondered why. Later on, we were told that she was sick that day.收藏A. inB. outC. up回答錯誤!正確答案: CI hear that they are going to focus _ the tourist industry.收藏A. onB. toC. out回答錯誤!正確答案: A The bomb went in front of the embassy, killing o

41、ne child .收藏A. upB. offC. ofD. out回答錯誤!正確答案: B This is a totally unexpected move. I dont know what to make it.收藏A. inB. ofC. withD. at回答錯誤!正確答案: B It suddenly dawned me that there was another thing that cntributed there economic success.收藏A. to,toB. on, toC. to, forD. on, for回答錯誤!正確答案: B nickname 翻譯

42、收藏A. adj. 高雅的B. v. 反對、反抗C. adj. 短暫的D. n. 綽號回答錯誤!正確答案: DI guess I would never have committed suicide _the first place.收藏A. onB. toC. in回答錯誤!正確答案: C endeavor翻譯收藏A. v. 投降B. v. 努力C. n. 樹干D. adj.有效率的回答錯誤!正確答案: B The police half a dozen suspects. But they all turned out to be innocent.收藏A. capturedB. arre

43、stedC. cought回答錯誤!正確答案: B Many people rebelled their governments war policy in Vietnam.收藏A. toB. atC. inD. against回答錯誤!正確答案: D It was on the TV news that all the hostages had been rescured.收藏A. declaredB. announced回答錯誤!正確答案: B rebel 翻譯收藏A. v. 反對、反抗B. adj. 短暫的C. n. 綽號D. adj. 高雅的回答錯誤!正確答案: A dont pret

44、end to know very much about physics. So I wont go the scientific theory.收藏A. forB. upC. intoD. to回答錯誤!正確答案: C It is impossible for their country to be completely independent other countries.收藏A. toB. onC. asD. from回答錯誤!正確答案: D legacy翻譯收藏A. adj.短暫的B. v. 背叛C. n. 遺產(chǎn)D. adj.實際的、現(xiàn)實的回答錯誤!正確答案: C Have you e

45、ver tried sky-diving? It must be a terribly experience.收藏A. excitedB. excitingC. excitable回答錯誤!正確答案: B By that time, he was fully worked . No one cold stop him.收藏A. outB. awayC. onD. up回答錯誤!正確答案: D But as time went _ , he began to find it boring.收藏A. onB. fromC. off回答錯誤!正確答案: AWe will never surrende

46、r , she .收藏A. announcedB. declared回答錯誤!正確答案: B The total expense added _to about 5000 dollars.收藏A. alongB. atC. up回答錯誤!正確答案: C corrupt翻譯收藏A. n. 危機B. adj.腐敗的C. adj.高雅的D. v. 警報回答錯誤!正確答案: B The enemy plane was shot down and the polit was .收藏A. arrestedB. caughtC. captured回答錯誤!正確答案: C She was very _ (A.

47、excited, B.exciting, C.excitable) when she was appointed head of the public relations department.收藏A. excitableB. excitingC. excited回答錯誤!正確答案: C It is really comic to see how some people try to show _ (A.up, B.by, C.off) their knowledge by speaking or writing in a way nobody can understand收藏A. byB.

48、offC. up回答錯誤!正確答案: B I pleaded him to apologize to his boss.收藏A. forB. onC. toD. with回答錯誤!正確答案: D Teachers should model their students of course.收藏A. forB. onC. toD. in回答錯誤!正確答案: A She arrived at the airport late with only 10 minutes left to check _ .收藏A. inB. backC. off回答錯誤!正確答案: A Things are looki

49、ng in this erea. The economy has jumped back to an increase of 5 annually.收藏A. outB. forwardC. aheadD. up回答錯誤!正確答案: D I think it is a very thing for you to do under the circumstnaces.收藏A. sensitiveB. sensible回答錯誤!正確答案: BWe have never for a moment that well be able to feed our people.收藏A. doubtedB. s

50、uspected回答錯誤!正確答案: A The drug-taking turned him _ a menace to society.收藏A. outB. intoC. by回答錯誤!正確答案: B peel 翻譯收藏A. v. 反感、討厭B. adj. 清醒的C. n. 利潤D. v. 剝皮、去皮回答錯誤!正確答案: D Nowadays the general manager will have to answer _ ( A.with, B.to, C.for) it if the company goes bankrupt.收藏A. toB. withC. for回答錯誤!正確答

51、案: CModern educational theories require teachers to interact students.收藏A. forB. toC. withD. as回答錯誤!正確答案: C They used to be very close friends. But now they seem to be drawing _a little.收藏A. apartB. togetherC. up回答錯誤!正確答案: A She drew him and whispered in his ear.收藏A. asideB. intoC. upD. on回答錯誤!正確答案:

52、 A This has never been tried before. So its natural that well run _ all kinds of difficulties.收藏A. uponB. byC. into回答錯誤!正確答案: C What you said was equal to an insult.收藏A. toB. atC. inD. as回答錯誤!正確答案: A I was not prepared. a result, I made a complete fool of myself.收藏A. InB. OnC. ForD. As回答錯誤!正確答案: D T

53、he quality of the shoes was _ poor that they fell apart the second day I wore them.收藏A. suchB. so回答錯誤!正確答案: B When she saw me, she faintly and said that she was feeling better.收藏A. laughedB. titteredC. grinnedD. smiled回答錯誤!正確答案: D _ ( A.At, B.On, C.By) that time, the reform had begun to take effect,

54、 and the economy had begun to take off.收藏A. AtB. onC. By回答錯誤!正確答案: B Lets go and ask if that hotel still has a(n) room.收藏A. vacantB. bareC. hollowD. empty回答錯誤!正確答案: A profit翻譯收藏A. v. 繼承B. v. 競爭C. n. 利潤D. adv. 直率地回答錯誤!正確答案: C 提交 查看詳解 試題詳解沒有詳解上一題 下一題 答對自動下一題 答對:0題 答錯:169題 正確率:0% resent 翻譯收藏A. v. 剝皮、去皮

55、B. v. 反感、討厭C. adj. 清醒的D. n. 利潤回答錯誤!正確答案: B In spite of the womens liberation movement, people are still not yet completely free prejudice against women.收藏A. fromB. onC. forD. as回答錯誤!正確答案: A hear that they are going to focus the tourist industry.收藏A. atB. withC. onD. in回答錯誤!正確答案: C Dont take me a foo

56、l. Im not so easily taken in.收藏A. forB. asC. atD. with回答錯誤!正確答案: A In another twenty years well leave them far _in computer software.收藏A. behindB. outC. off回答錯誤!正確答案: A These European countries are afraid of being dragged this dispute.收藏A. onB. intoC. toD. with回答錯誤!正確答案: B She was very _when she was

57、 appointed head of the public relations department.收藏A. excitedB. exciting回答錯誤!正確答案: A He refused to hand his power to the democratically elected governmetn.收藏A. outB. /C. upD. over回答錯誤!正確答案: D Never in my life have I encountered _ challenging a task.收藏A. soB. such回答錯誤!正確答案: A He walked so fast that

58、 I had to run to keep with him.收藏A. onB. upC. inD. to回答錯誤!正確答案: B Times have changed. But some people still cling _ (A.on, B.in, C.to) their old ideas. This is known as a cultural lag.收藏A. toB. onC. in回答錯誤!正確答案: A描述: 閱讀理解 Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(誤解)?Li

59、ttle wonder. We often believe were more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are, according to Boza Keysar, a professor at the University of Chicago. In his recent study, speakers tried to express their meanings using unclear sentences. Speakers who thought listeners understood were

60、 wrong nearly half the time. Heres some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:(1)Dont trust what you see from the listener. Listeners often nod, look at you or say“uhhuh”to be polite or move the conversation along. But its easy to consider these as signs of understanding.(2)Train the editor(編輯)in y


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