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1、第 PAGE7 頁 共 NUMPAGES7 頁2023年最新的豬的英文是什么即使它的話能夠相信,母豬也不一定會(huì)上樹。下面小編為大家?guī)碡i的英語意思和相關(guān)用法,歡迎大家一起學(xué)習(xí)! 豬的英語意思 pig 豬的相關(guān)英語例句 1. Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire. 在火上熏制豬腿。 2. Pigs were butchered, hams were hung to dry from the ceiling. 殺了豬,豬腿掛在天花板上風(fēng)干。 3. A talking pig! he exclaimed. Well, I ll be dar

2、ned. 一只會(huì)說話的豬! 他大聲叫道, 哎呀,真是怪事。 4. Once weaned, the piglets may be put in pens. 一旦斷了奶,小豬就可以放進(jìn)豬圈了。 5. There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins. 有各種各樣的動(dòng)物,包括熊、豬、袋鼠和企鵝。 6. Dr Binger keeps poultry, pigs and goats. 班熱博士飼養(yǎng)家禽、豬和羊。 7. The pig rose squealing and bolted. 那頭豬

3、突然嗷嗷叫著狂奔起來。 8. Wild boar readily hybridises with the domestic pig. 野豬很容易和家豬雜交。 9. The piglets are taken from the sow to be fattened for market. 這些小豬被從母豬身邊帶走,好育肥上市。 10. Pigs were grunting and squealing in the yard. 豬在院子里哼哼地叫個(gè)不停。 11. a leg of pork 豬腿肉 12. The pigs were squealing. 豬尖叫著。 13. He butchere

4、d the pig with a small sharp knife. 他用一把鋒利的小刀殺豬. 14. The cook will utilise the leftover ham bone to make soup. 廚師要用吃剩的豬腿骨做湯. 15. The pig stores a lot of fat in its body. 豬在體內(nèi)儲(chǔ)存了大量的脂肪. 豬的英文例句 豬已喂過了嗎 Have the pigs been fed yet 豬是一種家畜。 A pig is a domestic animal. 這幅畫上你畫的豬鼻子太長了。 The snout of the pig you

5、 drew on the picture is too long. 豬在樹叢中亂拱。 Pigs are grubbing around in the bushes. 那個(gè)農(nóng)場主在他的農(nóng)場里養(yǎng)了幾百頭豬。 The farmer keeps hundreds of pigs on his farm. 要是豬也能夠?qū)P挠谀承┦虑榈脑?,豬就不成為豬了。 If a pig could give his mind to anything he would not be a pig. 要是豬也能夠?qū)P呐c某些事情的話,豬就不成為豬了。 If a pig can give his mind to anythin

6、g he will not be a pig. 他說,人類食用豬肉和豬肉制品不會(huì)感染豬流感病毒。 He says people will not get infected from eating pork and pork products. 由于發(fā)現(xiàn)了多例病豬,他們預(yù)計(jì)豬肉價(jià)格將會(huì)上漲。 They expect an increase in the price of pork due to cases of disease. 豬的雙語例句 這些黑豬用鼻翻拱垃圾。 The black pigs rootled for filth. 他們的豬已經(jīng)養(yǎng)肥了。 Their pigs have been

7、 fattened up. 他像豬一樣能吃,整個(gè)一下午都在把火腿三明治往肚子里塞。 He made a pig of himself and porked out on ham sandwiches all afternoon. 豬常常在泥里打滾。 Pigs often welter in the mud. 因此,你是哪一類,雞型還是豬型 So what are you - the chicken or the pig 我有得過豬流感的家人和朋友,雖然我懷疑是否他們出現(xiàn)在統(tǒng)計(jì)數(shù)據(jù)中。 I have family and friends who have had swine flu, thoug

8、h I doubt if they appear in the figures. 女巫將他們封鎖在豬的身體里 She stuck them in the bodies of pigs. 因?yàn)槟銜?huì)弄得很臟,而豬就喜歡你這樣。 You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it. 然而,即使是在爆發(fā)早期,也做不到每一個(gè)豬流感病人都能拜訪他們的家庭醫(yī)生。 However, even in the early days of the outbreak, not everyone with swine flu will have visitedtheir GP. 但

9、是,即使我們從未發(fā)現(xiàn)那只冒煙的豬,我們也可以揣測,這可能就是它的出生地。 But even if we never find that smoking pig, we can surmise that this is probably where it came from. 豬流感恐慌似乎已漸漸平息,那么這是否意味著我們都反應(yīng)過度了呢 Now that the swine flu scare seems to have died down, does this mean we all overreacted 這種玩意兒連豬都不吃, 她說。 Even the pigs refuse this, she said. 男人是豬,這已經(jīng)不算是秘密了。 Men are pigs. This is no secret. 德國人剛剛在非洲買下了一個(gè)新國家,在那里猶太人和豬都可以被容忍。 The Germans have just bought a new country in Africa where Jews and pigs will be tolerated. 事實(shí)上,是有辦法解決這個(gè)由豬導(dǎo)致的污染的問題的,但是它需要環(huán)保人士和公眾改變一些根深蒂固的觀點(diǎn)。 As it turns out, there is a solution to the pi


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