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1、津橋MBA英語基礎(chǔ)班測試Part I Vocabulary and Structure ( 20 minutes, 20 points)Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line thro

2、ugh the center.1. AAlonne iin aa deeserrtedd hoousee, hhe wwas so bussy wwithh hiis rreseearcch wworkk thhat he fellt _ lloneely.A. notthinng bbut B. anyythiing buttC. alll buut DD. eeverrythhingg buut2. NNot onlly _woorkiing harrd, butt allso shee waas vveryy poolitte.AA. sshe wassB. hass shhe bbee

3、nnC. wass shhe DD. hhad shee beeen3.Itt waas nnot unttil he enttereed tthe claassrroomm _hee reealiizedd thhat he hadd foorgootteen tto ddo tthe hommewoork.A. befforee B. whhenCC. tthenn D. thhat4. DDresss wwarmmly, _yooulll ccatcch ccoldd. AA. oon tthe conntraary B. or rattherrC. or elsse DD. iin n

4、no wway5. _iss weell knoown to us alll, ttoo mucch sstreess cann caausee diiseaase.A. Whiich B. WhaatC. Ass D. Itt6. II neeed thaat bbookk baadlyy. IIf yyou go to thee boooksstorre tthiss affterrnooon, pleeasee reememmberr _a coppy ffor me.A. to havve bbougght B. buyyinggC. to buyy D. haavinng bboug

5、ght7. II liike thee ciity, buut II liike thee coounttry bettterr _I hhavee moore friiendds ttherre.AA. iin wwhicchB. inn thhatCC. iin wwhatt D. thhat8. TThe stuudennts exppectted _mmoree reevieewinng cclasssess beeforre tthe finnal exaams.A. theere to beiing B. theere beiingCC. ffor theere to be D.

6、theere to be9. SShe thiinkss _eaasy to unddersstannd aa leetteer wwritttenn inn Enngliish.A. thaat BB. wwhicchC. itt D. whhat10. Peooplee caannoot bbut feeel _ , forr thhey simmplyy caannoot uundeersttandd hoow hhe ccoulld hhavee maade succh aa sttupiid mmisttakee.A. puuzzllingg B. puuzzlledCC. tto

7、bbe ppuzzzledd D. too puuzzlle11. Thee baasicc caausees aare unkknowwn, altthouugh cerrtaiin ccondditiionss thhat mayy leead to canncerr haave beeen._.A. iddenttifiied B. guaarannteeedC. nootiffiedd D. coonveeyedd12. Thee twwo ddogss sttartted to figght, soo wee trriedd too _ thhem.A. spllit B. sepp

8、araateCC. ddiviide D. disstinnguiish13. Thee boossyy maanagerr iss allwayys ffinddingg faaultt wiith hiss _A. empployys BB. eemplloyeersCC. eemplloyeees D. empployymennts14. Thee woomann haad tto _too thhe ggoveernmmentt foor aassiistaancee inn reesisstinng fforcced marrriaage.A. apppeallB. apppearr

9、C. apppeasse DD. aappllaudd 15. Empployymennt _ffor wommen aree pooor at thee prreseent timme.AA. eentrrancces B. occcasiionssC. wayys DD. ooppoortuunittiess16. Emiinennt pphyssiciistss frrom alll ovver thee woorldd too thhe UU.S. too _tthe cenntennniaal(一一百周年年) oof AA. EEinssteiinss biirthh.A. coon

10、grratuulatte BB. oobseerveeC. cellebrratee D. paartiicippatee17. Higgh iinteeresst rratees _peooplee frrom borrrowwingg mooneyy frrom thee coommeerciial bannks.A. disscouuraggeB. deecreeaseeC. dissgusstD. diistuurb18. _an oill-puump faiilurre, thee moovinng ppartts wwilll beecomme ooverr-heeateed.AA

11、. IIn ccasee off B. In tthe casse oofC.In ccasee D. On ccasee off19. If we donnt recceivve aany repply by tommorrrow morrninng, I sshalll hhavee too_ hhim on thee phhonee.A. geet ttoB. geet oon ttoC. geet oon wwithh D. geet tthrooughh20. Aftter thee suucceessfful opeerattionn, tthe pattiennt hhas ta

12、kken a tturnn _.A. foor tthe mommentt B. foor tthe preesenntC. foor tthe bettterr D. foor tthe gooodPartt III RReaddingg coomprreheensiion (440 mminuutess, 440 ppoinnts )Direectiionss: TTherre aare 4 ppasssagees iin tthiss seectiion. Eachh off thhe ppasssagee iss foolloowedd byy 5 queestiionss orr u

13、nnfinnishhed staatemmentt. FFor eacch oof tthemm thheree arre 44 chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C andd D. Chhoosse tthe besst oone andd maark youur aanswwer on thee ANNSWEER SSHEEET wwithh a sinnglee liine thrrouggh tthe cennterr.Passsagee Onne IIf ttwo sciienttistts aat LLos Alaamoss Naatioonall Laaborra

14、toory aree coorreect, peeoplle wwilll sttilll bee drriviing gassoliine-powwereed ccarss 500 yeearss frrom noww, ggiviing outt heeat-traappiing carrbonn diioxiide intto tthe atmmosppherreandd yeet tthatt caarboon ddioxxidee wiill nott coontrribuute to glooball waarmiing. Thhe sscieentiistss, FF. JJef

15、ffreyy Maartiin aand Willliaam LL. KKubiie JJr., arre ppropposiing a cconcceptt, wwhicch ttheyy haave pattriooticcallly nnameed GGreeen FFreeedomm, ffor remmoviing carrbonn diioxiide froom tthe airr annd tturnningg itt baack intto ggasoolinne. Thhe iideaa iss siimplle. Airr woouldd bee bllownn ovver

16、 a lliquuid sollutiion whiich wouuld abssorbb thhe ccarbbon diooxidde. Thee caarboon ddioxxidee woouldd thhen be exttracctedd annd ssubjjectted to cheemiccal reaactiionss thhat wouuld turrn iit iintoo fuuel. Allthooughh thhey havve nnot yett buuiltt a fueel ffacttoryy, oor eevenn a smaall prootottyp

17、ee, tthe sciienttistts ssay it is alll baasedd onn exxisttingg teechnnoloogy. “Eveerytthinng iin tthe connceppt hhas beeen bbuillt, is opeerattingg orr haas aa cllosee coousiin tthatt iss opperaatinng.” Drr. MMarttin saiid. The ppropposaal ddoess noot vviollatee anny llawss off phhysiics, annd oothe

18、er sscieentiistss haave inddepeendeentlly ssugggestted simmilaar iideaas. Inn thhe eeffoortss too reeducce hhumaanittys eemisssioons of carrbonn diioxiide, thhreee sooluttionns hhavee beeen offfereed: hyddroggen-powwereed ccarss, eelecctriic ccarss annd bbioffuells. Bioofueels aree gaasollinee suubs

19、ttituutess prroduucedd frrom plaantss liike coiin oor ssugaar ccanee. PPlannts abssorbb caarboon ddioxxidee ass thhey groow, butt grrowiing croops forr fuuel takke uup wwidee sttripps oof llandd. HHydrrogeen-ppoweeredd caars emiit nno ccarbbon diooxidde, butt prroduucinng hhydrrogeen rrequuirees een

20、errgy, annd iif tthatt ennerggy ccomees ffromm cooal-firred powwer plaantss, tthenn thhe pprobblemm haas nnot beeen ssolvved. Thhe pprobblemm wiith eleectrric carrs iis tthatt thhey havve ttypiicallly beeen llimiitedd too a rannge of tenns oof mmilees aas ooppoosedd too thhe hhunddredds oof mmilees

21、tthatt caan bbe ddrivven on a ttankk off gaas. Gaasollinee, iit tturnns oout, iss ann allmosst iideaal ffuell (eexceept thaat iit pprodducees ccarbbon diooxidde). Iff itt caan bbe mmadee ouut oof ccarbbon diooxidde iin tthe airr, tthe Loss Allamoos cconcceptt maay mmeann thheree iss liittlle rreasso

22、n to swiitchh, aafteer aall.“Its ddefiinittelyy woorthh puursuuingg.”Saidd MaarittinII. HHofffertt, aa prrofeessoor oof pphyssicss att Neew YYorkkUniiverrsitty. “It hass a couuplee off piiecees tto iit tthatt arre iinteeresstinng.” Ottherr sccienntissts alsso ssaidd thhe ppropposaal llookked proomis

23、singg buut ccoulld nnot evaaluaate it fullly beccausse tthe dettaills hhad nott beeen pubblisshedd.21. Whaat iis mmostt reemarrkabble aboout thee prropoosall maade by thee twwo sscieentiistss? AA. IIt iis ggiveen aa paatriiotiic nnamee. BB. NNo llaw of phyysiccs iis vviollateed. CC. IIt iis bbaseed

24、oon eexisstinng ttechhnollogyy. DD. CCarbbon diooxidde ccan be connverrtedd innto fueel.22. Whaat iis tthe bigggesst pprobblemm wiith hyddroggen-powwereed ccarss? AA. TTheree iss noo chheapp soourcce oof hhydrrogeen. BB. TTheree miightt bee a saffetyy prrobllem in hyddroggen prooducctioon. CC. TThey

25、y maay sstilll bbe aa caausee off gllobaal wwarmmingg. DD. TTheyy arre nnot suiitabble forr loong-disstannce traavell. 23. If whaat iis ppropposeed bby tthe twoo sccienntissts beccomees ttruee_ A. aiir ppolllutiion willl bbecoome a tthinng oof tthe passt B. thheree wiill be no neeed ffor gassoliine

26、subbstiituttes C. peeoplle wwilll bee abble to usee muuch cheeapeer eenerrgy D. thheree wiill be no morre bbioffuell-poowerred vehhiclles24. Whiich of thee foolloowinng ccan besst ddesccribbe tthe atttituude of Marrtinn I .Hooffeert to thee prropoosall? A. Inndiffferrentt B. poosittivee C. Suuspiici

27、oous D. Criiticcal25. Thee paassaage is maiinlyy wrrittten to_ A. inntrooducce aa neew cconcceptt B. coompaare diffferrentt ennerggy ssourrcess C. sttresss tthe impporttancce oof ggasoolinneD. ddisccusss sooluttionns tto gglobbal warrminngPasssagee TwwoOne of thee oddd tthinngs aboout somme bbusiine

28、sss oorgaanizzatiionss iss thhat theey sspennd sso mmuchh mooneyy too luure( 吸引引) nnew cusstommerss annd sspennd sso llitttle to keeep tthemm affterr thheyve beeen llandded. Itt juust doeesnt mmakeesennse. TTakiing cusstommerss foor ggranntedd iss rooutiine in somme llarggeroorgaanizzatiionss, wwher

29、re mmeree biigneess genneraatess ann atttittudee off inndiffferrencce. Loyaal ccusttomeers aree aan orgganiizattionns onnly prroteectiion aggainnstbbankkrupptcyy,annd llosiing theem bbecaausee off neegleect or inddifffereencee iss doownrrighht ssinfful (可恥恥的). Noot oonlyy doo saatissfieed ccusttomee

30、rs conntinnue to fatttenn thhe ttilll (錢錢袋); thhey oftten enccourragee ottherrs tto bbuy. Thhis is advverttisiing thaat ddoessntt coost a ppennny. Andd allthooughh thheree arre aalwaays proobleems in givvingg goood serrvicce tto ccusttomeers, maainttainningg thheirr paatroonagge(光光顧) isnnt alll thha

31、t diffficcultt. IItss a mattterr off atttittudee, oof bbeliieviingtthatt evveryyonee whho bbuyss frromyyou is enttitlled to thee beest treeatmmentt yoou ccan delliveer. Pluus ggiviing jusst aalitttlee moore thaan yyou havve tto.We ssaidd thheree arre aalwaays proobleems in givvingg goood serrvicce t

32、to ccusttomeers. Thhe rreasson, off cooursse, is thaat nno oorgaanizzatiion is perrfecct, andd thherees manny aa sllip: unnreaasonnablle ddelaays in filllinng oordeers, shhipppingg thhe wwronng mmercchanndisse, faiilinng tto aanswwer lettterrs pprommptlly, andd soo onn.Someetimmes theese errrorss or

33、r faailuuress caantt bee heelpeed. Forr exxampple, iff yoou ccant gget parrts beccausse oof mmateeriaal sshorrtagges or a ttrannspoortaatioonsttrikke, cusstommerss maay bbe ddeniied thee gooodss thheyve orddereed. Andd nootinnfreequeentlly tthe cusstommer is to blaame - forr exxampple, faailiing to

34、cleearllyiddenttifyy thhe aartiiclee orr seerviice reqquirredYet no mattterr whho iis aat ffaullt, cusstommerss whhom youu vaaluee hiighlly sshouuld genneraallyy bee giivenn thhe bbeneefitt off anny ddoubbt. Notte tthatt wee saaid cuustoomerrs wwhomm yoou vvaluue hhighhly. TThe oldd saaw (格言) thhat

35、alll cuustoomerrs sshouuld bee ttreaatedd aalikke is a mmythh. Cusstommerss wwhorrepeeateedlyy pllacee laargee orrderrs aand payy foor tthemm wiill natturaallyy geet mmoreeatttenttionn thhan thoose whoo buuy iinfrrequuenttly andd haave to be baddgerred (糾纏纏) tto ppay whaat ttheyy owwe. Howweveer, yo

36、uu haave to makke tthe asssumpptioon tthatt alll ccusttomeers aree goood unllesss prroveed ootheerwiise. ( 3555 wwordds ) 26. Whiich of thee foolloowinngcaan bbestt exxpreess thee maain ideea oof tthe passsagge ? A. BBusiinesss oorgaanizzatiionss shhoulld nnot speend so mucch mmoneey tto aattrractt

37、neew ccusttomeers.B. MMainntaiininng ccusttomeerspattronnagee iss moost impporttantt too buusinnesss orrgannizaatioons.C. CCusttomeers aree kiingss. D. OOrgaanizzatiionss shhoulld ppay morre aatteentiion to thee beeneffit of theeir cusstommerss.27. Whiich of thee foolloowinng cconcclussionns ccan be

38、 draawn froom tthe seccondd paaraggrapph?A. CCusttomeers shoouldd allwayys bbe wwelll seerviicedd.B. WWithhoutt looyall cuustoomerrs aan oorgaanizzatiion migght go bannkruupt.C. CComppaniies cann emmplooy ccusttomeers to advverttisee thheirr prroduuctss.D. IIt iss diiffiicullt ffor larrge orgganiiza

39、ttionns tto pprovvidee thheirr cuustoomerrswiith goood sservvicee.28.TThe autthorr miightt prrobaablyy diisaggreee wiith whiich of thee foolloowinngsttateemennts?A. SSomee errrorrs aand faiilurres aree unnavooidaablee.B. BBothh ann orrgannizaatioon aand theeir cusstommer aree reespoonsiiblee foor cc

40、erttainn errrorr. C. AAn aattiitudde oof iindiiffeerennce towwardds ttheiir ccusttomeers migght ressultt inn a heaavy losss oof pproffit. D. OOnlyy reegullar cusstommerss deeserrve goood ttreaatmeent29. Whaat ddoess thhe aauthhor impply in thee seenteencee TThe oldd saaw tthattcusstommerss shhoulld

41、bbe ttreaatedd allikee iss a mytth?A. IItss noot rreall thhat cusstommerss shhoulld bbe ttreaatedd eqquallB. IItss noot ttruee thhat alll cuustoomerrs aare treeateed eequaalC. CCusttomeers recceivved equual treeatmmentt inn thhe ppasttD. IItss ann olld sstorry tthatt cuustoomerrs wweree trreatted eq

42、uual30. Thee woord “iddenttifyy”inn thhe ffourrth parragrraphh iss thhe ssamee ass _A. nnotiiceBB. diistiinguuishhC. deescrribeeD. reecoggnizzePasssagee ThhreeeHarrdlyy a weeek ggoess byy wiithoout somme aadvaancee inn teechnnoloogy thaat wwoulld hhavee seeemeed iincrrediiblee 500 yeearss aggo. Andd

43、 wee caan eexpeect thee raate of chaangee too acccelleraate rattherr thhan sloow ddownn wiithiin oour liffetiime. Thhe ddeveeloppmennts in tecchnoologgy aare bouund to havve aa drramaaticc efffecct oon tthe futturee off woork. Byy 20010, neew ttechhnollogyy wiill havve rrevooluttionnizeed ccommmunii

44、cattionns. Peooplee wiill be traansmmitttingg moore messsagges dowwn tteleephoone linnes thaat pprevviouuslyy woouldd haave beeen ssentt byy poost. Noot oonlyy poostmmen butt allso cleerkss annd ssecrretaariees wwilll vaanissh iin aa paaperr-frree soccietty. Alll thhe rrouttinee taaskss thhey perrfo

45、rrm wwilll bee caarriied on a ttinyy siiliccon chiip sso tthatt thhey willl bbe aas oobsoolette aas tthe horrse andd caart aftter thee innvenntioon oof tthe mottor carr. OOne chaangee wiill makke tthouusannds, iff noot mmilllionns, reddunddantt.Eveen ppeopple in traadittionnal proofesssioons, whhere

46、e exxperrt kknowwleddge hass beeen thee keey, aree unnlikkelyy too esscappe tthe efffectts oof nnew tecchnoologgy. Inssteaad oof ggoinng tto aa sooliccitoor, youu miightt goo too a commputter whiich is proograammeed wwithh alll tthe mosst uup-tto-ddatee leegall innforrmattionn. DDocttorss, ttoo, wii

47、ll finnd tthatt ann ellecttronnic commpettitoor wwilll bee abble to carrry outt a mucch qquicckerr annd mmoree acccurratee diiagnnosiis aand reccommmendd moore effficiientt cooursses of treeatmmentt. IIn eeduccatiion, teeachherss wiill be larrgelly rrepllaceed bby tteacchinng mmachhinees ffar morre

48、kknowwleddgeaablee thhan anyy huumann beeingg. MMostt leearnningg wiill takke pplacce iin tthe homme vvia viddeo connferrenccingg. CChilldreen wwilll sttilll goo too scchoool tthouugh, unntill annothher plaace is creeateed wwherre ttheyy caan mmakee frriennds andd deevellop socciall skkillls.Whaat c

49、can we do to avooid thee thhreaat oof uunemmplooymeent? Wee shhoulldnt hhidee ouur hheadds iin tthe sannd. Uniionss wiill tryy too sttop chaangee buut ttheyy wiill be figghtiing a llosiing batttlee. PPeopple shoouldd geet ccompputeer lliteeratte aas tthiss juust migght savve tthemm frrom proofesssio

50、onall exxtinnctiion. Affterr alll, theere willl bbe aa feew jjobss leeft in laww, eeduccatiion andd meediccinee foor tthosse ffew inddiviiduaals whoo arre ccapaablee off wrritiing andd prrogrrammmingg thhe ssofttwarre oof tthe futturee. SStraangeely enooughh, ttherre wwilll sttilll bee joobs likke r

51、rubbbishh coolleectiion andd clleanningg ass itt iss tooughh too prrogrram tassks whiich aree laargeely unppreddicttablle. ( 3511 woordss ) 31. Acccorddingg too thhe wwritter, thhe rratee off chhangge iin ttechhnollogyy _. AA. wwilll reemaiin tthe sammeB. willl ssloww doown CC. wwilll sppeedd uppD.

52、cann noot bbe ppreddictted32. Thee wrriteer eexpeectss thhat by 20110 nnew tecchnoologgy wwilll haave revvoluutioonizzed commmunnicaatioons andd _. AA. bbookkshoops willl nnot exiist BB. tthe preesennt pposttal sysstemm wiill havve ddisaappeeareed CC. ppeopple willl nno llongger sennd llettterss DD.

53、 tthe posstmeen wwilll haave beeen rrepllaceed bby tthe mottor carr33. Froom tthe passsagge, we cann innferr thhat _. AA. pproffesssionnalss woontt bee afffecctedd byy neew ttechhnollogyy BB. ddocttorss woontt bee ass effficciennt aas ccompputeers CC. ccompputeers cann noot rrepllacee laawyeers DD.

54、eexpeertss wiill knoow llesss inn thhe ffutuure34. Thee paassaage tellls us thaat iin tthe futturee _. AA. cchilldreen wwilll noot bbe ttaugght in schhoolls BB. nno tteaccherrs wwilll bee neeedeed CC. tteaccherrs wwilll bee leess knoowleedgeeablle DD. cchilldreen wwilll leearnn liife skiillss att sc

55、choool35. In thee wrriteerss viiew, _. AA. ppeopple shoouldd bee prrepaaredd foor tthe futturee BB. ttherre eexissts no thrreatt off unnempployymennt CC. uunioons cann sttop thee unnfavvoraablee chhangge DD. ppeopple hadd beetteer bbecoome cleeaneersPasssagee FoourSincce wwe aare socciall beeinggs,

56、thee quualiity of ourr liivess deepennds in larrge meaasurre oon oour intterpperssonaal rrelaatioonshhipss. OOne strrenggth of thee huumann coondiitioon iis oour tenndenncy to givve aand recceivve ssuppportt frrom onee annothher undder strresssfull ciircuumsttancces. Soociaal ssuppportt coonsiistss

57、off thhe eexchhangge oof rresoourcces amoong peooplee baasedd onn thheirr innterrperrsonnal tiees. Thoose of us witth sstroong suppporrt ssysttemss apppeaar bbettter ablle tto ccopee wiith majjor liffe cchanngess annd ddailly hhasssless (困困難). Peeoplle wwithh sttronng ssociial tiees llivee loongeer

58、aand havve bbettter heaalthh thhan thoose witthouut ssuchh tiies. Sttudiies oveer aa raangee off illlneessees, froom ddeprresssionn too heeartt diiseaase, reeveaal tthatt thhe ppressencce oof ssociial suppporrt hhelpps ppeopple fennd ooff (擋開開)illlnesss, andd thhe aabseencee off suuch suppporrt mmak

59、ees ppoorr heealtth mmoree liikelly.Socciall suuppoort cusshioons strresss inn a nummberr off waays. Fiirstt, ffrieendss, rrelaativves, annd cco-wworkkerss maay llet us knoow tthatt thhey vallue us. Ouur sselff-reespeect is strrenggtheenedd whhen we feeel aacceepteed bby ootheers desspitte oour fauu

60、ltss annd ddiffficuultiies. Seeconnd, othher peooplee offtenn prroviide us witth iinfoormaatioonall suuppoort. Thhey hellp uus tto ddefiine andd unnderrstaand ourr prrobllemss annd ffindd sooluttionns tto tthemm. TThirrd, we typpicaallyy fiind socciall coompaanioonshhip suppporrtivve. Enggagiing in


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
  • 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準確性、安全性和完整性, 同時也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。



