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1、高中英語優(yōu)質(zhì)課教案【篇一:高中英語閱讀課公開課教案一等獎】 高中英語閱讀課 此教案獨家特色簡介: 一,高中英語閱讀課,該教案在賽課中獲得了一等獎,同時該閱讀課獲得了一等獎, 經(jīng)過實戰(zhàn)演練,課堂氣氛非?;顫?,閱讀表格等教學方法得到評委一致稱贊 二,該教案內(nèi)容翔實,制作創(chuàng)意十足。 a,用表格的形式來制作教案,一目了然,簡潔明了 b,參加了對應內(nèi)容的ppt截圖 ,讓教案不再是死氣沉沉,冗長無聊,而是生動活潑,十分有趣,有新意! 三,擁有配套的高質(zhì)量的說課稿,課件,閱讀原文,讓你把優(yōu)秀閱讀課信手拈來! 說課稿題目:高中英語閱讀課公開課說課稿一等獎 課件題目:高中英語閱讀課公開課課件 一等獎 閱讀原文題

2、目:an interview with jackie chan高中英語閱讀課公開課原文123 4 5【篇二:高中英語新課標優(yōu)秀教案】 new senior english for china students book 4 unit 3 a taste of english humor the second period teaching aims: 1. learn and master the useful words and phrases. 2. let the student learn from nonverbal humor. 3. train the students pred

3、icting, skimming and summarizing ability during reading the text. 4. encourage the students to keep optimistic attitude to life, foster sense of humor and cultivate their taste. teaching important points: 1. master the following phrases and words: feelcontent with, performers, astonishing, unfortuna

4、tely, worse off, ordinary, bored, entertaining, throughout, homeless, moustache, failure, overcome, leather, pick out, cut off, chew, convincing, direct, star in, outstanding, switzerland. 2. enable the students to understand the text better. 3. improve the students predicting, skimming and summariz

5、ing ability. teaching difficult points: 1. how to make the students understand the text better. 2. how to make the students understand the following sentence. not that charlies own life was easy! teaching methods: 1. playing the footage of the gold rush and asking the students some questions. 2. sca

6、nning the text to get some information about charlie chaplin. 3. careful reading to summarize the main ideas of each paragraph. 4. individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. teaching aids: 1. a multimedia classroom 2. the blackboard teaching procedures: step greetings greet

7、the whole class as usual. step leading-in and pre-reading 1. review the content of last class (comparing chinese and western humor). 2. play the footage of the gold rush. 3.let the students think about and discuss the questions in the part of pre-reading. if the students can not answer the questions

8、 perfectly, the teacher should consummate the answer. step reading 1. one. let the students scan the text to get some information about charlie chaplin and accomplish comprehending suggested answers: born: 1889 job: actor famous character: little tramp costume: moustache, large trousers, worn-out sh

9、oes, small round black hat, walking stick. type of acting: nonverbal humor died: switzerland, 1977 2.let the students carefully read the text and accomplish comprehending two. suggested answers: paragraph 1: a talent comedy actorparagraph 2: life paragraph 3: little tramp paragraph 4: example paragr

10、aph 5: achievement step discussionaccomplish comprehending three. suggested answers: 1. yes, i think so. because his poor childhood offered the experience of poor life and toughened him. 2. because he brightened the lives of americans and british through two world wars and the hard years in between,

11、 and up to now no body has been able to do this better than him. step summary and homework summary: in this class, we have read a text about a famous prince of comedycharlie chaplin. we have known that chaplin is a talent performer. we should learn optimistic attitude to life from charlie chaplin. w

12、e also learned some words and phrases in the text. homework: let the students watch one of charlie chaplins films and then work in pairs according tocomprehending four step the design of writing on the blackboardstep record after teaching 2 雷 雨 ?雷雨?是曹禺先生的戲劇代表作品,也是中國現(xiàn)代戲劇史上的一篇力作,該劇以20年代初的中國社會為背景,通過一個帶

13、有濃厚封建色彩的資產(chǎn)階級家庭內(nèi)部的鋒利沖突以及周、魯兩家復雜的矛盾糾葛,生動地展現(xiàn)了具有典型意義的剝削階級家庭的罪惡歷史。學習本課,應緊扣故事發(fā)生的背景、仔細體味作者是如何通過個性化的對話,來推動故事情節(jié)開展的,從而真正把握劇中人物性格沖突及表現(xiàn)技巧,重點掌握戲劇沖突的獨特性及戲劇語言的個性化與表現(xiàn)力。 本文將采取活動式表演、探討式、啟發(fā)式相結(jié)合的教學。通過表演課本劇來激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,創(chuàng)設愉悅的課堂情境,在觀劇、討論中不斷領略戲劇藝術的獨特魅力。擬定二課時。 第一課時教學設想:簡介作者,觀看第一場的戲劇表演,初步感知劇情,分析第一場戲的矛盾沖突, 品味戲劇語言,把握人物的根本特征。 第二課

14、時教學設想:總結(jié)第一場戲所刻畫的人物性格特點,觀看第二場的戲劇表演,分析戲劇沖突,品味戲劇語言,把握周樸園的性格開展,并由此進入主題提煉,標題闡釋,深入鑒賞本劇思想內(nèi)涵。 教學重點 分析兩場戲劇沖突,并把握人物形象。 教學難點 戲劇語言的言外之意以及學生對戲劇主題的理解。 教具準備 多媒體課件。 課前準備 指導學生分組編排表演?雷雨?中的兩場戲。 課時安排 2課時。 三維目標 知識與能力 1.了解戲劇根本常識,初步學會鑒賞現(xiàn)代話劇。 2.把握戲劇的主要矛盾沖突,善于分析沖突所折射的人物性格特征,從而理解戲劇的主題。 3.品味戲劇語言的言外之意。 過程與方法 1.學生自排自演,在表演中激發(fā)興趣,

15、體會戲劇藝術的迷人魅力。 2.通過沖突中人物的言行分析形象。 情感態(tài)度與價值觀 體會戲劇鋒利沖突中所表現(xiàn)出來的人性的假惡丑與真善美,認識具有典型意義的剝削階級家庭的罪惡歷史,從而認清半殖民地半封建社會的罪惡與黑暗以及它滅亡的必然趨勢。 教學過程 第一課時 導入新課 師 上節(jié)課,我們在劇烈的戲劇沖突中認識了一個善良美麗而又不屈的靈魂,今天我們一起來欣賞一部20世紀30年代名噪一時的話劇名作?雷雨?,這部戲是戲劇大師曹禺的成名之作,為世界文學長廊留下了一位不朽的人物形象周樸園,這又是一個怎么樣的人呢?現(xiàn)在還是先來欣賞幾位同學的表演吧。 推進新課 【創(chuàng)設情境,激發(fā)興趣】 生 課文節(jié)選了劇本的第二幕,

16、這一幕又可分為兩場,現(xiàn)在就請看第一場的表演。 臺上傾情表演,臺下凝神觀看,表演結(jié)束后掌聲四起 師 好,掌聲很熱烈,說明演員們的課前努力沒白費,哪位同學來點評一下。 生 課堂小結(jié) 師 周樸園的反響一層層地剝?nèi)チ颂搨蔚耐馄?,在這場戲劇沖突中人性的美和丑產(chǎn)生了劇烈碰撞,人物性格得到了淋漓盡致地展現(xiàn)。 布置作業(yè) 師 今天的作業(yè)就是分別概括周樸園與魯侍萍一場戲中表現(xiàn)出的性格特征,并準備第二場戲劇表演。 第二課時導入新課 師 微笑上節(jié)課,我們著重分析了課文的第一場戲,戲劇沖突主要在主人公周樸園與魯侍萍之間產(chǎn)生,人物的性格在沖突中逐漸得到了展現(xiàn),這節(jié)課我們就先來總結(jié)周樸園與魯侍萍在第一場戲中所表現(xiàn)出的性格特

17、征。這也是留給同學們的作業(yè),現(xiàn)在就請幾位同學們來展示自己的思考成果。 推進新課 生 我比擬喜歡魯侍萍,所以我來概括她的性格吧。魯侍萍是一個舊中國勞動婦女形象。她正直、善良,但是在周公館卻備受凌辱和壓迫。大年三十的晚上,被周家趕出家門,她走投無路,痛不欲生,跳河自殺。遇救以后,一直掙扎在社會最底層,含著怨憤生活了三十年。生活磨煉了她,使她認清了周樸園的本性,勇敢地控訴周樸園的罪行。她以撕毀五千元支票的舉動,表現(xiàn)了她的骨氣和尊嚴,表達了她對周樸園的蔑視。她的唯一的要求就是“見見我的萍兒,表現(xiàn)出她那純潔、崇高的母愛。 師 很好,還有周樸園呢? 生? 課堂小結(jié) 布置作業(yè) 師 今天的作業(yè)就是寫一篇?雷雨

18、?讀后感,談談自己閱讀這部劇本的感受。 板書設計 第一課時 情節(jié)開展階段:偶遇相認沖突緩和 第二課時 活動與探究 一、戲劇語言的主要特點有:高度個性化,豐富的潛臺詞,富于動作性。請閱讀?雷雨?全劇,研究曹禺戲劇語言的獨特魅力,撰寫一篇小論文。 二、在?雷雨?中最復雜的就是周樸園對魯侍萍的感情問題,他對魯侍萍的愛情有多少是真的,有多少是假的,到底有沒有愛過,仔細閱讀?雷雨?說說自己的看法。高中英語說課 模板 一、introduction導言 英語說課是英語教學中的重要一環(huán),也是衡量一位英語教師對教材的把握、分析及教師本人對上課進程的宏觀控制能力的有力手段,能從理論上指導教師貫徹教學大綱,真正做到

19、教與學相結(jié)合,將教材、大綱、教師、學生、課堂融為有機整體,對不斷提高教師教學能力和教研能力,有著突出的作用。 二、說課的根本原那么 1. 遵循教學大綱要求,明確說課內(nèi)容。把握說課與上課的區(qū)別與聯(lián)系,正確理解教材、教案說課、上課之間的層進關系,走出說課即是“說教案的誤區(qū)。 2. 以教師為主導,學生為主體,表達先進的教學理念。 3. 詳略得當,重點突出,表達說課的完整性。 4. 與教案相結(jié)合,表達其可操作性。 三、說課的根本程序 1. 說教材:科學分析教材,明確重點難點、教學目標和要求以及教材在單元中的地位和作用。 2. 說學生:談談學生的知識與能力結(jié)構(gòu),明確說課內(nèi)容的難易程度?!酒焊咧杏⒄Z優(yōu)

20、質(zhì)課全英教案】 introduce a place from module2 unit4 communication workshopi. teaching aims at the end of this lesson, students will 1. be very interested in writing an article to introduce a place. 2. be able to use suitable person, tense, layout, sentence structures and linking words to introduce a place

21、. 3. be proud of our capital beijing and our hometown jiaozuo and love them. ii. teaching key points and difficult points 1. teacher leads students to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively. 2. teacher leads students to master the way to use advanced and

22、various sentence structures. iii. teaching and learning methods process-focused writing approach, group work, cooperative learning. iv. teaching procedure 1. teacher arouses students interests by showing some photos of some famous cities in the world, and singing the song, “welcome to beijing. 2. te

23、acher shows the sample article of beijing to students. this article serves as language input before writing. 3. teacher asks students questions to lead them to understand and master the layout, sentence structures and linking words effectively. e.g. “how many paragraphs are there in the article? ans

24、wer: (1. introduction. 2. things to see. 3. things to do. 4. ending words.) “what factors are included in the first paragraph? answer: (general description, location, area, population, history, climate and temperature.). “can you find and circle the beautiful and advanced sentences in the article? a

25、nswer: (location : 1. is located in 2. lies in. area: 1. covers an area of 2. .is the second/ third/.largest city in the world as regards area. etc.) 4. students work in groups and cooperate with each other to answer these questions. 5. teacher introduces the writing task “write an article to introd

26、uce jiaozuo. 6. teacher divides students into groups of six and arouses them to express the photos of jiaozuo in best possible ways according to the sentence structures in the article of beijing. meanwhile, teacher encourages students to join simple sentences together with linking words, relative pr

27、onouns, present participles, etc. to form more advanced and more various sentence structures. 7. students write the first drafts by themselves. 8. teacher stimulates students to check and correct their own drafts; meanwhile, teacher provides the standards of checking and correcting. for example, the

28、 content, the layout, the language, the linking words, the handwriting, the tense and person, the grammar and the spelling. 9. teacher divides students into groups of six and arouses them to check and correct their partners articles. teacher provides the standards of checking and correcting again. 10. teacher chooses two typical articles to examine before class; students learn how to check fully and effectively. 10. teacher help


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