Unit1 Science fiction SectionB Learning about Language (教案) -高中英語人教版(2019)選擇性必修第四冊_第1頁
Unit1 Science fiction SectionB Learning about Language (教案) -高中英語人教版(2019)選擇性必修第四冊_第2頁
Unit1 Science fiction SectionB Learning about Language (教案) -高中英語人教版(2019)選擇性必修第四冊_第3頁
Unit1 Science fiction SectionB Learning about Language (教案) -高中英語人教版(2019)選擇性必修第四冊_第4頁




1、Unit 1 Science fiction Section B Learning about Language 教學(xué)設(shè)計科目:英語 課題:Section B Learning About Language 課時:1課時教學(xué)目標(biāo)與核心素養(yǎng):知識目標(biāo):理解并掌握被動語態(tài)及其各種變形能力目標(biāo):能夠熟練運用被動語態(tài)情感目標(biāo):培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)語法的興趣教學(xué)重難點教學(xué)重點:能夠熟練運被動語態(tài),理解關(guān)于被動語態(tài)的特殊教學(xué)難點:培養(yǎng)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)語法的興趣課前準(zhǔn)備:多媒體,黑板,粉筆教學(xué)過程:一、Pre-class1. Greeting2. Leading-in學(xué)生活動:(1)學(xué)生在老師的引導(dǎo)下復(fù)習(xí)本節(jié)課的單詞,并完

2、成活動1中的練習(xí)。通過英文釋義和句子重構(gòu)加深對所學(xué)詞匯的理解。學(xué)生根據(jù)英文釋義從Reading and Thinking板塊的語篇中找出對應(yīng)的詞匯進行替換。教師重點解釋第五句。其中charge是熟詞生義,presume是非課標(biāo)詞。該句包含主語從句、省略句和狀語從句。(2)學(xué)生利用活動1中的詞匯回答問題,既回顧了小說情節(jié),又在語境中運用了詞匯。Why did Claire begin to trust Tony?What do you think is the most important factor that helps you to earn peoples trust? (Tony al

3、ways treated Claire with dignity, and she gradually admired his wisdom and integrity. Therefore, she began to trust him. For me, those who are honest and sincere are more likely to win my trust. )Why do you think though it was completely innocent, Claire still felt guilty when she was discovered by

4、Gladys? (Obviously, Claire was innocent of cheating on her husband, yet she did follow all Tonys instructions and tend to rely on him emotionally, which showed that her attitude and feelings changed greatly. I believe thats why she felt guilty somehow. )While-class (1)學(xué)生活動:學(xué)生完成活動2及補充的翻譯練習(xí),通過釋義辨析詞義。學(xué)

5、生完成活動2,辨析詞義,匹配釋義。教師利用字典、報紙等提供相應(yīng)語境或例句。學(xué)生進行翻譯,在理解的基礎(chǔ)上辨析詞義。Tourism is critical to the area, for it is a major source of income.According to the latest policy, children and senior citizens travel at half fare.Working at the coal mine, he received his wage on Fridays.At the end of year, you are to receiv

6、e a Christmas bonus ranging from $50 to $100.(2)學(xué)生完成活動3,在語篇中綜合運用所學(xué)單詞和詞塊。學(xué)生閱讀語篇,獲取主旨大意。學(xué)生再次閱讀語篇,完成填空,結(jié)對核對答案。學(xué)生判斷語篇作者的觀點態(tài)度,并使用相關(guān)詞匯表達個人觀點。教師可以在此提問,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生思考人類對機器人或人工智能的態(tài)度,為單元項目活動的產(chǎn)出作鋪墊。How do people feel about AI robots looking more like a human than a machine?What are peoples attitudes towards more and m

7、ore intelligent robots?Do you agree that Sophia should be given citizenship? Why or Why not?(3)學(xué)生完成Review useful structures 部分的活動1,找出句子中的被動語態(tài)。Answers: was going to be tested out; to be harmed; was being looked after; was being offered; was not allowed; was being treated badly; to be discovered by he

8、r; was being completely transformed老師可以提問學(xué)生:why is the passive voice used?The passive voice is used to focus on the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. It is used when we dont know the performer, or the performer is unimportant (and

9、therefore omitted), or the performer is to be highlighted (and therefore placed toward the end).(4)學(xué)生完成Review useful structures 部分的活動2, 在具體的語境中使用被動語態(tài)。完成練習(xí)后,師生核對答案,學(xué)生翻譯句子。1 be undone 木已成舟。2 was elected 珍妮特上個月當(dāng)選為學(xué)生會主席。3 be added 蛋糕料里需要加入兩百克面粉。4 was built/will be built一個擁有三千座位,供馬戲表演使用的場地于十一月建成將在十一月建成。5

10、 has been improved 自從采用了新軟件,工作效率就被提升了。6 is allowed 經(jīng)濟艙的乘客每人僅允許攜帶一件隨身行李。7 be invited 我很榮幸能被邀請在AI大會上發(fā)言。8 was being discussed 我進會議室的時候發(fā)現(xiàn)正在討論銷售員的薪水。9 be admitted 使用轉(zhuǎn)換為盲文的高考試卷,一位高中的視障學(xué)生考取了630分(總分650)。他有望被一所名校錄取。(5)學(xué)生完成活動3,體會被動語態(tài)在圖書簡介中的語用功能。Answers:is regarded; explored/represented; written; was translate

11、d; represents; is recruited; has been set up; gets caught up; connected; be discovered學(xué)生完成填空。教師通過提問、復(fù)述來檢查學(xué)生對句子的理解,并強調(diào)核心動詞的用法。需要特別關(guān)注的是第一段的首句和結(jié)尾句。前者結(jié)構(gòu)相對復(fù)雜,涉及被動語態(tài)、主語補足語、定語從句;后者的核心動詞explore在具體語境中的含義與學(xué)生平常熟悉的詞義有差別。學(xué)生再次閱讀語篇,根據(jù)語篇類型,分析作者的寫作目的和寫作邏輯。Why does the author write this passage? How does he/she conve

12、y his/her purpose?The passage is a book introduction to the sci-fi novel The Three-Body Problem, written by Chinese writerLiu Cixin. With The Three-Body Problem, the writer intends to tell us how our future can be freely imagined and represented in science fiction.The first paragraph tells about the

13、 books writer and translator and introduces its influence and achievement. The second paragraph contains a very brief summary of the books beginning, which is aimed to arouse readers curiosity. 三、After-class學(xué)生閱讀練習(xí)冊Using Structures板塊中活動3里的語篇,歸納優(yōu)秀的圖書簡介所具備的優(yōu)點以及行文特點(被動語態(tài))。教師可提問:After reading the two book introductions, do you want to read the book? Why or why not? What are the good qual


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