高中英語專題 6Unit 2 Let's talk teens練習(xí)6 Section Ⅳ_第1頁(yè)
高中英語專題 6Unit 2 Let's talk teens練習(xí)6 Section Ⅳ_第2頁(yè)
高中英語專題 6Unit 2 Let's talk teens練習(xí)6 Section Ⅳ_第3頁(yè)
高中英語專題 6Unit 2 Let's talk teens練習(xí)6 Section Ⅳ_第4頁(yè)
高中英語專題 6Unit 2 Let's talk teens練習(xí)6 Section Ⅳ_第5頁(yè)




1、 課時(shí)分層作業(yè)(六)Section 語言知識(shí)練習(xí)固基礎(chǔ) .單句語法填空1Weve had a very positive _ (respond) to the idea.2_(which) day you come,well be pleased to meet you.3Lucy could not account _ her being late for the meeting.4The present situation is very complex,so I think it will take me some time to _ (figure) out its reality.5

2、People are grateful because their food _(gather) for the winter and the agricultural work is over.6Christie looked relaxed and calm as he faced _ press.7She leant forward _(eager) to listen to him.8My boss is always on my back _ my work.9She _(graduate) from Cambridge with a degree in law.10Water is

3、 forced through these_(pipe) at high pressure.單句改錯(cuò) (每小題僅有1處錯(cuò)誤)1To save money,you may open an current account at a bank._2All the children were gathered round the old man to listen to his stories._3I figure what the famous writer will not go to attend the ceremony._4I wrote a letter to him,but he did

4、nt respond me._5He reached cross the table and took my hand._.完成句子1Toms careless driving _湯姆的粗心駕駛引起了這場(chǎng)事故。2_what conclusion will be drawn in the meeting.很難弄明白這次會(huì)議將要得出什么結(jié)論。3They_ on to the beach. 他們把船從水里拖到海灘上。4_,there is a theme park for you!無論你喜歡哪一個(gè),不管你喜歡什么,都會(huì)有一個(gè)適合你的主題公園!5My success _me. 我的成功是依靠我的朋友幫

5、助我。高考語篇練習(xí)提能力.閱讀理解We arrived at the hospital to find Dad was very weak,but his smile was as sure as ever.It was another attack of pneumonia(肺炎)My husband and I stayed with him for the weekend but had to return to our jobs on Monday.Local relatives would help Dad get home from the hospital and look af

6、ter him.But I longed to be able to let him know that we cared too,even when we werent with him.Then I remembered a family tradition when our children were small.When leaving their grandparents home after a visit,each child would write a love note to their grandparents.They hid notes in the cereal(麥片

7、)box,under a hairbrush,next to the phone or even in the microwave oven(微波爐)For days,their grandparents would smile as they discovered these signs of our love.So as I tidied Dads kitchen and made up a bed for him downstairs in the living room,I wrote some notes.Some were practical,“Dad,I put the food

8、 in the fridge so it wouldnt spoil.”Some expressed my love,“Dad,I hope you will sleep well in your new bed.”Most notes were downstairs where he would stay for several weeks until he recovered strength,but one note I hid upstairs under his pillow,“Dad,if you have found this note,you must be feeling b

9、etter.We are so glad!”Just like his medicines strengthened him physically,these“emotional vitamins”would improve his spiritual(精神上的)health.Several weeks later,in one of our regular phone calls,I asked Dad how he was doing.He said,“Pretty good.I just found your note under my pillow upstairs!”【語篇解讀】 本

10、文是一篇記敘文,作者通過留言條表達(dá)對(duì)父親的愛。1We can infer from the text that the authors father Agot home from hospital aloneBlived with his relativesCasked her to return to workDhad suffered from the same illness before 2The children hid notes in their grandparents home in order to Afollow a family traditionBplay trick

11、s on their grandparentsCshow their gifts to their grandparentsDgive their grandparents a pleasant surprise 3Following the family tradition,the author Aoften called her fatherBwrote some notes to her fatherClonged to visit her fatherDworried about her fathers health 4Having heard what her father said

12、,the author would feel AsurprisedBluckyCpleased Dsad .完形填空I was born with a heart disease.As I grew up,parts of my heart started to 1 and I was often out of breath.So when I was eight,the doctors opened my chest to 2 it.When they saw the state of my heart,they told my parents,“We dont expect him to

13、3 the night.”I was in and out of a coma(昏迷) for three months.Every day the fact that I wasnt 4 was a good thing.Finally,the doctors 5 Id be better off at homesaying that I wasnt going to live long.But I 6 and had something close to a 7 childhood.As a teenager,I began to 8 heart failure again.But I w

14、as 9 to go to college,become a manager and get married to Jo.I started my own 10 so I could work flexible(靈活的) hours, 11 Jo and I had two children:Josh and Liam.I 12 to keep a good standard of life for everyone,even when I was waking up feeling sick every morning.By January last year,my heart failur

15、e was so 13 I often couldnt walk more than a few yards.I was worried about not being around for my 14 I had to explain to Josh that the 15 telling me an organ(器官) had been found could come any time and Id be rushed to hospital,perhaps 16 I could say goodbye.A few days later,the phone rang and Josh s

16、aid,“Is that the doctor with your new 17 ?”However it was 18 a salesman.May 4th was the day a transplant(移植) match was found.I was out of hospital within five weeks and,within a few 19 ,feeling much better.By October,I was taking part in a 30mile bike ride.These days I spend a lot of time talking to

17、 kids with heart 20 I want to support others whove had a hard time.【語篇解讀】 本文是記敘文。作者雖然患有先天性心臟病,但他沒有退縮,勇敢面對(duì)學(xué)習(xí)和生活,堅(jiān)強(qiáng)地活了下去。1A.feel BfailCimprove Dwork 2A.repair BdiscoverChear Dprevent 3A.stay Bwaste Csee Dlast 4A.dead BsadCsick Dworried 5A.expected BdecidedCrequired Dlearned 6A.went out Bgave upClooked back Dcarried on 7A.luckyBnormal Cbusy Dpoor 8A.stopBacceptCexperience Dexamine 9A.ready Blikely Cable Dsure 10A.rideBfamilyCholiday Dcompany 11A.and BbutCsince Dunless 12A.waited Btri


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