1、正確使用吊索具的十四種方法1、吊索具規(guī)格、類型的選擇 當選擇吊索具規(guī)格時,必須把被起吊的負載 的尺寸、重量、外形,以及準備采用的吊裝方法等共同影響的使用方式系數(shù)列入 計算考慮,給出的極限工作力的要求,同時工作環(huán)境、負載的種類必須加以考慮。 必須選擇既有足夠能力,又能滿足使用方式的恰當長度的吊索具,假如多個吊索 具被同時使用起吊負載,必須選用同樣類型吊索具;扁平吊索具的原料不能受到 環(huán)境或負載影響。無論附件或軟吊耳是否需要,必須慎重考慮吊索具的末段和 輔助附件及起重設備相匹配。2、吊索的限制使用角度當使用軟吊耳的扁平吊索時,最小使用的吊耳長 度不能小于3.5倍和吊耳接觸部分的吊鉤最大厚度,并且吊
2、耳活動夾角不能超過 20。當連接帶軟吊耳的吊索和起重用具時,吊索和起重用具接觸部分必須是 一直的,除非吊索的軸向?qū)挾葲]有超過75mm,起重附件的彎曲半徑必須至少是吊 索軸向?qū)挾鹊?.75倍。舉例說明:吊索在貨鉤上的半徑至少0.75倍吊索軸向?qū)?度.織物寬度或許受貨鉤里面部分半徑的影響,貨鉤曲率的影響結(jié)果阻礙強力在 織物的寬度范圍均衡的作用。吊索嚴禁超載,必須使用正確的方式系數(shù),一部 分極限工作力的方式或許已經(jīng)在標簽上給出,多重組合吊索不能超過和垂直方向 最大角度。3、遵循好的吊裝經(jīng)驗在開始吊裝之前計劃好起吊和輕便的操作方案。4、吊裝時,正確的使用吊索具連接方式吊索具在安全方式下正確的安置、 連
3、接負載,必須安放吊索具在負載上以便負載能夠均衡的作用吊索的寬度;始終 不能打結(jié)或扭曲吊索縫合部位不能放置在吊鉤或起重設備上,并且總是放在吊索 的直立部分,通過遠離負載、吊鉤和鎖緊角度來防止標簽的損傷。5、多重組合吊索具的使用注意事項 多重組合吊索的極限工作力的評估決 定于組合吊索承受負載的對稱性,也就是當起吊時,吊索的分支按設計分布對稱 均勻,具有同樣垂直角度。3組合吊索,假如分支不能按設計均勻的受力,最大 的強力在一個分支上,那將是設計角度臨近分支最大承受力的總和,同樣的結(jié)果 在4組合吊索中,如果不是剛性負載,將同樣計算在內(nèi)。備注:對于剛性負載, 大部分重力或許被其中3支,或甚至2支承擔,剩
4、余的那支僅僅保護負載的平衡6、吊裝時,吊索具的保護吊索遠離尖銳邊緣,摩擦和磨損,不論是遠離 負載還是起重用具,應該加強和保護吊索的恰當部分不受尖銳邊緣和磨損的破 壞,必要的額外加強保護補充是必須的。7、確保起重時,負載平衡 在起重過程中,必須采用安全的方式使用吊索, 不能讓負載傾斜或從吊索中滑落;必須安排吊索在負載的重心和吊裝點的直上 方,讓負載平衡、穩(wěn)定,假如負載重心不在吊裝點之下,運動中的吊索可能越過 起重點。導致危險。8、吊索具采用的吊裝方式如果使用籃吊,可以保證負載安全,因為沒有 象鎖吊那樣的鎖緊行為,并且吊索可以翻轉(zhuǎn)穿過起重點,推薦兩支吊索一起使用, 吊索的肢體懸掛盡可能的垂直,有利
5、于確保負載在分支間平等分擔。當扁平吊 索鎖吊時,應該允許安放自然角度(120 )的狀態(tài),從而避免由于摩擦產(chǎn)生熱, 吊索既不受處于強力強制位置,也不企圖制造緊的夾口,正確的安全方式采用一 個吊索的雙倍鎖吊。雙倍鎖吊保證安全和預防負載從吊索中滑落。9、確保人員安全在吊裝過程中,密切注意,確保人員安全,必須警告在危 險狀態(tài)下的人員,假如需要,立即從危險地帶撤出。手或身體的其他部位必須 遠離吊索具,防止當?shù)跛骶咚沙跁r受到傷害。10、在吊裝過程中,必須采用示范性方式起吊必須采用示范性的吊裝,吊 索從松弛地拿起直到吊索拉緊,負載逐漸被提升到預定的位置,特別重要的是在 籃吊或自由的拉緊時摩擦力承擔負載。11
6、、控制負載的旋轉(zhuǎn)如果負載趨向于傾斜,必須放下起重物,確保負載受 到約束,防止負載意外的旋轉(zhuǎn)得到保證。12、避免索具的碰撞、拖、拉、摩擦、振蕩,防止索具的損壞在吊裝時, 必須注意確保負載受到約束,防止意外翻轉(zhuǎn)或和其它物體碰撞。避免拖、拉或振 蕩負載,如果那樣將增加索具的受力。假如索具在承受負載,或負載在壓在索 具上時,不能在地面或粗糙的物體表面拖拉吊索具。13、索具的著落當起吊時,負載將在平等制約的情況下降落。14、正確的儲藏吊索具當?shù)跛魍瓿善鹬夭僮骱螅仨毐环呕?,正確的儲藏; 假如不再使用,必須儲藏吊索在干凈、干燥、良好的通風條件下、室溫、并且安 放在架子上,遠離熱源、可侵蝕外表的氣體、化學品
7、、直射太陽光或其他強的紫 外線照射。優(yōu)先使用儲藏物品,必須檢查吊索在使用過程中發(fā)生的任何損傷, 不在儲藏已經(jīng)損壞的吊索。當起重時,吊索受到酸堿的污染,用水稀釋或用相 應的事先被推薦儲藏的媒體去中和。依據(jù)起重吊索的材料和相關的化學性能的參 考,來自供應商的推薦,已經(jīng)使用過的沒有問題的產(chǎn)品也許是必要的。吊索在 使用中變濕,或者由于清潔的原因,將被掛起來,自然涼干。使用吊索具的十四種方法1、吊索具規(guī)格、類型的選擇當選擇吊索具規(guī)格時,必須把被起吊的負載 的尺寸、重量、外形,以及準備采用的吊裝方法等共同影響的使用方式系數(shù)列入 計算考慮,給出的極限工作力的要求,同時工作環(huán)境、負載的種類必須加以考慮。 必須
8、選擇既有足夠能力,又能滿足使用方式的恰當長度的吊索具,假如多個吊索 具被同時使用起吊負載,必須選用同樣類型吊索具;扁平吊索具的原料不能受到 環(huán)境或負載影響。無論附件或軟吊耳是否需要,必須慎重考慮吊索具的末段和 輔助附件及起重設備相匹配。2、吊索的限制使用角度當使用軟吊耳的扁平吊索時,最小使用的吊耳長 度不能小于3.5倍和吊耳接觸部分的吊鉤最大厚度,并且吊耳活動夾角不能超過 20。當連接帶軟吊耳的吊索和起重用具時,吊索和起重用具接觸部分必須是 一直的,除非吊索的軸向?qū)挾葲]有超過75mm,起重附件的彎曲半徑必須至少是吊 索軸向?qū)挾鹊?.75倍。舉例說明:吊索在貨鉤上的半徑至少0.75倍吊索軸向?qū)?
9、度.織物寬度或許受貨鉤里面部分半徑的影響,貨鉤曲率的影響結(jié)果阻礙強力在 織物的寬度范圍均衡的作用。吊索嚴禁超載,必須使用正確的方式系數(shù),一部 分極限工作力的方式或許已經(jīng)在標簽上給出,多重組合吊索不能超過和垂直方向 最大角度。3、遵循好的吊裝經(jīng)驗在開始吊裝之前計劃好起吊和輕便的操作方案。4、吊裝時,正確的使用吊索具連接方式吊索具在安全方式下正確的安置、 連接負載,必須安放吊索具在負載上以便負載能夠均衡的作用吊索的寬度;始終 不能打結(jié)或扭曲吊索縫合部位不能放置在吊鉤或起重設備上,并且總是放在吊索 的直立部分,通過遠離負載、吊鉤和鎖緊角度來防止標簽的損傷。5、多重組合吊索具的使用注意事項 多重組合吊
10、索的極限工作力的評估決 定于組合吊索承受負載的對稱性,也就是當起吊時,吊索的分支按設計分布對稱 均勻,具有同樣垂直角度。3組合吊索,假如分支不能按設計均勻的受力,最大 的強力在一個分支上,那將是設計角度臨近分支最大承受力的總和,同樣的結(jié)果 在4組合吊索中,如果不是剛性負載,將同樣計算在內(nèi)。備注:對于剛性負載, 大部分重力或許被其中3支,或甚至2支承擔,剩余的那支僅僅保護負載的平衡6、吊裝時,吊索具的保護吊索遠離尖銳邊緣,摩擦和磨損,不論是遠離 負載還是起重用具,應該加強和保護吊索的恰當部分不受尖銳邊緣和磨損的破 壞,必要的額外加強保護補充是必須的。7、確保起重時,負載平衡 在起重過程中,必須采
11、用安全的方式使用吊索, 不能讓負載傾斜或從吊索中滑落;必須安排吊索在負載的重心和吊裝點的直上 方,讓負載平衡、穩(wěn)定,假如負載重心不在吊裝點之下,運動中的吊索可能越過 起重點。導致危險。8、吊索具采用的吊裝方式如果使用籃吊,可以保證負載安全,因為沒有 象鎖吊那樣的鎖緊行為,并且吊索可以翻轉(zhuǎn)穿過起重點,推薦兩支吊索一起使用, 吊索的肢體懸掛盡可能的垂直,有利于確保負載在分支間平等分擔。當扁平吊 索鎖吊時,應該允許安放自然角度(120 )的狀態(tài),從而避免由于摩擦產(chǎn)生熱, 吊索既不受處于強力強制位置,也不企圖制造緊的夾口,正確的安全方式采用一 個吊索的雙倍鎖吊。雙倍鎖吊保證安全和預防負載從吊索中滑落。
12、9、確保人員安全在吊裝過程中,密切注意,確保人員安全,必須警告在危 險狀態(tài)下的人員,假如需要,立即從危險地帶撤出。手或身體的其他部位必須 遠離吊索具,防止當?shù)跛骶咚沙跁r受到傷害。10、在吊裝過程中,必須采用示范性方式起吊必須采用示范性的吊裝,吊 索從松弛地拿起直到吊索拉緊,負載逐漸被提升到預定的位置,特別重要的是在 籃吊或自由的拉緊時摩擦力承擔負載。11、控制負載的旋轉(zhuǎn)如果負載趨向于傾斜,必須放下起重物,確保負載受 到約束,防止負載意外的旋轉(zhuǎn)得到保證。12、避免索具的碰撞、拖、拉、摩擦、振蕩,防止索具的損壞在吊裝時, 必須注意確保負載受到約束,防止意外翻轉(zhuǎn)或和其它物體碰撞。避免拖、拉或振 蕩負
13、載,如果那樣將增加索具的受力。假如索具在承受負載,或負載在壓在索 具上時,不能在地面或粗糙的物體表面拖拉吊索具。13、索具的著落當起吊時,負載將在平等制約的情況下降落。14、正確的儲藏吊索具當?shù)跛魍瓿善鹬夭僮骱螅仨毐环呕?,正確的儲藏; 假如不再使用,必須儲藏吊索在干凈、干燥、良好的通風條件下、室溫、并且安 放在架子上,遠離熱源、可侵蝕外表的氣體、化學品、直射太陽光或其他強的紫 外線照射。優(yōu)先使用儲藏物品,必須檢查吊索在使用過程中發(fā)生的任何損傷, 不在儲藏已經(jīng)損壞的吊索。當起重時,吊索受到酸堿的污染,用水稀釋或用相 應的事先被推薦儲藏的媒體去中和。依據(jù)起重吊索的材料和相關的化學性能的參 考,來
14、自供應商的推薦,已經(jīng)使用過的沒有問題的產(chǎn)品也許是必要的。吊索在 使用中變濕,或者由于清潔的原因,將被掛起來,自然涼干。The correct use of sling 14 kinds of methods1, sling specifications, types of choice when choosing sling specifications, must be lifting load size, weight, appearance, and prepared to adopt the lifting methods common influence way of using f
15、actor included in the calculation are given consideration, the limit of the requirements of the work force, and at the same time, working environment, thetypes of load must be taken into consideration. Must choose has enough ability, and can satisfy the use of appropriate way the length of the sling
16、, if multiple sling is used at the same time lifting load, must choose the same type sling; Flat sling raw materials cannot be environment or load effect. Whatever attachment or soft lifting lug do you need, we must think carefully about the end of the sling and auxiliary accessories and lifting equ
17、ipment matching.2 of the sling, restrict the use of Angle when using soft hanging ear flat sling, minimum use of ear length not less than 3.5 times and lifting lug contact part of the hook maximum thickness, and lifting lug activities not more than twenty Angle. When the connection with the soft lif
18、ting lug sling and lifting appliance, sling and lifting gear contact must be always part, unless the axial line width of no more than 75 mm, lifting accessories bending radius must be at least sling axial width of 0.75 times. For instance, sling in cargo hook in the radius of at least 0.75 times the
19、 sling axial width. Fabric width may be cargo hook inside part on the radius of curvature, cargo hook to the effect of the width of the fabric in strength in the scope of the function of balance. Sling it is strictly prohibited to overload, must use the right way coefficient, part of the limit work
20、force way might have on the label given, multiple combination sling cannot exceed and vertical direction Angle.follow the good lifting experience in the beginning before hoisting plan lifting and portable operating plan.lifting, the correct use of sling mode of connection sling in safe mode correct
21、placement, connects the load must be placed in a sling on load in order to load balance to the role of the width of the sling; Still can not knot or distorted sling suture parts should not be subjected to hook or lifting equipment, and always in the sling of upright part, pass away from load, hook a
22、nd lock Angle to prevent damage to the label.multiple combination sling use of the note multiple combination of the sling limit work force evaluation depends on the symmetry under load combination sling, namely when lifting, according to the design of the sling branch distribution symmetry even, hav
23、e the same vertical Angle. 3 combination sling, if the branch cannot according to the stress of the uniform design, the biggest strength in a branch, it will be the view of design is the sum of the largest branch of tolerance, the same result in 4 combination sling, if not rigid load, will also coun
24、t. Note: for rigid load, the majority of gravity may be three branch, or even two, for the rest of the team only protect load balancelifting, sling protection sling away from sharp edges, the friction and wear, no matter from load or lifting appliances, should strengthen and protect the right of the
25、 sling part from sharp edges and wear damage, necessary to strengthen the protection of the additional supplement is a must.ensure lifting, load balancing in the lifting process, must adopt safe ways to use sling, cant let load inclined or from the sling slide; Must arrange sling in load center of g
26、ravity and lifting point straight above, let load balanced, stable, if the load center of gravity is not lifting point under, movement of the sling may over the key. To cause a hazard.sling the hoisting way if you use basket hanging, can guarantee load safety, because there is no like lock hanging t
27、hat locking behavior, and the sling can flip through the key,recommend two sling are used together, sling body suspension as far as possible, to ensure that the vertical load in equal share between branch. When flat sling lock crane, should be allowed to put natural Angle (120 ) state, so as to avoi
28、d the friction heat, sling is not be in a strong forced position, also do not attempt to create tight grip, correct safe mode to use a sling double lock crane. Double lock hanging ensure safety and prevent load from the sling slide.to ensure the safety of personnel in the lifting process, pay close
29、attention to, to ensure the safety of the people must warn in dangerous condition of the staff, if need, immediately withdraw from the danger zone. Hand or other parts of the body must be away from the sling, prevent when sling relax hurt.in the lifting process, must use demonstration way lifting mu
30、st use demonstrative lifting, sling from relaxation picked up until hang tight, load gradually be promoted to a predetermined position, especially important in the basket hanging or free tension for the friction load.control load rotation if load tend to tilt, must put on weight, ensure load restric
31、tions, prevent load accident rotation guaranteed.avoid rigging collision, drag, pull, friction, oscillation, prevent rigging damage in lifting, care must be taken to insure load restrictions, to prevent accidental flip or other object collision. Avoid drag, pull or oscillating load, if that will inc
32、rease the stress of the rigging. If rigging under load, or load in the pressure in the rigging, not on the ground or rough surfaces drag sling.rigging landing when lifting, load will be in equal restriction of fall down.the correct storage sling when sling complete lifting operation, must be put bac
33、k, correct storage; If no longer use, must be stored sling in a clean, dry, well ventilated conditions, room temperature, and in the shelf and far away from heat, erosion appearance gas, chemicals, direct sunlight or other strong ultraviolet irradiation. Priority use storage items, must check sling
34、in use process happen any damage, not in storage has damaged sling. When hoisting, sling is the pollution of acid and alkali, diluted or with corresponding prior recommended storage media to neutral. According to the lifting sling materials and related chemical properties of the reference, from supp
35、lier recommended, have used no problem products may be necessary. Sling in use wet, or due to clean the reason, will be hung up, natural dry.Use sling 14 kinds of methods1, sling specifications, types of choice when choosing sling specifications, must be lifting load size, weight, appearance, and pr
36、epared to adopt the lifting methods common influence way of using factor included in the calculation are given consideration, the limit of the requirements of the work force, and at the same time, working environment, the types of load must be taken into consideration. Must choose has enough ability
37、, and can satisfy the use of appropriate way the length of the sling, if multiple sling is used at the same time lifting load, must choose the same type sling; Flat sling raw materials cannot be environment or load effect. Whatever attachment or soft lifting lug do you need, we must think carefully
38、about the end of the sling and auxiliary accessories and lifting equipmentmatching.2 of the sling, restrict the use of Angle when using soft hanging ear flat sling, minimum use of ear length not less than 3.5 times and lifting lug contact part of the hook maximum thickness, and lifting lug activitie
39、s not more than twenty Angle. When the connection with the soft lifting lug sling and lifting appliance, sling and lifting gear contact must be always part, unless the axial line width of no more than 75 mm, lifting accessories bending radius must be at least sling axial width of 0.75 times. For ins
40、tance, sling in cargo hook in the radius of at least 0.75 times the sling axial width. Fabric width may be cargo hook inside part on the radius of curvature, cargo hook to the effect of the width of the fabric in strength in the scope of the function of balance. Sling it is strictly prohibited to ov
41、erload, must use the right way coefficient, part of the limit work force way might have on the label given, multiple combination sling cannot exceed and vertical direction Angle.follow the good lifting experience in the beginning before hoisting plan lifting and portable operating plan.lifting, the
42、correct use of sling mode of connection sling in safe mode correct placement, connects the load must be placed in a sling on load in order to load balance to the role of the width of the sling; Still can not knot or distorted sling suture parts should not be subjected to hook or lifting equipment, a
43、nd always in the sling of upright part, pass away from load, hook and lock Angle to prevent damage to the label.multiple combination sling use of the note multiple combination of the sling limit work force evaluation depends on the symmetry under load combination sling, namely when lifting, accordin
44、g to the design of the sling branch distribution symmetry even, have the same vertical Angle. 3 combination sling, if the branch cannot according to the stress of the uniform design, the biggest strength in a branch, it will be the view of design is the sum of the largest branch of tolerance, the sa
45、me result in 4 combination sling, if not rigid load, will also count. Note: for rigid load, the majority of gravity may be three branch, or even two, for the rest of the team only protect load balancelifting, sling protection sling away from sharp edges, the friction and wear, no matter from load or
46、 lifting appliances, should strengthen and protect the right of the sling part from sharp edges and wear damage, necessary to strengthen the protection of the additional supplement is a must.ensure lifting, load balancing in the lifting process, must adopt safe ways to use sling, cant let load incli
47、ned or from the sling slide; Must arrange sling in load center of gravity and lifting point straight above, let load balanced, stable, if the load center of gravity is not lifting point under, movement of the sling may over the key. To cause a hazard.sling the hoisting way if you use basket hanging,
48、 can guarantee load safety, because there is no like lock hanging that locking behavior, and the sling can flip through the key, recommend two sling are used together, sling body suspension as far as possible, to ensure that the vertical load in equal share between branch. When flat sling lock crane
49、, should be allowed to put natural Angle (120 ) state, so as to avoid the friction heat, sling is not be in a strong forced position, also do not attempt to create tight grip, correct safe mode to use a sling double lock crane. Double lock hanging ensure safety and preventload from the sling slide.t
50、o ensure the safety of personnel in the lifting process, pay close attention to, to ensure the safety of the people must warn in dangerous condition of the staff, if need, immediately withdraw from the danger zone. Hand or other parts of the body must be away from the sling, prevent when sling relax hurt.in the lifting process, must use
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