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1、閱讀理解專項突破一一主旨大意【命題特點】主旨大意題主要是測試考生對一篇文章或一段文字的深層理解 程度及在速讀中準確把握文章主旨大意的能力。一般針對某一語段或 某一語篇的主題標題或目的設(shè)題?!境R娍挤ā?標題類常見的標題型題干:The best title/ head I i ne for th i s passage might be.The text (passage) cou I d be ent i 11 ed .3)What i s the best title for the passage4)Which of the fol lowing wouId be suitable as

2、a title for the passage2大意類常見的主題型題干:5) Th i s passage chiefly dea I s What s the top i c of the art i c I ePhillip Lemoyne , prosecut i ng (起訴) ,sa i d Luz se I ected some c I othes from a display and took them to the ladies toi let in the store .When she came out again she was wear i ng one of the

3、sk i rts she had seIected ,hav i ng taken off the ant i-theft secur i ty a I arms (防盜警報裝置).She was stopped and caught after I eav i ng the store without paying ,Mr Lemoyne said.He added that she was upset on her arrest and apo Iogi zed for her act i ons.Luz, 28, was sa i d to have been conv i cted o

4、f shop I i ft i ng by Cambr i dge judges Iast October ,but Morag Duff, defending ,said she had never been in troubIe with the poI ice before that .“She is ashamed and embarrassed but doesn t rea I Iy have any exp Ianat ion why she did this , “ Miss Duff said .“She didn t intend to stea I when she we

5、nt into the store . She i s at a I oss to exp lain i t . She i s otherwi se a very respectab I e and i nteI I i gent young Iady . She went to her doctor and askedfor adv i ce because she wants to know i f there i s anyth i ng i n part i cuI ar that caused her to do th i s. ”Judge David Azan f i ned

6、Luz 50, and warned : “You ve got a criminal record . If you carry on I ike this , you wi I I end up i n pr i son ,wh ich wi I I ru i n your br ight future you may have.”Luz achieved a degree in design at university in her nat i ve Spa i n , went on to a famous un i vers i ty i n Berlin, Germany for

7、her master s degree and i s now studying for a PhD at Cambr i dge Un i vers i ty , UK. (2004 福建)wouId be the best title for the passageA . Shop I i ft i ng Shame of a PhD StudentB o Apologizing for the Act ions inShopsC. Seek i ng Profess i ona I He I p from Experts DoControI Ii ng the Des i re to S

8、tea I from Shops分析:文章主要講的是一個女博士生盜竊的事,唯有A答案(女博士 的偷竊丑聞)點出了主題,其他答案均為細節(jié)的描述,不能成為正確 答案例 4: Sinee many of you are pIanning to study at a col lege or un i vers i ty i n th i s country, you may be cur i ous to know what you usua I I y do i n a typica I week, how you can get a I ong with your feI low students

9、, and so are the questions I want to discuss with you today.Fi rst, let s taIk about what your week Iy scheduIe wi I I Iook Ii ke. No matter what your major may be, you can expect to spend between four and s i x hours a week for each c I ass attend i ng I ectures. Lectures are usua Ilyin very I arge

10、 rooms because some courses such as introduction to socioIogy or economics often have as many as two or three hundred students, espec i a I Iy at Iarge universities. In Iectures, it s very important for you to take notes on what the professor says because the i nformat ion a Iecture is often differe

11、nt from the information in your textbooks. Al so, you can expect to have exam quest ions based on the Iectures. So it isn t enough to just read your textbooks;you have to attend Iectures as we I I. In a typica I week you wi I I a I so have a coup Ie of hours of d i scuss i on for every cI ass you ta

12、ke. The d i scuss i on sect i on i s a smaI I group meet i ng usuaI Iy with fewer than thi rty students where you can ask quest ions about the Iectures, the read i ng, and the homework. In Iarge universities, graduate students, cal led teaching assistants, usuaI Iy d i rect d i scuss i on sect i ons

13、.If your major is chemistry, or physics, or another science, you I I a I so have to spend severaI burs a week i n the Iab, or Iaboratory, doing exper iments. Thi s means that science majors spend more time i n the cI assroom than non sc i ence majors do. On the other hand, peop I e who major i n sub

14、jects I i ke I iterature or h i story usuaI Iy have to read and wr ite more than sc i ence majors do. (2004 重慶卷)ma i n purpose of th i s text i s.he Ip the students to I earn about un i vers i ty I i feto persuade the students to attend Iecturesencourage the sudents to take part i n d i scuss i onsa

15、dvi se the students to choose proper majors分析:答案A B、C為細節(jié),無論對錯不能成為此類題型的答案.D.沒有涉及到如何選擇專業(yè)的問題You may be cur i ous to know what you usua I I y do i n a typ i ca I week, how you can get a Iong with your feI low students, and so are the questions I want to discuss with you today.例 5: Handshaking, though a

16、European practice is often seen in b i g cities of Ch i na. Nobody knows exact Iy when the pract i ce started in Europe. 11 is said that Iong Iong ago in Europe when peop I e met, they showed the i r unarmed 無(武器的)hands to each other as a sign of goodwi I I. As time went on and trade i n cities grew

17、 rap idly, peop I e i n cities began to c I ap each other s hands to make a dea I or to reach an agreement. Th i s pract i ce was I ater changed i nto shak i ng hands among fr i ends on meet i ng or Ieav i ng each other. Let s shake (hands) on it” sometimes means agreement reached.Do the Europeans s

18、hake hands wherever they go and with whomever they meet No. Sometimes the Chinese abroad reach out the i r hands too often to be poI i te. 11 i s reaI Iy very impol ite to give your hand when the other party, espec i a I Iy when it i s a woman, shows I ittIe interest in shaking hands with you and wh

19、en the meeting does not mean anything to him or-her. Even if, for pol iteness, he ho I ds out h i s unwi I I i ng hand i n answer to your un i nv i ted hand, just touch i t s I i ght I y- There i s genera I I y a misunderstanding (誤負單)among the Chinese that westerners are usuaI Iy open and stra ight

20、forward, while the Ch i nese are rather reserved (保守的)in manner. But in fact some peopIe in western countr ies more reserved than some Ch i nese today. So it i s a good i dea to shake hands with a westerner on I y when he shows i nterest i n further re I at ions with you. (2005 年安徽卷)f i rst paragrap

21、h mainly tells us.A.wherehandshakingwasfirstpracticedB. how handshaking came aboutabout the re I at i onsh i p between handshak i ng and tradeabout the pract ice of handshak i ng both i n Europe and i n Chi na分析:第一段主要講述了握手的起源。答案Bmain purpose of the text is.to teI I us some d i fferences between the

22、East and the Westto offer us some important facts about handshakingto iintroduce us to some different customs in the Westto give us some advice before we traveI abroad分析:本篇講述了在什么情況下握手比擬得體,給我們提供了有關(guān)握 手的事實。答案BEveryone s at it , even my neighbors . I thought I might be the on Iy person I eft i n the wor

23、Id who hadn t done an eBay dea I So, I decided to try my hand at on I i ne auct ion (網(wǎng)上 拍賣). Buying for beginners: Sign up on . Most items (e. g. tab Ies, computers, and books) ready for auct ion wi I I come with a picture and a shart descr ipt ion ; others may be marked with“Buy It Now“ and have a

24、f ixed pr ice . You can buy these r ight away.I f the item i s being auctioned , you offer the h i ghest pr i ce you are prepared to pay and eBay b ids 出(為 for you . The bid wi I I be iincreased I itt Ie by I itt Ie unt i I it goes beyond your h i ghest b id, then you are ema i Ied and asked if you

25、wouId I i ke to bid again. Auctions Iast up to 10 days and when they finish you get an emai I telling you whether you have won the item.How to pay : SeI Iers decide how they wouId I ike to be paid and you need to check thi s before placing a bid as you might not want to post a cheque or postaI order

26、s . The eas iest way i s through PayPa I, an on I i ne payment system that takes the money away from your cred i t card (信 用卡).Selling made simple: If you plan to sell on eBay, it he Ips to incIude a picture of the item . I fol lowed my friends advice and put up the items I wanted to seI I for a 10-

27、day auction, start i ng on a Thursday. Thi s way buyers had two weekends to bid.The big th i ngs in life: It s easy to post a sma I I item , but furniture is a big part of eBay and this has to be collected or sent by de I i verymen . Check the ways of de Ii very before you bid. (05天津卷A篇)What i s the

28、 passage mainly aboutA. How to make payment on I i ne.B. Ways of mak i ngde Ii very on Ii ne.C. Advantages of an on Ii ne-auct i on system. D How to use an on Ii ne-auct i on system.解析:這是一篇說明文,文章結(jié)構(gòu)清晰明了,第一段介紹注冊網(wǎng)址、 網(wǎng)上的拍賣品;第二段介紹怎樣競價;第三段介紹怎樣付款。把三段 的大意聯(lián)系起來我們就可以概括出文章的中心:網(wǎng)絡(luò)拍賣系統(tǒng)的使用 方法。由此,我們很容易得出答案:DoWhat i

29、s the subject d i scussed i n the textWith what topic is the passage chiefly concerned3目的主旨大意題The author? s ma i n purpose i n writing the passage i s.The passage i s meant to The purpose of th i sart i cIe i s 【答題技巧】這類題通常圍繞一個中心思想展開,不少文章一開頭便展示出文 章的中心思想,第一段常常是內(nèi)容的梗概,同時又表達了中心思想, 但是不少文章的中心思想貫穿全文,并沒有用一句話

30、明確表達出來, 這就要求學生學會歸納概括。每個段落往往也由一個主題句或幾個陳 述句構(gòu)成,它們在句中的位置不同,有時在開頭,首先點明本段大意; 有時在結(jié)尾,總結(jié)本段大意。做這類題,首先要找出文章的主題句。找出文章的主題句,也就 明確了文章要講什么,再通過速讀全文,就可以把握文章的中心思想 了。另外在許多文段中,沒有可以概括全段意義的主題句,必須根據(jù)文章中所提供的事實細節(jié),進行全面分析,然后歸納成一般概念。但 必須注意,既不能以偏概全,也不能在概括時過于寬泛,要恰如其分。一、主題句呈現(xiàn)的形式.文首開門見山,提出主題,隨之用細節(jié)來解釋,支撐或開展主題 句所表達的主題思想.最常見的演繹法寫作方式.彳列

31、 panda i s a popuI ar animal. Stor i es about the panda i n the Wash i ngton Zoo are a I ways front page news and important features on television newscasts. Stuffed pandas are among the most popuI ar toys for ch i Idren, and panda postcards are a I ways i n demand in zoo gift shops.伊J the prob I em

32、 of env i ronment has become more and more ser i ous. The wor I d popu I at i on i s rising, so quickly that the wor I d has become too crowded. We are us i ng up our naturaI resources too quickly and at the same time we are poI luting our envi ronment with dangerous chemi ca I s. I f we cont i nue

33、to do th i s, human I i fe on earth wi I I not survi ve.文尾,在表述細節(jié)后,歸納要點,印象,結(jié)論建議或結(jié)果,以概括 主題.這是英語中最常見的歸納法寫作方式例 human body appears to be rather soft and de I i cate, compared with that of a wild animal, but it i s actuaI Iy surpr i s i ng Iy strong. In deed, its very softness and Iooseness is an advantag

34、e;i t makes man good at mov i ng about movement of a I I I i v i ng th i ngs of his own size, because he can do so many different things with h i s I imbs. Man s games show how he can contro I h i s own body. No other I and creature can swim as skillfully as man; more has such var ied grace; very fe

35、w I i ves as Iong as he; none i s so strong i n its natura I res i stance to d i sease. Therefore man has a great advantage i n h i s batt Ie aga i nst the r i sks of damage and death that threaten him.文中,通常前面只提出問題,文中的主題由隨之陳述的細節(jié)或合 乎邏輯的引申在文中導出,而后又作進一步的解釋,支撐或開展.例 i s as usefuI as a fI ash I i ght i n

36、a dark n i ght i f a t i re goes f I at. Few i nvent i ons are so he IpfuI to a child who i s afra i d of the dark. I n fact, the modern f I ash I i ght br i ngs I i ght to many dark situations. Finding something in the back of a cIoset is easy with a fI ash I i ght i n hand a camper a I so needs on

37、e after the I i ght of the campf i re has been out.首尾呼應(yīng),為突出主題,作者先提出主題,結(jié)尾時再次點出主題, 這種首尾呼應(yīng)的寫作方式較為多見,但前后表述主題的句子不是簡 單的重復,后面的表述往往有進一步的引申或開展的意味。例 5.(首段)Shu Pu I ong has he I ped at I east 1000 peop I e b i tten by snakes, “ It was seeing peopIe with snakes bites that Ied me to the career, “she said(尾段) “Th

38、e sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myse I f to helping peop Ie bitten by snakes. Shu said.無主題句,即主題句隱含在全文中,沒有明確的主題句.必須根據(jù) 文篇中所提供的事實細節(jié),進行全面考慮,綜合分析,然后找出共同 的東西,歸納成一般概念。必須注意的是,既不能以偏概全,也不能 在概括時過于寬泛,要恰如其分。例 Bi ngham stud i ed 4 years at the Un i vers i ty of Par i s and dec i ded to I e

39、ave h i s graduali on. He transferred to the University of BerIin and graduated with honors. Harvard LawSchool and, I ater, Boston Co I I ege prov i ded h i m w i th an exce I I entI ega I background. He is presently a corporation I awyer in Miami, Fiori da.What i s the ma i n i dea of the passage A

40、. How Joshua Bingham became a Iawyer.B.Bingham is a di I igent student.C. Joshua Bi ngham rece i ved an exceI I ent educat ion. D. A good Iawyer needs good educat ion.分析:此文沒有主題句。全篇共四句,只陳述了四個細節(jié)(detai I)性 的事實。因此就答案本身看,個個都對。讀者只能將所有的details 綜合起來,進行邏輯推理,才能構(gòu)成一個沒有言明的主題思想(unstated main idea)。由于文中主要涉及了 Joshu

41、a Bingham 接受 教育的情況,即作者想告訴我們的是:Joshua Bingham接受過良好的 教育,所以答案是C除了以上主題句呈現(xiàn)的常見形式外還要注意標志詞文章或段落的主題句常常會出現(xiàn)在一些標志性的提示后。如:on the who I e, as a resu 11, i n short, therefore, thus.I agre with the opinion that.;Given a I I these points above, I wou Idsupport the i dea that.;For a I I the reasons ment i oned above,

42、 I wou I d prefer .二、實例說明例1 (文章請看推理判斷例2, 2003年全國高考)wouId be the best title for the textA.ComputersandPr i ntersB . E-ma i I and theBus i ness WorIdC. I nternet Revo I ut i on and Env i ronment D. Modern Techno I ogy and New Markets分析:此題考查對于全文主旨大意的把握并要求考生據(jù)此選擇最正確標 題.全文的關(guān)鍵詞應(yīng)該是Internet和Envi ronment,因此答案

43、為C.其余選項中的 computers, printers, e一mail, bus i ness wor Id, technology, market都在文中提到了,但其作用只是為了說明主題所 需,答題時不可以點代面.例 2 : As pr ices and bui Iding costs keep r i sing, the ,do-it- yourself (DIY)trend (趨 勢) in the to grow. We needed furniture (家具)for our I iving room, says John Ross, “and we just didnt hav

44、e enough money to buy we decided to try making a few tab Ies and cha i rs.John got married s i x months ago,and I ike many young peopIe these days,they are struggl ing to make a home at a time when the cost of Iiving is very Rosses took a 2-week course for $ 280 at a n i ght they build a I I the i r furni


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