高中英語-satisfaction guaranteed教學設計學情分析教材分析課后反思_第1頁
高中英語-satisfaction guaranteed教學設計學情分析教材分析課后反思_第2頁
高中英語-satisfaction guaranteed教學設計學情分析教材分析課后反思_第3頁
高中英語-satisfaction guaranteed教學設計學情分析教材分析課后反思_第4頁
高中英語-satisfaction guaranteed教學設計學情分析教材分析課后反思_第5頁
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1、【教學流程設計】節(jié)一。熱身運動,導入主題 their opinions.What is special about Asimoves robot? have feelings? And would it be possible for a human to fall in lovewithrobots? 環(huán)節(jié)二。閱讀前兩段,回答三個問題QuestionsWhydidthecouplebringahouseholdrobotin their house? would go to their house? Why?3. How did Claire feel at the sight of Ton

2、y? Why?(設計意圖)了解故事發(fā)生的背景及女主人公初次聽到消息和初次看 因可能是她怕受到傷害或者她怕機器人一旦失控她不知道在沒有丈 需要關愛的)。第三個問題了解機器人的外貌特征。這些都為后面女 環(huán)節(jié)三。閱讀三四段,了解女主人公是個什么樣的人 eis When creating Tony, Asimove put forward three strict laws beings or allow them to be injured. So Tony must do something to help Claire.Q: What did Tony to help Claire? 環(huán)節(jié)五。梳

3、理女主人公的情感變化Thinking :Claires feelings towards Tony changed as Tony Claires feelings at each occasion.(設計意圖):本步驟是此課的重點以及難點所在。設計目的是使學 標題Q: Why did Claire fall in love with Tony in the end? andwhatarethey?(設計意圖)引導學生回顧 Tony 身上的優(yōu)點來反思 Was Claire guaranteed , 所以用反問的形式讓學生真正去思考 Tony 包君滿意 與討論IfyouwereClairewou

4、ldyoufallin with Tony? Why? hynot 實,最最重要的事情不是去處理機器,而是從人身上找原因,遇到問 故事p 展現(xiàn)自己的成果。學生經過前面的仔細閱讀、思考和討論,應該對故 Homework :(設計意圖):考查學生解決問題和學以致用的能力。 較順利地聽取英語信息、處理信息、分析問題和解決問題;學生已儲 備了相當?shù)脑~匯和英語知識,能較好地展開話題討論,各抒己見,書 能動性加強,主動參與到活動中去,成為課堂的主體,同時也加強了 與他人交流合作的能力;同時,高二學生朝氣蓬勃,想象力豐富,從 而能保證“討論”這一環(huán)節(jié)的順利進行,為下一環(huán)節(jié)的“續(xù)寫”做好 必要的鋪墊。因此,針

5、對學生的實際情況,本節(jié)課會重點突出技能和 onguaranteed 能否看出她是個什么性格的人?”(可能的答案:過分依賴人的,缺 乏獨立性的;需要關愛的)。第三個問題了解機器人的外貌特征。這 小說的閱讀非常重要。 為了降低難度,我把場合提前給了她們,她們只需完成后部分。應該 other women could see him and Claire, knowing that there was is just a machine, Claire will forget him soon. 也有學生說 feeling. So it is unfair to Claire in some ways

6、. We can say, charachter.主題是小說閱讀的升華,通過對這兩個問題的思考,培 實,最最重要的事情不是去處理機器,而是從人身上找原因,遇到問 培養(yǎng)了學生的閱讀策略、歸納能力、提取能力、發(fā)散性思維,批判性 器人的時候,人們多會想到是科幻小說,童話故事,卡通故事等。但 替人類從事一些危險的工作。本單元介紹 了不同種類的機器人,本 isfactionGuaranteedarryBelmontworkedforacompanythatmaderobots was going to be tested out by Larrys wife, Claire.2. Claire didn

7、t want the robot in her house, especially as than a machine. He was tall and handsome with smooth hair and a deep voice although his facial expression never changed. She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. It wasdisturbing and frightening that he looked so human.4. One day, Claire mentioned

8、 that she didnt think she wasrobot. But she began to trust him. She told him how she wasoverweight and this made her feel unhappy. Also she felt herhome wasnt elegant enough for someone like Larry who wantedone of the richest and most powerful women around.5. As a favour Tony promised to help Claire

9、 make herselfHe was just a machine.wore. As he was not allowed toaccompany her to the shops, hewrote out a list of items for her. Claire went into the cityThensheat the counter was rude to her, she rang Tony up and told theclerk to speak to him. The clerk immediately changed hisAs she turned around,

10、 there stood Gladys Claffern. How awfulto be discovered by her, Claire thought. By the amused andname was Larry, not Tony.Gladys was everything Claire wanted to be. You can be likeher, Tony told her and suggested that she invite Gladys andher friends to the house the night before he was to leave and

11、Larry was to return. By that time, Tony expected the house tobe completely transformed.efelloffaladderandeventhough Tony was in the next room, he managed to catch her intime. He held her firmly in his arms and she felt the warmthof his body. She screamed, pushed him away and ran to her roomfor the r

12、est of the day.9. The night of the party arrived. The clock struck eight.The guests would be arriving soon and Claire told Tony to goher, bending his face close to hers. She cried out Tony andThen the front door bell rang. Tony freed her and disappeared from sight. It was then that Claire realized t

13、hat Tony had opened the curtains of the front window. Her guests had seen ThewomenwereimpressedbyClaire the house and the deliciouscuisineJustbeforetheyleftClaireheardGladys whispering to another woman that she had never seen anyone so women! She might not be as beautiful as them, but none of them h

14、ad such a handsome lover. mealoneandrantoherbedShecriedallnightThe next morning a car drove up and took Tony away.ThecompanywasverypleasedwithTonys report on his that the other women would see him and Claire, knowing that there was no risk to Claires marriage. But even though Tony had been so clever

15、, he would have to be rebuilt - you cannot have women failing in love with machines.otessatisfactionstsfknn;令人滿意的事物bonus b n s n. 額外津貼;獎金;紅利aproneprnn圍裙sympathy smp n. 同情(心)overweight v wet adj. 超重的;體重超常的tadjscansknvt覽;掃描makeup mekp n. 化妝品cushion kn n. (坐;跪時用的)軟墊;靠墊;墊子 bedding bed n. 寢具;鋪蓋lsnclerkkl

16、kn貨員;職員;旅館接待員awful :fl adj. 極壞的;極討厭的;可怕的;(口語)糟透的mtenklervtcuisine kwzi:n n. 烹飪(風味);菜肴envvte【教學反思】 主人公產生了誤解,所以女主人公是被欺騙了。其實,最最重要的事 決問題,而不是依賴于一些不實際的東西。作者想要表達的;不是科 系。我們就課文作延伸,可以辯論“婚外情是否道德”,(可以培養(yǎng) 學生辯證思維,教師只需認真聆聽,不應發(fā)表太多見解,因為這個話 外情的致因” (對學生今后的實際生活更有意義)。但是,個人認為 更深層的主題是:機器人有了人類的情感,并插足了人類的家庭,它 的命運是被“修理”,當“機器”的概念超越了人類的認知,人類就 慌了,他們不是去反思自己的不足,而是去扼殺“機器”的情感,這 降低難度,我把場合提前給了她們,她們只需完成后部分。應該說這 核心素養(yǎng)是指學生應具備的、能夠適應終身發(fā)展和社會發(fā)展需要 家認同、國際理解;人文底蘊、科學精神、審美情趣;身心健康、學 會學習、實踐創(chuàng)新。中小學的英語學科和英語課程,除了使學生把英 造性能力,通過英語學習養(yǎng)成一種良好


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