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1、第 2023年最新的寵物英語怎么寫相信很多人都和我一樣,小時候最大的愿望就是可以在家養(yǎng)一只寵物,相信小朋友們也肯定喜歡。那么下面就來聽聽一些關(guān)于寵物的英語小故事吧。 萬能的寵物 A man goes into a pet shop and tells the owner that he wants to buy a pet that can do everything. The shop owner suggests a faithful dog. 有個人走進一家寵物店,跟老板說要買一只萬能寵物。店老板建議他買只忠心的狗。 The man replies, Come on, a dog 那個人

2、回答: 得了吧,狗行嗎 The owner says, How about a cat 老板說: 那貓怎么樣 The man replies, No way! A cat certainly can t do everything. I want a pet that can do everything! 那個人回答: 不行啦!貓當然不會是萬能的。我要的是萬能寵物! The shop owner thinks for a minute, then says, I ve got it! a centipede! 店老板想了一會兒說道: 有了!就是蜈蚣! The man says, A centi

3、pede I can t imagine a centipede doing everything, but okay. I ll try a centipede. 那個人說: 蜈蚣真難想象蜈蚣會是萬能的,不過也好.我就買一條蜈蚣試試看。 He gets the centipede home and says to the centipede, Clean the kitchen. 他把蜈蚣帶回家后跟蜈蚣說: 去打掃廚房。 Thirty minutes later, he walks into the kitchen and. It s immaculate! All the dishes a

4、nd silverware have been washed, dried, and put away; the counter-tops cleaned; the appliances sparkling; the floor waxed. 過了三十分鐘,他走進廚房一看.居然全部都干干凈凈的!所有的盤子和銀制餐具都洗好、烘干、各歸各位;廚具臺面也清潔溜溜;每種用具都閃閃發(fā)亮;連地板都打了蠟。 He is absolutely amazed. 他看得目瞪口呆、驚愕連連。 He says to the centipede, go clean the living room. 他跟蜈蚣說: 去打掃

5、客廳。 Twenty minutes later, he walks into the living room. The carpet has been vacuumed; the furniture cleaned and dusted; the pillows on the sofa plumped; Plants watered. The man thinks to himself, This is the most amazing thing I ve ever seen. This really is a pet that can do everything! 過了二十分鐘,他走進客

6、廳一看,地毯已用吸塵器吸過;加劇也擦得一塵不染;沙發(fā)上的枕頭也已拍松;植物也澆了水。那個人心想: 我從來沒看過這么神奇的事,這真的是一只萬能寵物! Next he says to the centipede, Run down to the corner and get me a newspaper. 接著他跟蜈蚣說: 去街角幫我買份報紙。 The centipede walks out the door. 10 minutes later. no centipede. 20 minutes later. no centipede. 30 minutes later. no centipede

7、. 蜈蚣于是走出大門。10分鐘過去了.蜈蚣還沒回來;20分鐘過去了.蜈蚣還沒回來;30分鐘過去了.蜈蚣還是沒有回來。 By this point the man is wondering what s going on. So he goes to the front door, opens it. and there s the centipede sitting right outside. 那個人開始納悶到底發(fā)生了什么事,于是走到大門打開一看.蜈蚣居然就坐在外面。 The man says, hey! I sent you down to the corner store 45 minu

8、tes ago to get me a newspaper. What s the matter! 那個人說: 我不是45分鐘前就叫你去街角的商店幫我買份報紙嗎到底是怎么回事 The centipede says, I m goin ! I m goin ! I m just putting on my shoes! 蜈蚣說: 這就去!這就去!我的鞋子快穿好了! 老鼠搬家 Mack the mouse is moving house. Mack packs his backpack. 小老鼠麥克要搬家了。(已售出) 小老鼠麥克把一件件東西放進背包里。 Now Mack packs his pl

9、ates. Here is Mack s friend Jack. 現(xiàn)在,麥克要把盤子裝進箱子里 這是麥克的好朋友杰克。 Together, Mack and Jack pack and pack. Jack packs Mack s nick-nacks in a black sack. 麥克和杰克一起包呀,困呀,忙個不停。 杰克把麥克的小擺飾裝進黑色的大口袋里。 Crack! Look out, Jack! 哐當!小心啊,杰克! It s time to pack the pictures. Makc and Jack pack. and they stack. 是時候要把畫打包起來啦。

10、杰克麥不停的包呀,捆呀。 把書整齊的摞了一大摞。 Mack and Jack pack. .then they stop for a cheesy snack. 他們繼續(xù)整理著。 很累了,停下來吃點零食休息一下。 Now Mack is all packed. That s that! says Jack. 現(xiàn)在麥克把所有的東西都打包好啦。 就這樣吧! 杰克說 Jack helps Mack put his backpack on his back. Mack opens his door and walks out onto the floor. 杰克幫助麥克把包裹放到背上。 麥克打開門,走在室外的地板上。 Run! shouts Jack. It s a cat. 快跑! 杰克突然大喊, 門口有一只大肥貓。 But Mack stays out. He chats with the cat.


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