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1、word-powerprefix(前綴)root(詞根)suffix(后綴)disagreementPrefix: a group of letters that is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.Suffix: a letter or a group of letters added to the end of a word to make a different word.1. What is a prefix?2. What is a suffix?prefix. Prefix Example anti-

2、anti-cloning dis- disappear, disagree in- im- il- ir- incorrect, indirect impossible, immoral illegal, illogical irresponsible, irregular. Prefix Example pre- preview, un- unfair, unimportant, uncomfortable re recreate, rewrite, retell, Try to guess what a word means by looking at its suffix.Suffix

3、Examples-able comfortable, respectable, acceptable -ful cheerful, careful, thankful, beautiful, helpful.-istscientist, artist, physicist, chemist,pianist, novelist, socialist.Suffix Examples-lesshopeless, helpless, careless, -mentagreement, equipment, argument, development-ceimportance, difference,

4、appearance, silence-nesskindness, business, carelessness. (1)(2) (3)harmful(4)(5)illegaldisrespectuncertainirresponsibleFill in the blanks in the short passage on page 46Quiz Fill in the blank with proper words.1.My pen _. I cannot find it. (appear)2.The book is on the top shelf. Im not so tall that

5、 I am _ to reach it. (able)3.Its _ for him to catch the early bus. Because he got up too late this morning. (possible)4. _ leads to quarreling. (understand)disappearedunableimpossibleMisunderstanding6.Mr Li is _. He is always helping others and a good citizen. (respect)7.Miss Wang is a _. She loves

6、her job writing novels. (novel)8.The teachers words were a great _ to him. (encourage)9.Hangzhou is so _that it attracts many visitors. (beauty)10.The accident happened because of his _.(care)respectablenovelistencouragementbeautifulcarelessnessbrainlungsheartliverstomach3._4/5._6._10._11._Organs of the bodylungsheartliver kidneys stomachP47 Answersbrain (


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