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1、國際金融學2(英)課程教學大綱一、課程基本信息課程名稱:國際金融學(雙語)課程代碼: FIN908學 分:4周 學 時:3.0-0.0總 學 時:51二、任課教師、助教、教室等情況(三)課程資源:教務處課程中心(四)教 室:格致樓J201(下午班),經世樓B303(晚上班)。(五)上課時間:周四下午13:0015:35 (下午班),周四晚上18:30-21:05(晚上班)。(六)紀 律: 1、無特殊情況,不允許無故缺課;2、每次作業(yè)須在規(guī)定時間內提交。三、參考教材1. International Economics: Theory and Policy, 10th Edition, by Pa

2、ul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld, 2014, Pearson.2. International Finance,4th Edition, by Keith Pilbeam, 2013, Palgrave Macmillan.四、課程思政建設習近平總書記在黨的十九大報告中深刻指出:“文化是一個國家、一個民族的靈魂。文化興國運興,文化強民族強?!痹谛聲r期高等教育中,高校專業(yè)課學習是培養(yǎng)當代大學生專業(yè)素養(yǎng)以及“四個自信”優(yōu)秀品質的重要橋梁。國際金融不僅僅是一門專業(yè)課,一門與時俱進、開放的課程,更是實際生活中國與國經濟發(fā)展和經濟摩擦的一個重要表現。隨著中國迅速發(fā)展



5、機簡述(一)國際貨幣體系9(二)現代金融危機理論簡述課時總計:48學時51(課程教授)(三)課程要求1.提前預習課程內容;2.平時課后作業(yè):按時規(guī)定的時間交與助教進行批改,隔一周上課時間助教與授課教師進行評講。(四)教學安排Week 1 A Guide to the Learning Method of International FinanceCurriculum Features Curriculum System Learning Difficulties and FocusesPreparation Required for Learning International Finance

6、Learning Objectives and RequirementsEvaluation MethodWeek2 IntroductionComparison between Microeconomics and MacroeconomicsSubject Orientation of International Finance and Characteristics of Open-Economy MacroeconomicsCase Study: Macroscopic Thinking ModeFour Major Aspects of Macroeconomic Analysis:

7、 Unemployment, Saving, Trade Imbalances, Money and the Price LevelTwo Essential Tools to Learn International Finance: National Income Accounting and Balance of Payments AccountingWeek3 National Income AccountingSeveral Important Concepts of Macroeconomics: GNP, NP, NI, GDPNational Income Accounting

8、for an Open EconomyThe National Income Identity: National Income, Consumption, Investment, Government Purchases and Net ExportsCase Study: a Potato-producing Island Nation and the Allocation IssueThe Current Account and Foreign IndebtednessSaving and the Current AccountPrivate and Government SavingC

9、ase Study: Would Government Deficit Reduction Increase the Current Account Surplus?Further Reading: Would Trumps Trade Policy Boost the US Economy?Week4 Basic Knowledge about Balance of Payments AccountsWhat is the Balance of Payments?Recording of Transactions in the Balance of Payments (IMF Balance

10、 of Payments Manual)Accounting Principles of Balance of PaymentsExercise: Import and Export, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Indirect Investment, etc.Week5 Analyzing Balance of Payments AccountsThe Current AccountThe Capital AccountOfficial ReserveThe Statistical DiscrepancyCase Study: 1. The Str

11、ange Statistical Discrepancy of the Balance of Payments of China2. Thailand Financial Crisis and Balance of PaymentsWeek6 Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Multiplier AnalysisAssumptionsDerivationThe Government Expenditure MultiplierThe Foreign Trade or Export MultiplierThe Current Accoun

12、t MultipliersThe Significance and Limitations of the Multiplier AnalysisExercisesWeek7 Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Elasticity ApproachAssumptions DerivationThe Marshall-Lerner ConditionExamplesThe Price Effect and the Volume EffectEmpirical Evidence on Import and Export Demand Elast

13、icities and the J-Curve EffectWeek8 Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Absorption ApproachAssumptionsDerivationThe Effect of Devaluation on National Income: Employment Effect and Terms of Trade EffectThe Effect of Devaluation on Direct Absorption: Real Balance Effect, Income Redistribution

14、 Effect, Money Illusion Effect and Expectational EffectsEvaluation on the Absorption ApproachWeek9 Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Elasticity ApproachAssumptionsDerivationElasticity Pessimism and Elasticity OptimismProblems and defects of the Elasticity ApproachEvaluation on the Elastic

15、ity ApproachWeek10 The Foreign Exchange MarketAn Overview of the Foreign Exchange MarketThe Spot and Forward Exchange RatesNominal, Real and Effective Exchange RatesArbitrage in the Foreign Exchange Market Week11 Theory of Exchange Rate DeterminationThe Law of One PricePurchasing Power ParityEmpiric

16、al Evidence on Purchasing Power ParityBalassa-Samuelson ModelUncovered Interest Rate ParityThe Sticky-Price Monetary ModelWeek12 Internal and External Balance for an Open Economy IInternal and External BalanceExpenditure-Changing and Expenditure-Switching PoliciesThe Swan ModelPolicy Implications fo

17、r the Swan ModelDefects of the Swan ModelWeek13 Internal and External Balance for an Open Economy = 2 * ROMAN IIDerivation of the IS-LM Model for an Open EconomyDerivation of the IS-LM-BP Model for an Open EconomyFactors Shifting the IS-LM-BP SchedulesWeek14 Internal and External Balance for an Open

18、 Economy IIIPolicy Instruments for Achieving Internal and External BalanceInternal and External Balance under Fixed Exchange RatesInternal and External Balance under Float Exchange RatesWeek15 International Monetary System and Financial CrisisThe Gold StandardThe Gold and Silver StandardThe Bretton Woods SystemThe Post Bretton Woods EraA Brief Introduction to the Modern Financial Crisis The


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