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1、1 大學英語四級考試試題 試卷一Part I Listening Comprehension Section A) woman is close of the B) The woman been working woman is a doctor.D) woman is of A) pie tastes very good.B) His likes the very C) This pie can match his mothers.D) His mother make apple pies. A) walk. music. A) Read article on science.B) a di

2、fferent theory to the Read article.D) better article to read. A) The woman would understand if did Mary job. B) The woman should do the typing for Mary. woman Mary.D) isn skillful typist. A) wants make an appointment with B) Give a D) Dance music.B) He to that Mr. Smith will him. wants to the appoin

3、tment.D) He wants the woman to meet three oclock. A) gets awful speaker. A) She like the books the man bought.B) There a large selection the bookstore. lot of D) She wanted see man bought. A) Buy ticket for the ten o flight.B) Ask man ticket for her. airport D) Switch to different 10. A) Lemon waiti

4、ng for patient.B) Dr. is at Dr. has lost his patience.D) Dr. has to a patient.B) He speaker.D) He t prepared s well.Section B OneQuestions to 14 are on heard.11. A) A car outside supermarket. C) Pauls car.12. A) the garage.13. A) driver car.B) A car at hill. D) sports B) At the of hill.D) supermarke

5、t.B) The two girls the bus 14. A) Nobody. D) Paul.B) The two girls.D) salesman TwoQuestions to 17 are on heard. 15. A) His friend gave him wrong key.B) He didnt know the back door was.C) He couldnt find the key to his mailbox.D) It too dark the key in the lock.16. A) It dark.B) He was of by his frie

6、nd. might have flown away.D) friend would arrive 17. A) He with only inside the B) He knew the policeman wouldnt believe torchlight look foolish.D) that had a ThreeQuestions to 20 are on heard. 18. A) threat of poisonous desert animals and B) The energy of wells.D) spread of black powder from fires.

7、19. A) resources not been B) Most of have survive. lakes soon dried up evaporating.D) 20. A) To normal production wells.B) estimate caused by the To remove left in desert.D) To use the oil left in the oil lakes.Part (35 OneQuestions to 25 are on following passage. spend money spot prevent asteroids(

8、小行星one might crash into destroy life as we know it,say Asteroids bigger of the meteoroids(流 race the farfrom Earth and t threaten us. But there are also thousands whose put them on collision course with Buy right $10 million a for next tolocate space By time we fatal one,the , a way to change its co

9、urse.Some scientists favor pushing asteroids off course with nuclear weapons. But the cost wouldnt cheap.Is it worth things consider when judging any : How the is; How if the occurs. think asteroid big enough destroy of life might every 500,000 years. pretty rare if did fall , the end of the world.

10、“If we dont take these big ,ll take care of us, says one scientist. s that simple.”The curethoughmight be Do want fleets of nuclear weapons sitting aroundon Earth? world has to doomsday( 毀) rocks than from a nuclear set them,” a York article.21. What does the say about asteroids A) heavenly differen

11、t B) heavenly similar in nature. are than D) are more mysterious meteoroids.22. What about of an asteroid with Earth?A) It very unlikely danger B) might every Collisions of with more often D) Its too early to whether such collision t 23. What people suggestion of using nuclear weapons the of asteroi

12、ds?A) It but it not solve the B) It may create more it It is a of asteroids with very unlikely.D) Further research should done it is proved applicable.24. can the that A) while asteroids off nuclear weapons destroy worldB) racing the are to hit in near future worry asteroids left to generations sinc

13、e it is to happen in lifetime D) solutions found to a collision asteroids with Earth.25. of the following best describes authors tone in this passage?A) B) Critical. C) Objective. D) Arbitrary. TwoQuestions to 30 are on following passage. it , illusion 錯覺) crashes.Japan case in It has automobile by

14、75 a simple Bent stripes, 人字形) on the roads drivers that they driving are, thus drivers down.Now the American Association Foundation for in Washington D.C is planning to rep eat success. Starting next year,the foundation will chevrons patterns of on roads country to test how well the patterns crashe

15、s.Excessive a major role as fifth of all fatal traffic , thefoundation. help reduce those accidents,the will its in where speed-relatedhazards are , slopes,traffic circles, bridges. suggest that straight , painted roads can initially average speed ofdrivers in ,traffic often to full within drivers u

16、sed to seeing ,scientists ,not only give drivers the are than theyreally are but also a lane spear to be narrower. The is reduction speed the number of traffic 26. mainly .A) a new way of highway speed controlB) for painting highways a new approach training driversD) type of optical 27. painted with

17、 feel .A) avoid speed-related hazardsB) they are in the should slow D) are approaching limit28. advantage of chevrons over straighthorizontal .A) can keep awakeB) in half will driversD) will look more 29. American Association for Traffic to .A) try the method in B) change the road the replace , with

18、 chevronsD) repeat Japanese 30. What does the say ,horizontal painted A) falling of use in the B) tend to ignored by drivers in a short period of time. They only D) cannot traffic ThreeQuestions to 35 are on following passage.Amtrak 美國鐵路客運公) was experiencing a in 客運量) the its rail Of major to and it

19、s agency DDB , western routes where been significantly.At one , were the way to the of were fast,luxurious quite compared to other forms of transportation time. ,timeschange and automobile Americas standard of easily itself the method of traveling distances. Therefore , the for DDB was to consumers

20、aspects of travel in order to change their the likelihood considered in the west. total were fliers-those concerned with safetyrelaxation and themselves as , casual,and interested in experience vacation. campaign that on travel experiencessuch as escapeand enjoyment of the great It stressed gained b

21、y trains western train Advertisements of beautiful that of the western routes and emphasized (Empire Builderetc.). among shows and nature America in effectively audiences. were impressive. The Builder ,which was in ,enjoyed 15 percent increase in on Chicago Seattle 31. What the author purpose writin

22、g is passage?A) To show inability compete with with respect B) To stress the influence of the automobile on standard of convenience. To emphasize function of agencies in promotion.D) To illustrate the of persuasive in changing 32. It can the in Amtrak ship that A) trains were not for distance transp

23、ortationB) trains were not the most convenient form of transportation not fast used to beD) could not with in terms of luxury and 33. To encourage consumers to by train,DDB Needham A) and on B) the aspects of adventurous D) and cleanliness of 34. were among family-oriented programs involving and Ame

24、rica because A) could focus on experiencesB) they could increase the of TV programs profits could be increased by 15 percentD) most travel-lovers nervous believed among audiences35. According to the ,the Empire in rider ship profits because A) route B) it exciting enjoy great D) it advertised in new

25、spapers magazines in Chicago and FourQuestions to 40 are on following passage.Why does cream go bad faster researchers think it comes down the food ,not its chemical a finding could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives.Cream contain the same substances,so why faster been amystery.

26、 Both globules (球體) of liquid throughout difference in what in the globules what s in the surrounding liquid , Brocklehurst ,who investigation.In creamfatty globules about in a sea of water. In butterglobules of watery solution are in fat. The bacteria make the food bad to live in the watery regions

27、 of mixture. “This means that in cream, bacteria are free grow throughout the mixture, he says. the situation is reversedthe bacteria locked in (隔倉室 deep the seaof fat. in this way ,individual cannot and out of nutrients ( 養(yǎng)料. slowly poison themselves with their waste products. “In , a self-limiting

28、 which stops the bacteria growing. says Brocklehurst.The are already working with if their can be made bacterial attack through alterations the s structure. Brockiehurst believes will possible to make emulsions used in salad cream,for , like that in The key will be while liquid not it into solid lum

29、p.36. significance of Brocklehurst research thatA) it without preservativesB) it tiny cream it revealed secret of how multiply in D) it found cream same 37. According to the researchers,cream sours than bacteria A) are evenly distributed in creamB) multiply in cream live fat in cream in butterD) in

30、cream than in butter38. According to Brocklehurst,we cream by .A) removing its B) killing the reducing water content39. word “colonies , to D) altering its structureA) tiny B) watery regions bacteria D) compartments40. Commercial application of the research finding will if salad cream tobacterial at

31、tack .A) by chemical composition while keeping its B) by turning it into solid lumpD) while retaining liquid formPart Vocabulary and Structure 41. She ought stop work; has headache because long.A) has reading reading42. Falls is a great B) D) , of visitors every A) B) attraction C) appointment D) 43

32、. dont the decision as long it is not A) delay makeB) your delaying D) you to 44. hopes,goalsfears between men women and A) B) shift C) D) 45. Corn in New and thus was known in Europe until Columbus it Cuba. A) B) been C) D) cultivating46. sale usually takes place the housewith the benches, A) B) C)

33、 seated D) seated 47. This kind glasses by experienced craftsmen comfortably.A) worn B) D) worn48. are A) B) transformed transported D) transmitted49. t bed A) go B) went D) goes50. Although Anne happy with her ,she will happen A) that B) it D) 51. his old teacher left impression his by them.A) B) l

34、ively C) lasting D) 52. s insists this A) staying not B) not that stayD) he not 53. agreed accept they best tourist A) whatever B) whomever C) D) 54. It is will achieve unity through A) B) C) considerate D) 55. 1974 1997,the number visitors 27%.A) by B) for C) D) in56. Although many view conflict ba

35、d, is useful it forces people merits attitudes and behaviors.A) by which B) to which in that D) so that57. He is about his chances of winning gold medal in year.A) B) C) outstanding D) 58. Sometimes I I in different time and different place.A) B) were C) would live D) lived59. critical A) at B) in C

36、) of D) with60. In a of , man up everything within reach.A) B) burst C) D) blast61. she realized it too late go A) it grew than it grown dark B) Hardly did it grow dark thatD) It not until dark that62. In Britain people four million tons of A) B) dispose C) D) exhaust63. dhis reputation with other a

37、nd business people in community , then whether or not a loan.A) take into account B) account for C) up D) out64. It is that application forms as early A) be B) will sent are D) be 65. She cooked meat for a time so as make it enough eat.A) mild B) slight C) light D) 66. our for until it burned A) B)

38、for C) D) under67. revolution well society as Revolution.A) certainly B) insignificantly fundamentally D) 68. way,the tuation doesnt so disappointing.A) To at B) C) at D) To looked 69. A lot ants are my are .A) B) worry D) anxiety70. women a in a staying home they decided to for sake of the family.A

39、) make B) should C) would D) have made試卷二Part IV Cloze (15 In a telephone survey of more than , said they believed revolved ( 轉(zhuǎn)) the An 71 did not which revolved around I have that 73 all of peoplewere in that the earth revolves around the even written it at east. Butthey 77 their incorrect mental m

40、odels of ( 行) because their day didn support 79 their teachers told :People see the sun “moving 80 ” the sky ,and the stationary ( 靜) happening. Students can the right answers 82 in , never combined them 83 their models of the world. objectively answer professor accepts and the of the world can 85 b

41、y ,each unaffected by the of class,the 86 model because it always well Unless professors 88 errors in students personal models of the ,students replace with the 71. A) excessive72. A) 73. A) virtually74. A) learned75. A) those76. A) 77. A) formed78. A) 79. A) how80. A) 81. A) 82. A) toB) extraB) whi

42、chB) remarkablyB) suggestedB) theseB) withB) B) positionB) whichB) acrossB) soB) by additional that ideally believed that on while inD) D) D) preferablyD) advisedD) D) forD) thoughtD) D) whatD) D) forD) with83. A) with84. A) adults85. A) 86. A) 87. A) in88. A) general89. A) 90. A) perfectB) intoB) t

43、eachersB) occurB) B) withB) B) B) C) scientists survive on similar probable D) alongD) studentsD) maintainD) D) forD) D) partialD) Part V Writing Directions: For this , thirty composition I Finance Education. You should write at words ,and composition in 上學( fees )可以通過各種途徑解決。哪途適合我(闡明理由)1 大學英語四級考試試題答

44、案聽力原文Section M:,Mrs. I for you?WI dont know the matter is with Im always feeling tired. Im usually out at Q the conversation? WWhat do pie?I made it MVery delicious indeed. Even mother can this.Q does the man M:The so beautiful that Id like to , don know the steps.W doesnt matter. No one will lookin

45、g at us in crowd.Q does the woman MId better read of articles for our political science class.WYou read just one. They say each nts different theory.Q does the woman tell the man he must do? WMary is complaining about her MMaybe if you try typing every day,youd see what its like.Q does man the M mor

46、ning is Parker speaking. Im ringing confirm my appointment Mr. Smith for W, s expecting you 3 oclock.QWhy is man making the phone call? WTom looks awfully nervous,doesn he?MYes. I afraid he not used to Q of Tom? MI bought few in new you to a at WA few?It looks like bought the bookstore.Q does the wo

47、man M:Jean, be able to get to the airport in time to catch the 10 oclock flight.WI realized that now. I have to ticket changed.Q will the have 10. M:Would me Dr. WIm Hes with a patient.Q does the woman Sections BPassage Paul salesman from London driving a car parked a supermarket when saw it roll hi

48、ll. Inside the car were two girls seatbut driver. Paul quickly,jumped in of car to it, the front of car. into car and on , the girls from injury. It thispoint that his own car rolling slowly down hill going too for him stop it. It crashed a bus hill and was so badly that it be to garage. As if this

49、not , found had no so chasing his car that he didnt get the driver of the car just came out of supermarket away what Questions to 14 are on heard.11. badly 12. Where was the sports when the 13. did Paul think was to blame for accident?14. injured in the Two friend Vernon birds. day phoned told was going for a He me to feed birds said that key to his in my UnfortunatelyI all about the birds until the going return. What was ,it already I hous


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