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1、總分:120 1. Howwill thewomangettoA. By B. By C. By 2.What isthewomans總分:120 1. Howwill thewomangettoA. By B. By C. By 2.What isthewomansattitude towardsthecancellation ofthemeeting A. B.C.3.WhatwillthewomanA. Give theman acallC. Contact a computer4. When didthe mangetB. Go outto buyA. InB. InC. In5. W

2、hat arethe speakersmainlytalkingA. Health B. EatingC. 6.Who couldthe man speaker mostprobably beA.AB.Asafety C.7. What doethe number“55” A.B. SpeedC. 789題。8.WhatdoesthewomanaskthemantoA. Bringa newB. Repair the air C. Change theA.B. SpeedC. 789題。8.WhatdoesthewomanaskthemantoA. Bringa newB. Repair th

3、e air C. Change thesmall hangersforlarger 9. What is goodabout theA. s a goodview B.Thereisfantastic C.Thereareseveral 10. How longistheregistration periodfor theA. 15B. 30C. 45 11. WhyisthemeetingA.Aspeaker iscoming toaddressthe B.Thereisnt aroomavailable t C.Thetest willlast n 12. Whatwillthestude

4、ntsdojustaftertheA. chB.TakeaC. Go ona tourWhy isDrCharlesAdamsinvitedtotheHewroteapopular Heisexpected tocomment on abookHe isan expertonlearning What isthewoman curiousThemansstudyC. The nameof a?B.Themans15.Whatsoneofthesinlearning aforeign A. inglf toB. good note-taking C. Coming upstudy16.What

5、isthekey tolanguage learningaccordingto theA. Having clearlearningB. Learning thelanguage bitby C. Being confidentin 17.At whattimeof theschoolterm doesthetalktake A.At thebeginningof hemiddleofC.of18.What willthemanspend most ofhisA. Puttingbooks B. Showing peopleroundC. Being confidentin 17.At wha

6、ttimeof theschoolterm doesthetalktake A.At thebeginningof hemiddleofC.of18.What willthemanspend most ofhisA. Puttingbooks B. Showing peopleroundtheC. Sending outlettersaboutbooks19. Wherecan peoplereadhe B. On thel the woman?B. Histax C. On thetop What willthe HisC. ephone number單選21.HisathheA. seco

7、nd to noB. second to C. closeto D. worse to 22.Weve gotageneralidea of whatwewant, butnothingatthe A. B. C. D. 23. twomenwhenthearrivedA. heB.hestreetC.Werehehestreetlying with new type of machine, the explorers some o a cave , to A. ;B.Equipped;D.Equipped;being C. Being equipped; being25.Do you kno

8、w the and they used to play has been theme o tB. C. D.26. the strength of theopponents, thedidawonderfulD.ToA. B. C. If 27. Thediscovery of newevidence led toA. thethief of havingC. the thiefbeing B. catch theD. thethiefto beNo wonder you caughta cold.Yououtlast night without aI know howsilly IA. ve

9、 B.D. havehave C. ve29. Which sA. thethief of havingC. the thiefbeing B. catch theD. thethiefto beNo wonder you caughta cold.Yououtlast night without aI know howsilly IA. ve B.D. havehave C. ve29. Which s the most expenses training equipment, equipment and erms B.inplaceC.by meansD. by way30. Somech

10、ildrenare tooabouttheirfood,which isbadfor theirA. B.lC. D.31. Theyoungcouple quarreled so muchandeventually they gotA. B. C.D. 32. The border n Canada and the USA is said to be the longest word by anarmy or .A. notB. notto C.notD. not33. Areyoustillthinkingaboutyesterdaysts A. What makes me feel B.

11、 whateverIfellexcited C. HowIfeel aboutD.whenIfeel34. Theprice of thehouse is reasonable and Iloveitsgarden . We can flowersand vegetablesA. in35. Portable B. inD. inphones will show us is happening at the other end of theA. B. C.D. Body language is the quiet, secret and erful language of all!It n w

12、ords. According to lists, our bodies send out more nwe realize. In fact, non-verbal (非言語(yǔ)) communication takes up about 50% of we really 38 .And body language is particularly 39 when we attempt communicate across , what is called body language is so apart of t ually oftenwe realize. In fact, non-verb

13、al (非言語(yǔ)) communication takes up about 50% of we really 38 .And body language is particularly 39 when we attempt communicate across , what is called body language is so apart of t ually oftenunnoticed. Andmisunderstandingsoccur asaresult it. 41 ,different societies treat the n people differently. Eur

14、opeans usually do not like having contact (接觸) even with friends, andcertainly not with 44 . People from Latin American countries, 45 ,each other quite a lot. Therefore, t in 46 ,it may look like Latino is 47 a Norwegian all over the room. The Latino, trying to express friendship, will keep moving 4

15、8 . The Norwegian, very probably seeing this pushiness, will keep whichtheLatinowill inreturnregard as 50 Clearly, a great deal is going on when 51 .And only a part of it words themselves. And when parties are from cultures, theresa sibility of 53 . But whatever the situation, the best isGolden Rule

16、: treat others asyouwouldliketobe 55 37A. 38A. 39A. 40A. 41A. For42A. 43A. 44A. DIn short D 45A. inother Bon the other Cin a similar Dby all 46A. 47A. 48A. 49A. Bgoing CbackingDcoming 50A. 51A. 52A. 53A. 54A. 55A. 49A. Bgoing CbackingDcoming 50A. 51A. 52A. 53A. 54A. 55A. 閱讀理解At if a child is raised

17、I am a strong hewill learnto lovehimself andwill besfulin his ownksago, I withmyhegrade and he kept standing up from his chair to go over the math lines. I kept him to sit ling t he would concentrate better.He sat but seconds asif he didnt even notice he ng it, he got up again.I was getting frustrat

18、ed, then it hit me. I started noticing his answers were stood up. Could hebe and accurate when This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to ve. I raised to have the discipline to study hard, get good grades and Now those same people perhaps come to e someone important t their

19、kids are born you can do is loving their own sets of DNA ality traits, and accepting them. As parents, throughout their growing years t, we tobeourkids best cheerleaders, guidingthem andthemfindtheir I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrate. Obviously, he concentrating just in his ow

20、n way and not mine. We need to learn to accept our ways ng things. Some way may have worked for me but doesnt mean we to carry it through generations. There is nothing n being individual unique. It makes us free and happy ts just the way I want my kids to live own 56At the beginning, the author trie

21、d to keep his son seated in order to make Apay moreattentionto hisBkeepheCfinishonDgetright 57Inspired by thecase ofown 56At the beginning, the author tried to keep his son seated in order to make Apay moreattentionto hisBkeepheCfinishonDgetright 57Inspired by thecase of hisson,the authorbegan to do

22、ubtAthe importance of Btheold form of CtherelationshipnkidsandtheirDthegoodgradesofsome58According to the passage, which of the following sementsisright? AWe should help kids correct their wrong ways.BParents should study their kids DNA. CKidsshouldbetaughttobehavethemselves. DParents should love an

23、d accept their kids.59Whichof thefollowingwouldbethe best titleof theAStudy hard andyoull beBBe friendly toyour csheirownhe past year, the number of parenting contracts ements signed by agreeing to bring their child to school has gone up by 41% to 6, 861.The of court-edpunishment wentup by 12% to 7,

24、793last The Department for Children, Schools and s t part of the rise was to a ban on parents taking their child out of school during term time to go on The s to cut truancy (逃學(xué)) by a third, but the rateof unauthorised absencein Englandisathirdn into force parents to ernment roduced tough new with t

25、heir childs truancy. Parents can be fined, asked to sign contracts, or ordered make their child go to school. Finally they can besent to prison. parent to put in prison was Amos,from Banbury, Oxfordshire, in2006.Separatefrom the Ministry of Justice today t 133 parents were put in prison n2004and 201

26、1forfailingto preventtheirchildsChildrensMinisterDelythlocalauthoritiesinusing an said,“Itstwebackschoolserstodeal withproblempupilsand badTheyrightlymakeparentstakeresponsibility for their children.Theselatest t schoolsChildrensMinisterDelythlocalauthoritiesinusing an said,“Itstwebackschoolserstode

27、al withproblempupilsand badTheyrightlymakeparentstakeresponsibility for their children.Theselatest t schoolsand local authorities continuetomakegood use ofthese David Laws, the Liberal Democrat education spokesman, said “While parents needto takeresponsibilityfortheir childrensbehaviour and havethe

28、dutyto theyattend school, truancy ratesacrossthecountryremain sky high. What isis a more effective local approach involving parents, schools and . money to lasssizesandprovidemoreone-to-onesupportwillenableteachersworkwith individualchildren andmakeParenting contracts are signed to remind parents to

29、help theirchild withtthey are heB. make pany their childtokeep children safe onthe wayto ensurechildren attend 61The worst punishment parents can befaced with isAto be Cto sign a Bto beoDto lose therighttoraise 62Theunderlinedword inParagraph4probablymeanseWe know fromthe t ernmentsapproach hashad l

30、ittle effectonchildrens ernmentshouldtaketoughermeasuresagainstthenumber of parentssent toprison hasschoolsand localauthoritiesmisuse theCTheres nothing n reading about a lost he r or the story of a child gone missing on the news. y for us as parents there is way to avoid this type of tragedy throug

31、h GPS tracking for children. itioning system technology can make it t we need not worry about childrenbeing lost asmuchasweused GPS systems for kids are small het can be worn like a pager (呼機(jī)implanted in a watch or attached to the childs clothing childrenbeing lost asmuchasweused GPS systems for kid

32、s are small het can be worn like a pager (呼機(jī)implanted in a watch or attached to the childs clothing or backpack. It will deliver information to you about the childs location at all times providing you peace of mind. The GPS systems can be programmed to send information asshort as15 You can imagine h

33、ow ore relaxed you would be when youre able to your computer at any time and knowwithin several yards exactly where your child Some of the GPS kids units even have a panic t the child can push to an immediate alert in case of an emergency. This notification will go both to you to the GPStrackingotau

34、thoritiescanbeFor small children the GPS tracking device can be as small as a watch or and will run on batteries for up to 24 hours before needing to be recharged. For children you can even place a heir cars to monitor their driving habits where they are al GPS units for kids are not cheap and the s

35、maller device the higher the price. Can you really t anything is too expensive discussing the safety and well-being of your children? In addition to the cost of device, you will also need to pay a fee to the GPS tracking he world live in sometimes it is difficult to be safe and these GPS kids system

36、s can many parents ddedpeace ofAccordingtothepassage, whatcan welearnaboutGPS systemsforThey arewhichcanhelpchildrenrecognizetheB. The bigger ofGPS unitsforkidscostC. They are smallthroughwhichparentsnowwhere the childChildren can send information through GPSsystemsfor kidsonly oncea65The underlined

37、 word he third robably 66According to thelast paragraph, wecan inferGPS systems for kidsare verycheap for ordinaryshould be made smaller in need more advanced are good value for money 67Whatisthetextmainlyabout? AKids safety problems.BAdvantagesanddisadvantagesofGPSare verycheap for ordinaryshould b

38、e made smaller in need more advanced are good value for money 67Whatisthetextmainlyabout? AKids safety problems.BAdvantagesanddisadvantagesofGPSsystemsforCGPSsystemsfor itioningsystemDWhat killed King Tut? Historians and scientists have long t Egyptsmost famous king wasprobablymurdered.But arecent s

39、cientific study to have found a different answer to this researchersnow t King Tut, the boyruler, died of complications并發(fā)癥) a broken Tuts full name was hamun. He was just 9 years when he becametheruler ofEgyptin1348 BC. His treasure-filled tomb was discovered almost a century ago. It was filled with

40、 royal riches, including a solid-gold coffin, a gold mask, and piles of Unfortuna y Tut died at the age of 19. Many experts have thought killed by one of his advisers, named Ay, who wanted to be king. Butmodern scienceproject,it seems Ayist Tut nks to aResearchers set out to solve the mystery of Kin

41、g Tuts death by using the tools of science, including DNA tests and electronic scans of his mummy (木乃伊). Scientist Carsten Pusch conducted the tests on Tut for the new study. He thinks a broken contributed tothe young kingsn 100 walking sticks were found in King Tuts tomb. pports teamsBut how rson d

42、iefromarokenPusch also found DNA uts t indicates he had malaria (瘧疾adiseasecarriedbymosquitoes. MalariaseverelyweakenstheimmunePusch and his fellow researchers ve the malaria Pusch also found DNA uts t indicates he had malaria (瘧疾adiseasecarriedbymosquitoes. MalariaseverelyweakenstheimmunePusch and

43、his fellow researchers ve the malaria and the bone disease caused the kings fracture (骨折) e deadly. Finally, the young king was too weak to recover. So effects of the disease combined with the bad luck of a bone not ajealousadviser arelikelythe realcausesof King Tutsslong beenved by historiansand t

44、AKingTutwastheyoungest heworldBKingTutwastherichesthehistoryofCKingTutwasmurderedbyoneofhisadvisers DKingTutwaspoisoned by oneof his servantsWith the help of modern technology, the dieddirectly of adiseasecalled diedof complicationsfrom abrokentC. died of a simplehebrokenwasbitten to death bydeadly

45、70Fromthepassagewecan t the king had been deadfor3,300the king was buriedtheking wasborn withbad immunethekingsbodywaswellV 詞匯he71.You wouldnt normally 聯(lián)系) thesey writers, styles 72.The English teacher (強(qiáng)調(diào))theimportanceofreadingaloud. 73.There are csmall ski areas dotted about the province.74.Thecas

46、tlewassurroundedbyatriplewall, onlyoneof which75.The companyneeds morelfrom I任務(wù)型閱讀For many the idea of your dream home isnot buying a bigger home,but a t you have built by yourself. A t is unique and fit for your tastes and lifestyle. It sounds greatI任務(wù)型閱讀For many the idea of your dream home isnot b

47、uying a bigger home,but a t you have built by yourself. A t is unique and fit for your tastes and lifestyle. It sounds great but where do you o design your dream home? Here a quick tcan help youmakeyourdreamscome s to get an idea of what type of home you want. You can inspiration fromothers. Drive a

48、roundtovethe stylesof you like and You so cut out pictures from rs, or outpicturesyou findonThe next step will be to make two lists of items for yourself. list will those items or t you feel your new home must have, such as counter tops or a hot water heater. The second list will be those items or t

49、 areonyour wishlist like afireplace or slate At this you will probably have a good idea of what your dream home look like, so you will need to seek some al help. You will need to hire architect to put your ideas down on r. You may need w architects to find t you are comfortable with. Make sure whome

50、ver you for final drawings has a derstanding of local building codes and zoning by-In any case your final plan will need to be approved by the city and a building mustbe obtained beforeany construction canIt is time to look for a contractor(承包人). Whichever way you sure you are comfortable with your

51、contractor and you have got t in, be from the past nts. Remember the you do in the enjoyable the swill Title:MakeYour HomeComeIt goes without t English plays an important role in our modern English is ernationallanguage.Wherever you go,youcan hearEnglish by It goes without t English plays an importa

52、nt role in our modern English is ernationallanguage.Wherever you go,youcan hearEnglish by many people. From this of view, it is t English is important to a Make sure you are 84with your Get fromhispast Get help froman Get 82by the city and getting a building final Two lists List of musveitems:granit

53、ecountertops, a hot water heater, etc.List of items or features you 80Slate floors, etc.Where to From othFrom From ernet,rs, magazines, dailylife.Learning English islikelearning toswim orlearning toplayball. We likethe man whothinkshe canlearn toswim onlyby reading booksaboutdailylife.Learning English islikelearning toswim orlearning toplayball. We likethe man whothinkshe canlearn toswim onlyby reading booksaboutIn fact, w


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