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1、海系海系2、確4、提初稿5、修通過撰寫本 ,使學(xué)員探究 在海警 執(zhí)勤中應(yīng)用的相關(guān)問題,并嘗試提出解決辦法。同時,通過 的撰寫,掌握學(xué)術(shù)與科研的基本方法,包括調(diào)研方法、搜 料的方法以及 的基本撰寫方法,使學(xué)員初步具備作學(xué)術(shù)和科1、了2、研3、對存嚴格按.航目標檢測:電子工,2009.航與 ARPA,大連:大連海事大,1998指導(dǎo)教2013年11月232013 年月在更好的服務(wù)在更好的服務(wù):;海警隊伍執(zhí)勤;目標識別TheexplorationofradarapplicationsinChinaCoastGuardTheexplorationofradarapplicationsinChinaCoa

2、stGuardAs an essential observations navigation equipment, naval radar plays an importantrole in voyage guarantee, but is still not perfect in the application of law enforcement duty. pr studies the sailing features of different ships when they are the object of China Guard law enforcement ; the rada

3、r echo images for s in different of law enforcement ; how to use the characteristics of the echo images to identify , and how to use marine radar-related functions to meet the needs of law duties, and finally edthe specific useof radar in enforcement duty.I hopethisstudy help the China Coast Guard u

4、sing the radar equipment to serve the duty of law workKeyWords: Radar; China Coast Guard; Law enforcement and 中英緒綜課題背本文主要研究工在執(zhí)行救援護航任務(wù)時的應(yīng)中英緒綜課題背本文主要研究工在執(zhí)行救援護航任務(wù)時的應(yīng)救援護航對象的分救援護航對象的行動特的識別方在執(zhí)勤機動中的使2.5實際案侵入船舶任務(wù)時的應(yīng)在執(zhí)行侵入船舶的分侵入船舶的行動特的識別方在執(zhí)勤機動中的使任務(wù)的應(yīng)在執(zhí)行緝私、嫌疑嫌疑船舶的分嫌疑船舶的行動特的識別方在執(zhí)勤機動中的使嫌疑嫌疑船的分嫌疑船的行動特的識別方執(zhí)勤機動中的使捕

5、魚船舶任務(wù)的應(yīng)在在執(zhí)行處置捕魚船舶的分捕魚船舶的行動特捕魚船舶的分捕魚船舶的行動特的識別方在執(zhí)勤機動中的使6.結(jié)參考文致11.11.2 課題背景為執(zhí)11.11.2 課題背景為執(zhí)1.3 本文主要研究工作2.1 救援護航對象的分類2.1 救援護航對象的分類救援護航對象的行動特點生的識別方的的的識別方的的標繪,取得其準確的航向、航速信息再進行比對判斷。識別的 在執(zhí)勤機動中的使過的ARPA。2.5 實際案例在2014年1 月18 日,寒假崗位實習(xí)的第一天,我海警一支隊四大隊22.5 實際案例在2014年1 月18 日,寒假崗位實習(xí)的第一天,我海警一支隊四大隊2 果 2 145300米陣位處護航。當時已

6、是午夜時分,靠目力只能看清對方船舶的燈光,不能用目力進行準確的判斷,此時依靠 2侵入船舶的分海類是在我國海域從事軍事偵察及測量工作的船舶,2009 3 月初,5 并觀測船“無瑕”號;5 月初,2 侵入船舶的分海類是在我國海域從事軍事偵察及測量工作的船舶,2009 3 月初,5 并觀測船“無瑕”號;5 月初,2 測船“勝利”號對峙,在“勝利”號鳴笛并噴射消防水柱后才離去;6 11 宙斯盾艦侵入船舶的行動特與的識別方AIS 在執(zhí)勤機動中的使AIS 在執(zhí)勤機動中的使的而、嫌疑船、收購、販海上偷家(1)(4)分子從未設(shè)關(guān)碼頭、港灣、淺灘偷運私貨上岸。嫌疑船舶的分類行的嫌疑船舶的行動特點船舶的行蹤快艇多

7、利用夜間及的而、嫌疑船、收購、販海上偷家(1)(4)分子從未設(shè)關(guān)碼頭、港灣、淺灘偷運私貨上岸。嫌疑船舶的分類行的嫌疑船舶的行動特點船舶的行蹤快艇多利用夜間及的的識別方法回波的,其一成常規(guī)貨船在海上航行,其AIS 在執(zhí)勤機動中的使用的嫌疑船偷越國(邊)出入國(邊),其行政責任或者刑事責任的行為。偷越國(邊)境是違法行為。嫌疑船的分類的,回波的,其一成常規(guī)貨船在海上航行,其AIS 在執(zhí)勤機動中的使用的嫌疑船偷越國(邊)出入國(邊),其行政責任或者刑事責任的行為。偷越國(邊)境是違法行為。嫌疑船的分類的,嫌疑船的行動特點的識別方法。渡現(xiàn)。在執(zhí)勤機動中的使用在量現(xiàn)。在執(zhí)勤機動中的使用在量普遍實行的魚類

8、資源保護制度,3捕魚船舶的分捕魚船舶的行動特的識別方普遍實行的魚類資源保護制度,3捕魚船舶的分捕魚船舶的行動特的識別方嫌在執(zhí)勤機動中的使 在在. 一種基于航,. 船舶矢量線航法應(yīng)用研究J 航海技術(shù),2009,05. 的及對策研究J .NishinomiyaCity,Japan14Jung,TaeSung.Safety of NavigationCShanghai:DNV Shanghai Approval Centre, 2010本在本在畢業(yè)設(shè)計)知學(xué)位期間畢業(yè)設(shè)計)畢業(yè)設(shè)計)知學(xué)位期間畢業(yè)設(shè)計)然設(shè)計密后應(yīng)遵守此規(guī)定畢業(yè)設(shè)計日期:201405 30承諾人(簽名2014承諾人(簽名201405

9、 30海警學(xué)院院(系專:學(xué)號: 指導(dǎo)教員外文出處: FURUNO MARINE SafetyofNavigation海警學(xué)院院(系專:學(xué)號: 指導(dǎo)教員外文出處: FURUNO MARINE SafetyofNavigationext.useNorskeVeritas完成日期:20131213說明型號為28172827 / 2837s最多支持4far-28x7XS說明型號為28172827 / 2837s最多支持4far-28x7XS或42轉(zhuǎn)每分鐘的SS劣的天氣下正常工作,而X 波段的XS絡(luò)。此外,可以由必要的導(dǎo)航信息包括電子海圖,LL,描變焦形成的圖像,IMO目標的關(guān)聯(lián)(融合描變焦形成的圖像,

10、IMO目標的關(guān)聯(lián)(融合貨物(型的裁量權(quán)導(dǎo)航狀態(tài)(手動輸入轉(zhuǎn)動率(如果可用更新率依賴于速度和航向的改變程度(2秒3分鐘息當目標的航向(矢量)的顯示模式才有效(在真運動顯示方式下的真矢量息當目標的航向(矢量)的顯示模式才有效(在真運動顯示方式下的真矢量外文原文1.FURUNO MARINE 23” High resolution Multi-color LCD.MARINE RADAR RPA AND DISPLAYsFAR-Advancedsignalsingfor外文原文1.FURUNO MARINE 23” High resolution Multi-color LCD.MARINE RAD

11、AR RPA AND DISPLAYsFAR-AdvancedsignalsingforimproveddetectioninroughLCDdisplayproviding crisp radarDesignedto comply withSOLAS carriagerequirementsfor allUpto fourradarscan henetwork withoutan extrasmanuallyorautomaticallyAutomaticplotting/trackingofEasy operation by customizable function keys, trac

12、kball/wheel palm module andLowspuriousmagnetronsmeetingITU-RunwantedDisplays1000 AIS TherevolutionaryFAR-28x7 seriesof X-and S-band radarsaretheresult of50 years of arine electronics and advanced computer technology. Thisseries designed to meet the exacting standards of allernational anization(IMO)

13、The display unit employs a 23.1”LCD which provides an cture diameter n 340 mm. The SXGAmonitor providescrisp radar images, which are presented in selectable color with a day and night background color for easy observation in all conditions. Different colors are assigned for marks, symbols and texts

14、for user-detection is enhanced by sophisticated signal sing guard zones can be requiredranges in any sector. Other ships movements are by trackingsoftwareandalertedbyCPA/TCPAdataThe FAR-28x7 series can display AIS-equipped ships, when connected with an transponder. The radar antenna is available wit

15、h 4, 6.5, or 8 feet radiator. For the X-band, ion speed ectable from 24 rpm for standard radars or 42 rpm for HSC. The S-radar is also available with the antenna radiator of 10 or 12 feet. The S-band radar detection in adverse weather where an X-band is heavily affected by sea or rain clutter. The r

16、adars can be connected to an Ethernet network for a variety of user SOLAS Chapter V as amended requires X- and S-band radars for ships 3000 GT and Each of X- and S-band radars can erswitched without using an extra option. Up to radars can he network. In Each of X- and S-band radars can erswitched wi

17、thout using an extra option. Up to radars can he network. In addition,the essential navigational includingtheelectronicchart,L/L, COG, SOG, STW, etc.canbehe A variety of navigational information, own ship us, radar plotting data, wind, temperature and information from other nsors are displayed on th

18、e cells. s are marked square symbol on the radar display. Magnify is a ltfeature of the FURUNO radars FAR-28x7 series. This looks like a delayed-p the IMO strictly prohibits, but where the Administration accepts, the Magnify feature part ofradar display forsome l maritime TION)AnAIS-equippedship may

19、 bedisplayed by IS and ARPAsymbols. Thisisthe ition is measured by a GPS in L/L while the blip and data measured by range and bearing from own ship and located on the radar PPI. When symbols are within an operator-set criteria, the ARPA symbol is he AIS The criteriaare determined by theAISinrange, b

20、earing,course, speed,Sic MMSI(MaritimeMobileServiceIdentity) IMO number (Where available)Callsign & nd Type of the shipition-fixingantennaVoyage related data Ships draught DestinationandETA(atmastersDynamicition indicationegrityCourseoverground(COG) Speed over ground (SOG) Navigation sus (manual inp

21、ut) Rate of turn (where available) UpdateratesDependentonspeedand course alternation (2 s indicationegrityCourseoverground(COG) Speed over ground (SOG) Navigation sus (manual input) Rate of turn (where available) UpdateratesDependentonspeedand course alternation (2 s 3 min) Short safety-related mess

22、agesFree messages Automatic Acquisition Zone Two automatic acquisition zones may be set in a sector any form. They also act as zones, avoiding sary overloading to sor and clutter bydisablingautomaticacquisition and tracking outsides in automatic acquisition zone appear as inverse triangle. The opera

23、tor can manually swithouttracking symbol changes to a triangle when its predicted course (vector) violates the operator set CPA/TCPA. The operator can readily change the vector lengths to movement GuardZonesandAnchorWatchGuard Zones generate visual and audible alarms s enter the operator set One of

24、Guard Zones may be used as an anchor watch to alert the operator when own ship or s drift away from the set zone.trailsfeaturegeneratesradual shading afterglowon all objects the display.The shading sthe display just like on og PPI. The trails are useful to show own ship movement and other ship track

25、s in a specific operation.The trail timeisadjustable for 15, 30 s,1, 3, 6, 15, 30 min or continuous.trails are indicated in a different color from background. The unique his radar is choiceofTrueorRelativemodeinRelative MotionchoiceofTrueorRelativemodeinRelative Motion(onlyRADARUp to 200 s and up to 30 routes can be stored.Each route may contain up to s. A rada


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