



1、名師料室 免費(fèi)資料任開放作開放作文常用句型:(開頭句Aswecanhcture,therearetwopeoplestaringataplantgrowingina hcture,wecanseeabucketmadeofwoodenboardindifferentAscanbehcture,amansittingatthetableisreadytoeattheheotwohewindstandsabigtree,whichisblowntoonesideandalmostOnthe surfaceofthebigclockaretwopeople,oneofwhomisanoldmanan

2、dthe othera younghemiddleofJustaswe名師料室 免費(fèi)資料任開放作開放作文常用句型:(開頭句Aswecanhcture,therearetwopeoplestaringataplantgrowingina hcture,wecanseeabucketmadeofwoodenboardindifferentAscanbehcture,amansittingatthetableisreadytoeattheheotwohewindstandsabigtree,whichisblowntoonesideandalmostOnthe surfaceofthebigcloc

3、karetwopeople,oneofwhomisanoldmanandthe othera younghemiddleofJustaswecan ctureisamandressedinoldfashionedclothesiscuttingtheothesame.hcture,thedominoesarestandingclosetoeachother,formingadesignlikeaheeyesofthemanontheleft,theplantswillgrowthickandtall, while dying pretty soon.heothersview,theplants

4、will(開頭句ThispicturesetsusItistcturehasaprofound/hidden/ironyThispicturesetsusthinkingandwemaygainenlightenmentfromwhattheartistreallycture arouses erest of guessing what the artist wants l us and at the same time we can somethingfromWhilecturelooksveryfunny,itreallyhasaprofoundmeaningforustooTheeoft

5、heartistwhodrawsthecartoonpictureisclearandinstructiveasObviously,wecanlearna lotfromthecartoonWhat cturetrieslus t(結(jié)尾句y view, nomatterwherewe areworking,we ought tocooperatewithourcolleagueswell.Andhis canwecreateaharmoniousworkingatmosphereandworkmoreFrom ,weakas the grass is,it can stand he bigwi

6、nd whenthebig treebreaks in half. other words, the grass appears weak, but sa strong mind. The tree looks stronger, but it cannot conquer and even gives up hope in the end. So we can learn a lesson from the picture s inner strength is nphysicalWeoughttoholditiveattitudetowardsourlife.Onlybythismeans

7、canwelivehappilyandt we ought to help someone in our team to complete himself. Only by this means can ls teamworkbetterandachievesheOnlywhenwe seeothersadvantagescanwelearnfromthemandmakerogressdaybyOnlybychoosingthemostsuitablemethodsforourstudiescanwegainasowledgehe第 1 “名師” 答疑室 隨時(shí)隨地練As we can hctu

8、re, there are two people staring at a plant growing in a pot. One of them looks because he thinks the flower will die soon, while the other“名師” 答疑室 隨時(shí)隨地練As we can hcture, there are two people staring at a plant growing in a pot. One of them looks because he thinks the flower will die soon, while the

9、 other doesnt think so. He thinks the flower will bloom sooner This picture sets us thinking. It makes a great difference whether we hold itive attitude sive towards y opinion, it is wise to hold itive attitude towards life. his way can we feel happy he middle of cture is a semi circle consisting of

10、 some small brick. They stand one close to another. of a slight touch, the brick on the right is falling down, causing the falling of the next he end, the circle will What cture tries l us t each individual step can make the difference n s and failure. t the sofa project depends oneach individual st

11、ep.So longas we can pay more attention to each nourwork,wewillsurelyheend.Otherwise,wewillsufferfrom第 2 “名師料室 免費(fèi)資料Just aswe can makes me puzzled is hcture, there isacupasaprizestanding straighttinyscratchon rface.But t a magnifying glass is used to enlarge the scratch. As a result,“名師料室 免費(fèi)資料Just asw

12、e can makes me puzzled is hcture, there isacupasaprizestanding straighttinyscratchon rface.But t a magnifying glass is used to enlarge the scratch. As a result, the scratch is made bigger This picture sets us thinking and we may gain enlightenment from what the artist really means. In current there

13、are some people who prefer to see faults in others. From my of view, everyone has bodvantages disadvantages, but what is important is to learn to be tolerant of a winners weakness n be demanding Atthetablesitsawesternboywhoistryingtoeatthedeliciousnoodlespairofforks.Butnomatterhow.hetries,hecannotpu

14、tthe ohislthoughhesweatsWhile cturelooksvery funny,it reallyhasaprofound meaning forusto o consideration. Obviously,tries l tfollowing othersinstead ofconsideringourownsituationsdoesntcontributetohandlingthe wemeetwith.Inotherwords,solongasthechildusestherighttools,hewillenjoythetastynoodles.Doremem

15、ber:第 3 :4000-150-750(9:0020:00 “隨時(shí)隨地立意練習(xí):(1)Thetopic“隨時(shí)隨地立意練習(xí):(1)Thetopicofthecartoon第 4 “名師料室 免費(fèi)資料“名師料室 免費(fèi)資料(5)Thetopicofthecartoon(6)Thetopicofthecartoon第 5 “疑室 隨時(shí)隨地高h(yuǎn)cture, there is a valley n the two steep he valley, “疑室 隨時(shí)隨地高h(yuǎn)cture, there is a valley n the two steep he valley, there is a river

16、 beating the fiercely. On the mountain stands a tree with lots of apples. on the other side stands a man, trying to reach for the net tied to a long pole. Although he tries hard , he cant get one apples because he doesnt notice a bridge thevalley,whichcanleadtotheapple Ithink what this picture wants

17、 to convey to us tweshould find the mostefficient andeasiest way to handle problems. The hcture takes great pain but in vain because he doesnt think of all sible ways or situation he is in . In our daily life, we may meet all kinds of pro lems and we should know among the numerous there is always a t is most efficient and easiest .As long as we find it ,solving the problem e piece of cake. Confronted


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