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1、wordword / 20英文學術論文常用高級詞匯和精美句型no cha nge on 1-day in tervals for 3 con secutive daysat give n in tervals of time (30, 50, and 90 min)for a give n exposure timein creased with age.for differe nt time spa n.After the scheduled time, each sample was tested.throughout the entire test period.It will decr

2、ease as time passes.表示增加或下降的An in crease in the FA content decreased the decrease with in crease indeceases as in creases, and in creases asin crease.As is lowered.augme ntThe cumulative AE en ergy in creases with a stepwise pattern in which each sudde n jump of en ergy can be related to develop at

3、an in creas ing rate with time表示原因,由哪些因素決定probably due to A possible mechanism contributing to the reduction ofisThis might be attributed to depends on the two main mechanismsis a mon cause ofis the essential parameter governing the,con tributi ng in part to the in terface separati on phe nomenon, b

4、esides the above-described possible in terfacial material toughe ning mecha ni sm.the cause of this resides in Two parameters are considered in this study to evaluate the strengthening effectiveness with regard to the amount of FRP (i.e., the nu mber of layers of sheets) and con struct ion imperfect

5、i ons.表示展示。exhibitillustrateprese ntreflectdepictis plot in describe表示某種摻量。high volume fly ashcontain high percentages of fly ash as a replacement of cement (0,15,30 by weight of total cementitious materials)for con crete in corporati ng 30% and 40% fly ash.in crease the amount of fly ash in con cre

6、teas partial ceme nt replaceme nt materialswith partial fly ash substitution are incestigated.the dosage of fly ashwith a certain amount of fly ash added6性能的詞匯mecha ni cal propertytran sport propertyworkabilityflexibilitysusta in abilityserviceability表示測試exam ine表示超過exceed有關圖片或表格的As see n from Table

7、 2,The result of are presented in Table 4.A was plotted aga inst square root of time (t in min)was monitored with the SC3000 which was positioned, as seen in Fig.2a.Sketch of the experime ntal setup T is plotted as absolute value aga inst the impact en ergy in Fig.9Fig.5(c) and (d) shows the load ve

8、rsus stra in and midspa n deflect ion versus stra in curves of the con crete.至于,對于而言As forIn the case of 表示比擬,比照The mixture containing 10% FA replaceme nt showed higher stre ngth tha n mixtures containing 40% and 70% FA replaceme nt.As pared to Ais higher than when it substitutesin contrast toExisti

9、 ng damages may lead to catastrophic failures at loadi ng stages earlier tha n those corresp onding to in tactspecime ns.is parable to or greater than these values are theoretically detectable.The test results were pared with the axial stress-strain behavior of water saturated specimen to that of dr

10、y specime ns.a tremendous amount of AE activities, much greater than that of CB, was recorded because 表示效果更明顯The effect was more pronoun ced with in creaseddominanthave determ inant impact on表示結構或材料致密matrix den sificatio npore structure den sificati onthe pore system bees finer and less conn ected影響

11、In creases in FA contents showed no sig ni fica nt effect onseemed to be insen sitive tobee decisive for the durability of the con creteThe durability of con crete structures has substa ntial econo mic,social, and en viro nmen tal implicatio ns.Deicers may also posedetrime ntal effects on因此Con seque

12、 ntly,As a result,表示評價,評估qua ntifyevaluateassessin terpret學科術語阻抗譜impeda nee responseEIS spetraelectrode ares in a Nyquist plot (plot of real vs. imagi nary impeda nee)Reti extracted from the model captures the eha nges in microstructure with time.孔特征pore structure distributi ontotal porositypore str

13、ucturepore n etworkpore wallstortuous pathways摻合料fly ashslagsilica fumesuppleme ntary ceme nti ng materialsmin eral additiveslow-a nd high-calcium fly ash測試方法SEM : Scanning electron micrographpigme ntati onX-ray diffract ion an alysismicroscopy observati onultras onic speed measureme ntacoustic emis

14、si on tech niqueaccelerated age ing test土建工程civil in frastructureswide use in Civil Engin eeri nghistorical heritagemasonry structurescon crete structures, paveme nts, and bridge decks測試儀器vibrated for 30 sec on a vibrati on tabletesting machine with maximum load capacity of 50kN.the hammer is hemisp

15、herical 24mm in diameter測試試劑coupli ng age nt betwee n the sen sor and the con crete surface操作工藝The molds were stripped after 24 hoursEach measure was performed on five samples and the results averaged.Aggregates were carefully sieved and remixed to conform to the ASTMC33 gradi ng sta ndard.reference

16、 specime nsSpecime ns were cyli ndrical with a diameter of 55mm and a len gth of 115mmOne of the beams was tested in its virgin con diti on to serve as refere nee.the CFRP was inten ti on ally bon ded without adhesive in the cen termost 10% and 20% area of the bonding area of the CFRP sheets.Four AE

17、 sensors of Model SE900-MWB, produced by the firm DECI, having a frequency range of 100-900 kHz were moun ted on the specime n surface using a tape.Artificial defect type 1 was cubic-like (3.8cm-by-3.8cm-by-2.5cm),a nd artificial defect type 2 was delam in ati on-like(7.6cm-by-7.6cm-by-0.5cm).環(huán)境類別hi

18、gh atmospheric humiditysea waterrain wateracid rainexposure to freeze-thaw cyclesdeteriorating chemicalsalkali ne environmentenvironmen tal variablesto simulate the environmental conditions in regions with average relative humidity conditionsaggressive media/influencesChloride-lade n en viro neme nt

19、材料性能pressive stre ngth-fcb (MPa)flexural ten sile stre ngth-ftb (MPa)ten sile stre ngth-ftf (MPa)ultimate strain- & (%)elastic modulus-Ef (GPa)Axial strainlateral strainYoun gs modulusPoissi on ratio(材料形狀)the outer con crete layerCoverconcrete表示一樣were nearly same.A behave like BA similar trend is al

20、so observed in the E/h ratio, see Fig.11(b).某種程度the exte nt of the reduct ion某些配比water to bin der ratios (W/B)weight to stre ngth ratio表示抵制high resista nee toresista nee aga inst carb on ati on22.方程,公式 in Eq.(1). Eqs.(2)-(7):23.參考文獻1 this was also con firmed by several studies This result was also c

21、on firmed by previous research.,which has been quantified in . Similar results w ere reported by other researchers This is con siste nt with other reports.Based on the previous studies in the ope n literature/in previous publicati onsNumerous surveys have in dicated thatIn the study of researchfrom

22、the review of the literature23.參考文獻2have been quoted in literature.In particular there is also published work about real time monitoringDetailed surveys and literature acco unts on thecarb on ati on problem and related aspects concerning the durability ofcon crete-based materials can be found, for i

23、n sta nee, in 1 -6 an drefere nces therei n.We do not go intodetail in what the modelling of the hydration is concerned but ratherrefer the reader to 7,12-14for fairly detailed descripti ons of the in volvedphysicochemical processes and to 15,16 for a prese ntati onof a few qualitative (mathematical

24、) issues concerning some of theexisti ng hydratio n models.In a study undertaken by ,it was shown that 7.Vast majority of existing works in the literature assume a uniform corrosion pattern around the ,e.g. 1-3缺陷,缺點,不足Ano ther expla nati on forlies in there are certa in limitati onsthey suffer from

25、serious limitati ons ofWhen applied to ,limitations include the need to 表示變化modificati ons and variatio nsan altered matrix microstructuretran sformatio ns根據(jù)based on the procedure outlined in procedures fully con formed to the stipulati ons set forth in ASTMC 192Tests have bee n performed on the mat

26、erials con stitue nts follow ing releva nt test sta ndardsare based on the fun dame ntal prin ciple that 情況不同,現(xiàn)象不同might have lead to different observationsIn the study of research研究意義The understanding of is a crucial step.The tests performed in this study are also a contribution towards the applicat

27、ion of AE techniques for on-site health mon itori ng of stre ngthe ned masonry structures.have made FRPs an efficient solution for strengthening purposeit is of utmost importa nee un dersta nding the material behavior in order to improve the material performa nee and to elon gate its lifetime.NDT te

28、chnique is developed mainly to overe this obstacle, while providing desired levels of resolutions for differe nt in spect ion purposes.關系密切,相關性is closely related to TOC o 1-5 h z . is closely linked tois connected to The correlation between andis correlated to is intrinsically dependent on研究領域的缺乏eff

29、orts in the direction ofare very limited.Despite the nu merous con tributi ons of in vestigati on regard ing thethere is no mon understanding about the effect ofDue to inconsistency on understanding of inner,further investigation is still regular.Actual data on is sparse, not always well documented

30、and, when available, not easily accessible to the designer.Few research works published in the last years on this subject indicateAspects such as failure in itiati on, in terfacial damage propagati on and localizati on, as well as non destructive bond quality monitoring are still open.However, signi

31、ficantly more literature is needed that addresses the numerous and various conditions that arein here nt in appl ying the AE tech nique to the assessme nt of 侵入,滲入pen etrati oncarb on ati on propagati onchloride diffus in g/c on tam in ati on如前所述As aforeme nti on ed,As already specified (stated),建立e

32、stablishcon struct與結合 in conjun cti on withA laser vibrometer and an acoustic excitation can be bined to form a standoff system that is capable of locating and measuri ng defects in matwrials.破壞environmen tal in duced defectsmatrix crack ingsurface buckli ngdelam inationfibre shear-outfibre rupture/

33、fibre breakagethe failure mode of RC beams occurs in a brittle mannerlam in ate separati onfiber pullout期望需要It is anticipated that There is a gen eral n eed for NDT methods that can be con ducted from a dista nee because sta ndoff capacity confers nu merous adva ntages as men ti oned previously.后面介紹

34、,隨后提與is further discussed in the follow ing sect ion.,as will be illustrated in subseque nt sections.The results obta ined from the shear bond tests and the AE data are next prese nted and discussed.成為一種可能ing have dem on strated to be an attractive alter native for rehabilitatio n or ren ewal of civ

35、il in frastructures, provid sig ni fica nt adva ntages to the restorati on applicatio ns not ofte n atta in able with conven ti onal materials.ing特殊混凝土,加固混凝土,特殊材料,試件Fibre-Rei nforced Polymer (FRP)glass fiber rein forced polymer (GFRP)-wrapped con crete colu mnartificially damaged GFRP-c on crete spe

36、cime nsFRP posite jacket ing systempla in con crete beamcontrol specimen文章目的The objective is to in itiate the creati on of a user-frie ndly health mon itori ng system for RC structures stre ngthe ned with CFRP sheets using AE tech niq ues.this study aims to develop a .世界各地混凝土協(xié)會American Con crete In

37、stitute (ACI)American Society of Civil Engin eers (ASCE)American Society of Test ing and Materials (ASTM)Can adia n Society of Civil En gi neers (CSCE)Japa nese Society of Civil Engin eers (JSCE)其他fill in the por e space enclosed by cement hydratesdue to both the fulfillment ofsystematic laboratory

38、testi ngIt is always the case that service life desig n句型匯總:分類表示The results in dicate that: (i);(ii) ;(iii) The results in SRG-strengthened specimens were equal to 14.4% and 20% for reference and aged specimen, respectively.It can be observed that the CoV of the reference GFRP-brick specimens is ver

39、y low, while for the aged specimens this value is larger.This paper is structured in the follow ing order:越.越 The larger the size of the aggregate, the more segme nt the deflect ion of propagat ing and the greater the FRP canform.舉例子 Once in side, water may alter the properties of the polymer either

40、 in a reversible manner, for example byplasticization, or in an irreversible manner, for example by hydroxylation.結合FRP debonding from masonry substrate can be acpanied by failure of the bricks, debonding in the,debondingthe or a bination of these fracture processes.In most studies men ti oned there

41、 in, however, AE is not suggested as a sta nd-al one tool, but is rather used toin dicate qualitative trends or to pleme nt other methods in the in vestigati on of damage progressi on.公式含義匚 -With being the standard deviation and being the mean value of the amplitudes of a group of AE hits.觀點分歧 With

42、respect to ,the scientific munity is divided into two main groups. One group is mainly interested in Theatte ntio n of the sec ond group is in stead drive n towards the 當,某某條件時the developed AE model is remen ded in cases where matrix crack ing is the dominant damage mode.The analysis is valid only w

43、hen: (1 );(2);(3);and 解決問題has limitations such as To cover the limitation of ,acoustic emission was introduced to study 應用 The external plating of RC structures with CFRP sheets is now a widely recognized repair and retrofit technique to prolong theirservice life.鑒于 Standoff methods of damage detect

44、 ion have nu merous adva ntages over con tact measureme nt methods since they allow for measurement of damage in locations that are physically difficult to access, such as high above the ground or over water.精美句子:Since the high probability of impact-damag ing posite materials duri ng manufacture, service and maintenan ce, it is of param ount importa nee the kno wledge of the impact process and of


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